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No More Nerfs

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Just now, (PS4)Kazaroosue said:

Well i WISH we could all have a normal civil discussion with people, but when someone (Me) starts expressing an opinion everyone goes crazy..can't have a good normal chat for nothing.  

"No more nerfs, only buffs!" threads are one of rep farmers favorite places to hang out.

Though, nerfs are bound to happen, unfortunately. Gotta keep that experience fresh somehow. Some nerfs are arguably bad handled but that's part of DEs mistake and not an excuse to the fact that it was broken before. Teltace i agree with you just got super rekt. Could have been handled better. Tonkor was imo always kinda crappy because of how the grenade didn't explode upon hitting an object and you couldn't trigger it like the penta. The self-damage was just to bring it back in line with other launchers (Zarr masterrace anyway so whatever). One thing i can really relate to is the blessing trinity nerf without taking a more comprehensive look at her whole kit which really disappointed me considering Well of Life still has no use.

Point in case though, if things ruin the gaming experience for the majority of people then these things are bound to be getting looked at for good reasons. Also it's tough discussing a nerf and not saying "Oh yeah it's a total perfection.". Some nerfs are more often than not getting blindly praised in here no matter how bad it was handled.

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Ignoring the tantrum you just threw here. Nerfs are useful to control what people use, if there are weapons that totally outshine the rest nobody will try other things. The last nerfs that probably sparked this thread were because the weapons themselves were problematic, not purely OP. If your favorite weapon was nerfed it's okay to feel bad, but that is not the first nor the last change, and you better get used to it instead of posting this kind of thread.


For me (as in PERSONALLY) that's the beauty of Warframe, next patch one mod can be introduced that totally messes the meta, rebalances that brings old weapons back into the spotlight, the change in power keeps everything interesting.

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1 hour ago, (PS4)Kazaroosue said:


I refuse to accept anymore nerfs from this point on in Warframe. Everything from here on out should either be a buff or a rework..



26 minutes ago, (PS4)Kazaroosue said:

Well i WISH we could all have a normal civil discussion with people, but when someone (Me) starts expressing an opinion everyone goes crazy..can't have a good normal chat for nothing.  

Lol When your opening statement says "I refuse" then later call it an "opinion" umm 

35 minutes ago, (Xbox One)FCastle74 said:

Welp I know how this will end...

GG OP. :thumbup:


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I agree  with the OP 100% on the nerfs.I have played this game since the beginning and they have nerfed every single thing that I have ever used to the point that I do not trust them at all to get it right . why can't they balance it before they release it and we know when we can get it powerful that we're going to be able to keep it before we waste our time 

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Consider this for a moment. Let's compare our damage to money. Buffs and nerfs and inflation and deflation. Do you know what happens when only inflation occurs? Prices(enemy scaling) goes up to compensate, and this effect snowballs until something happens and the whole system crashes. When a monetary system crashes money becomes worthless, people can't afford to eat, and people die. So what do you think would happen if this same thing happened to damage scaling? 

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29 minutes ago, (PS4)Kazaroosue said:

I refuse and that's my opinion, what's so hard to understand?

I think why most poke at that (my previous post included) is that its just a ridiculous thing to say. You cant refuse or accept what DE does, you dont have total control over them. You can refuse to play the game if thats what you were getting at? Saying you flat out refuse a part of the game doesnt mean it isnt there, or wont happen again. Lol.

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1 hour ago, (PS4)Kazaroosue said:

And D.E does nuke things i'n my opinion, yes MY opinion, Tonkor, Stealth, that one gravity weapon  that pulls enemies together (Can't think of the name sorry)

Tonkor is still strong as hell, you just have to be conscious when you use it now, as opposed to before. It needed to start working like literally every other explosive in Warframe with self-damage. 

Stealth is still viable, it's just harder to do and requires more skill. If you mean the invis+Gas nerf, then that was well-deserved and needed to be changed.

Telos Boltace is still a strong weapon, and the slide attack still does 5k+ damage, which is insane. The only thing they took away was the cheesy slash proc wave, which was broken to begin with. Now, I do feel that the T Boltace should receive a better effect than the weird complicated trash it has now, but the old one was just too much. 

Synoid Simulor is also still powerful, proccing insane status all the time and still having a deadly AoE. It, like Tonkor, just now requires someone to be more than braindead to use. 

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3 minutes ago, Ker-Blammo said:

I think why most poke at that (my previous post included) is that its just a ridiculous thing to say. You cant refuse or accept what DE does, you dont have total control over them. You can refuse to play the game if thats what you were getting at? Saying you flat out refuse a part of the game doesnt mean it isnt there, or wont happen again. Lol.

I said i refuse, because i dislike things getting nerfed, doesn't mean D.E is going to listen to me and me alone, i refuse to "Accept" nerfs, even though that won't stop them from nerfing stuff, i guess if you wanna split frog hairs with me then i highly DISLIKE things being nerfed.




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4 hours ago, (PS4)Kazaroosue said:

I refuse to accept anymore nerfs from this point on in Warframe. Everything from here on out should either be a buff or a rework..

Then leave, simple as that. 


4 hours ago, (PS4)Kazaroosue said:

I never... NEVER understood nerfs in a PvE game.. i would completely understand a nerf if this was a PvP game.. but it's not.. (Yes it does have PvP i know) but it's not Warframes bread and butter.

If you cannot understand why a 4 to 8 player game  has to be tuned to 4 to 8 players playing  at the same time, you are unable to have a proper discussion on game balance. 


4 hours ago, (PS4)Kazaroosue said:

I love you D.E i really.. really.. REALLY do.. but your nerfs completely destroy Weapons/Frames..

Like? The S. Simulor was stupidly powerful, and still is, but now you have to burn ammo to use it. The damage remains unchanged significantly. Saryn is more powerful than she was before. So is Excalibur. So is Mag. So is Volt. The Tonkor still beats the Penta in damage sustained and burst. The S/Simulor is still a very powerful weapon. Only one you could get would be Oberon, and he's still being worked in as we speak. So I really have no idea what you're talking about. 


4 hours ago, (PS4)Kazaroosue said:

UNLESS there is something in the game that can kill all enemies before they even spawn... then yea.. go ahead and nerf that lol, but if one person can kick butt all on his own... then let him... and if you think the Cheesing is a bit to much with a frame or weapon... just use a "DIFFERENT" Weapon/Frame

Yes, ONE person gets all the kills while the other three do... What, exactly? Sit and twiddle their thumbs? Cheesing is never a problem for the one who is Cheesing, it's a problem for the  other 3 people in the match who now have nothing to do because you're Cheesing. 

Edited by TheBrsrkr
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If they are nerfing things to get people to use other things, then it makes you wonder why the Tigris Prime remains untouched unless you look at the MR requirements.  Way I look at it, a tier system would make it easier to balance things and organize.

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1 minute ago, Fliktor06 said:

If they are nerfing things to get people to use other things, then it makes you wonder why the Tigris Prime remains untouched unless you look at the MR requirements.  Way I look at it, a tier system would make it easier to balance things and organize.

The Tigris Prime has 2 shots in Tandem and a 2 second reload. Sure, you're doing insane damage, but not to a lot of enemies at once. You get what, 5 things dead per clip with punch through? Hardly a reason to nerf it. It's just a better Tigris, and the Tigris is just good. 

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2 hours ago, (Xbox One)Cash201293 said:

When you play warframe. You accepted that everything in warframe is subjected to change. Stuff that got nerfed actually turned out to be for the better. With the exception of the Telos Boltace. It's just garbage now. 

And Mag.

And Simulor.

And Acrid.

Ya know come to think if it tons of gear get nerfed and are left unused. 

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whomever started this "pve game shouldnt have any nerfs" movement has no experience in gaming at all. diablo 2 was very famous for its "no nerf" mentality and even that game had massive nerfs. where do you people get that stupid idea?

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Maybe DE should add a difficulty mode for each node?
click the node and it will give you the option for different levels of enemy difficulty. 
But I do think that instead of nerfs DE should look into older weapons and buff them instead.

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The OP can refuse all they want. The nerfs will still come as DE feels the need to implement them.

The idea that the game doesn't have elements that need to be nerfed is just ignorant.

Instead of complaining about how all you get is negative comments, how about starting a thread with actual constructive criticisms about the nerfs and how they should have been applied properly.

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3 minutes ago, FairyTael said:

The OP can refuse all they want. The nerfs will still come as DE feels the need to implement them.

The idea that the game doesn't have elements that need to be nerfed is just ignorant.

Instead of complaining about how all you get is negative comments, how about starting a thread with actual constructive criticisms about the nerfs and how they should have been applied properly.

This. So many people I have seen in this community do not contribute constructive criticism and talk about the specifics of their problems. 
Instead they let their emotions drive their anger and salty complaints. 

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3 hours ago, (PS4)Kazaroosue said:

Why the smug "Aw, cute"? No need for that tbh.

Also sense when did i try stating that D.E are the bad guys? i'v put in over 2,000 hours into Warframe, it's pretty clear i enjoy D.E and their game for the most part, it's just the little things get me, i'm not against change... i'm just against them nuking things within the game.

Also where do you get off on me acting as if i have this extremely valid point? i did say "Maybe i'm off my rocker here" didn't i? hinting at perhaps not EVERYONE would be on my side.

Did it offend you when i expressed my opinion? I sure hope i didn't.

And if i am among many more people who think nuke nerfs are alright... then more power to you guys, i'm just speaking my mind is all.

Don't worry, you didn't offend my in the slightest, there are very, very few things online that have ever actually rustled my jimmies much less offended me.  I am just more abrasive online than I am in person... its a character flaw if anything.  What annoys me is this "DE is ruining everything" that is so prevalent on these forums.  I simply went off on your thread, nothing personal.

You never mentioned anything to hint that your only issue was DE nuking things, only nerfing (which has a very broad spectrum).  Hell, even your thread's name mentions nerfs, not nukes.  How was I supposed to know that your standpoint was more reasonable than "HERE IS WHERE I TAKE MY STAND!  NO MORE NERFS!"?  As for nukes... the fact is that DE only nukes things that need to be nuked.  DE's usual nerfs are usually on point and the reason why they are done is usually understood.

Furthermore, the idea that PvE doesn't need balancing unless a gun or frame is push to win is ridiculious as it ignores the rest of the team who have to deal with not getting to do anything besides chasing one person melt every enemy before the others get a chance to even shoot, or before the enemies have a chance to offer some difficulty to the mission.  PvP balancing is for fairness between players, PvE balancing (at least in this game) is mostly for dealing with trivialization of the game's content.  If your gun (using a basic build) is capable of consistently preventing others players from experiencing the content (baring low level fodder) and difficulty then something is likely wrong and should raise a few eyebrows.  This isn't about choosing a different gun or frame, this is about not being able to choose any frame or gun besides the meta due to an arms race.  Also, saying "just raise the enemy difficulty" is silly as you make the enemies harder for lower level players and introduce more BS mechanics and artificial difficulty like "enemies with 99% damage immunity, enemies that disables abilities 4 minutes after they are dead, enemies that inflict magnetic procs while looking at you, enemies with 50 billion health, etc just because you want to continue using the BFG.

I understand that you already knew you were posting a polarizing topic and did not expect everyone or even anyone else to agree with you.  You are free to your opinion, as is everyone else.  


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First it's "I refuse to accept", then it's "I was just expressing my opinion".

It's like one of those dodgy prank videos on youtube, prankster does something stupid but makes out that the victim of the prank is the one being a twit by saying "It's just a prank bro".

No, there are good ways of expressing your opinion and there are bad ways. This was a bad way.

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50 minutes ago, DeMonkey said:

First it's "I refuse to accept", then it's "I was just expressing my opinion".

It's like one of those dodgy prank videos on youtube, prankster does something stupid but makes out that the victim of the prank is the one being a twit by saying "It's just a prank bro".

No, there are good ways of expressing your opinion and there are bad ways. This was a bad way.

I am no master with words, but i can't walk on egg shells with people, so when i look at your reply and see that you dislike what i said without it being related to the topic at hand it just makes me want to scratch my head, because this thread is so off topic all a sudden because everyone got their nipples in a knot when i said i'm against nerfs.

So again.. it is your opinion that i expressed my self in a bad way, because in my opinion i thought i did ok.. and if people wanna nit pick the little things i said in my post so be it.

 i don't understand this mentality of getting off topic just to try and make me feel bad for making a bad post or something, but i guess that's the internet for you.

Edited by (PS4)Kazaroosue
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4 hours ago, Jeoxz said:

Ignoring the tantrum you just threw here. Nerfs are useful to control what people use, if there are weapons that totally outshine the rest nobody will try other things. The last nerfs that probably sparked this thread were because the weapons themselves were problematic, not purely OP. If your favorite weapon was nerfed it's okay to feel bad, but that is not the first nor the last change, and you better get used to it instead of posting this kind of thread.


For me (as in PERSONALLY) that's the beauty of Warframe, next patch one mod can be introduced that totally messes the meta, rebalances that brings old weapons back into the spotlight, the change in power keeps everything interesting.

I semi agree with your post, but i wasn't throwing a tantrum, i was expressing my self.

In what way is expressing my self considered throwing a tantrum? did i type in all caps without knowing or something?

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