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IGN wants Destiny 2 to be more like Warframe?

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4 hours ago, Tesseract7777 said:

To those leaving for Destiny 2, don't let the airlock close on you on the way out! 

That's not how things work around here. The proper send-off should be:

"To those leaving for Destiny 2, have fun while it lasted, your Tenno and dogcats will be here when you comes back, along with new content and features to grind".

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7 hours ago, (PS4)TheRallykiller said:

I always thought Warframe was impressive as a free-to-play title - especially in comparisoin to triple-A retail titles like Destiny.  IGN apparently agrees (even though they don't know it).



I don't really see the comparison.

Procedurally generated missions have been an MMO thing since Anarchy Online (2001).

Most of the other things are the kinds of things one would want/expect from an active MMO with an expectation to last a good long while.

Funnily enough, Warframe only takes advantage of the procedurally generated dungeons/missions (ship interiors don't count as the bulk of the gameplay takes place in ships)

That said, Warframe is still a better game, imo, than Destiny...Remains to be seen if it's better than Destiny2 of course.

BioWare should have knocked it outta the park this time around but still managed to flub ME:A badly enough to whiff big time. I am not sure how BW managed to have practically all the pieces of a successful online franchise and still manage to miss by such a wide margin... It's like they don't want that sweet sweet online revenue.

Personally, I'd love to see what DE could do with the financial headroom and staff size of a Bungie or BW :

  • A full 60 hour (plus DLCs) single player (allowing co-op for friends) and story experience. 
  • Coupled with an upgraded and balanced version of the co-op we have now with all the alerts and etc.
  • Tack on 96 hour specialty missions from Thursday to Monday.
  • Enough staff to keep iterations stable and regular

The problem is that it would practically have to be Warframe 2 in order to house the changes without a mass revolt.


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7 hours ago, DzeraDragonbane said:

Transmogrification would be weird as hell though, who likes to see a Penta which was actually a Tonkor. But transmogrification will just kill other weapons, people would go to their most powerful weapon and just transmogrify the thing they want it to look so nope. Also because some weapons have some unique features.

Warframe already has that though. ._.

Deluxe weapon skins fit over every variation of the same weapon type. Example: The Dryad skin fits over every variation of bows. Things like the Cernos now look like the Paris.

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the only thing worth mentioning about the two games is that both fan bases WANTS true endgame content and replayability<< this plagues a lot of mmo games  and its the main reason a lot of players leaves these games. the players who has and done everything a nd are only seeing rehashes of content already in game truly has nothing to do.

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this destiny 2 wont be any different than the original game. why? cus if they actually wanted to fix the game they wouldnt make a sequel and actually fix the game, or at least let people carry over their items and progression stuff. they dont. this is nothing more than another hype cash grab, and its just way too obvious.

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17 hours ago, taiiat said:

i don't super mind the First Person perspective for the style of game.... though i'll certainly hope that since there'll be a PC version that on atleast the PC version you can change Field of View.

because honestly even watching people play Destiny, i sometimes start to get a headache because of how low the FoV is. it doesn't even look like the """"standard"""" 55° - what the hell is it? like 40?
kill me

Are you watching them play it at their house or are you watching streams? Because if it's the latter then it's the classic "viewing distance dictates FoV." 

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16 hours ago, (PS4)Tactless_Ninja said:


*cough* Duke Nukem Forever *cough*


To be fair, this game would have never shipped. It basically buried 3D Realms (feature creep) and would never have seen the light of day except for Gearbox and Pitchford.

As it was published, it's an object lesson why feature creep is bad and how not to develop a game. The fact that Gearbox was actually able to get it playable and out the door at all was surprising. You can see why it never shipped from 3D Realms and what the issues were if you've played it.

Why Gearbox published it is debatable, but it was seemingly mostly out of nostalgia and maybe a bit of morbid fascination. Was it a good game? Oh, hell no. It was a mess, especially the early sections. Was it interesting? Yes--and you can see why it was problematic. It was kinda nice to see Duke again and the game certainly did have moments of brilliance, but the problems were on display for all to see if one cared to look.


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2 hours ago, Gelkor said:

Are you watching them play it at their house or are you watching streams?

and both look just as garbage. aside from making my head hurt, you also can't see anything. don't need 150° but it's pmuch the other extreme.

- - - - - 


either way, hopeful for the future because a majority fault for why Destiny fell apart was the game was sabotaged several times, most involved parties having a hand in doing so intentional or otherwise. whether that be an Engine that is the nightmare that you'd have sleeping in a nightmare (double nightmare), or the Story being completely scrapped shortly before release and a new shell of one made in a rush, Et Cetera.
and without being self sabotaged, what would it end up as, hmmm.

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22 hours ago, Fugana said:

To all ppls who dont know, Destiny was suposed to be huge co-op game with insane story, however bungie or activision i dont know who for sure tryed to steal the writer work than fire him after he spending 4 years in writings, and its not the writer only the music producer too, they sued each other it was fu@ed up tbh
After all they the devs wasnt able to publih the original Destyny game at that point they pend insane amount of money so all they could do is scrap it all and make it the game that it is now. 
In comparison original Destiny was prety good story driven game.
Comparing the 2 games is not fair tbh.

srt for bad language 

Jesus, i didn't know about this story at all... i quitted destiny a long time ago because of their dumb ways (A broken weapon you say? time to nerf the whole catagory of that one weapon then, problem solved- oh crap...) and money grabs (updates sold as DLC)....


Plus i was banned from the game because of a random false report from a toddler in a PvP match for winning while not using a meta weapon (Apparently that is not allowed?) and banned from the support because apparently i have no right to ask why i was banned X.X

I really hated myself for buying Destiny and the first two DLCs, i never regretted buying any game ever in my life like i did with Destiny...

Thank you DE for Warframe and for not following Bungie's footsteps.

Edited by (PS4)ArnnFrost
edited for clarification
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22 hours ago, (PS4)TheRallykiller said:

I always thought Warframe was impressive as a free-to-play title - especially in comparisoin to triple-A retail titles like Destiny.  IGN apparently agrees (even though they don't know it).



Not sure how you got "Be more like Warframe" out of that.

10) Warframe doesn't have vehicular gameplay, period. No, Archwing doesn't count.

9) Warframe doesn't have real ship interiors. We have the landing craft/orbiter, but we don't use it as a ship; it's just a loading screen, so it's no different than any home base/room.

8) Warframe has raids, but the raid community is nothing like in other games, from what I've seen.

7) Warframe doesn't have any feature that's like Forge. There is no level editor in Warframe, nor are there currently any plans for such. The clan mission generator that has been proposed by DE isn't that. It's just a fancier version of the Simulacrum, which is a far cry from Forge.

6) Transmogrification simply doesn't exist in Warframe, because there really is no gear system in Warframe. Our playable characters are our gear. There's really nothing more I can say about that.

5) Procedurally-generated dungeons or maps exist in Warframe, but there are so many repeated tiles that, even though every map is different, they all feel the same. There just isn't enough variety in the tiles, nor are there enough tiles, to make maps feel different each time you play a mission. And there isn't enough diversity among enemy types to make each mission feel unique. Part of that would require an advanced gear system that would enable DE to truly diversify certain enemies, including their weapons and visuals. That's something that isn't impressive right now, and what they've recently shown off for their Kingpin system isn't that impressive imo. This is something that's needed for that system, especially, and I think their visual customization system, particularly how they approach enemy design, just isn't robust enough. IGN mentioning that in their article is no reflection of Warframe.

4) Bigger and Better Roadmap is something that just doesn't apply to Warframe. Warframe has neither a predictable release cadence (it used to, with it's weekly Tenno Reinforcements) nor does it have a larger and more comprehensive roadmap for months and years ahead.

3) I'd say the way Warframe handles its inventory spaces is really well done. That said, other games have well-managed inventory systems as well. IGN's mentioning this is hardly a reference to Warframe.

2) Open-world is something that simply does not, nor will ever, exist in Warframe. IMO, that's unfortunate, as I'd like to see Warframe become a more open-world-lite game. Open-world is more than just large spaces. It's having gameplay spaces that feel alive, complete with combat and non-combat NPCs, interactive environments, and places to explore. Free-roaming is a term that is often associated with open-world. Digital Extremes has, on multiple occasions, expressed strong opposition to open-world. So this wanted change by IGN has absolutely nothing to do with Warframe.

1) While Warframe has its various chat tabs, including a recruiting tab, it by no means has an LFG tool. There is no system in Warframe where you can create a lobby with specific filters/specifications, that is an extension of the matchmaking system in WF. From the wording of IGN's wanted change, it seems like they are asking for something more than the ability to type LF or LFG in a chat window. As with most other points, I really don't see how this relates to Warframe.


Look, I understand that you don't think IGN is expressly saying that they want Destiny 2 to be like Warframe. What I am saying is that the things IGN mentioned in the article have really nothing to do with Warframe. Therefore, I don't think that IGN consciously or unconsciously wants Destiny 2 to be like Warframe.

Edited by A-p-o-l-l-y-o-n
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33 minutes ago, (PS4)ArnnFrost said:

Jesus, i didn't know about this story at all... i quitted destiny a long time ago because of their dumb ways (A broken weapon you say? time to nerf the whole catagory of that one weapon then, problem solved- oh crap...) and money grabs (updates sold as DLC)....

  Hide contents

Plus i was banned from the game because of a random false report from a toddler in a PvP match for winning while not using a meta weapon (Apparently that is not allowed?) and banned from the support because apparently i have no right to ask why i was banned X.X

I really hated myself for buying Destiny and the first two DLCs, i never regretted buying any game ever in my life like i did with Destiny...

Thank you DE for Warframe.

Just to make one point: You really can't ask DE the specific of why you're banned from Warframe, either. Just saying... Other than that, I agree with your point.

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22 minutes ago, A-p-o-l-l-y-o-n said:

Just to make one point: You really can't ask DE the specific of why you're banned from Warframe, either. Just saying... Other than that, I agree with your point.

Oh crap, i didn't mean that DE are better when it comes to policies ... i meant how they care for their game and their playerbase unlike how it is in Destiny which is literally "if you don't pay us enough we will find a way to kick you out" *facepalm*

Edited by (PS4)ArnnFrost
English, 10/10
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4 hours ago, Sziklamester said:

So you saying the dungeon keeper and popolus and b&w was wasted? I am disappointed.

Didn't Dungeon Keeper become a terrible anti-consumer free to play game?

No it was just a snub for his Fable days. Though I did like the first Fable fo what it was, Fable 2 was so awful I think it blinked itself out of existence. I keep good track of my games and Fable 2 was just a dark pitch in my memory. The physical copy anyways, I'll never forget the ho-hum ending that automatically kills the badguy for you then kills your dog. And Fable 3 I think I adopted too many orphans because my Xbox 360 burst into flames and now I'm a playstation guy.

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21 hours ago, Tesseract7777 said:

To those leaving for Destiny 2, don't let the airlock close on you on the way out! 

I'll wait for the Beta to see what Destiny 2 will be like but as of right now I will be buying it.

IF there smart they will bring something interesting to the table for PC which is starved for good games.

Millions of people are going to buy & play this on PC this is a fact.




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I am interested in destiny 2. I loved destiny when I first got it, but after 2 years and a serious lack of content, it lost all appeal. 

The thing that I keep playing warframe for is the fact that there is almost always new content coming in one form or another. 


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23 hours ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

euch, Destiny... the sequel's bound to crash and burn like the original did. if it doesn't, it'll be the most amazing recovery in gaming history, but given that so many people (including myself) ended up paying for a butchered carcass of a game, they'll probably dice it up and sell it piece by piece again, Microtransactions and all.

I sure as hell ain't going back.


Although I personally hope it's good myself, so in the very least newer folks to the franchise who aren't bitter can enjoy it.

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I have waited for Destiny to release on PC, even though its been mentioned that it'll never happen, but that's been said about certain games that finally released on steam.

That is to say, I'll never purchase Destiny 2 on consoles, but will definitely buy, if it comes to PC.

I did enjoy playing Destiny on consoles, but quit after a month or so, and have not tried to get back to it, seeing how they've been selling their contents.

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9 hours ago, (PS4)Tactless_Ninja said:

Didn't Dungeon Keeper become a terrible anti-consumer free to play game?

No it was just a snub for his Fable days. Though I did like the first Fable fo what it was, Fable 2 was so awful I think it blinked itself out of existence. I keep good track of my games and Fable 2 was just a dark pitch in my memory. The physical copy anyways, I'll never forget the ho-hum ending that automatically kills the badguy for you then kills your dog. And Fable 3 I think I adopted too many orphans because my Xbox 360 burst into flames and now I'm a playstation guy.

That dungeon keeper what you mentioned was an EA try to sell something with the name but that game no related with Peter and nor with the real dungeon keeper. The dk1-2 was a masterpiece like syndicate and populous in its time.

Fable was a nice creation however fable existed before the Mollineux created franchise as a point and click adventure. You can check that also that is a cool game too. The sequels went wrong because of the big promises and the publishers greediness combined which made the game worse but acceptable. This is often happening in game history but the ideas behind these games are awesome but he chooses the wrong time when the tech level was not enough to make it good.

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On 5/4/2017 at 3:32 PM, (PS4)Tactless_Ninja said:

Warframe already has that though. ._.

Deluxe weapon skins fit over every variation of the same weapon type. Example: The Dryad skin fits over every variation of bows. Things like the Cernos now look like the Paris.

Well it is a skin so it's fine.

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On ‎5‎/‎4‎/‎2017 at 8:21 AM, Zeclem said:

this destiny 2 wont be any different than the original game. why? cus if they actually wanted to fix the game they wouldnt make a sequel and actually fix the game, or at least let people carry over their items and progression stuff. they dont. this is nothing more than another hype cash grab, and its just way too obvious.

^^This all day! You called it first and I'm seconding it.  Obvious hype cash grab again.  

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18 hours ago, DatDarkOne said:

^^This all day! You called it first and I'm seconding it.  Obvious hype cash grab again.  

Its so obvious, they literally announced a season pass from the reveal trailer.... Even before releasing a demo or a BETA and there's a pre order button already.... Wut!?

Good luck with PvP, there were crap ton of lag switchers already in the original game and now with the PC release you can expect hackers to be lurking around ... *Early PC Dark Souls 2 memories intensifies*

Edited by (PS4)ArnnFrost
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