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Why I don't play with Limbos right now

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9 minutes ago, (PS4)VanTX89 said:

The hate is due to the fact that other players can't play their way when running with certain Limbos. They can't use their other weapons and don't want to resort to melee if they don't have to. They shouldn't have to for the majority of a match. On the other hand, as a Limbo I don't wanna feel restricted either but if I'm running with a team I don't impose on everyone else simply because I want to lock down the entire map or that one hallway.

The problem is with Limbos who continue to be abuse their powers and keep their allies in the rift. Just because they can. Roll? I can just Banish them again or set up a nice huge Cataclysm. It's like dealing with Snow Globe spam when you've got launchers.

Yeah and those players are ruining spawns with Ember WoF, sitting with SQ Banshee or any cheesy tactic... ANY guy raging at me when I play Limbo was one of those casual cheesers, he can't even understand the mission I won't blame him if he doesn't understand Limbo.


But I'm pretty sure all the Limbo trolls/retard you find in missions are at least for the half those same guys... Still salty and full "youwillseeitsannoying" mode.

Cause yeah, if you play like a cancer, most frames are annoying

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having played allot of survival missions with limbo recently I've stopped using abilities unless someone got downed, I tried playing him the old way by banishing a high priority target but because it's AOE I banish an ally as well which is quite annoying for them.

I then tried to use cataclysm + stasis to lock down an area so we can focus fire power on 1 side of the map as we were having trouble but everyone always complained about this.

as a result I'm now simply using limbo as a fail safe revive bot

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Have to agree with @(PS4)VanTX89, Limbo chages entirely gameplay. Few people, however, can like Cataclysm + Stasis (eg. those with well builded Secura Lecta, Valkyr Prime's Hysteria, Nidus with Hirudo). But @Xgomme is right too.

Last time I played the same way as @cghawk - only I was banished, and I revived teammates. Nobody insulted me.

Anyway, I still think that Limbo needs more understanding from Warframe players, and he's OP. Did I mention his awesomeness in Spy Missions?

Edited by FrankoJP
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On 6.5.2017 at 11:45 PM, CeePee said:

That's quite the prejudice against everyone playing Limbo, I'm assuming it was mobile defence or some other mission type with a timer? There's hardly any reason to use his #2 unless it's a mission type like that where you can just CC everything and cruise the mission with ease.

Not all Limbo players are bad.

It's not about the Limbo players, it's about the warframe itself. A Limbo player using Limbo as intended without any ill intentions causes this kind of problem. Even if all Limbo players were good, the problem would still persist.

Abilities should not impose such severe restrictions on teammates.

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On 5/7/2017 at 0:37 AM, FierceRadiance said:

Well, I figured I'd get some salt. \-J

My point remains - why do I need to accommodate Limbo players? Why can't Limbo players accommodate me, and players like me?  It's a rhetorical question, because IMHO DE shouldn't have put us in this position in the first place.

The best answer seems obvious, at least to me: I shouldn't have to put up with self-centered Limbo players, and they shouldn't have to run missions short-handed because of my personal likes and dislikes. The best answer (IMHO) is that DE ought to find a way to make Limbo a workable and relevant frame, without giving him powers that cause divisiveness among their players. Regardless of what you thought of his powers before, they were easy for other players to avoid. Now, as a previous commenter said, why should I have to read a manual on a warframe I don't use, in order to play missions with a player who does use him?

This isn't about my personal dislike for playing with Limbos, it's about DE's poor decision to change his abilities into something other players have to accommodate. I think that was a bad choice. We can debate about my response to it, or what a better response might (or might not) be--but why should I even have to make such a choice in the first place? Fix this, DE.

Dude get over it lol. DE shouldn't have to do that. You know the description of the character. Divide and conquer enemies in and out of the rift. There will be division. It's a video game. If you're so upset about having to adapt your play style for one match (because Limbo players aren't that abundant because of people crying like you) then maybe you should try a different game or a different approach.  You're so quick to judge but honestly you probably did that group a favor because you sound like someone people wouldn't want to play with not the other way around. Limbo has had too many reworks. The one that was needed most was fixing players not being able to leave the rift unless banished again. If you don't want to play with him that's fine I get it that's your choice but don't go around leaving groups and telling people you don't play wit limbos and you don't even know how they play? For all you know that player could've been the guy that changed your entire opinion on Limbo and maybe actually liked people that use him with skill and not stasis spam. I feel sorry for you if this is how you play the game cause it doesn't sound like a whole lot of fun goes around your house. I'm not trying to sound harsh like I said I get it. But my making point is that you take a chance with players you've never played with before instead of automatically assuming. Whether you care or not I'm sure you would feel attacked and wouldn't be pleased if had a frame that someone didn't like and they told you I don't wanna play with you for x and y and they may not have even done the things you said. I hope you start to have more fun cause it doesn't sound like you are now. Cheers. 

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7 hours ago, (PS4)vonsora52 said:

"Dude get over it lol."

"If you're so upset about having to adapt your play style for one match (because Limbo players aren't that abundant because of people crying like you) then maybe you should try a different game or a different approach."

"You're so quick to judge but honestly you probably did that group a favor because you sound like someone people wouldn't want to play with not the other way around."

"I feel sorry for you..."

Vonsora52, thanks for sharing your opinions, and yes, we do disagree. Respectfully, quotes like the ones I excerpted above from your post make it difficult to believe you when you say "I'm not trying to sound harsh..." We apparently don't share the same opinion of "harsh".

To your points; I do know the description of the character - as I said, I think it was a bad decision on DE's part. But I was here when Loki was introduced, and once the game left CB and the general public got their hands on his Switch Teleport ability, much griefing was done. That ability remains to this day, so I get that DE is almost certainly not going to change Limbo's ability set. I'm complaining so they know that folk are out here not liking their decision, and that in the future they might refrain from giving future new 'frames abilities that can be used in such a way as to pit players against each other, instead of cooperating - this IS a co-op game, after all.

"Limbo has had too many reworks."?. Dude, please.

You also assume that I came to this decision without playing with a bunch of Limbos, and that assumption is simply wrong. Maybe I've just been RNGed into too many PUGs with bad Limbo players, but my decision is based on many experiences playing with folk wearing Limbo. What else should I be basing my decisions on, if not my own experience? And yes, any given player might change my opinion about Limbos. But I'll share a mildly humorous quote I once heard about "might": "Yup, that might happen. It isn't going to happen.....but it might."

Finally, if I ran around using Switch Teleport to interfere with other players' gameplay, I would absolutely expect to take crap over it. That's very similar to what's happening ATM with a lot of Limbos. And as far as having fun, I think the game was a lot more fun when players cooperated, and I don't see that very much any more. Holding elevators for teammates, sometimes not reviving fallen teammates, not helping with Syndicate attacks or with Juggie, there are lots of examples of players who are playing a pretty selfish version of "co-op" right now, and I think the game is diminished because of this attitude. It's not something I can (or should) have any control over - the fairest response I can think of is to politely leave the group, and provide an explanation of why I'm taking 20-30% of the team's damage strength with me. After that, we'll just have to agree to disagree.

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"overcome the handicap that Limbo imposes " is a little extreme. There are 3 things to do if playing with a limbo.

1. Did he banish you? roll out of it. just tap the "roll" button and you'll come out of the void.

2.Did he create a cataclysm? If you and the enemy are in the bubble, enjoy the damage boost. If you are in the bubble and the enemy is outside of the bubble step to the side of the bubble and shot it.

3. Does he have stasis (are your bullets freezing in front of you and is the thing you're shooting at not dying?). Shot another target or melee all the things. When the stasis ends the things you shot it will die.

The problems with Limbo are just ignorance of the players. The benefits of having a limbo far out weigh any "perceived" cons of having a limbo.


Hands down, limbo is the best frame for spy, rescue and defense (defend the operative variant) in the game. Better than Limbo and Frost respectively. He also has the best crowd control that doubles as a massive damage dealer.


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4 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Sipau Fade said:

Actually I'll just say it like this and fix 99% of everyone's problem with limbo.

You can roll out of the rift. 



But with Rift Walk portals all around and the chance of being in a Limbo's Banish AoE, there can still be a hard chance to escape.

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I think the best way to fix Limbo without ruining him (and the aesthetic to his stasis) is to put a 5 second timer on banish, and a 15-20 second timer on cataclysm. These timers won't show up until the ability has been cast/disabled, and the abilities won't be used again until the timers run out. This is so you can't spam such powerful tools to impose your usefulness on everyone else.

And if you're worried that Nullifiers will make limbo the worst choice with these changes, I've got a fix for that too. Just fix the dang spawn rates so they don't show up every five seconds! 

Edited by (XB1)ZeroMKIX
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5 minutes ago, (PS4)LeBlingKing69 said:

But with Rift Walk portals all around and the chance of being in a Limbo's Banish AoE, there can still be a hard chance to escape.

Indeed. You can roll all you want, but eventually you will go back to being Banished if the Limbo wants to use his kit while near you.

Part of the discomfort of being Banished is the suddenness of it, at least for me. If I run into a Rift Walk portal that's my choice (or mistake), but Banish can come out of nowhere during heated combat when you're more focused on enemies than your Limbo pal some distance away doing his own thing. The worse part of it is Banish can be spammed, it's annoying being thrown back into the Rift immediately after rolling out. It's like a Volt recasting Speed when he knows you just backflipped out of it.

Which is why to this day I still advocate personal plane switching for Limbo's allies. Limbo buffs teammates once, while they got that buff they can roll/backflip to switch planes like Rift Walk, and Limbo can't force those players to change planes anymore while that buff is active. Make sure the decision to change planes rests with the beneficiaries' hands.

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when this frame first was released and I initially leveled and played him in groups, I realized he will be the top troller frame with nothing to offer to a team.

I never used that frame ever again. he's like that c*ck blocker  friend who seems to just happens to show up when youre about to get some azz from the new chic, killing the opportunity and spoiling the fun.

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2 hours ago, (Xbox One)Sipau Fade said:

The problems with Limbo are just ignorance of the players. The benefits of having a limbo far out weigh any "perceived" cons of having a limbo.


Hands down, limbo is the best frame for spy, rescue and defense (defend the operative variant) in the game. Better than Limbo and Frost respectively. He also has the best crowd control that doubles as a massive damage dealer.

I'll take the 2nd best option every time. There is no content in Warframe where a Limbo is required. Limbo is simply annoying, personally I can't stand the visuals for cataclysm, why do Limbo players insist on choosing the brightest color possible?

Is it ignorance if you don't want to play an interception with a banshee locking down the entire map? Some frames are fun vacuums and Limbo has the most suction.

For the Limbo players that still don't get it, playing Limbo in a pug is like taking a slow Nova to Akkad. You should expect grief, you brought it on yourself. I'm not going to say anything when a Limbo shows up in a squad, I just get as far away as possible and leave at the earliest opportunity.

Limbo was way better before the rework, because you rarely saw one.

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You know, instead of aborting at the moment you see a Limbo, give him a minute or two to see if he is a benefit or a hindrance to you. It's highly disrespectful that you can't give people a chance to show how they play despite all the stigma on Limbo. Also, it's highly rude to say "Oh, I don't play with Limbos right now." and then leave. All you have to do is leave, without a word. 


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There are situations where limbo is really useful.. Last night's sortie interception was one of them. Level 100 enemies for 3 waves can be hard. Although I had a Nyx and could have easily completed it. The limbo definitely made the job easier... 

I don't have a prejudice against Limbo players but if I see trolling actually griefing I will abort. I don't even bother to message or anything

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On 5/7/2017 at 1:39 AM, FierceRadiance said:

I understand this is a topic of some debate ATM, so I may get salted over this. But that's never bothered me.

I recently went into a PUG, and discovered almost immediately that I couldn't shoot anything. I recognized that one of my fellow Tenno was wearing a Limbo. I commented in chat that I don't currently play with Limbos, because they can prevent me from shooting and killing things. I wished them all luck, and politely Aborted out of the mission.

Subsequently, one of the players, before he ignored me (how delightfully childlike!) felt the need to PM me to explain how I can work around his use of Limbo and still kill things. It was so kind of him.

That's the heart of my issue with Limbo right now. I like WF's smooth gameplay, and I like shooting and killing things ~ It's why, at level 22 and 2000+ hours in the game, I'm still playing it. Put simply, Limbo as DE has currently empowered him, prevents me from doing what I like, what I thought the game has always been about: "Warriors of Gun and Blade". Yes, of course I can find a way to overcome the handicap that Limbo imposes on his fellow players. But why bother? Why should I have to do that?

As a side issue, if I run into you wearing Limbo, and I tell the group I don't play with Limbos right now, and then I inconvenience myself by Aborting out of the mission...could I ask you to not be a sphincter about your entitlement to play as YOU want? Yes, I'm leaving the mission one player short, but I'm not spending the mission doing things to inconvenience you, I'm not pouring salt all over you in chat, I'm not letting you die if your squishy 'frame becomes dead, I'm not doing anything except being polite about not wanting to play with this particular WF.

I am someone who plays limbo heavily, and my squad can kill normally

The secret is you have to know when to cast your power and when to stop it

Also, IMO, you should have 3 different builds

1- To fight kela de thayn  (max health and shield)

2- Interception, mobile defense and hijiack  (max duration and range)

3- Extermination and defense (max strength, max range, minimum duration)

In that way, your squad and you can always kill and no one will get upset from Limbo


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On 5/20/2017 at 5:43 AM, cghawk said:

having played allot of survival missions with limbo recently I've stopped using abilities unless someone got downed, I tried playing him the old way by banishing a high priority target but because it's AOE I banish an ally as well which is quite annoying for them.

I then tried to use cataclysm + stasis to lock down an area so we can focus fire power on 1 side of the map as we were having trouble but everyone always complained about this.

as a result I'm now simply using limbo as a fail safe revive bot

That's how I played the old Limbo. I really wish they had implemented the press/hold mechanic for Banish so you can press for single target and hold for an arc. Then the fun can happen with Stasis. I feel like the testing wasn't done with a squad. Expecting people to communicate in an online multiplayer game is like expecting the family dog to not eat your hamburger when you leave them alone with it.

Edited by (PS4)VanTX89
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20 hours ago, (PS4)LeBlingKing69 said:

But with Rift Walk portals all around and the chance of being in a Limbo's Banish AoE, there can still be a hard chance to escape.

No.........just no....

This concern just doesn't make sense... I'll say it again.







Crisis averted. Even if it's an AOE, even if the portals are around...if you don't want to be in the rift then just roll out of it. It's just not that complicated.


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One thing is for sure- there's no way I would play with a Limbo as Harrow, the anti-synergy and redundancy are just too strong with those two.

Condemn and Stasis are redundant CC (former arguably better because of guns being usable). Thurible and War Pact's bonuses rely on headshots that just won't connect with Stasis halting it all and making the bullets resume flight 1 by 1, causing the shots to miss in most cases. The Rift grants pseudo-invulnerability already. War Pact's invulnerable phase can't absorb damage from enemies if they're not able to move.

The only real teamwork Harrow can get with minimal communication between these two frames are his Penance's healing via melee attacks and Limbo's Stasis holding enemies captive while Harrow builds up Overshields with Condemn in relative safety.

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55 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Sipau Fade said:








*rolls out of Rift*

*rolls into a portal*

Crap, I'm in the Rift again. Guess I'll just roll.

*rolls out of Rift*

*rolls in front of Limbo*

*Limbo banishes*

Goddammit, this is getting annoying.

*goes far away from Limbo*

*rolls out Rift*




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