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What is you goal/reason to continue playing? meant for High Rank players

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My reason for playing at first was because it was a free game. as it turned out it became my favorite one to play. today marks my 247th day playing and i have acquired all frames and primes currently available and have reached MR21. i created a clan and alliance that i planned to target new players and encourage and guide them in the first few levels. now that it seems like some players are rude when you send a simple invite to something they requested in recruiting/trade chats. i just want the game to be a friendly community where we can all play and enjoy ourselves. please no remarks on my 'optimistic' view. that is my goal and the reason i continue playing. Whats yours?

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19 minutes ago, Archeyef said:

I play because I enjoy the game, on the whole. There's not really any fixed goal or motivation. In my opinion, if you need to set motivations for yourself to play a game, it's time to take a break.


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I discovered warframe in 2014.  What got me interested in it was simply the fact i didn't need ps + to play with other players, thus I spent a whole year with ps + payed for nothing because eversince i got into this game i stopped playing everything else.  The second thing to my attention was the graphics and mechanics, and what really kept me coming back was using a weapon or frame crafting for several hours to several days. From there I accepted the fact that this was the way to go if i didn't want to spend money on warframe.  I'm halfway to mr 24 now, as my goal is to get to the highest rank the game content permits.  But as I held on to the game I began to like helping other players, besides that last point I always welcome new content.  I stopped caring about the game's storyline since the second dream, because in my opinion everything else is very confusing and doesn't seem to interconnect or be related to what the story is about eversincme the second dream.  I can get burned out a little from time to time, but the game is always on and i always have a thrill jumping in random survivals and getting lower players to survive longer :)  It just reminds me when I just started with the only difference i didn't get any help.  basically besides loving the game, i keep going because of others because I'v been through the beginnings and it is not easy, and is way harder now.

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Since 2013 playing and I want to see where this game can go. Want to see if in 6 years we will be playing with VR on a open world and cities or this game will become a RTS or Race Game or a Free to Play Mass Effect

Want to see how much lore can be created and the answers for all the misteries

And I still play because I like it. I play on my own pace. Sometimes I like to invade space ships and kill everything with a giant axe and a semi auto golden rifle.

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I like this game and I enjoy playing it, I like to make different combinations of frames, weapons, mods and drop in a PuG to see how can I synergize with the team.

But I noticed that a lot of people in this game are just like rats in the lab, going after the reward cheese and not enjoying the maze, just performing a task and then repeat.

And I like to help new players, because in the beginning it can be overwhelming for a new player the amount of stuff this game has.

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For late game? I don't really have a reason for that currently, used to be void key missions but relics don't really fill that need. Trials are not very fun and approachable for players but require teams of at least 4, and sorties are run once a day to usually get endo or a sculpture. Not the most endearing reasons to keep involved and in fact, many have jumped ship at least temporarily only visiting for major updates to see if something has been improved.

Outside of a goal in warframe, I play because I like the game, its look, and overall feel; enjoy helping other players; and it gives me something to do for now. I don't think Mastery rank matters much, and without void keys, there is little feeling of something to shoot for, which Baro with the void keys did represent to an extent not to mention gathering keys for upcoming prime runs. I do hope that whatever comes from Tennocon will be info about something engaging, or at least the next story quest that might encourage mechanical or story progression.

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The game is beautiful, the gameplay is nice, the universe is epic, the characters are both cool and fun, Fashionframe is a thing, but what really got me was...

...the community. (yes, you, random person reading this ^^).


Most players are nice and play fair, the Devs are very close to the players (Devstreams, Prime Times, PS4/Xbox1 Streams and more) and they listen to us (most of the time :P) and it's so easy to have fun with random people in-game, on the Forums or even on the Wiki that I almsot feel like I have a social life :P. 

the game is awesome, but because we, the community, are awesome :cool:.

Edited by Blade_Wolf_16
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I play because this game is extremely relaxing to romp through. There's no hardcore pressure and I don't constantly feel the need to chase the next piece of new gear because I won't be left behind just because I don't have it.

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TBH Warframe is a great 'time-waster' ; in the sense that u can just 'zone-out' and run missions and slay enemies

but as far as being a goal-oriented gamer, after a certain point, there is little left to 'achieve' 

WF has never really had much of an 'endgame' outside of PVP, and even the current PVP is pretty lacking {it aint no overwatch, which is strong competition atm}

DE has had many opportunities over the years to focus on this and work towards some effective ways to deal with it, but IMHO they have not succeeded in a big way ; there have been incremental/minor improvements along the way for sure, but largely the game still suffers from the same core problems that it had 3-4+ years ago =/


clan vs clan system was abandoned

dynamic solar system engagements were abandoned

arghwing having a true blend/meld with the warframe stats was abandoned, hybrid missions were abandoned, arghwing has largely been a colossal failure and waste of manhours sadly =[

melee has suffered many tradeoffs, always losing some aspect to gain something else, usually being no better than before =/

several new mini-grinds for incremental stat sticks were added, but the value of these items are debate-able since no real high-lvl content is challenging enough to warrant these increases in power-lvl from the characters/players [ie why grind for a few more % if i can defeat anything ingame already?] ; think sorties/trials/syndicates/void/relics/etc

most enemy AI/NPC are just 'horde-mode' with either huge 1-shot dmg or bullet-sponge hps, the massive amount of player power makes it difficult to design a tactically challenging enemy {on this note i truly feel bad for DE, but i do not understand why they painted themselves into a corner like this, its just not smart...}

the upcoming syndicate 'mafia' system sounds interesting/promising, but i have my doubts that it will provide dynamic enough content to be of any long-term value... time will tell of course

TL;DR - personally i play little these days, the relic grind severely hampered my ability to slow collect primes and with little else but to rank up the latest MR fodder, i basically log-in and log-out just to count the days, occasionally i will play a bit over a wknd to do a new story mission, but even those dont really have much appeal atm considering i am not a huge fan of DE's obsession with the emo-rage teenoger and the non-stop trite/trope lines that they spout out {for years we were an ancient and adept consummate warrior culture, but now we are just bumbling idiots...}

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