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Kuva as reward in the Kuva Fortress


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Maybe DE just have to put Kuva in the Kuva Fortress as a reward, because, it's useless at all, just for the Cyclone Kraken and other stuff, can be adquired there, we need incentives to go, like Kuva (I think it makes sense, Kuva in the Kuva Fortress), or, something like, in a survival, after 20min, 4000 Kuva, or, in the caches 1000, we need more to play that.

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I agree that it'd be a good reason to go into the fortress.  Though I think the amount given out should probably be less than the kuva siphon missions that pop up, so those won't be passed over completely.

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Well, the problem starts actually earlier...

Kuva Siphons are an ok missions fur maybe 50 runs, but than they get so annoying, boring and repeating that you stop doing them. I personally have about 5 or more riven mods for weapons i really enjoy playing, but making these mods useable will burn about 50 to 100k kuva. You know how long it takes to get this amount? Exactly - ages...

I won't start complaining about rivens, they are an interesting system - could need some tweaks here and there, but ok. The point is, we need more different ways to get our beloved kuva. So I'm thinking of multiple mission types; Siphons can stay, but they need improvements. First of all there are multiple issues with the pathing of the kuva clouds and the placement of siphons in very, very tiny rooms. So these things should be fixes asap. But also the amount of kuva you get should be increased. Apart from siphons we need, like mentioned before, more missions and places the get it from. I think I remember DE saying "we have a wonderful tileset, but nobody visits it". Well putting a stance that drops from kuva heavy gunners (so you can get it much easier in kuva siphon missions - oh wait they arent in the fortress :D, thats convinient), and a stance that drops from caches does surely not fix this. So I hope DE adresses this issue in the near future - hopefully before releasing meele riven.

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Steve mentioned that is a "head scratcher" topic on devstream. I presume DE doesn't want players to easily get good stats on rivens quickly as it would have 2 consequences:

1) Economy starts to dip as the value of getting those stats would drop slowly.

2) Players get their wanted stats relatively faster which ultimately makes rivens another one of those systems you use for a while and then forget they exist (looking at focus), because we only have so many slots.

I might be wrong, but the reason this hasn't happened yet is most likely the same reason we still do not have a sortie token system.

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when kuva fortress is close to a planet, they are farming kuva on that planet... then i guess they ship it to the mothership? to refine for drinking? idk.. which also means they probably have stock pile of these resource in there and its just plain obvious that we should be able to farm kuva at the factory >.< so yes DE please do this

Edited by (PS4)jedion
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26 minutes ago, ViS4GE said:

Kuva in endless for sure won't happen because that chubby guy (Scott I think ?) doesn't want it. When this topic was brought up during Devstream it was obvious that he absolutely hates the idea and will never allow it.

lol I should have watched more Devstream

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1 hour ago, ViS4GE said:

Kuva in endless for sure won't happen because that chubby guy (Scott I think ?) doesn't want it. When this topic was brought up during Devstream it was obvious that he absolutely hates the idea and will never allow it.

chubby guy lol

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I don't know why Scott seems against putting another form of endless mission back in the game. They were really fun and I honestly miss them. Giving us incentive to do endless missions again would be cool. We can grind and see how our late game builds perform at the same time.

Also, I always found it weird that you didn't get Kuva, from the Kuva Fortress. I mean for starters, its in the name and there are massive containers and pipes full of Kuva everywhere. Doesn't really make sense that we can't grab some from that tileset.

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If the amount was substantial, people would complain about being forced to play on one tileset. If it's not a lot, then it becomes a waste of time for farming Kuva.

If anything, they should have 4k high level Kuva alerts that take place in the Kuva fortress- kind of like those rare treasury missions, but not so rare



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Throw Kuva caches in the kuva fortress, 300 kuva a pop, 3 caches a mission.

Time wise it would not be as efficient as going after Siphons, however it would be a nice alternative.

They could also throw in rare Kuva vaults, which have a random chance of spawning in any mission on the tileset which could give as much Kuva as a Kuva flood, but you have to deal with parkour and traps. Maybe even have it that if you seize the kuve vault's kuva it causes the alerts to permanently be on and spawns more enemies.

Then also throw in a weekly Kuva fortress mission with a guaranteed vault that gives 4k Kuva but is a high level with sortie bonuses for the enemy.

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46 minutes ago, TankHunter678 said:

Then also throw in a weekly Kuva fortress mission with a guaranteed vault that gives 4k Kuva but is a high level with sortie bonuses for the enemy.

I agree. We should have more high level mission with more kuva out of it. The art of making everybody happy still is, keeping veterans like me interested in farming stuff - high risk, high reward missions - but making it not to easy to achieve power creep

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1 hour ago, TankHunter678 said:

Throw Kuva caches in the kuva fortress, 300 kuva a pop, 3 caches a mission.

Time wise it would not be as efficient as going after Siphons, however it would be a nice alternative.

They could also throw in rare Kuva vaults, which have a random chance of spawning in any mission on the tileset which could give as much Kuva as a Kuva flood, but you have to deal with parkour and traps. Maybe even have it that if you seize the kuve vault's kuva it causes the alerts to permanently be on and spawns more enemies.

Then also throw in a weekly Kuva fortress mission with a guaranteed vault that gives 4k Kuva but is a high level with sortie bonuses for the enemy.

I think this game needs more high rewards alerts in general. Give vets something to look out for.

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simple solution!! put Kuva missions only in Kuva Fortress and increase the amount of missions within Kuva Fortress featuring different world tilesets themed to suit Kuva Fortress, kind of seems obvious since it's "Kuva" Fortress and add an occasional high level Kuva Sentient that is hard to kill but drops a decent amount of Kuva for those willing to kill it as a random boss spawn like Stalker, Juggernaut and the other sentients from LUA.

Edited by iMalicious
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During the last double resource weekend I got to roll my supra riven 60 times and got nothing. 

I basically gave up on kuva farming at that point. If I want a riven, I sell other things and get plat.

Even with a good kuva income (which obviously helps), the RNG involved on the rolls is just ridiculous. The feeling when you accumulate 100.000 kuva and roll to get nothing is absurdly frustrating. And you need the motivation to farm more kuva again, to roll them in a random slot machine. 

I wouldnt mind to work hard to get my riven to a very good spot even if it involved months of hard work, but working hard and still depend on a slot machine... 

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16 hours ago, ViS4GE said:

Kuva in endless for sure won't happen because that chubby guy (Scott I think ?) doesn't want it. When this topic was brought up during Devstream it was obvious that he absolutely hates the idea and will never allow it.

Did he said why he is against it? He seems to be against many things that players suggested? lol

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you aren't the first to want this, and you surely won't be the last.

it's just too logical to do this though. videogames aren't supposed to make sense, which is why Kuva isn't available on the Kuva Fortress, because reasons and logic and just no. <--- this is DE's reasoning right here.  I farmed Kuva today thanks to my Resource Booster I got as a login reward, but it was still quite boring, and I now have the seemingly gargantuan task of actually getting another Riven form Sorties.


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On the topic of this there's that defense mission on Kuva Fortress where we're in that Death Room with a gigantic vat of kuva but instead of stealing it we're destroying it? Every time im on a sortie mission there i look at it and question why the F*** are we destroying this on the regular node.

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I agree that it should be acquired in the fortress(as a reward not a drop) as well, but it has to be less than the Kuva Siphons. Or comparable rather than 4,000 and 1,000. This just gives us the option to do the missions there but not we still have the option of doing the Kuva siphon missions. 

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I agree, even if it was small amounts, like 50-100 max on missions, even if its an RNG reward, SOMETHING. I feel like Kuva tileset is useless, which is too bad. I honestly love the style of it, just have no reason to be there. I also dont care for the kuva siphon missions.

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