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Can Warframe Beat What Destiny Has?


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11 hours ago, OGodKing said:

Please don't bring up lack of content lmao

Why not? everything in Warframe is pretty much repetitive, do the same thing every day, raids, sorties, farm kuva, farm mats, farm focus points, alerts, invasions, pvp (which needs more flair), syndicates and in the end it's all just doing missions with different rewards over and over and over so the content is basically almost all the same besides raids and pvp.

If Destiny 2 can offer more to do in end game that isn't all comparable to Warframe then it's a win for me, especially if Destiny 2's PvP is well polished and no where near Warframes (which I don't even bother pvp'n in Warframe it's just not enjoyable) and on the plus side to Destiny 2 the graphics and environment are so much more beautiful and have so much more weather effects and Warframe has only just started redesigning planets to look more beautiful by adding sunshine and lighting effects after 4 years (ex the new Earth coming).

In the end this is all just my opinion and I'm free to speak my mind as anyone else is.

Edited by iMalicious
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It can if we get universe expansion that will blow our hads off (think of second dream on steroids)

Umbra perhaps but i dont think so (perhaps tho)

Operator mechanics / syndicate bosses fight 

New universe new factions (corpus grineer and infested) were an awesome start (not talking about the sentients)

We need to go to space with our ships 

And we need something like TEST servers 

Also BLACK /WHITE desicion making mechanice could bring this game to new level you can apply it to anything 

WE NEED TO THINK OUTSIDE OF BOX like in gold days before archwing thats my opinion

Marketing needs to be better imo in warframe ( like tv shows n stuff)

also i think some of dead part of game should not be resurrected i think its lost time so yeah thats my constructive opinion.


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13 hours ago, DxAdder said:

Lets see:

The graphics and special effects better  (did you see the fire effects ?), water going across the visor,

The enemies had regular troops, Elites (yellow), and a Boss

And the real important issue it wasn't a total cake walk solo. Any Warframe mission I would have burned them all down and never even worried about going down.



Graphics are arguable (depending on your PC build, and depending on the tileset, you can achieve equivalent graphics in Warframe. We also have the 'water across visor' effect you mentioned. You get it on Uranus. 

We also have regular units, Eximus, and minibosses. 

As for your last point: you do realize that every mission in Destiny is a cakewalk once you've gotten the appropriate gear? The same thing can be said for Warframe. 

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Let's face it: The real thing that Destiny really has over Warframe is pseudo open world -- we all know it's not the same kind of experience you get playing WoW though. If Warframe had anything close to that, this wouldn't even be a discussion, as Warframe is free and manages to match up to them on everything else. 

The thing slowing down Warframe has always been that they have very, very grand ambitions, they have fallen prey over the years to something called feature creep, that most major studies would not want anything to do with.

And yet it works for Warframe, because their loyal fans know what they are doing, and support it. Many of warframes fans were here when Warframe and DE were a tiny game and studio respectively. So we are used to slow growth, we expect it. We know even with a ton of money, a studio with little experience needs to grow carefully and take their time. And they are now working on another very cool game that I can't say anything about, just that I believe it will be successful, and Warframe is still going strong. 

I firmly believe with the devs continuing to take their time, and our patience, and their ability to look at Warframe and not compare it to Destiny, but instead compare it to where they want Warframe to be down the line, it will one day be a household name that is played much more than it is now. 

DE's ambitions are amazing, and as long as the game stays alive long enough for those ambitions to be realized, Warframe will blow Destiny out of the water forever, on matter how many sequels they try to make. 

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1 hour ago, Toppien said:

its simple, you make warframe 2

Open Beta gives you the natural evolution of a series while retaining progression.  These AAA Titles are using the ultimate "pay-to-play" timegating technique.

The Tennocon announcement forthcoming can be seen as the organic, open-beta equivalent of WARFRAME 3, not 2.  And oh look, you have DOZENS of frames and a customizable operator and the choice to grow your selection remains YOURS.

Why are we even debating this?

What's Destiny 2's Title?


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2 minutes ago, (PS4)Silverback73 said:

Open Beta gives you the natural evolution of a series while retaining progression.  These AAA Titles are using the ultimate "pay-to-play" timegating technique.

The Tennocon announcement forthcoming can be seen as the organic, open-beta equivalent of WARFRAME 3, not 2.  And oh look, you have DOZENS of frames and a customizable operator and the choice to grow your selection remains YOURS.

Why are we even debating this?

What's Destiny 2's Title?


Exactly. At this point we are basically at least on Warframe 2, maybe even farther along than that by now. It's just that Warframe doesn't make greedy anti-player decisions like Destiny to grab as much cash as possible. They don't reset our progress and make us start over and tell us  "it's because it's a new game". They just upgrade the current game so much that is basically is a sequel, while letting us keep all our progress, and not basically be forced to buy a new game to access content we already had before, which is, if I recall, something that Destiny did before Destiny 2 was even announced -- putting in a DLC that basically forced people to pay to play a lot of content they already had. I'm amazed they even got away with that legally without getting sued. 

I'm just amazed at how people fall for the hype of Destiny and Destiny 2. They have a huge marketing machine, but really that's about all they got. 

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In longevity terms, Warframe. There is only one point that needs to be made here: 

Warframe is an Online F2P MMO that's still in ''Beta'' and will continue to be updated untill people stop playing it. 

Destiny is a AAA game that will get some updates sure, but those updates won't be as meaningful because the big changes will be saved for DLC.

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1 hour ago, Tesseract7777 said:

Let's face it: The real thing that Destiny really has over Warframe is pseudo open world -- we all know it's not the same kind of experience you get playing WoW though. If Warframe had anything close to that, this wouldn't even be a discussion, as Warframe is free and manages to match up to them on everything else. 

The thing slowing down Warframe has always been that they have very, very grand ambitions, they have fallen prey over the years to something called feature creep, that most major studies would not want anything to do with.

And yet it works for Warframe, because their loyal fans know what they are doing, and support it. Many of warframes fans were here when Warframe and DE were a tiny game and studio respectively. So we are used to slow growth, we expect it. We know even with a ton of money, a studio with little experience needs to grow carefully and take their time. And they are now working on another very cool game that I can't say anything about, just that I believe it will be successful, and Warframe is still going strong. 

I firmly believe with the devs continuing to take their time, and our patience, and their ability to look at Warframe and not compare it to Destiny, but instead compare it to where they want Warframe to be down the line, it will one day be a household name that is played much more than it is now. 

DE's ambitions are amazing, and as long as the game stays alive long enough for those ambitions to be realized, Warframe will blow Destiny out of the water forever, on matter how many sequels they try to make. 

Love this post.  I hope Warframe evolves for many years to come.  I like it's culture so much that I actually balk at "Keystone", wondering how it could be worthy of my Warframe time and even skeptical that it might detract from the game I've come to appreciate so by taking time, energy, and resources.

I do hope the new project succeeds but man I don't want this universe to end!

Edited by (PS4)Silverback73
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1 minute ago, (PS4)Silverback73 said:

Love this post.  I hope Warframe evolves for many years to come.  I like it's culture so much that I actually balk at "Keystone", wondering how it could be worthy of my Warframe time and even skeptical that it might detract from the game I'be come to appreciate so by taking time, energy, and resources.

I do hope the new project succeeds but man I don't want this universe to end!

I can't say anything specific about Keystone, or I would probably lose my place in Closed Alpha, but I will say that I had similar worries to yours, and trying out Keystone for a bit definitely put my worries to rest. I firmly believe that it is a very separate game that won't take away development time, and all the worries I had about what kind of game it would be turned out to be unfounded. 

I believe that most people who play Warframe will like it as much or almost as much as I do. And I recommend signing up for the closed alpha. 

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21 minutes ago, Tesseract7777 said:

I can't say anything specific about Keystone, or I would probably lose my place in Closed Alpha, but I will say that I had similar worries to yours, and trying out Keystone for a bit definitely put my worries to rest. I firmly believe that it is a very separate game that won't take away development time, and all the worries I had about what kind of game it would be turned out to be unfounded. 

I believe that most people who play Warframe will like it as much or almost as much as I do. And I recommend signing up for the closed alpha. 

Ps4 specs?

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17 hours ago, Tesseract7777 said:

The only thing they really have over Warframe even with their budget is "pseudo" open world, but not really. 


17 hours ago, sh00chu said:

I see Warframe as objectively superior in every way

Oh come on...

You cannot objectively put Destiny and Warframe to a side by side graphics/sound fx/music comparison and say Warframe comes out on top with a straight face.


And this comes from someone who hates Destiny with flaming passion.

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50 minutes ago, (PS4)HSomDevil said:


Oh come on...

You cannot objectively put Destiny and Warframe to a side by side graphics/sound fx/music comparison and say Warframe comes out on top with a straight face.


And this comes from someone who hates Destiny with flaming passion.

Detail-wise?  Ok.  But in terms of design and style, Destiny is near-laughable level sleek-generic whereas Warframe's Style curbstomps Destiny.

Warframe isn't Destiny's major problem.  My son has played Destiny AND Borderlands and when the next Borderlands sequel hits in 2018, it will crush Destiny 2's player base.

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sure destiny 2 will draw people in the same way destiny one did, and sure destiny 2 might be decent, and sure some people might leave warframe to go play destiny 2

but here's the kicker, 4+ years after release (don't say it, it's not in beta) warframe still draws a huge crowd and people are still talking about it, it even has it's own con (tennocon), and warframe is free to play done right, which will always bring people in.

3 years after destiny (1) was released, who is still talking about it? nobody

I used to hear everybody talking about destiny, all the time, then a few months went by and the talk stopped, and the hype died, and the people moved on. but tankred warframe endures. players come and go, but DE have cultivated true loyalty in their playerbase by not being the AAA charge you for every update and hold important bits of the game hostage money grubbers, that the rest of the industry has become lately.


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3 hours ago, (PS4)Silverback73 said:

Open Beta gives you the natural evolution of a series while retaining progression.  These AAA Titles are using the ultimate "pay-to-play" timegating technique.

The Tennocon announcement forthcoming can be seen as the organic, open-beta equivalent of WARFRAME 3, not 2.  And oh look, you have DOZENS of frames and a customizable operator and the choice to grow your selection remains YOURS.

Why are we even debating this?

What's Destiny 2's Title?




the joke is that waframe only needs to add 2 to the tittle to be better than destiny 2

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I don't see Warframe ever "beating" a TripleA game. I do, however, see Warframe being a better game than destiny. Mainly because Destiny is crippled by it's success. Destiny is so big and popular that it has to cater to the casual audience to stay successful. They are taking out all of the things that made the more casual player frustrated and stop playing (blink, special weapons, making the TTK slower etc.).

Warframe probably won't ever need to make those kind of sacrifices because it will never be as successful as Destiny but that just means DE will have more freedom and autonomy to make needed changes to it's game to continue making it better.


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2 hours ago, (PS4)Silverback73 said:

Ps4 specs?

Sorry, I guess I just assume everyone also has a decent PC (why do I make that assumption when I can't even afford a console?). I did look it up and they don't have a port for consoles yet, but I imagine they will have a testing period for consoles at least in beta, if not the alpha. Because I know they will want to get it on all platforms eventually. I will let you know if I hear any information about them testing it on console though, I'm in the closed alpha so I'll be one of the first to hear about that stuff. 

1 hour ago, (PS4)HSomDevil said:


Oh come on...

You cannot objectively put Destiny and Warframe to a side by side graphics/sound fx/music comparison and say Warframe comes out on top with a straight face.


And this comes from someone who hates Destiny with flaming passion.


I am not going to sit here with a straight face and tell you that Warframe can spend the amount of money they can on special effects, or get the same kind of big names. But think of it this way: I didn't include that because EVERY AAA title is expected to have up to date and excellent cinematics, and special effects of every kind. That's basically the bare minimum for any AAA game, and Warframe comes close enough considering their comparative budget. Destiny isn't really competing with Warframe directly anyways, but even in terms of comparisons, Warframe has done well enough with their budget in terms of graphics, that people don't really complain about it not being good enough. 

I mean, if Warframe was a AAA title with a AAA budget it might be a little below average on graphics and such, but for its budget? It's amazing. And in terms of creativity and design quality, Warframe beats Destiny hands down. Sure, Destiny is sleeker, but there's not accounting for taste. 

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Besides the star chart, I fail to find them comparable. Destiny is a hamster wheel of a game, that totally relies on luck to get anything good. One you have the good stuff, you get to enjoy it for a little bit before you're forced to pay the devs to take its power away. Not my favorite game model... The way that they tied nerfs to both PVE, and PVP was awful.

Unless bungie plans to change most of these things, I don't plan on giving them anymore of my monies. With DE paying is always optional, and player power isn't nerfed into non-existence on a regular basis. 

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Destiny at least has proper raids. And as much as people like comparing the 2 the game plays way too differently to be compared. They're both set in space and has loots. That's it. Warframe is a horde shooter with enemies reaching hundreds or even thousands in numbers. Destiny has much, much smaller enemy density but they're far stronger.


And s**t, both are gonna be on PC, go get em both. Nobody's going to give you a badge for sticking with and furiously defending one game.

Edited by TotallyLagging
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