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[U21] Bug Report Megathread


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@[DE]Saske I reported this after u20 already but it hasn't been fixed yet so thought I'd try again: the Attica's aim is bugged, as in when you shoot while moving to the right, the projectile shoots to the left of your reticle and vice versa. Also when aiming at something near you the projectiles go to up and to the right of your reticle (or upper left when changing view to other shoulder)

made a video to show it too: 


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Harrow Quest progression Bug @[DE]Saske


Lost track of the 3rd manifestation on Uranus and it never reappeared, there was nothing to do but abort the mission and start over.

Not sure if I killed/trapped it and it didn't count or if it just vanished.  Either way I ran all the way to extraction with no sightings of it afterward.


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Hey friends, loving the update however I came across this bug recently on Excal.

Beserker doesnt seem to proc on exalted blade anymore - at least for me - although naramon invis still procs when I crit (and I DO definitely crit).

I am 100% sure I have beserker equipped on my melee (which is broken war atm) and also included the crit chance mod. However when I ran a 20 minute survival I didnt get a berserker proc once while i had EB active. It worked on my broken war albeit with varying results (sometimes it would state 24 seconds left on beserker while other times it would say 8 or 13 or any other random number under 24) when i was quick meleeing but not in EB. After receiving a proc of beserker with quick melee and swapping to EB the atack speed would not carry over either as far as I can see although I might be wrong - need a bit more testing. Ive also restarted twice to make sure I installed the latest update but that didnt fix it.

This only occured after U21 and not before. It worked completely fine before.

Hope someone can fix this. makes my excal not as fun anymore :(


PS. Im going to be out for a little while so in case you need more questions i should be back within 2 hours of this post. Thanks :)


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On 6/28/2017 at 8:06 PM, [DE]Danielle said:

Hello Tenno! Please use this megathread to post any bugs you come across in Update 21: Chains of Harrow. We will be watching closely and investigating/fixing top priority bugs as they come.

Please be as detailed as possible in your reports and attach screenshot/video evidence and save your EE.logs (EE.logs can be found in /%localappdata%/Warframe on your PC) to help with the investigation and fix!

Thank you! We hope you enjoy the Update :)


Edit: Please tag @[DE]Saske in your bug reports, as he will be watching this thread closely and updating it moving forward. Thanks!

Known issues: 

  • Vulpine Mask missing from inventory
  • Simulacrum spawning non-Eximus units regardless of if Eximus units were chosen. 
  • Fixed a crash when hitting enemies with the Knell while zoomed (32-bit only).
  • Dread is not affected by fire-rate mods
  • You can not install an Arcane on Harrow's default Helmet
  • Water is not drained in one of the Earth Spy Vaults
  • Sorting by Progress in the Tenno Lab causing a UI lockup
  • Unreleased Opticor skins showing up as a Placeholder Braton
  • Issue with the Dark-Split sword Riven
  • The Opticor can not headshot.
  • Limbo being able to damage enemies outside the Rift
  • You can not deploy an Extractor on Earth (Iron Wake counts towards planet completion)
  • Trying to view your Ability screen in the Simulacrum will lockup your U

since updating the game my staticor has been bugging out. Upon reaching the end of a clip I can keep firing, it discharges as normal with a charge shot, but I can fire normal shots just fine with no decrease in ammo and 0 in the clip. Just thought you'd like to know.

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1 hour ago, Fallen_Echo said:

The opticor lost its punchtrough and the ability to proc its aoe on enemies.

Same here. I even had the rifle punchthrough mod on it.

I also noticed Harrow's Helmet energy parts do not light up when I am in a mission unless I have my penance buff on.

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Maybe it's just a lack of understanding about how exactly his abilities work, but I've noticed Harrow's powers often don't seem to do anything.  Sometimes enemies will only stay chained for a second or two before resuming movement as normal, sometimes I won't get healing back from his 2nd (or at least no displayed healing), and I thought we were supposed to be able to whack enemies with his thurible while casting?

Also the Knell VERY often just gets locked in its no ammo consumption mode.

Edited by InsanityKey
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@[DE]Saske  The change to opticor seems to have removed the innate punchthrough as well as the ability to proc the aoe at all.

Also for some reason you cant shoot enemies from inside frosts snowglobe. They take no damage at all.

If you leave the snowglobe you can shoot them normally and even hit them inside the bubble.

It seems something where removed in its stats.

While we are att it why do we still have a guiding light on opticor that does not even point to the middle of the crosshairs but instead go parallel to the crosshair. ?

Cant speak for other but it only obstruct my aim with the weapon.

Also is there a specific reason the opticor is the only charge weapon that can not hold its charge?

by the way since it charge so slowely why not just add the ability to let it be modified by speed mods like bows are?

it would improve the weapon massively.


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Not sure if it has been mentioned yet but occasionally Objective Markers anchor to the target instead of doors along the path making navigation a bit more difficult. Was only really a major problem on Kuva Fortress but still should be noted



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Can not choose how much energy to consume using Harrow's third ability, Thurbile, while using a gamepad. Activate power will start the drain but there is no way to stop it apart from pressing 3 on the keyboard which will not start Thurible's timer and still consume the energy drained



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knell have som BUGs...


like some.... infinity fire or infinity reloading motions or etc....(infinity melee attack with glaves and infinity charge with glave - even already thrown!)


and... scourge got corrupted buff, it's fire rate is very highly increase!!

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