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Why hasn't ps4 of chain of harrow

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4 hours ago, (PS4)FlyaThanAkitE said:

Why do we go through this every major update 


This seems to be one of those threads where the OP is new to the forums, asks a question, and never comes back to see the answer. Notice how they went offline at the exact time they posted it, so I doubt any of the replies given above will matter (also gave their email address so they're probably expecting a response there).

If I'm wrong, I apologize to OP. It's just that this has happened a lot within the last week.

Edited by LazerSkink
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Assuming your new to the update cycle it's 1 month prior to the PC release we get all the hotfixes "sometimes" then they send a build to sony. Trust me when I say this wasn't always the case. So just wait a little longer and we'll get it. Honestly it doesn't bring much content anyways so it's just mastery rank stuff for me to get to MR24 which I'm in no rush to get to. Still at 23.

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17 minutes ago, (PS4)joe03827 said:

He meant why do we have to see a thread pop up askin for a console build, not the cert proccess but whatever lol.

It could be interpreted either way with the way it was worded.

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It takes a month. 

They work out the bugs on the PC, give us whatever is stable, and next month we do the same thing. 

We just got a major update (even though it had basically nothing) about two-three weeks ago. We must wait two weeks for any news, one week for cert and a few days for release. 

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it's coming SoonTM.

I feel your pain OP, I have literally nothing to do until we get the next update, but we're still in for a wait. also I'd recommend getting rid of your Email address in your post, DE won't respond to you and you're basically opening yourself up to dubious individuals who might want to take a crack at your account. be secure and be safe.

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Removed personal information from post.

Please do not post personal information on a public forum.

PS4 will get the Chains of Harrow update once DE is confident they have solved all the major issues that showed up on PC and the console team is able to work on porting the update to console.

You'll know it's coming when DE post a status thread in the console announcement sub-forums.

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10 hours ago, (PS4)Johnsoncolin2002 said:

I would like if you nice developer would ask me why ps4 doesn't have chain of harrow yet please contact me at -Removed Email- thank you

There's usually a four to six week gap between console updates.

Our last update was June 12th.

Give DE another two or three weeks to work out bugs, pick a build for consoles, submit to cert, wait for cert, and then pick a day to release the update.

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15 minutes ago, (PS4)Wicked_IronAngel said:

If it wasnt for Sony PS4  Warframe would still be a game someone developed in their garage basically, ps4 should have first crack at new content before its fully released to all pc users in my opinion. Ps.._ I do have to agree with everyone about posting your email publicly.


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26 minutes ago, (PS4)Wicked_IronAngel said:

If it wasnt for Sony PS4  Warframe would still be a game someone developed in their garage basically, ps4 should have first crack at new content before its fully released to all pc users in my opinion. Ps.._ I do have to agree with everyone about posting your email publicly.

You're a special kind of dumb, aren't you? lol

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1 hour ago, (PS4)Wicked_IronAngel said:

If it wasnt for Sony PS4  Warframe would still be a game someone developed in their garage basically, ps4 should have first crack at new content before its fully released to all pc users in my opinion. Ps.._ I do have to agree with everyone about posting your email publicly.

That's not how it works. DE isn't a small company. Also, the Founder packs are one of the reasons this game is still alive, not Sony

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1 hour ago, (PS4)Wicked_IronAngel said:

If it wasnt for Sony PS4  Warframe would still be a game someone developed in their garage basically, ps4 should have first crack at new content before its fully released to all pc users in my opinion. Ps.._ I do have to agree with everyone about posting your email publicly.

I.... I can't even...

this is so wrong on so many levels

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1 hour ago, (PS4)Wicked_IronAngel said:

If it wasnt for Sony PS4  Warframe would still be a game someone developed in their garage basically, ps4 should have first crack at new content before its fully released to all pc users in my opinion. Ps.._ I do have to agree with everyone about posting your email publicly.

That's cute. Keep being you!

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