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Do YOU Still Consider Hydroid Bad?


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Just asking for opinions of the masses on how hydroid feels to you personally.

I find him to be a weird pick for a warframe. No real sustain which is very very important at the moment in late game but shield gating will be coming soon so that will help him quite a bit, CC that is sometimes hard to deal with because of the way his 4 works, mobility that is fairly limiting, and not a lot of damage. His 4 benefits from <100% range because it's easier to use and won't make the tentacles too spread out but you still can't really aim where you want them to go and its all up to luck for the most part, his 1 projectiles no longer benefit from <100% range because the shockwaves are only effected and not the area range, his 2 and 3 don't really do damage, his 3 can actually put you in a really bad spot if there's aura eximus' inside your pool (especially poison eximus' because they will keep you and your team poisoned), and again his 4 makes it hard to hit enemies trapped by it. All that being said though, I like him. His 1 and 4 are my favorite skills in the game besides their issues and having to choose between one or the other because of the way range is treated with them, his 2 is fun to woosh around with, and his 3 just looks incredibly silly with certain energy colors. I wouldn't consider him bad but rather outplayed by other warframes' abilities.

Edited by FoxsongHD
Thank you Mak_Gohae for correcting me on the way hydroids 1 and 4 work regarding range
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11 minutes ago, Compassion said:

One of my most used frames, I love him but he could use a few buffs imo maybe even a rework/changed to a few of his abilities. 



If they made his skills more consistent then I feel he could be a lot more useful. His 1 and 4 are extremely hard to aim considering that for the most part its a gamble on who you are going to hit and his 4 his really hard to play with because of the way it tosses enemies, if it would just grab targets and hold them in place and squeeze them instead of ragdolling them all over the place making them extremely hard to shoot it would be so much better and useful. His 2 is whatever, it moves you extremely far distances which kinda makes up for it only going in one direction the entire time. His 3 is honestly just extremely weak damage and utility wise. He's not a very handsome boy so a deluxe skin that beautifies him would be greatly appreciated.

Edited by FoxsongHD
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8 minutes ago, FoxsongHD said:

If they made his skills more consistent then I feel he could be a lot more useful. His 1 and 4 are extremely hard to aim considering that for the most part its a gamble on who you are going to hit and his 4 his really hard to play with because of the way it tosses enemies, if it would just grab targets and hold them in place and squeeze them instead it would be so much better and useful. His 2 is whatever, it moves you extremely far distances which kinda makes up for it only goes in one direction the entire time. His 3 is honestly just extremely weak damage and utility wise. He's not a very handsome boy so a deluxe skin that beautifies him would be greatly appreciated.

I agree his 1 and 4 are very random, I usually just keep spamming it to get the enemies I want and let the tentacles wave them around so they are hard to hit. The only thing his 3 is useful for and if we can call this "useful" is just stalling a point in interception missions the damage there is atrocious. 


I do like his immortal skin, way better than the original imo. But for fashionframe purposes I need a something else. :clem:

Edited by Compassion
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i don't necessarily think "bad" is the right word, since any frame can adequately survive at higher levels, but Hydroid is far less powerful than so many other frames. he's meant to be a kind of CC/Support frame, but so many other frames fill this role better (especially Oberon since his rework). Hydroid generally doesn't have a lot going for him:

- he's squishy, so you can't rely on weapons only, as you have to actively CC to avoid taking too much damage. why we still have frames with <100 armour is baffling, especially since Sorties mean we can fight level 50-100 enemies at a whim.

- he has NO fashionframe appeal to me whatsoever. the Immortal skin is literally just regular Hydroid with lines plastered over him, no texture/model changes or anything. his legs are weirdly oversized and there's no decent colour scheme that works with him that I can find. a Tennogen/Deluxe skin for him can't come soon enough!

- Barrage is near useless without the augment due to lack of range and damage, and even with the Augment, there are far better means of stripping enemy Armour, such as a Kavat with Sharpened Claws, or simply running Corrosive Projection as your Aura. it's niche at best.

- Tidal surge does everything Rhino Charge does and basically nothing else, and I think Tidal Surge uses more energy too. only time i use it is to keep up with faster squadmates on larger tiles, but you're more likely to find a Unicorn in your basement than you are to see me run Hydroid in a PUG match.

- Undertow.. *sigh*, I can see what DE were trying for, but turning yourself into a puddle that takes hours to drown enemies is NOT an effective combat tactic, and again, it needs it's augment to be in any way useful. even then, we have a ton of better healing options than Curative Undertow now, Nidus' Ravenous garden for example.

- Tentacle Swarm; if it weren't for this ability, I think I would actually just go out on a limb and say Hydroid is bad. his Ult is his only saving grace, given that it can be decent CC and has an Augment for more drops. even then though, who honestly brings Hydroid over Nekros for resource farming? I'd sooner run an Ore Gaze Atlas than a Pilfering Swarm Hydroid, because at least I can punch things as Atlas.  Nidus is the new tentacle king though, less energy cost, more precision, and enemies are bundled together rather than spread all over the place.

most if not all of his powers need a serious buff. Barrage should be a lot more devastating than it is, with armour reduction as standard. Tidal Surge needs to do more than just move Hydroid a few feet, Undertow should have healing as standard and should buff the team, and Tentacle swarm needs slightly better consistency with spawn points and a little more damage and range.


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He's not bad but he's also not really good. He suffers from the same issue as all the older frames.

He hasn't aged with Grace as max enemy level was 30 back then.

Plus he deals Magnetic damage which would be great against Corpus shields but.... Nullifiers.. and almost nothing has a weakness to magnetic other than shields

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3 minutes ago, Semune said:

His 4 is pretty great, anyone who says otherwise doesn't use pilfering and negative range. 

He's most certainly better than Zephyr, who should probably get looked at before him.

Well Hydroid is next up for the Golden guilding so he's likely to be reworked very soon. Zephyr should be up after him following the normal male/male/female/female pattern

Edited by SilvaDreams
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44 minutes ago, SilvaDreams said:

He's not bad but he's also not really good. He suffers from the same issue as all the older frames.

He hasn't aged with Grace as max enemy level was 30 back then.

Plus he deals Magnetic damage which would be great against Corpus shields but.... Nullifiers.. and almost nothing has a weakness to magnetic other than shields

Magnetic damage upon initial hit, then tentacles do finisher damage. Swarm is actually pretty strong, but its limited in terms of dps and reliable cc because you can only have 12 tentacles at a time. 

His 2 is sort of solid except it doesn't really do enough base, and with parkour it's mostly pointless. 

3 is not exactly bad, but it encourages the kind of play they have been trying to move people away from. 

Tempest Barrage recently changed to be better, I would have liked the changes more if they didn't mess with the kind of build we usually use for optimizing tentacle swarm. I except an Oberon style rework, lots of additions to abilities and added synergies. 

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32 minutes ago, Tesseract7777 said:

Magnetic damage upon initial hit, then tentacles do finisher damage. Swarm is actually pretty strong, but its limited in terms of dps and reliable cc because you can only have 12 tentacles at a time. 

His 2 is sort of solid except it doesn't really do enough base, and with parkour it's mostly pointless. 

3 is not exactly bad, but it encourages the kind of play they have been trying to move people away from. 

Tempest Barrage recently changed to be better, I would have liked the changes more if they didn't mess with the kind of build we usually use for optimizing tentacle swarm. I except an Oberon style rework, lots of additions to abilities and added synergies. 

Oh his powers aren't too bad, except his puddle I've never understood that one.

I'd love for him to get an Oberon style rework... And maybe some limitations added to his tenticals because I hate getting them spawning on roofs 20meters up and useless.. or any on the ceiling period being useless against anything but flying units even though they can reach things on the ground.

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This reminds me of a story I once heard. 

Someone claimed he saw someone that looked sort of like Stalker, but wasn't accompanied by any of the usual light flickers or warnings, fighting the enemies for a while and not even trying to hurt him, and then disappear before he could truly get a good look at it. 

Mind you this was some time ago, but the guy swore it wasn't the stalker, although everyone's explanation at the time was that it had to be somehow. 

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I think Hydroid is in really bad shape right now, he doesn't outperform any warframe with his abilities. (Apart from Pilfering Swarm, but that's irrelevant)

I may be a bit biased though, since I'm the kinda guy that charges fearlessly into a crowd of bombards using Nekros.

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1 minute ago, achromos said:

I just wish he was... more.  He seems so boring and that is mostly because his 3 is weak (it's a funny concept) his 4 is weak and everything seems so... static.

Leave the puddle alone. I love the absurdity of that ability :crylaugh:


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I try to play every frame at least once per week, sometimes bringing things like Oberon (pre-buff) or even Mag to Sorties just for giggles. But I've ignored Hydroid for more than 6 months now. I may have used him once or twice during the Hema craze and I think I immediately quitted after that.


I mean, let's see. His passive is useless. Tempest Barrage is mediocre and the augment doesn't make it much better since there are better ways of stripping armor. Tidal Surge is "okay" since it's basically just a generic charge ability like old Slash Dash/Rhino Charge BUT WITH WATER. IN SPACE! and the augment... really shouldn't be an augment. Undertow is "I want to AFK but pretend I'm useful" button. Tentacle Swarm is inconsistent and extremely annoying if you want to shoot people. And he looks like plastic and needs PBR. And while the Immortal skin does fix that problem it looks bad (IMO) and the helmet is still plastic-y so you look even weirder. 

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7 hours ago, FoxsongHD said:

Just asking for opinions of the masses on how hydroid feels to you personally.

I find him to be a weird pick for a warframe. No real sustain which is very very important at the moment in late game but shield gating will be coming soon so that will help him quite a bit, CC that is sometimes hard to deal with because of the way his 4 works, mobility that is fairly limiting, and not a lot of damage. His 1 and 4 benefits from <100% range because it's easier to use and won't make them too spread out and you can't really aim with these skills, its all up to luck for the most part, his 2 and 3 don't really do damage, his 3 can actually put you in a really bad spot if there's aura eximus' inside your pool (especially poison eximus' because they will keep you and your team poisoned), and again his 4 makes it hard to hit enemies trapped by it. All that being said though, I like him. His 1 and 4 are my favorite skills in the game besides their issues, his 2 is fun to woosh around with, and his 3 just looks incredibly silly with certain energy colors. I wouldn't consider him bad but rather outplayed by other warframes' abilities.

It's not that the frame is bad it's just not part of the Meta.

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