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Awesome update when it comes but as a Founder, not as happy as I could be.


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But... Um(totallynotPrimeweswear)bra is rather a kick in the nuts to those Founders who bought "exclusives". If the helmet wasn't so blatantly Prime it might be less so but... you painted Excal Prime (that thing you swore you would never rerelease) black and said it was something new. That's not really acting in good faith.

I need to make something clear. I'm not anti Umbra. I'm anti Umbra being Excal Prime repainted with a tiny cosmetic change.

Edited by SolarDwagon
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But the question is, will he be the same frame just with improved stats? Or will he feature a new skill set? The look is for sure Excalibur, but his helmet is much different than Prime, and I do not like his arm hooks on the back. Please, let me just run quick and quiet, dodging through obstacles as I... woops! I got my arm snagged on a piece of metal from a box(etc) and spin around to face plant in the wall.


In a way, this gets everyone's wet dream of having Excalibur Prime, without actually getting Excalibur Prime.

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5 minutes ago, SolarDwagon said:

But... Um(totallynotPrimeweswear)bra is rather a kick in the nuts to those Founders who bought "exclusives". If the helmet wasn't so blatantly Prime it might be less so but... you painted Excal Prime (that thing you swore you would never rerelease) black and said it was something new. That's not really acting in good faith.

Lato and Skana Prime ALSO, and you have additional 12k exp ahead for mastery rank, and some "weight of word" in developing. 

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The items still remain exclusive to you and fellow Founders. You paid for exactly what you were promised, 4 years later, nothing is different other than non Founders also having the opportunity to receive an upgraded Excalibur (even though there will still be people nagging DE to rerelease Founder gear).

Sorry to say, but you can either take it or leave it (unless you're only expressing concern with no intent to change the current situation).

Edited by LazerSkink
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Just now, Letter13 said:

We've known it was coming for a very long time now. 

And we hoped it was a mistake that would stay confined to China where they wanted their own pseudo-Founder exclusive. Which is somewhat fair since they had no equivalent. But we already had the equivalent.

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1 minute ago, SolarDwagon said:

And we hoped it was a mistake that would stay confined to China where they wanted their own pseudo-Founder exclusive. Which is somewhat fair since they had no equivalent. But we already had the equivalent.

Who is this "we"? Not me, certainly.

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3 hours ago, SolarDwagon said:

And we hoped it was a mistake that would stay confined to China where they wanted their own pseudo-Founder exclusive

Define "we".

3 hours ago, SolarDwagon said:

Which is somewhat fair since they had no equivalent. But we already had the equivalent.

PC non Founders and Console players watch as another exclusive Excalibur is given to the Chinese audience.

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8 minutes ago, FollowTheFaceless said:

Lato and Skana Prime ALSO, and you have additional 12k exp ahead for mastery rank, and some "weight of word" in developing. 

Lato is only Grandmaster for a start, and Skana Prime is barely noticable.


8 minutes ago, LazerSkink said:

The items still remain exclusive to you and fellow Founders. You paid for exactly what you were promised, 4 years later, nothing is different other than non Founders also having the oppoetunity to receive an upgraded Excalibur (even though there will still be people nagging DE to rerelease Founder gear).

Sorry to say, but you can either take it or leave it (unless you're only expressing concern with no intent to change the current situation).

I'm expressing an opinion that I think DE hasn't acted in as good faith as they could. I'm not sure how bad it's going to be when it comes out, because as noted by others, things can change. But right now the helmet looks very similar in style to Excalibur Prime's main helmet, and the bodywork is quite similar outside the prime hooks. Basically,I object to it being a repaint of Excal Prime rather than a rework of Excalibur.
I'm not going to make grandstanding threats about taking my money elsewhere, both because they're premature and lets face it, Warframe is one of the best games out there. But it is one more thing to add to the list of let-down moments in how DE has treated parts of their community at various times.

Edited by SolarDwagon
Spelling mistakes bug me >.>
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1 minute ago, SolarDwagon said:

Lato is only Grandmaster for a start, and Skana Prime is barely noticable.


I'm expressing an opinion that I think DE hasn't acted in as good faith as they could. I'm not sure how bad it's going to be when it comes out, because as noted by others, things can change. But right now the helmet looks very similar in style to Excalibur Prime's main helmet, and the bodywork is quite similar outside the prime hooks.
I'm not going to make grandstanding threats about taking my money elsewhere, both because they're premature and lets face it, Warframe is one of the best games out there. But it is one more thing to add to the list of let-down moments in how DE has treated parts of their community at various times.

The visuals have been known for a long time. It's Excalibur Umbra Prime, so it's going to look appropriate to the name

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3 hours ago, SolarDwagon said:

I'm not sure how bad it's going to be when it coems out, because as noted by others, things can change

And hopefully they won't. 2 years ago we learned of its existence, and when a trailer was finally delivered, they suddenly decide to change the looks prior to its release? I'd rather not.

3 hours ago, Xiusa said:

The visuals have been known for a long time. It's Excalibur Umbra Prime, so it's going to look appropriate to the name

Well, ours will be named Excalibur Umbra, but yes, it has no difference other than name to its Chinese counterpart (unless stats differ, but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it).

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1 minute ago, Xiusa said:

The visuals have been known for a long time. It's Excalibur Umbra Prime, so it's going to look appropriate to the name

but the string files title him as "Excalibur Umbra" only
hell even the "leak problem" show him as "Excalibur Umbra" only

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14 minutes ago, SolarDwagon said:

But... Um(totallynotPrimeweswear)bra is rather a kick in the nuts to those Founders who bought "exclusives". If the helmet wasn't so blatantly Prime it might be less so but... you painted Excal Prime (that thing you swore you would never rerelease) black and said it was something new. That's not really acting in good faith.

You Have got to be kidding me right? This entitlement you have is extremely strong. I as a founder see absolutely no problem with what they revealed. You need to get over yourself at this point.

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Just now, Levirei said:

but the string files title him as "Excalibur Umbra" only
hell even the "leak problem" show him as "Excalibur Umbra" only

Those same files label Oberon as "Paladin" and Mesa as "Cowgirl" yet those are not their names in-game. Things change and/or are not accurate in the final product

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2 minutes ago, NightmareT12 said:

Don't hold your breath. It's pretty much a hardcoded item for Excalibur Umbra.

I think it would be fair, you guys get an excal p lite, founders get the best part of umbra, the scarf.

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