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Archwing in plain of eidolon


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Anyone else notice archwings in the above reveal were not using archwing weapons, could this be a sign that they are being scrapped.

Also with our Tenno maturing are the cosmetic we purchased for our Tenno going to be scrapped as well.

struggling to see how this new open world style can co exist with what we currently have as they will play so drastically different.

But I think we are a while off this being release to us, I feel it could be a long wait like we had with "The War Within"

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8 minutes ago, ARANDOMGENT said:

Anyone else notice archwings in the above reveal were not using archwing weapons, could this be a sign that they are being scrapped.

No, they literally explained this, and have implied it before in the weapon descriptions: The Arch-weapons are too heavy to use in a planet's gravity; therefore, we're using standard weapons.

But I think we are a while off this being release to us, I feel it could be a long wait like we had with "The War Within"

Steve said that it would release late summer. So assuming the routine [DE]lays, expect it to be released in the fall. However, if we get lucky, they may be able to keep that promise, like they did with CoH.


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2 minutes ago, Kyronz said:

I wonder what made DE suddenly decide, people want more archwing?

DE want to give the players a resone to use archwing. The main problem with archwing as it is right now is that people have no resone you use archwing, only for xp. Now you have a good resone to play archwing for the fun of it.

Edited by CommanderSpawn
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1 minute ago, CommanderSpawn said:

DE want to give the players a resone to use archwing. This is the main problem with archwing as it is right now is that people have no resone you use archwing, only for xp. Now you have a good resone to play archwing for the fun of it.

I was probably one of the few that found archwing quite fun, enemies need more variation thou. Need to be more like zone of Enders I think.

That game was fast paced at times :)

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7 minutes ago, ARANDOMGENT said:

Anyone else notice archwings in the above reveal were not using archwing weapons, could this be a sign that they are being scrapped.

Also with our Tenno maturing are the cosmetic we purchased for our Tenno going to be scrapped as well.

struggling to see how this new open world style can co exist with what we currently have as they will play so drastically different.

But I think we are a while off this being release to us, I feel it could be a long wait like we had with "The War Within"

1- That's a sign we will use our favorite weapons in AW Travel mode, nothing gets scrapped. AW weapons for regular AW nodes.

2- Nope, I think DE will give us an option to keep child form or grow up. This will please community.

3- Not sure how it will be drastically different.

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1 minute ago, Aeon94 said:

3- Not sure how it will be drastically different.

The update is less linear in its level design and giving the player a multitude of options on how the approach a situation.

Which is very different from what we have now, I can cheese a level with a high crit/status atterax, that could all change now as enemy engagement ranges are extended.

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11 minutes ago, Kyronz said:

I wonder what made DE suddenly decide, people want more archwing?

Because some people actually do.  Like me.  It's not like you're forced to use AW in the map (to my knowledge).  You can always just hike the distances on foot if you really don't like AW.  :D  They are just given us players more options which is always a good thing. 

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2 minutes ago, ARANDOMGENT said:

The update is less linear in its level design and giving the player a multitude of options on how the approach a situation.

Which is very different from what we have now, I can cheese a level with a high crit/status atterax, that could all change now as enemy engagement ranges are extended.

The simple way they can co-exist is for Plains of Eidolon to be a separate game-mode, much like Conclave is a separate game mode. If anything, it's more similar to the root game than Conclave. The only thing changing is the format, open world instead of a single objective-based level. There is zero reason it has to overwrite or replace normal Warframe activities.

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7 minutes ago, AtoKitsune said:

The simple way they can co-exist is for Plains of Eidolon to be a separate game-mode, much like Conclave is a separate game mode. If anything, it's more similar to the root game than Conclave. The only thing changing is the format, open world instead of a single objective-based level. There is zero reason it has to overwrite or replace normal Warframe activities.

Yeah , its a new game mode that we get an open area to explore instead of roaming in random generated rooms. Nothing changes with normal gameplay. Also cheesing is the thing we want to get rid of right ? It seems Eidolon's scaling / different approach to enemies is the step on right direction.

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9 minutes ago, AtoKitsune said:

The simple way they can co-exist is for Plains of Eidolon to be a separate game-mode, much like Conclave is a separate game mode. If anything, it's more similar to the root game than Conclave. The only thing changing is the format, open world instead of a single objective-based level. There is zero reason it has to overwrite or replace normal Warframe activities.

I understand the zero reason why it has to replace what we currently have, but if players prefer this style of level design, the natural progression will could be for rest of the game to be made like this, DeSteve confirmed more planets will get levels like this and we have to remember the game is still technically in beta, so they are free to chop and change as they wish.

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Just now, ARANDOMGENT said:

I understand the zero reason why it has to replace what we currently have, but if players prefer this style of level design, the natural progression will could be for rest of the game to be made like this, DeSteve confirmed more planets will get levels like this and we have to remember the game is still technically in beta, so they are free to chop and change as they wish.

Ye, that is true, but I do not think it would actually replace the original game. If it does, so be it. But, I do not see why they would discard content for the game when it's more or less no problem to have them both.

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2 minutes ago, (PS4)XxDarkyanxX said:

I'm fairly sure that what they meant by maturing is grow up from the Emo kid mentality not physically.

I could be wrong though.

Thought same but wanted to explain that DE won't scrap those cosmetics and give us and option for keep kid / choose grown up options if they come up with that idea

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3 minutes ago, ARANDOMGENT said:

I understand the zero reason why it has to replace what we currently have, but if players prefer this style of level design, the natural progression will could be for rest of the game to be made like this, DeSteve confirmed more planets will get levels like this and we have to remember the game is still technically in beta, so they are free to chop and change as they wish.

 It doesn't mean they will chop off what we have. Instead we will get those as extra game-modes like Conclave , Lunaro , Archwing and tileset expansions like Kuva Fortress and Lua.

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20 minutes ago, Aeon94 said:

Thought same but wanted to explain that DE won't scrap those cosmetics and give us and option for keep kid / choose grown up options if they come up with that idea

Maybe it has something to do with  "The sacrifice" watching the trailer and listening to the dialogue and hearing the monitor just gave me ideas.

Scrap that Geoff said its centered around the warframes this time not the operators
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2 hours ago, PrVonTuckIII said:

The Arch-weapons are too heavy to use in a planet's gravity; therefore, we're using standard weapons.

this^. as strong as we are, those guns are larger than some frames are and weigh a lot more, but personally I would have preferred standard weapons anyway; yeh, you lose the unlimited ammo but you get a lot more to choose from.

mostly excited for how Sniping will be relevant now, and "Arch-sniping" will be a thing too!

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I love Archwing, I really do. Problem is you don't have many reasons to use Archwing outside quest and certain archwing missions. I'm not a fan of rush. That mission mod is trash. Rush to get to point A to B while attempting to not bump into walls in utterly tight corridors. For anyone whose played rush, this mission is impossible to complete. 

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4 hours ago, ARANDOMGENT said:

Anyone else notice archwings in the above reveal were not using archwing weapons, could this be a sign that they are being scrapped.

Also with our Tenno maturing are the cosmetic we purchased for our Tenno going to be scrapped as well.

struggling to see how this new open world style can co exist with what we currently have as they will play so drastically different.

But I think we are a while off this being release to us, I feel it could be a long wait like we had with "The War Within"

1. Archwing weapons are too heavy, in space the no gravity helps that. So on earth we use our normal guns. 

2. nothing is being scrapped.

its just a new area, they said they plan to have more open world areas, but it's not going to be the WHOLE game. 

calm the negative thoughts

Edited by Vesiga
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im so glad they are adding arch-wing to this. will give me a reason to get more of them.

I just hope they make them feel better to use. since right now they are still pretty jenky. ESPECIALLY the old arch-wing mechanics which Titania still uses and it looks like they are using that for PoE as well.

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My wish for archwing on PoE is Tobe able fluidly change to archwing. Like jump press a button and u fly archwing mode. Or when u using the "gear archwing" there is animation the frame jump and swooped by archwing instead of just throw on the ground and wait it spawn.

Can't hype enough when there will be epic battle air and ground assault toward the "kaiju".

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