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Next Prime after Hydroid

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Just now, (Xbox One)AntiCaesar said:

Prime's go MMFF.

We've had Oberon, and next is Hydroid, so the next two are females then Limbo should have a shot of being primed.

I just thought you were a founder messing with people due to your name.

I always forget about the mmff release schedule. in that case, it's mirage 

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as mentioned previously, the next prime after hydroid will be the most desirable.  holidays are times of givings and wantings, and mesa likely be in zeph's stead. people will buy and in ways gift it due to its higher popularity and attack ability many like.

i play a zephyr most of the time, so i am hoping for that, but i suppose i can wait a little longer for a company's economical needs.  it will be the one prime access in  my years here i will buy in full right away  ^,,^

then again they could show a flying reworked zephyr fighting without an archwing against an Eidolon in those Plains...then the sales would be certain to exceed!

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47 minutes ago, cookieknife said:

you're mistaken its zephyr then mirage.

hopefully we get zephyr, daikyu, and castana

Castanas/Talons, or personally I would love to see her get something completely unique akin to Banshee Prime's Euphona Prime.

Edited by HalfDarkShadow
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On 7/13/2017 at 0:51 AM, HalfDarkShadow said:

Castanas/Talons, or personally I would love to see her get something completely unique akin to Banshee Prime's Euphona Prime.

something i was thinking would be cool is give her a unique sentinel that flies with her sorta once they rework her

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  • 3 weeks later...

They may (not) follow the order exactly as they were released.  Generally speaking it pretty much is.  Therein lies the rub 'pretty much' means not always.  I don't mind as long as the design is cool.  I'm not a fan of the Oberon aesthetic, and I'm kind of on the fence with Hydroid.  I generally hit Randomize before I play, so seeing something I have to put an alternate skin on because I think the design is awful makes me sad.   

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ever since releasing Nova Prime earlier for them sales, theyve backtracked and begun Priming based on order of release again. so unless they wanna separate the eventual Zephyr rework from her Prime, she's likely next.


reworking after Priming is a thing tho, ever since Ash iirc. it happened to Saryn, it's happening to Hydroid, not unlikely for it to happen to Zephyr.


still, im betting Mirage will get Primed first for a longer cycle with regards to reworking Zephyr. 



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On ‎7‎/‎18‎/‎2017 at 9:40 PM, cookieknife said:

something i was thinking would be cool is give her a unique sentinel that flies with her sorta once they rework her


4 minutes ago, BlazenFury said:

ever since releasing Nova Prime earlier for them sales, theyve backtracked and begun Priming based on order of release again. so unless they wanna separate the eventual Zephyr rework from her Prime, she's likely next.


reworking after Priming is a thing tho, ever since Ash iirc. it happened to Saryn, it's happening to Hydroid, not unlikely for it to happen to Zephyr.


still, im betting Mirage will get Primed first for a longer cycle with regards to reworking Zephyr. 



Yeah, if they aren't happy with the Zephyr rework by the time Zephyr Prime is set to launch they will probably mix it up.  I love my Zephyr, but Ult and Dive bomb need reworks badly.

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16 hours ago, BlazenFury said:

ever since releasing Nova Prime earlier for them sales, theyve backtracked and begun Priming based on order of release again. so unless they wanna separate the eventual Zephyr rework from her Prime, she's likely next.


reworking after Priming is a thing tho, ever since Ash iirc. it happened to Saryn, it's happening to Hydroid, not unlikely for it to happen to Zephyr.


still, im betting Mirage will get Primed first for a longer cycle with regards to reworking Zephyr. 



Ash doesn't count because he became a serious problem and his rework was no where close to his prime. That's like saying Excalibur prime and his rework .-.

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16 hours ago, (PS4)geomancer1980 said:


Yeah, if they aren't happy with the Zephyr rework by the time Zephyr Prime is set to launch they will probably mix it up.  I love my Zephyr, but Ult and Dive bomb need reworks badly.

Her first ability needs reworked into some type of flying considering Titania and wukong can both fly and drop bomb needs to be merged 

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well, DE also put Valkyr Prime before Banshee Prime, and Banshee was released alongside Saryn. It is likely for them to skip Warframes for holidays because certain Warframes are easy cash-ins for that time of year. By making something popular during holidays, DE gets a HUGE boost in sales because people are ACTUALLY willing to pay $100 on a game at that time.


OH GOD! Nikana Prime is going to be vaulted at the end of the year isn't it?

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Zephyr is getting the Banshee treatment. She's getting pushed aside for the Mirage Prime holiday sales. Mirage was the most played Warframe in the game when simulor was rampant so more people are familiar with her, more people wanting her prime. This isn't speculation, it's fact.

She also quadruples damage while Zephyr can summon a dust devil. Who is the more tasty holiday addition in that context?

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On 7/12/2017 at 6:33 PM, (Xbox One)xOCCVLTx said:

If I'm not mistaken Mesa and Mirage are up next and I'm a mesa main so I'm pretty excited!!! What are your thoughts.

I cried when I saw this. Please Prime Zephyr. She's a flightless bird that needs attention. Let her flap her wings and fly. Zephyr is before Mirage. I think Zephyr would be first because they can pull another Vauban.

Edited by (PS4)godlysparta
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On 7/12/2017 at 10:46 PM, brawler58 said:

They're probably gonna pop mesa at the end of the year.. for the sales

Don't quote me on that tho 

Following the order, it'd be Zephyr, however during the holiday PA cycle, a more popular frame takes the place for ze moneh (Nova prime/valkyr prime) and they ignore the rotation. It could be mesa, but I'd guess it'd be mirage. Zephyr will be the first prime of 2018, though

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14 hours ago, (PS4)Tactless_Ninja said:

Zephyr is getting the Banshee treatment. She's getting pushed aside for the Mirage Prime holiday sales.

Unfortunately, yeah, unless they've just finished the Zephyr rework after the release of PoE, it becomes the balance of who would draw in the Christmas sales.

Christmas cycle on the Prime releases is always a huge boost in revenue, so it could go two ways;

If they release PoE, Hydroid Prime, Glass frame, butthen the Christmas cycle rolls around before they get to the Zephyr rework, it's going to be Mirage for the odds-on favourite, she's way more popular, and it's a choice between her or an outlying vote could be Mesa (it's happened before in the Prime cycles) due to her overall popularity too.

If they get through PoE, Hydroid Prime, Glass frame and Zephyr's rework? Then it's going to be Zephyr Prime for Christmas, with some massively favourite or unique weapon to make it more enticing (same way they did Banshee with her Euphona because Banshee was so unpopular that they needed a draw to bundle with her for the Prime Access, and Oberon having the Sybaris and S-n-A Primes to balance his relative unpopularity before the rework). For predictions on the prime weapon, there's actually a lot of debate on whether they go through cycles here too, primary/secondary, when melee weapons are used...

Hydroid is having a secondary and a melee, it might be predictable that Zephyr would get a primary, either a really good one or a melee too to balance her unpopularity. Now... the only non-prime Tenno-made primaries (because they're priming all the Tenno stuff because of lore...) are the Tenora, Tiberon, Stradavar, Attica, Zhuge and Daikyu. Out of these, the only ones that would be considered popular enough to Prime to balance Zephyr would be the Daikyu and Zhuge, maybe the Stradavar as an underdog. The Melee weapons that could be Primed are a little more varied, but the popular ones that would also balance Zephyr's unpopularity are the Destreza, Tipedo, Redeemer and maybe the Lacera.

Personally, I wouldn't mind seeing a Zephyr, Daikyu and Destreza combo, or maybe a Stradavar and Tipedo ^^

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On 7/12/2017 at 9:36 PM, (Xbox One)AntiCaesar said:

1 upvote = 1 hug for Zephyr

Everyday a Zephyr Warframe is neglected and abused. Every upvote goes to support the Zephyr species.



(That was a joke)

You skipped Zephyr though.

Should probably be Zephyr, Mirage, Limbo, Chroma, Mesa, whoever is next. Just google the warframes in order of release 

I like zepher's tenno gen skin.. i want it.  ... i think i still need to level her...

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