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There NEEDS to be an auction house, nuff said.


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On 8/7/2017 at 4:01 PM, groznez said:


To be honest, I see this kind of behaviour happening a lot of times.

I used to play an mmo with my friends for 5 years or so before we came to play Warframe and we had hundreds and hundreds of trades in that game. We never saw this kind of behaviour with that game, but this "ignoring" and calling names has happened to all of us in Warframe multiple times already and we have been playing this game a bit more than 4 months.

The difference here is the fact that in Warframe platinum can be from real money spent in the store (unlike in that other game) and if this is the case and you are not willing to spent ridiculous amounts of plat (check my previous reply in this thread) for something that is not all that effective, you get the finger and ignore on top of that super easily.

Warframe has by far some of the most immature players I have seen in online games and I have seen quite a few since I started playing online games back in 1997...

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On 8/6/2017 at 3:53 AM, (PS4)LamentaBill said:

While the idea of an "auction house" sounds neat, I just use warframe market and have always been able to procure whatever I need  

I just want a way to "effectively" filter out riven mods. Everything I try just breaks the trade chat for me. Trade chat would be at least bearable without riven mods being in it. 

Just ny opinions.

Please. Yes.

A GTFO of my face riven mod begone filter would be fantastic.

So sick of hearing/seeing riven **** everywhere.

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5 minutes ago, runx0 said:

To be honest, I see this kind of behaviour happening a lot of times.

I used to play an mmo with my friends for 5 years or so before we came to play Warframe and we had hundreds and hundreds of trades in that game. We never saw this kind of behaviour with that game, but this "ignoring" and calling names has happened to all of us in Warframe multiple times already and we have been playing this game a bit more than 4 months.

The difference here is the fact that in Warframe platinum can be from real money spent in the store (unlike in that other game) and if this is the case and you are not willing to spent ridiculous amounts of plat (check my previous reply in this thread) for something that is not all that effective, you get the finger and ignore on top of that super easily.

Warframe has by far some of the most immature players I have seen in online games and I have seen quite a few since I started playing online games back in 1997...

Also this. Maturity levels are dropping out the floor nowadays.

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19 hours ago, runx0 said:

To be honest, I see this kind of behaviour happening a lot of times.

I used to play an mmo with my friends for 5 years or so before we came to play Warframe and we had hundreds and hundreds of trades in that game. We never saw this kind of behaviour with that game, but this "ignoring" and calling names has happened to all of us in Warframe multiple times already and we have been playing this game a bit more than 4 months.

The difference here is the fact that in Warframe platinum can be from real money spent in the store (unlike in that other game) and if this is the case and you are not willing to spent ridiculous amounts of plat (check my previous reply in this thread) for something that is not all that effective, you get the finger and ignore on top of that super easily.

Warframe has by far some of the most immature players I have seen in online games and I have seen quite a few since I started playing online games back in 1997...

You see it in region and trade chat a lot of the time, people who feel that somehow having a mod or "insider" knowledge on a trade or understanding mechanics deserve a pat on the back or laughing off reasonable offer and trades because "warframe market has it for x right now". . A lot of the time these features of the game are the accent on their pride, rather than applying anything beyond their knowledge of these features the statement is about their mods and equipment (Big deal, you grind the game you win prizes. .). A lot of the gameplay in Warframe is vacant now because of this obsession over "power" and material status. .  We get boasting in game and a dry experience within it. Everything drops in seconds, while the player boasts how good they are. .players complain in forum about their experiences with features and how the farming is so bad rather than ever concentrating on the mechanics and increasing the challenge of the gameplay itself. .

Unfortunately right now the dominate attitude in mainstream gaming is quite shallow and this attitude follows me from game to game. .You get a lot of players who are looking at gaming one dimensionsally and believe their material status is the driving statement to the experience instead of how they play the game itself. .there's a lot to not like about modern gaming. .the players being a large part of it. .Eventually they usually find their way into a game and ruin it as gameplay is adapted to their need for "easy" experiences. .a strong demand for leisure services creates a dull game.

I've walked away from many games in the past because of this sort of thing. Unfortunately I feel like Warframe is on a similar path and teetering on losing its effectiveness more than we may think. .

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On 8/5/2017 at 0:58 PM, NoahXprshuN said:

@(PS4)LamentaBill See the thing about that is, I shouldn't have to use the warframe market. That's like me making a game, then having the worst squad que system ever ( Not saying trade chat is that bad) and the making people go to a 3rd party website to really get a better experience to squad with players that are already in the game ready to do stuff. You see what i'm saying? I'm not trying to be a jerk, but this trade chat is very obnoxious and needs some help with an in-game auction house or something of the sort.

Someones been playing too much CS

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9 hours ago, runx0 said:

To be honest, I see this kind of behaviour happening a lot of times.

I used to play an mmo with my friends for 5 years or so before we came to play Warframe and we had hundreds and hundreds of trades in that game. We never saw this kind of behaviour with that game, but this "ignoring" and calling names has happened to all of us in Warframe multiple times already and we have been playing this game a bit more than 4 months.

The difference here is the fact that in Warframe platinum can be from real money spent in the store (unlike in that other game) and if this is the case and you are not willing to spent ridiculous amounts of plat (check my previous reply in this thread) for something that is not all that effective, you get the finger and ignore on top of that super easily.

Warframe has by far some of the most immature players I have seen in online games and I have seen quite a few since I started playing online games back in 1997...

Part of it is just the nature of Warframe. You can spend plat and power your way through almost all content. There's no need to have regular parties of 8 or more or be personable enough to get into pugs with that size or more to progress so players become insular and selfish. You see the same behavior in Blade and Soul, even worse now because of low level group dungeons being erased from group finder. When players do hit end game for the most part it's a large number of said selfish players who on top of thinking that they're better than most other for getting that far have also spend hours and hours grinding out the gear they need alone and have no patience for anyone who slows them down even for a moment.

The publishers/devs cater to and encourage this type of behavior and unfortunately players who feel otherwise aren't easily able to avoid it since at some point or another their progress is also slowed if they limit how they interact with others.

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On 8/5/2017 at 10:54 AM, Evanescent said:

There us one, and it's called warframe.market. Post your orders there and play. When people have what you need they'll pm you.

I suspect the only folks against the idea of an Auction house, personally benefit from the absence of one. I hate to sit in trade chat trying to buy or sell something. Its either free market or not, this idea we gate the virtual economy through a crappy trade implementation is silly.

Downward pressure on price is a good thing its more reflective of whats actually in market. Sure it would make it tough to exploit people for plat, but thats a good thing, unless you rely on exploiting people for plat.

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12 hours ago, runx0 said:

To be honest, I see this kind of behaviour happening a lot of times.

I used to play an mmo with my friends for 5 years or so before we came to play Warframe and we had hundreds and hundreds of trades in that game. We never saw this kind of behaviour with that game, but this "ignoring" and calling names has happened to all of us in Warframe multiple times already and we have been playing this game a bit more than 4 months.

The difference here is the fact that in Warframe platinum can be from real money spent in the store (unlike in that other game) and if this is the case and you are not willing to spent ridiculous amounts of plat (check my previous reply in this thread) for something that is not all that effective, you get the finger and ignore on top of that super easily.

Warframe has by far some of the most immature players I have seen in online games and I have seen quite a few since I started playing online games back in 1997...

It's the state of things in general.  You see this more and more in games in general.  It most DEFINITELY IS NOT a Warframe exclusive issue.  Ironically, an AH system discourages this behavior because toxic people get ignored.


The whole AH system has pros and cons to it.  I think allowing basic farmable items, not resources, to be listed on an auction house would be very nice.  Mods, endo, the old arcane helmets, and prime parts.  Maybe not the riven mods, but the rest of them definitely.

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6 hours ago, (Xbox One)lotus503 said:

I suspect the only folks against the idea of an Auction house, personally benefit from the absence of one. I hate to sit in trade chat trying to buy or sell something. Its either free market or not, this idea we gate the virtual economy through a crappy trade implementation is silly.

Downward pressure on price is a good thing its more reflective of whats actually in market. Sure it would make it tough to exploit people for plat, but thats a good thing, unless you rely on exploiting people for plat.

Your suspicions betray a very narrow frame of mind I am afraid. 

Yes, people benefit from the current economy. How? Prices decay at a manageable rate so everyone can jump in and make plat. Very few people are in the practice of 'exploiting' others, because the honest truth is for the bulk of the playerbase limited time items and raid stuff where this scalping occurs is not in stock. The people that do make a fuss about this are the loud vocal minority, leading to the impression that the market is made of cutthroats. The reality is that the bulk of the exchanges happen with small trades between players, which an auction house will directly hurt.

Let's address this notion of 'exploiting'. How is it exploiting? Is there a set price set by an official source? No?

Well are you forced to buy things as the only means of acquisition? No?

Then how can you call this exploiting? Every item is digital and therefore its value is arbitrary. Anyone can ask whatever price they want. You don't have to buy from them. No-one does. Similarly, no-one has to sell to you at your price. If your price and their price does not agree, keep searching. Fluid prices are how a free economy operates. This kind of terminology is really used by people salty about not getting things at their desired price. Understandable, but not reasonable, no.

You are only ever in the danger of paying more than you could have gotten away with if you're uninformed and impatient and unwilling to farm.

The thing about an auction house is that it's bad for sellers, in the way that anything that's not hyper rare gets shunted down to a very low value. This is in action in the warframe.market site-which is an auction house, yes-where except for limited time items and very rare stuff nearly everything else is in the realm of 10 plat. The price decay is so rapid that prime parts even when new suffer massive drops in price just hours from launch.

This already happens in the current trade environment, but at a slower rate which gives people the chance to sell and make profits. You can already see the influence of an auction house on the economy, with the warframe.market listings driving prices in large extent.

Auction houses also open the doors to exploitation. People with large capital and stocks and seize control of the listings and dictate the pricings. Attempts to manipulate pricings are already present in the site. How would you combat this? There is really no way except to bottleneck and tax each user in ways that even affects vets, which will curbstomp newer players wading into the economy and stifle trade. 

Right now we tread a middle ground where both sellers and buyers manage to part happy(most of the time, heh). Except for Rivens and limited time items prices are in an affordable place.

Check out the current AH at warfraame.market, and to see what an auction house can do to an economy, see WoW's AH.

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On 8/6/2017 at 4:05 AM, -N7-Leonhart said:

Action houses have one thing in common: almost everything would become so undervalued that it would cost next to nothing, since EVERYONE would be able to post all of their junk there.

Actually there are two interlinked reasons, most of the systems are limitless and due to that devalued.  Presuming DE would allow a limitless auction/trading system is rather obscure given the limits they have in place on trading already.

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3 hours ago, Evanescent said:

The thing about an auction house is that it's bad for sellers, in the way that anything that's not hyper rare gets shunted down to a very low value. This is in action in the warframe.market site-which is an auction house, yes-where except for limited time items and very rare stuff nearly everything else is in the realm of 10 plat. The price decay is so rapid that prime parts even when new suffer massive drops in price just hours from launch.

How is having access to vastly more buyers bad for sellers (especially the ones that do sell items for a good price)?
Prices going down always happens (as you even mention), trade chat or an auction/trading house wont really make much difference.  Many 'junk' prime parts used to sell for much more than they do now.  While there is even a flourishing market in 'junk' parts.


3 hours ago, Evanescent said:

Auction houses also open the doors to exploitation. People with large capital and stocks and seize control of the listings and dictate the pricings. Attempts to manipulate pricings are already present in the site. How would you combat this? There is really no way except to bottleneck and tax each user in ways that even affects vets, which will curbstomp newer players wading into the economy and stifle trade. 

This exploitation can already happen, but is easy to keep hidden in the current system.  An auction/trading house makes this kind of thing clearly visible, allowing other players to either know it is better to just go play the game and farm for the items (rather than just wasting time in chats, hoping for a better deals that just aren't there), or other farming groups (there are players that enjoy the farm) to sweep in and take the market away from those that try to do so.
The taxes do already heavily deter newer players in it's very design (that is why prime mods have a million credit tax).


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6 hours ago, Evanescent said:

Check out the current AH at warfraame.market, and to see what an auction house can do to an economy, see WoW's AH.

That is exactly the reason why an integrated AH / marketplace would be the better way to go. DE could take control of the situation by using caps and minimum prices for everything sold in this market place. Everything in warframe has a rarity and they could just add a minimum price for each rarerity of items. They could also use the AH as plat sink by applying a reasonable plat trade tax for using the AH instead of trade chat. 

The reason we have warframe.market is because enough people want something like this. It is less about getting things extremely cheap but more about the convenience of a simple trading mechanism that respects my time. 

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14 hours ago, (Xbox One)lotus503 said:

I suspect the only folks against the idea of an Auction house, personally benefit from the absence of one.

And you are right, most people will argue that it would drop the prices of common items and skyrocket the rare ones but when you look throught their comment you will see that they fear from the price drops more than the increases because the first one will mean less plat from sales for them.

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16 hours ago, (Xbox One)lotus503 said:

I suspect the only folks against the idea of an Auction house, personally benefit from the absence of one. I hate to sit in trade chat trying to buy or sell something. Its either free market or not, this idea we gate the virtual economy through a crappy trade implementation is silly.

Downward pressure on price is a good thing its more reflective of whats actually in market. Sure it would make it tough to exploit people for plat, but thats a good thing, unless you rely on exploiting people for plat.

There's aleady an auction house service in warframe market. .implementing one in game would undervalue plat. .do really think DE is going to invest in undervaluing their game and developing a service that already exists? Trade chat shouldn't go away, and what's wrong with Warframe Market? What is the benefit to having AH in game. .downward pressure on pricing? I'd argue it's not a good thing. .especially for items not purchasable through trading like cosmetics. .would just take more trades to buy them unless DE lowers their own price benchmarks which has happened never. .so yeah, making the player lose value in their Plat off trades is bad 

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2 hours ago, komoriblues said:

There's aleady an auction house service in warframe market. .implementing one in game would undervalue plat. .do really think DE is going to invest in undervaluing their game and developing a service that already exists? Trade chat shouldn't go away, and what's wrong with Warframe Market? What is the benefit to having AH in game. .downward pressure on pricing? I'd argue it's not a good thing. .especially for items not purchasable through trading like cosmetics. .would just take more trades to buy them unless DE lowers their own price benchmarks which has happened never. .so yeah, making the player lose value in their Plat off trades is bad 

Its easy to fix undervaluing. They just need to add more plat sinks. With more ways to remove plat from the game its price will increase.

Things people would buy without thinking:

  1. 10 min boosters
  2. nitain
  3. argon crystals
  4. Djinn sentinel
  5. Even more fashion items
  6. Another level of the nutrio segment what removes the dna degeneration?
  7. Pre-"built" kubrows
  8. Blueprint parts, when you had enough of farming a specific part and you want to straight up buy it.
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3 hours ago, Fallen_Echo said:

Its easy to fix undervaluing. They just need to add more plat sinks. With more ways to remove plat from the game its price will increase.

Things people would buy without thinking:

  1. 10 min boosters
  2. nitain
  3. argon crystals
  4. Djinn sentinel
  5. Even more fashion items
  6. Another level of the nutrio segment what removes the dna degeneration?
  7. Pre-"built" kubrows
  8. Blueprint parts, when you had enough of farming a specific part and you want to straight up buy it.

Great idea, sell an explicit time gate resource and one that lasts 24 hours. People would be thrilled.

We can get infinite numbers of most mods. Their effective worth is high only if the supply is low. An AH would crater any mod price.

We can farm every Prime warframe, at least those not currently vaulted. If people can easily offload them, the price goes to whatever minimum there would be.

If everything is now being sold for bare minimum, there would be less need for more plat to be added to the economy. That means less people buying plat, and therefore less money going to DE. If it's now dead easy to buy and sell Prime parts, less incentive to buy PA.

TL;DR: If people want an AH, they have to make it worth it to DE. This is a completely free game, they have to make money to continue making it.

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7 minutes ago, peterc3 said:

Great idea, sell an explicit time gate resource and one that lasts 24 hours. People would be thrilled.

Do you farm argon just to always have some or you do it when you need it?

For the nitain im sure many would buy it rather than waiting for the alerts to pop up. I maybe see 1 nitain alert coming up when i get home from work and if i miss that, then i can try again tomorrow.

9 minutes ago, peterc3 said:

We can get infinite numbers of most mods. Their effective worth is high only if the supply is low. An AH would crater any mod price.

You may have noticed that 90% of the mods doesnt worth anything, only the rare, upgraded and the limited ones managed to get a legit price. It wont change with an ah.

10 minutes ago, peterc3 said:

We can farm every Prime warframe, at least those not currently vaulted. If people can easily offload them, the price goes to whatever minimum there would be.

People already can offload a bunch of primes. Havent you see a buying junk primes post? 5p for 10 items, if they set the minimum price of common items to 5p no one will gonna buy them from an ah because thats just too much.


Sidenote when i said bp parts i meant untradeable weapon parts and such. Javlok capacitors, miter blades everything what one must grind for certain gear for an upped plat price.

13 minutes ago, peterc3 said:

If everything is now being sold for bare minimum, there would be less need for more plat to be added to the economy. That means less people buying plat, and therefore less money going to DE. If it's now dead easy to buy and sell Prime parts, less incentive to buy PA.

Thats why i said we need more plat sinks. Lets say our system is based on coal, if the coal gets too cheap we just burn a load of it to make sure it gets higher price.

14 minutes ago, peterc3 said:

TL;DR: If people want an AH, they have to make it worth it to DE. This is a completely free game, they have to make money to continue making it.

More plat sinks, 10% plat tax on every item selled in the ah for more than 10p and there are no more problems.

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As someone who has played a lot of MMOs, I'll be the hundredth person on this thread to say that's a bad idea. What tends to happen with Auction Houses is you first get an economic super inflation. Things like streamline and prime modes will jump to hundreds, then thousands of plat because people with just be throwing it away. It'll stay like that for quite awhile. Then the economy with collapse. You'll be able to buy things like Frost Prime for 50p. And as an auction house goes longer, and longer, those prices continue to drop. 

Ex. Everquest had a weapon called Dark Reaver. Before the era of the AH, when trading was done in West Commons tunnel, it'd cost 100 platinum pieces. That's reasonable. When AH opened in EQ that price skyrocketed to something like 1k platinum pieces or higher. A few years later (rather a lot of years later now) people sell them for like 30 silver pieces. 

In a grind heavy based game like warframe, that can't sustain. Because DE isnt charging for the game they make almost all their money off plat sales. With the intro of a AH, those sales would fizzle out and the game you play wouldn't be getting updates hardly ever anymore. Not only that, but noone wants to pay 10k plat for Ash Prime. 

Tl:Dr No stupid auction houses unless you want Warframe to stop progressing. 

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On 8/9/2017 at 2:33 AM, runx0 said:

To be honest, I see this kind of behaviour happening a lot of times.

I used to play an mmo with my friends for 5 years or so before we came to play Warframe and we had hundreds and hundreds of trades in that game. We never saw this kind of behaviour with that game, but this "ignoring" and calling names has happened to all of us in Warframe multiple times already and we have been playing this game a bit more than 4 months.

The difference here is the fact that in Warframe platinum can be from real money spent in the store (unlike in that other game) and if this is the case and you are not willing to spent ridiculous amounts of plat (check my previous reply in this thread) for something that is not all that effective, you get the finger and ignore on top of that super easily.

Warframe has by far some of the most immature players I have seen in online games and I have seen quite a few since I started playing online games back in 1997...

On PS4 there's this tool who ignored me because I asked for his best offer. I saw him the other day WTB a zenistar Riven, but I was in his ignored list. Too bad, I had a good one I would have sold for a decent price to him. You're completely right, the immaturity in this games trade is ridiculous. 

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16 hours ago, komoriblues said:

There's aleady an auction house service in warframe market. .implementing one in game would undervalue plat. .do really think DE is going to invest in undervaluing their game and developing a service that already exists?

By that notion DE already undervaluing their own platinum by giving out the discount coupons for plat purchases.  

DE doesn't lose or make money on platinum trades because the platinum is only moved around.  Platinum only makes them money when it is bought, and that bought platinum only needs replacing when it is spent in the market.  The more people buying things from the market the more platinum that leaves the system with the only way to replace it being for players to buy more from DE.  
Thus the more people that have access to platinum the more that gets spent (one player only buys one comsetic once, but that same amount of platinum in 100 players hands means they may sell up to 100 of that cosmetic, thus 100 times the platinum needs replacing).  
Likewise the more you can get in trade with the platinum the more value a player gets out of it when they do buy it, and often in smaller amounts (which DE actually make more money on per platinum).
It is the entire notion of lower drop rates, the more work you have to put in the more likely a player will just pay for it (not always a good way to look at it though).


16 hours ago, komoriblues said:

What is the benefit to having AH in game. .downward pressure on pricing? I'd argue it's not a good thing. .especially for items not purchasable through trading like cosmetics. .would just take more trades to buy them unless DE lowers their own price benchmarks which has happened never. .so yeah, making the player lose value in their Plat off trades is bad

The benefit is making it accessible to all players, rather than just the few that are fine with watching chat or know about an external site.  It would bring in just as many buyers (likely more) than sellers.  (A side bonus is it is more likely to show how much of any item is actually being dropped as well)

While prices would go lower (as non-limited gear always does), it will be the case it only lowers the value of the plat for sellers not for buyers, it actually makes plat give more value for buyers because your pool of plat buys you more stuff (thus makes it more of an incentive to buy platinum directly from DE, meaning more plat for sellers to access).  


3 hours ago, (PS4)LordBartimus said:

You'll be able to buy things like Frost Prime for 50p.

You once could buy a frost prime set for 50p, when it was still in rotation, it went up and dropped again when it got unvaulted.  Unsurprisingly it again is selling for more than that now it has been once again vaulted, and will keep increasing.  Sure it may have a short term drop as everyone tries to offload spares (but investors will likely pick up some to sell later when the price again increases).


3 hours ago, (PS4)LordBartimus said:

Ex. Everquest had a weapon called Dark Reaver. Before the era of the AH, when trading was done in West Commons tunnel, it'd cost 100 platinum pieces. That's reasonable. When AH opened in EQ that price skyrocketed to something like 1k platinum pieces or higher. A few years later (rather a lot of years later now) people sell them for like 30 silver pieces. 

Likewise before an AH in Everquest,  way back before  the Kunark expansion, the Mithral Blade (a two hander with haste) sold for a lot, but a few months after the expansion, you couldn't even give it away, because it became that worthless to players.  Same end result with a system exactly like we have now.

Take Warframe before primed mods, continuity sold reasonably well, now they sell for a pittance (if at all).  So again, Something that already occurs without an auction/trading house. While there are heaps of mods and primes that all fall into that same box.


3 hours ago, (PS4)LordBartimus said:

In a grind heavy based game like warframe, that can't sustain. Because DE isnt charging for the game they make almost all their money off plat sales. With the intro of a AH, those sales would fizzle out and the game you play wouldn't be getting updates hardly ever anymore.

Actually there is no reason it would fizzle out as more people will have trading accessible in which to use actually use or gain platinum.  Likewise more platinum will be leaving the system because more people will be using traded platinum for slots, catalysts/reactors, forma, cosmetics and/or other stuff you can only get from the market.   All tradeable platinum has to be purchased by someone, it doesn't just appear in game (unlike most other games with an AH).

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On 8/9/2017 at 8:21 PM, Evanescent said:

Your suspicions betray a very narrow frame of mind I am afraid. 

Yes, people benefit from the current economy. How? Prices decay at a manageable rate so everyone can jump in and make plat. Very few people are in the practice of 'exploiting' others, because the honest truth is for the bulk of the playerbase limited time items and raid stuff where this scalping occurs is not in stock. The people that do make a fuss about this are the loud vocal minority, leading to the impression that the market is made of cutthroats. The reality is that the bulk of the exchanges happen with small trades between players, which an auction house will directly hurt.

Let's address this notion of 'exploiting'. How is it exploiting? Is there a set price set by an official source? No?

Well are you forced to buy things as the only means of acquisition? No?

Then how can you call this exploiting? Every item is digital and therefore its value is arbitrary. Anyone can ask whatever price they want. You don't have to buy from them. No-one does. Similarly, no-one has to sell to you at your price. If your price and their price does not agree, keep searching. Fluid prices are how a free economy operates. This kind of terminology is really used by people salty about not getting things at their desired price. Understandable, but not reasonable, no.

You are only ever in the danger of paying more than you could have gotten away with if you're uninformed and impatient and unwilling to farm.

The thing about an auction house is that it's bad for sellers, in the way that anything that's not hyper rare gets shunted down to a very low value. This is in action in the warframe.market site-which is an auction house, yes-where except for limited time items and very rare stuff nearly everything else is in the realm of 10 plat. The price decay is so rapid that prime parts even when new suffer massive drops in price just hours from launch.

This already happens in the current trade environment, but at a slower rate which gives people the chance to sell and make profits. You can already see the influence of an auction house on the economy, with the warframe.market listings driving prices in large extent.

Auction houses also open the doors to exploitation. People with large capital and stocks and seize control of the listings and dictate the pricings. Attempts to manipulate pricings are already present in the site. How would you combat this? There is really no way except to bottleneck and tax each user in ways that even affects vets, which will curbstomp newer players wading into the economy and stifle trade. 

Right now we tread a middle ground where both sellers and buyers manage to part happy(most of the time, heh). Except for Rivens and limited time items prices are in an affordable place.

Check out the current AH at warfraame.market, and to see what an auction house can do to an economy, see WoW's AH.

Economies, virtual or otherwise rely on simply supply and demand. The current trade chat artificially limits supply by virtue of its implementation. In all cases with warframe trade you are trading your time or RNG luck for platinum, so there is no concept of an actual profit. Profit comes in when you buy an item for 10p and sell the same item to someone else for 20 plat, thats where you have "merchants" exploiting players.


with an auction house you accomplish two things

1. I can sell stuff while im doing something else
2. You are always going to compete with the lowest offer of goods.


This concept of gentle deflation via crappy tradechat implementation has literally no value outside of those who would be harmed from the real value of stuff based on real supply.


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11 hours ago, Loswaith said:

By that notion DE already undervaluing their own platinum by giving out the discount coupons for plat purchases.  

DE doesn't lose or make money on platinum trades because the platinum is only moved around.  Platinum only makes them money when it is bought, and that bought platinum only needs replacing when it is spent in the market.  The more people buying things from the market the more platinum that leaves the system with the only way to replace it being for players to buy more from DE.  
Thus the more people that have access to platinum the more that gets spent (one player only buys one comsetic once, but that same amount of platinum in 100 players hands means they may sell up to 100 of that cosmetic, thus 100 times the platinum needs replacing).  
Likewise the more you can get in trade with the platinum the more value a player gets out of it when they do buy it, and often in smaller amounts (which DE actually make more money on per platinum).
It is the entire notion of lower drop rates, the more work you have to put in the more likely a player will just pay for it (not always a good way to look at it though).


The benefit is making it accessible to all players, rather than just the few that are fine with watching chat or know about an external site.  It would bring in just as many buyers (likely more) than sellers.  (A side bonus is it is more likely to show how much of any item is actually being dropped as well)

While prices would go lower (as non-limited gear always does), it will be the case it only lowers the value of the plat for sellers not for buyers, it actually makes plat give more value for buyers because your pool of plat buys you more stuff (thus makes it more of an incentive to buy platinum directly from DE, meaning more plat for sellers to access).  


You once could buy a frost prime set for 50p, when it was still in rotation, it went up and dropped again when it got unvaulted.  Unsurprisingly it again is selling for more than that now it has been once again vaulted, and will keep increasing.  Sure it may have a short term drop as everyone tries to offload spares (but investors will likely pick up some to sell later when the price again increases).


Likewise before an AH in Everquest,  way back before  the Kunark expansion, the Mithral Blade (a two hander with haste) sold for a lot, but a few months after the expansion, you couldn't even give it away, because it became that worthless to players.  Same end result with a system exactly like we have now.

Take Warframe before primed mods, continuity sold reasonably well, now they sell for a pittance (if at all).  So again, Something that already occurs without an auction/trading house. While there are heaps of mods and primes that all fall into that same box.


Actually there is no reason it would fizzle out as more people will have trading accessible in which to use actually use or gain platinum.  Likewise more platinum will be leaving the system because more people will be using traded platinum for slots, catalysts/reactors, forma, cosmetics and/or other stuff you can only get from the market.   All tradeable platinum has to be purchased by someone, it doesn't just appear in game (unlike most other games with an AH).

DE does make money with how Plat is moved around. .if you spend less Plat on things there's less a demand for more. .

I also think you overestimate how much players would buy off the auction house. .there's more supply than demand so to create an in game auction house would freeze prices and progressively deteriorate value in the game. It puts the Power Players in an even more dominate position.

Think about it, there are players already sitting on lots and lots of Plat. .if that for whatever reason those sitters push their Plat on an exclusive they can buy them out for less a hit on their purse. .contributes to even more hoarding and acquisition by power players and puts a steeper incline to earn Plat to buy off them now that trading has lost value. In other words I think to do such a thing would broaden the disparity between the haves and the have nots. .just my own opinion on it. I think it's a bad idea. .the core problem with AH is there's not enough demand for stuff in game. .it's really that simple 

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There's no reason for it not to be implemented.  It already exists on a 3rd party site, which someone is making money off of, and it's NOT DE... 

I deal with stupidity enough in my everyday life, I do NOT need it infesting its way into my game time as well!!  I've had people tell me to leave missions because they are short on time, curse me out, etc etc etc, you name it... ALL I did was post that I had an item up for sale.  Now, if the AH system was implemented, I would have to do NOTHING more than that... But no, DE would rather us be forced to deal with these imbeciles, because they're too lazy to implement an AH.  

There's no player based economy that doesn't have an AH.  Do people abuse it, yes.  Will they always no matter what you do, yes.  Is having nothing in place any better, absolutely not.  PS, the AH already exists, but someone else is profiting off of it, it could disappear at any second, in which the uproar for DE to put one in would skyrocket.  OH, and prices would be SO EXTREMELY inflated that people won't be able to afford anything, because the baseline price for all items will have gone poof.  ANY argument made against an AH is complete BS, because -IT ALREADY EXISTS!!- 

To all the people saying DE won't make money with it?  Have the AH charge plat for putting an item up, zomg problem solved!  That took all of 4 seconds of critical thinking skills!  OR they could just charge credits like a normal game or lose customers.  AH systems work, that's why humans have been using them for thousands of years...  If you don't think so I HIGHLY suggest you voice your opinions on the matter in trade chat and see if anyone other than the kickbot pays you any attention what-so-ever.

Edited by -ZeroStar-
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As long as the auction house is mainly used as a listing for items and not there to replace trading altogether, I think that would be solid. In fact, something exactly like Warframe Market would be acceptable, as long as it maintains player interactions rather than just...buying and selling stuff.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 8/16/2017 at 1:27 PM, SethCypher said:

As long as the auction house is mainly used as a listing for items and not there to replace trading altogether, I think that would be solid. In fact, something exactly like Warframe Market would be acceptable, as long as it maintains player interactions rather than just...buying and selling stuff.

Or perhaps sub channels?

Seems the easiest solution.

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