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[Update 21.4.0] Hydroid Revisited Feedback


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I see a lot of complaints about his buffs... but honestly, and this will be a very unpopular opinion, I think Hydroid was super strong even before the buffs. So now he's really powerful. He's a turret warframe, sit in puddle and use your abilities, and you're invincible. All the other buffs are gravy. Not to mention if you spam cast his 1 it will lock an entire area down with CC, and with the augment, strip armor as well.

For me, he's in a way better place compared to Atlas or Zephyr, but i had that opinion even before the rework. My 2 cents.

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He's a CC frame but his abilities become somewhat useless in situations where other frames thrive. Frames that have half CC abilities and also damage abilities are always going to do better. Even other CC focused frames have more success than Hydroid. Please have a look at other frames with CC and you will see how much difference there is between their effectiveness.


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in this thread I will share my opinion/advice on how the Hydroid rework could be approached to be more universally loved.
I will soon update this page with some art to bring clarity to the points I make.


Here are some changes that still need to be made to the current revisit, in my opinion:

- Tidal surge should be treated as if Hydroid was at crouching height so it can pass through some obstacles it visually should pass through.

- Undertow should be treated as if Hydroid was at crouching height so it can pass through some obstacles it visually should pass through.

- While in undertow Hydroid should not be able to be detected by lasers, especially not those who don't touch him visually.

- Tempest Barrage should lock onto a targets current location so that it doesn't completely rely on RNG.

- I would also suggest at looking at my idea for a reworked 4th ability "4.1" as a potential improvement to his current ult.

- Hydroid could benefit from a better passive that isn't as bad. Maybe even something as small as my suggested (read below) empowered melee slam attack that summons a tentacle that slams with you once and then disappears.


Here is how I would've liked to see Hydroid's rework play out:
(warning this is quite drastic, but this change is meant to make his gameplay fluid, flexible and thematic while staying as clear as water)

Passive, Void's ocean: Hydroid's abilities and slam attacks leave energized water that merge together into connectedr puddles when close to each other, severely slowing enemies standing in it and regenerating ally HP.
Hydroid will summon a temporary tentacle when he winds up his slam attack that slams at the same time or shortly after and in the same direction hydroid is facing before disappearing immediately after, creating a line of water in front of him.
(if the heal is too OP should be done through his undertow augment augment) (puddles disappear when Hydroid runs too far away)

1, Tempest barrage: Hydroid marks a location for bombardment, where salvos lock onto targets location before impacting the ground and leaving energized water on the impact location.
(running targets won't be hit as easily as slow or non moving targets thus providing synergy with his passive that can slow targets if Hydroid attacked that same area previously. setting up and planning a battle is just as important as fighting one!)

2, Tidal surge: Hydroid dashes forward as a wave leaving behind energized water. 
(Tidal surge will remove status procs)

3, Undertow: Hydroid enters the energized water he left on the ground and move around quickly in it. (Splatoon style! (maybe he even shape-shifts into the current Leviathan model they have for his current 4!)) (he can use tidal surge while in undertow to move from puddle to puddle without them needing to be connected and connecting them since tidal surge leaves behind energized water) (Undertow will remove status procs)

4.1, Tentacle swarm: summons a tentacle swarm at a target location, with unique hitboxes, the tentacles can be targeted to damage the victims the tentacle is currently holding. 
(for easier killing) (low range could be used to create a anemone to shield an area, or alternatively use long range for more CC)

4.2, Tentacle swarm: toggle, big tentacles will spawn from nearby energized water and attract enemy aggro while slamming down in a line to deal damage to enemies and knock them down. after the tentacles suffered damage consistently for a certain time, or when Hydroid wanders too far away they will disappear. 
(I chose to make the tentacles destroy-able by time taking damage rather than the damage they take so that it scales better and don't get insta-killed in sorties or last forever in  low level missions)

4.3, Tentacle swarm: combination of the ones above?

Please don't be afraid to post feedback and upvote/share/repost this post if you want [DE] to see it!

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Time for a complete feedback.


I did like that rework a lot despite the fact that some changes weren't straight buffs as expected by most players. Of course, it's not totally perfect as some other stuff could use a bit of improvement. But if there's one thing DE nailed perfectly, it's the fun factor. Hydroid's rework got me a good laugh. It's been a while since I had that much fun playing a Warframe.

So what's great about the Hydroid Rework ? Well, first of all everything feels incredibly fluid (stealing Quiette Shy's joke wasn't my intention). All casts are either instant or one handed with very few constraints, allowing a lot of creative uses for your abilities. The possibilities are numerous. Wiping enemies from a cliff to then drop down below on another group with undertow, calling a tentacle swarm and pushing enemies inside, stealthily taking down enemies by moving around with undertow and tidal surge, blocking enemies movement with tempest barrage in a chokepoint before finishing everyone with an explosive weapon... Your imagination may not be the limit, but it's pretty close. I really like the fact the abilities can combine fairly well.

Hydroid's purpose did not changes. Hydroid remains a Crowd Control frame that also excels at area denial. But the biggest focus of that rework was his elusiveness. With the changes made to Undertow, Hydroid became a Warframe able provide decent crowd control while remaining untargetable. Some of his CC skills can feel a bit random at times, but they usually do their work fairly well. 

Talking about being random, Tempest Barrage is the main culprit of it but still remains very useful as long as you know when you should use it. Still costing 25 energy, the base strike radius of the ability has been reduced (not mentionned in the patch notes : could be a glitch) but the ability can now be charged by holding 1, which will increase the barrage strike radius and the damage of each explosion. To be honest, increasing the explosion damage doesn't really feel necessary. Instead, I think charging tempest barrage should increase the rate of fire at which the ability fires its droplets to make up for the fact that its range is increased. Indeed, more striking radius means that your droplets will be fired more randomly. Making drops fall more often would make up for it. Besides that, most of Tempest Barrage perks remains, like infinite casting range and stacking.

I got surprised to see how Undertow, an ability I used to hate, became Hydroid's staple. Most of possible combos comes from that ability. I still don't like the fact that it prevent allies from killing targets, and I can see undertow abuse as a way to troll playings in Defense missions, but I'm forced to admit that undertow became an ability that you just can't ignore as it has a lot of utility. Survivability is the prime exemple. If things go rough, just trigger undertow. You can still show yourself useful while undertow is working by providing decent CC to your team since you can still use your other abilities, which is awesome. Undertow is mostly used in combination to Tidal Surge in order to move around or stop yourself mid track. Being able to combo Tidal Surge and Undertow to relocate them at a single point is really cool. Too bad it's not pushed that far tho. If you are using Undertow, moving around either normally or with Tidal Surge won't keep the enemies inside your puddle : they will emerge again as soon as you leave. I think the enemies should remain inside Undertow when you move around. Fortunately, you can still pack them pack by using Undertow's new gimmick that allows you to reel them out if you aim at them, but the radius of that trick is very limited and tends to take a lot of time. It's more a gimmick than anything else, but it a fun one.

I also think we should be able to cancel Tidal Surge with another instance of Tidal Surge in order to be able to turn inside corridors without striking walls. It would be a very welcomed QoL improvement in my opinion.

Tentacle swarm in, in my opinion, where most progress has been done. While the base tentacle spawn radius of the hability has been heavily reduced, its cost has been halved as well, giving more versatility to the ability (you can now cast a mini Tentacle Swarm for half the price basically). The ability can be charged to greatly increase its striking radius and number of tentacles spawned. The biggest improvement is by far the fact that tentacles now actively try to seek out enemies. It sounds like nothing, but it basically makes Tentacle Swarm MUCH much more effcicient at crowd control and area denial. This basically reduces a lot the randomness of the ability so much that its random factor becomes almost negligible in my honest opinion. Because tentacles seems to be able to catch an unlimited number of enemies and they actively seek for them, I am actually not afraid to say that this rework might have effectively turned Hydroid into a better Vauban. At least when it comes about area denial. The only bad thing is the fact that tentacles tend to still fling enemies everywhere, which makes finishing enemies stuck on tentacles fairly tedious. This is why I think we should be able to prevent a tentacle from moving if we aim at it, so we can shoot the enemy stuck by them easly.

Hydroid passive remains as it is : a random chance to spawn a tentacle if you do a melee ground slam. Considering the fact that tentacles actively seek for enemies, it's technically not a bad passive, but the fact that the way to spawn it is random is pretty bad. I would suggest to rework that passive so the way to spawn that tentacle is not random anymoreIt would make that passive much easier us at the right time.

That's about all I have to say for now.

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34 minutes ago, Tain_OSkoom said:

Damage dealt to any tentacle should transfer to every enemy held by tentacles. This effect should not be diluted by number of enemies held by tentacles.

This would change Hydroid from being, "Go away, you screwed up my aim!" to, "Okay, that was incredibly useful. Thanks, Hydroid, you're a hero!"

This is an incredibly good idea. It could also transfer to any enemies within his undertow as well, providing synergy between the skills.

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For me,  it would be nice if they have his barrage skill a toggle where he actually locks on with barrage and ounce you activate the skill again you release the barrage. The number of targets being able to be locked on would be based on power strength and cost 2 -4 energy for each target. This gets rid of the whole rng issue with barrage and still keep the pirate them like a captain unleashing cannon fire on his enemies.

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Change all of the skills' effect :

1. Tempest Barrage : let the skill rains encircle Hydroid, cleanse himself and any allies in range from any negative status effect while damaging enemies

2. Tidal Surge : transform into sea waves, crash through the enemies and there's a chance to let the waves split into several small waves to ragdoll more enemies

3. Deluging Undertow : before transform into a big puddle, Hydroid releases a wave of water and knockdown enemies. Still could drown the enemies and moves freely in the puddle form.

4. Kraken's Tentacle : summon Kraken and its tentacle while it moves around freely attacking enemies with its tentacle randomly. If its fully charged, two Kraken will spawn instead of one, with less spawn duration.

Passive : Tentacle Slap - whenever Hydroid is receiving damage, there's a chance that a tentacle could spawn and ragdoll the damage dealer.

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1 hour ago, TotallyLagging said:

Passive is still terrible

Barrage isn't instant at all and charging puts it in "definitely not instant" category

Tidal surge being interruptible with Undertow is a good QoL change but overall it's just another generic dash whose augment really should've been made built-in

Puddle QoL change is good but was the range nerf really necessary? Like, I (kinda) get nerfing Tentacle Swarm's range due to some people preferring a more concentrated swarm but this ability doesn't need that change. If anything it's worse now, since you have to pull enemies manually to compensate for the range reduction which costs energy. Also, it still takes away enemy and overall slows down your squad. Not as bad as idiotic Stasis Limbo or Frosts but, still, bad. Can't carry enemies around with the puddle either. And Curative Undertow's healing rate was nerfed heavily. It used to be able to heal you by 50% a tick...

Tentacle Swarm is about as useful as Tornado for CC, as in it's incredibly annoying for your teammates because you can't shoot the victims and they'll come back when the duration ends. It removes them temporarily while dealing minimal damage and that's it. Damage is still pathetic. And the Kraken? Seriously? A static model that shows up for a few seconds, wow, what a fearsome monster. Way to completely blew that concept. And trust me, the tentacle is still as unreliable as always. Mostly because you launch people 100 ft in the air and scatters groups when you cast them defeating the entire purpose of the range nerf.


His CC is still annoying. He's still good if you just want to sit on an interception point. He's still a loot bot with Pilfering Swarm. And I'll never want him on any team ever. I just hope the hype for the rework will settle down soon, getting tired of Hydroids dying on friggin' Sorties. Like how hard is it to just sit there and be a puddle?


He's basically the same, with some QoL changes and an increase in energy consumption. Boy, wonder when was the last time this happened *cough* Oberon's rework *cough*

You forgot that barrage and tentacle swarm still has that rng element when enemies can just walk throught them without any problems.

I kinda started to fear what will the future reworks will bring. More fancy graphic to ember world on fire with increased energy usage? Atlas golems are now look more rocky and have slightly better ai's?

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The only impression I got from this:

Good thing- real synergy between 2 and 3

Bad things- 1 and 4 has definitely been nerfed and all the things hydroid has been suffering are still there: obsolete forumlas of modding (like rng barrage) and mods barely affecting his powers greatly like they do on other frames.

This frame went to
- decent power with decent efficency but without duration
- perfect efficency with decent range and some duration

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For me,  it would be nice if they have his barrage skill a toggle where he actually locks on with barrage and ounce you activate the skill again you release the barrage. The number of targets being able to be locked on would be based on power strength and cost 2 -4 energy for each target. This gets rid of the whole rng issue with barrage and still keep the pirate them like a captain unleashing cannon fire on his enemies.

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I still feel extremely vocal about the holding down gimmick of these two abilities. I feel it would be more convenient if it was changed to how Ash's Bladestorm behaves:

Tap toggle on to charge the attack then tap toggle off to unleash the attack.

I feel that there would me more freedom of movement if the holding gimmick was replaced with this.

This could also remove the limit of charge time and give some incentive to all the Energy drained for a much more powerful Tempest Barrage and Tentacle Swarm




Can we perhaps have the Tentacles draw enemies in Undertow deeper increasing the rate of Undertow's DPS while Tentacle Swarm is active in Undertow?



Perhaps a gimmick where the longer Hydroid stays in Undertow, the more of a stackable buff is given to Hydroid for the next Tempest Barrage or Tentacle Swarm activated? Give the impression of Hydroid drawing power from the deep.



I would suggest a new passive, and one that capitalizes in Hydroid's ability to turn itself into water. Perhaps some reduction to Status Duration inflicted on Hydroid?

Edited by FoxFX
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For me,  it would be nice if they have his barrage skill a toggle where he actually locks on with barrage and ounce you activate the skill again you release the barrage. The number of targets being able to be locked on would be based on power strength and cost 2 -4 energy for each target. This gets rid of the whole rng issue with barrage and still keeps the pirate theme like a captain unleashing cannon fire on his enemies.

Edited by (PS4)DarkVolcun
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3 minutes ago, (PS4)DarkVolcun said:

For me,  it would be nice if they have his barrage skill a toggle where he actually locks on with barrage and ounce you activate the skill again you release the barrage. The number of targets being able to be locked on would be based on power strength and cost 2 -4 energy for each target. This gets rid of the whole rng issue with barrage and still keep the pirate them like a captain unleashing cannon fire on his enemies.

That is also viable with the above suggestion I made for Tempest Barrage and Tentacle Swarm.

Take the inspiration with Ash's Bladestomr and incorporate it into Hydroid's damaging skills.

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So I believe what you have done is really great for Hydroid but I feel that you missed a chance to make him really interesting. Now I will say what I feel should've been done but this is just me ok, if you feel the same way feel free to let me know. I'm open for ideas. The 2nd and 3rd abilities you hit the mark. However they should all be in one ability. Hold 3 to tidal surge. tap it to turn into a puddle. Can turn into a tidal wave while in puddle form by holding 3. Easy. Done. That left you with the chance to add a whole NEW move to his kit. What I felt was right and sticking with the watery pirate thing going on is ability 2. Much like ash's ultimate you can mark enemies for destruction, marked enemies take increased damage from all sources. The energy cost is increased of used in undertow and you use energy every time you mark enemies. You have reduced field of view as if looking through a telescope and reduced movement while using the ability. Feel free to let me know how you feel about this. Other than that I think you were spot on. Even if its not that particular ability I still feel another new move could've been amazing.

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Uh, has no one noticed that with these changes, they also totally hosed the ranges on his puddle and swarm?  Puddle is down 10 and swarm is down 14-16.  Not certain if these can be gotten back with charging.. I am guessing you get more damage, not range

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Personally, I've always loved hydroid. His rework increased that love exponentially. My only complaint is a cosmetic one, and that's this:


Since an actual, physical Kraken appears in the center of Hydroid's 4, why are the tentacles still made of water? Shouldnt they be connected to the kraken?


Side note, FANTASTIC job on making the water actually look like water this time around!

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Might be looking for specific Feedback ... I made a thread a few months back though, on reddit, about my thoughts on Hydroid's problems - and while I'm sure it's a dry read, it covers a lot. I'm going to link it at the bottom. First things first, I'd like to have a small and obvious indicator of the charge mechanic for his first and fourth ability, similar to Inaro's fourth ability charge indicator. As someone with a specific graphic setup, I don't see the visual indicator for them, while charging.

I think his survivability has definitely increased (which was a big problem) but, he's still missing a solid niche (other than loot farmer). After level 50 or so (anything below is weapon/mod dependent), frames need to have a useful toolkit that works together and does things for the team (utility). Everything that Hydroid does, a lot of other Warframes do better. For more details, see my post:



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Can you put the old aim mechanic back for Tentacle Swarm. Cause right now I put the radical right on the enemy I want the swarm to hit and it appears 30 to 40 feet behind it. Also this grab feature doesnt seem to be working at all, I go into undertow and then press 4 and the tentacles just dance around not reaching out for anything and put undertow back in size.

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So, we all know that many people aren't happy with the way Hydroid is going atm. I have an idea of a Warframe everyone would love. Water is an important element, so I think that a water based Warframe should be up there with the best. He is the king of the sea! :D
So the way I would go about this is:

Passive: scrap the current passive, and make Surge his passive, but with slight adjustments. Make it so that every time we bullet jump forward past some enemies, it pulls them in like it currently does. It would do no damage, just pull the enemies with you and knock them down.

Power 1: The way he makes it rain should remain the same but with a synergy with the puddle and the tentacles (read synergies at the end)

Power 2: The puddle also remains the same with a small addition. After Hydroid decides to leave the puddle, it will remain there for a period of time (determined by power duration mods). During the time the puddle exists, Hydroid will suffer energy drain. The player can disable the puddle at any time by aiming at it and pressing the power button again.

Power 3: The tentacles also remain the same

Power 4: Give him an exalted trident, but don't make it melee, it should act like Scourge (thrown mechanics and similar basic attack). But, this trident has unique mechanics. Charged basic attack will leave a small cast of tentacles and the thrown attack will leave a smaller version of puddle where it hits. These are utility mechanics. If the tentacle produced by the charged basic attack grabs somebody, it will slowly drain its health and transfer it to Hydroid. If the puddle left behind by a thrown attack catches anybody, it will drain the health of the enemy and transfer it to Hydroid's energy.

Now, the whole synergy system would be based around Hydroid feeding power into his trident by using other powers.

  • For every enemy in his puddle, he will gain a small boost to his attack speed, with a cap of 50%. This synergy works when Hydroid is inside the puddle and when he isn't inside the puddle.
  • For every enemy caught in his tentacle swarm, his trident projectile gains damage range, with a cap of 3X bigger.
  • Every single enemy affected by his rain has 80% chance to get procs from his trident (trident has the status elements of the primary weapon you are carrying)

Other synergies:

  • Casting rain over a puddle will slowly expand the puddle, up to 33.3%.
  • Casting rain over the tentacle swarm will boost the damage of both abilities, depending on the power strength, up to 30% for 30 level enemies, up to 60% for 60 level enemies, etc.


So, that's about it. I know it's pretty much impossible for this to happen, but hey, I thought it was a nice idea. :D



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gotta say after playing his rework i say he has a lot more consistant cc, you can keep a group down on the ground, it also feels like the damage either was buffed or is more consistant (havent looked at the stat differences yet) saying this i can see him coming into the higher tiers of play more consistently now. 

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  1. giphy.gifgiphy.gifI would like for the 3rd or 4th abilities  to be something like a shark jump attack where your kraken can swallow enemies whole or allow you or your kraken to move around and defend either in one spot or as far as your rage and you can nerf some of the tentacles . Even if like you can add a jump like attack when jump or double jump out of Undertow







     2. Tidal Surge- let use ride are kraken with the       wave 


    3. Allow us to get more Booty HIS POST To be like a pirate so let us get         more loot when using any of his abilities  

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Dia dhuit,

Okay, so before the update I've posted a cheerful gif... but now I have to post this:



Of course, I'll now give you a detailed explanation about why:

General QoL changes:

I have to give it to you, Hydroid now feels like a true master of his element. His entire package now feels a little more "hard hitting" and "beware the hentai frame!!11!". The most important aspect (for me) is the synergy between "most" of his abilities. I'll go into detail about his abilities later on though. The most welcome change was the shield and armor buff though. Hydroid doesn't feel as squid... squishy anymore. I can now charge a group of enemies head on, which is nice. Another thing I'd like to see is more visual feedback on the charge time you put into the abilities, as it is quite unclear how long they have to be charged, or how long they could be charged and then released manually.

General Ability Feedback:

The things I find rather problematic with his rework are obviously my own opinion, but I've seen it shared by several other people as well by now. So, in general I would say that synergy is good. Having a frame's abilities kind of interact with each other is something I'd like to see for most, if not all frames in the future. Here is the problem number one though: Having his ability synergy revolve around his most "meme"/"hated" ability. Undertow was, and now still is, the ability which he's mainly used for, be it AFK'ing in interception/defense missions, or staying invincible in survival missions, while at the same time protecting higher level/health enemies from damage the team members can serve.

The actual problem with that is, that Undertow can quickly be abused as a troll ability, by making several enemies disappear from the battlefield, only to have them re-appear in unknown intervals. This becomes all the more frustrating when dealing with Hydroid in higher level missions (above level 50), as most enemies can shred any frame when not expecting them to spawn/re-appear at any given time. I'd say that a rather large buff in dealt damage is necessary, so that Undertow can be used not just as a crowd control mechanic, but as an effective way to permanently remove a dangerous enemy from the battlefield.

Another possibility that was mentioned in a youtube comment section somewhere was: Have enemies affected by Undertow not submerge in the puddle completely, but let them struggle at the surface, like someone would do when drowning. This would give team mates the chance to deal with the enemies, while at the same time incapacitating them for the benefit of the whole team.

Detailed Ability Feedback:

1. Tempest Barrage
First of all - No visual feedback on charging the ability, which is kinda confusing, as I can't figure out whether or not the charge is actually happening. Secondly, the time it takes for the water to fall down on enemies: In my opinion, it only makes sense for the water that comes from the sky to have some travel time, but this is rather frustrating when combining it with the long charge time. I'd say, to counter this issue, a small AoE knockdown would be useful for Hydroid, to make some space for him to cast his ability. You know, like having a small blast of water coming from Hydroid knock down enemies in a range of maybe 5-10 meters around him. The problem is, that waiting for the water to come down (which is quite a long time in heated battles), can sometimes give enemies an opportunity to kill me, which is something I'd like to not happen. After all, the abilities should serve us as offensive/defensive measures, and not measures to open ourselves up for a kill-shot.

2. Tidal Surge
This is actually a nice ability for quick crowd control, in my opinion. The only problem I see though is, that you can't "really" control the crowd, as the animation time and the time enemies are knocked down do not synergize well enough. Even if it's not really his element, Mogamu has mentioned something interesting in one of his latest Hydroid videos: Make the ability at least have a chance for a cold proc that slows down enemies. This would give the player more time to deal with the enemies just knocked down, instead of only being able to kill 3 out of 10 enemies, because the others have already recovered and dispersed. Other than that, I'm totally fine with this ability.

3. Undertow
Okay, now the ability all the others are centered on: Undertow is a very unique and nice-to-play-with ability, but I feel that there's room for improvement for its usability against enemies in general (and improving the usability for the entire team). As mentioned in the general feedback section further up, this ability is rather cumbersome when dealing with enemies, as its usefulness in actually permanently removing enemies from the battlefield (killing them) is more than lacking.

To be clear, I don't think this ability should be a "press 3 to win" type of ability, but instead should deal more damage, or at the very least should provide a status effect (increasing status effect on enemies with every second spent in the puddle), so it's not just a "press 3 to play hide & seek" ability. Right now, enemies above level 35 take way too much time to be killed by the ability, extremely slowing the gameplay down, and in the end, extremely annoying the team mates, when it comes to missions where killing enemies is mandatory to make progress (Fissures, Defense, Extermination ect.). If this would change, this ability could become tremendously useful.

4. Tentacle Swarm
Okay, now his fourth ability, for which he's gotten his nick. Well, all I have to say about this ability is, that the changes mentioned in the update are not really present for me. It is mentioned that the tentacles are supposed to target enemies now, instead of flopping around, but that's not the case for me. Every time I use this ability it's basically still just a show of awkward japanese adult entertainment, but maybe it's just a bug. Also, the damage dealt by the tentacles should receive a buff as well, as of right now, the tentacles just (like Undertow) remove the enemies out of the line of fire for the team (at least on higher levels)


More scalabilty and usefulness for the team
- That's basically what I was trying to say with this post :clem:

Edited by Ferah_Frithu
grammar and spelling
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First off: Thanks for the rework on hydroid, one thing tho... are the enemies supposed to be poppin like popcorns when Swarm is cast?


and...... for a "wall" of water, tidal surge sure is pretty small... that's me having 235% range.....





Undertow: Walking ability seemed to be negated by the fact that when hydroid leaves a certain area, the enemies dragged in undertow will leave undertow

suggestion: let the enemies dragged in undertow stay in undertow regardless if hydroid walks to a different area leaving them trapped inside for better crowd control. This way, hydroid can provide abilities that focus more on CC


Passive skill: useless in weapon stances that don't involve slam attacks unless intended to do so by the player

suggestion: with hydroid being a caster and reliant on his CC based attacks, i'd rather have hydroid's passive be one that lets him gain energy for a certain amount, or have "energy drain" effects lessen if not halved.


Overall: skills now imo have better synergy with him than before; bigger armor means better survival, and i do get why hydroid's energy is constantly being drained, as to not make him invulnerable all the time while in undertow.

Edited by deviantru
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1// Feedback about Hydroid's changes: It's contrasted.
These changes are appreciable (thank you DE. It brings synergy, quality of life and it's always good) but Hydroid's problem is not solved.
People who already liked him, like him even more after these changes and people who hated him still hate him.
The way to play Hydroid hasn't changed with this update. In my opinion this not a problem because he's fun, playable, not the best but good.

2// Suggestions to improve Hydroid:

Because Hydroid has already his 4 augments mods (great augments mods by the way, at least useful), we should keep his abilities instead of replacing them with new abilities. And I think he can be good with these abilities but they need changes.

Undertow:  Hydroid's biggest problem. It was and it is a trolling ability. Allies can't attack enemies affected by undertow (it can be really frustrating and it generates hate towards hydroid) and it doesn't make enough damage to kill enemies fast.
To fix this problem, I suggest the same ability  with a different name like "torrent", "current" or something else  because, instead of drowning ennemies, they're are in surface (so they can be kill by allies and "Corroding Barrage" can affect the ennemies which is not the case now), inoffensive (they can't shoot). Concerning the animation of the enemies affected, I think the one used for enemies affected by "devour" (Inaros) could be a great one if you add water effect in place of sand effect.
Visual effect of the ability: I was thinking of a piece of art exhibited in Versailles in 2015 called "Descension" by Anish Kapoor.

Tidal Surge: This is not important/needful compared to undertow's change. What if this ability had 2 shapes/ forms.
When you activate "Tidal surge", Hydroid liquifies his legs. (Visually, it is Tidal surge but at the top of the wave you have the upper part of Hydroid (example: a bit like Suigestu in Naruto)).
Hydroid is now moving on a wave instead of walking or sprinting and of course you can control the wave.

In this form, you can use your weapons or maybe only melee weapons (but problems will appear with some stances), you have a percentage of damage reduction and you can't knock over ennemies.
It drains energy like exalted blade, hysteria, razorwing,..
Jump, parkour 2.0 cancel the ability.
When you press the sprint button or another button, you activate the 2nd form which is a classic "Tidal surge" like it is right now and then you come back in the first form.

His passive: Hydroid needs a new passive has no real usefulness except being decorative

3// Conclusion

Even with these suggestions, I think Hydroid would not be as strong as some Warframes in the game.
However, if you buff his abilities like the way you did for Oberon, it should be great but I don't have idea for his 1 and 4.

4// Very good additions from the patch:

- armor, shield buff
- the fact that we can cast undertow while in air
- tentacles seek out nearby ennemies
- Synergy between undertow and tentacle swarm

The rest is good.

(Sorry if my english isn't great, I did my best)


Edited by Thenbhd123
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