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MR17 Test - stuck with it for A YEAR and cant do it - PLEASE change it!


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16 hours ago, deusAZMODAN said:

How many orbs u r getting before winning this test?

I didn't count orbs but several of my tests were at least 5 minutes long taking my time to complete them. I actually accidentally completed tests trying to last longer but enemies died to slash procs or fell off the ledge and counted as a kill.


I recommend watching this next one in 2x speed unless you want to waste ~14 minutes of time. ALSO Skip to 13 minutes in if you want to see me deal with having literally 0 seconds remaining and racking time back up and completing the test..

I'll upload a shorter video with about the same advice in a bit. Uploaded now.

Edited by AXCrusnik
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Its been a really long time since i did this one but i reccomend nezha. Youre quick enough running with slides that you shouldnt need bullet jumps if youre no good at them, and have an aoe nuke if things get dicey. Would also reccomend an ignis since it has good range with the range increase mods and can shoot through walls and the floor. 

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With the kinds of remarks you've made, demonstrating profound misunderstanding of some core elements of this game, I'd say maybe you shouldn't be passing the MR17 test.  How'd you get this far, anyways?  The parkour obstacle course with moving target orbs is a much harder test.

Go to the dojo obstacle course and practice your bullet jumping and parkour.  When you can get under 40 seconds or so on the course, you should be good to go.  If necessary, make a bullet jump macro.  Also, maybe don't use a weapon that relies on tight enemy groupings for ammo economy.

Either way, you're the anomaly here, not the test.  It should not be nerfed.

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Just to pitch in with what I can, I recorded a video a little while ago for a completely different thread to provide some evidence that it can be beaten consistently. I ran it with Ember and if I remember correctly I didn't kill enemies with weapons at all.

It's 7 consecutive runs with no issues. The point of the mastery tests is to test if you're good enough to earn the rank. If you can't do it now, keep practicing or get better equipment.

On 8/23/2017 at 1:56 AM, deusAZMODAN said:

- (for all practice tests) Intead of exiting the test training at the end, ask if one wants to repeat it, without going back to the Relay first. I mean, its frustrating enough to fail a test over and over again, without having to just sit there and look at the loading screen most of the time.

This point I do agree with however, the practice tests lose some of their value when you can't use them to effectively repeat them.

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  • 3 months later...

MR17 was a challenge for me as well.  I didn't practice it before trying it out yesterday and failed rather quickly.  Today, I found this forum thread, watched the videos, and went with the strategy found in the Ember video.  It looks like he had the mod "rush" on, so I went with that.  I then got my clock up (using the "energy siphon" mod as well for a few more points of energy prior to hitting "4") to over 20 before hitting 4.  After that, I continued to focus on the orbs alone.  I didn't hit an enemy once, letting Ember's "4" do that part while I focused only on the orbs.

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  • 4 weeks later...

this test is very frustrating, 
without having built an ember yet;
can't cheese it and have to
do it normally with just weapons.

can complete it fine during practice;
but damn, everytime I do the actual run,
somehow, someway the orbs appear 
on the opposite ends and other floor, and not even
bullet jumps>double jump could make up for the time.
that's not even counting the times that the orb spawn
and marker have a delay while the clock keeps ticking.
and yeah, killing only when on the way to the next orb,
modified weapons against infested, ect.

will have to disagree to the post above that the parkour
obstacle course with orbs was harder. at least there
you know where their spawn area is and RNG won't
screw you over by constantly putting them on opposite sides
of the map. i can only wish my spawns were as regularly
near each other as the video in the wiki 

stuck several days now, only test to have failed so far.
the orb RNG is terrible, and having to create ember just
for this is just not a fun idea


Edited by seventhwalker
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  • 3 weeks later...

I did it with a scoliac (or atterax if you dont have a good scoliac riven) and ember. I didnt even have to kill mobs WoF was doing it for me, I just worried about getting to the orb.

Without ember could be a bit harder (or equinox) but still doable with the scoliac. Maybe try it as well, I would have struggled more without it tbh.

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On 8/23/2017 at 1:56 AM, deusAZMODAN said:

The Test for Mastery Rank 17, it so frustrating. And I am not kidding, I am stuck on it for a whole bloody year or longer. (counting the time I stopped playing because of it, just came back a month ago and still havent beaten it, though I am trying it every day.)

It can't be... wait! Maybe you're talking about starting it in December? The year would technically pass since then.


On 8/23/2017 at 1:56 AM, deusAZMODAN said:

- remove the RNG part and make orbs spawn in a doable pattern or at the very least make orbs only spawn on one floor, not on both.

- add a starting platform where the frame spawns and have the test start when one leaves it (just as in so many other tests!) Allowing for the needed time to orientate after exiting loading screen and the short cutscene.

- make mobs spawn faster! Seriously!

- remove the DAMN delay between orb spawns!

- give 3 attempts before the test its over. As it is now the loading screens and cutscene is actually LONGER than the time one spends in the map.

- (for all practice tests) Intead of exiting the test training at the end, ask if one wants to repeat it, without going back to the Relay first. I mean, its frustrating enough to fail a test over and over again, without having to just sit there and look at the loading screen most of the time.

- Add a bigger distance RNG, so that during practice, you are faced with the possibility of the orbs spawning diagonally across the room.

- ??? Are you asking for a pause button and a player-controlled bird's eye view of the map in the first 10 minutes of the challenge?

- Seriously?! They spawn fast.

- The delay is good. you might be in a corner and the delay gives you time to reposition yourself better. I see no issue with it.

- You are protected against falling off the catwalks (at the cost of time) which is already a safe-net.

- I'd be happy with a skin instructions button. Going back to the relay is a b!tchslap from Lotus and it's nice enough that you end up in Simaris' room. Remember, she is very disappointed when you fail the test, Tenno!

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As a side note Exalted Blade waves count as melee so you can cheese the test completely via using Excalibur. 

The one thing that you're right about is that the test definitely needs a starting platform like every other test. Dropping you in the middle of it, with the timer up before you've even realised it's started it's sort of a $&*^ move tbh. 

Edited by Autongnosis
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AXCrusnik showed it the best way that you need no "godly modded aterax", no world-on-fire Ember or any other specific build for it.

Then there are two more issues:

- first, I would be ashamed to come and complain on the forums that at MR 17 the game demands of me to execute correctly a bullet jump. If I know my parcour skills are lacking some polishing, I'm not gonna blame the world for it. Nor am I gonna blame it for struggling to get my bearings in a map.

- second, what's the urgency behind completing the MR test at any cost? I take it you'd look for an easy way out at uni/school exams just to pass too, because math or chemistry is a difficult field of study? would you ask the teacher to dumb down the test? :D As opposed to real life, the MR 17 test doesn't impede the game progress in any way. All gear requirements are below that and you can continue leveling up more equipment anyway. You will, at some point, just spam run 2, 3 or 4 MR tests in a row :D

From my point of view, the whole MR test has been dumbed down to the point where a snail crawling on the keyboard would be able to pass most of them. I noticed they remove timing, they soften the punishments for failing, they gave safety nets for literally all tests... and yet we're still complaining about how difficult they are. At this rate, we'll only need to enter the room to graduate at some point. Testing our skills will be so out of fashion - because we need no skill testing, we're godly space ninjas and our egos will be crushed if proven otherwise.

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  • 2 months later...

Bit of necromancy I know, but after reading this thread and others, attempting a bunch of different ember builds, and continuing to fail the test, I came across something that made the test absurdly easy. Spectres can be dropped, and their kills count towards the counter. I dropped a hydroid and he cleared half the enemies before I'd even hit 3 orbs.

Edited by NathanInThailand
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Excuse my English, I'll do my best to understand.

Let's go
I was also having difficulty in this test, until I'm still mastery 17.But, 
I did with Banshee with the mod Resonating Quake. 
I used Sound Quake once and was already going to the next ball and doing this until I killed all the requested opponents.
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Everyone is recommending ember but ember is bad for this one. Do it with volt, get some decent speed and efficiency, pop an energy pizza when you have some downtime, and enjoy. Took me 4 days, until I determined Ember was a bad idea and went with volt, then I had it done in one try.

Focus on orbs, go back to the middle of the level once you've destroyed an orb and sprint to the next one when it appears. Easy. No parkour required, just don't fall off platforms. I also recommend the orthos prime, it's decently fast and won't get you stuck in overly long animations and has good range. You can mow down NPCs with it with quick melee with your volt when going to an orb.

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18 minutes ago, sixmille said:

Everyone is recommending ember but ember is bad for this one. Do it with volt, get some decent speed and efficiency, pop an energy pizza when you have some downtime, and enjoy. Took me 4 days, until I determined Ember was a bad idea and went with volt, then I had it done in one try.

Focus on orbs, go back to the middle of the level once you've destroyed an orb and sprint to the next one when it appears. Easy. No parkour required, just don't fall off platforms. I also recommend the orthos prime, it's decently fast and won't get you stuck in overly long animations and has good range. You can mow down NPCs with it with quick melee with your volt when going to an orb.

Pretty sure that going by how this thread was necro'd a few times, they were talking about pre nerf Ember.

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Every single mastery test has a purpose to test the player's skill with one aspect of the game mechanic. 

As the MR increases, the tests start incorporating a little bit of combination between skills. 

And every test has a cheese, just like every other Warframe level. 

The test is your Master Yoda, don't refuse its lessons. 

You can either train your skills on what the test asks of you, or use the best frame/build for this test. Both solutions are equally "ethical" and valid to pass the MR test.

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Update. I finished this test without any problems using my primary Nova,still had 15 seconds on the clock. 

Just keep running or Bulletjump from orb to orb, don't stay too much. As soon an orb spawns, go there asap. 

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On 8/22/2017 at 6:56 PM, deusAZMODAN said:

The Test for Mastery Rank 17, it so frustrating. And I am not kidding, I am stuck on it for a whole bloody year or longer. (counting the time I stopped playing because of it, just came back a month ago and still havent beaten it, though I am trying it every day.)


This test is so RNG, that most of the times, it simply cant be done. My best run so far was on Ember with only 3 kills left to do. On all other frames I have perfomed a lot worse, even with Titania. And I am using specters and anything else that I can think of. Usually my runs end with around half the mobs killed and three or four orbs down.

This test SO FRUSTRATING! Please, do some changes!

Any or all of these...

- remove the RNG part and make orbs spawn in a doable pattern or at the very least make orbs only spawn on one floor, not on both.

- add a starting platform where the frame spawns and have the test start when one leaves it (just as in so many other tests!) Allowing for the needed time to orientate after exiting loading screen and the short cutscene.

- make mobs spawn faster! Seriously!

- remove the DAMN delay between orb spawns!

- give 3 attempts before the test its over. As it is now the loading screens and cutscene is actually LONGER than the time one spends in the map.

- (for all practice tests) Intead of exiting the test training at the end, ask if one wants to repeat it, without going back to the Relay first. I mean, its frustrating enough to fail a test over and over again, without having to just sit there and look at the loading screen most of the time.

Here's a few suggestions ...

1. Use the M&M Equinox build (Day form/Maim). Damn shame Ember/Prime received a nerf, while Banshee and Equinox still reign as non-LoS Queens.

2. Place a speed mod in the Adaptor slot.

3. You're able to use gear, so bring along large energy pizzas and Tenno specters. 

4. Bring along OP weapons, to finish off the odd infested mob.

5. I ran this board, and jumped down from the top level when needed. Nothing fancy since I suck at parkour. 

Good luck.


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Well, seems this thread is still active...


I am MR23 now. I have beaten this test eventually with a pre-nerf Ember on which I loaded every movement and parcour mod that I had, a couple of specters and an Ignis and a lot of luck on the spawn pattern.  I also waited till 2nd orb before activating World on Fire, because mobs spawned slow and thus I didnt waste energy on an empty map.

FYI the followup test at MR21 was A LOT easier, done it on first attempt, because it was sooo much easier to navigate.


For those who have trouble with this test:


Try any AoE frame that still allows u to move while it does the AoE... the suggested Hydroid or Equinox sound like a good idea. Sadly Ember has too low range now and too high of energy drain. Try loading that frame with any and all movement mods you got. Keep in mind that when run is toggling on your jumps are a lot shorter. (Why DE Why???)

Bring a primary weapon with which you dont have to aim much and mod it to anti Infested dmg, eg an Ignis.

Bring as many specters as you can. Yes, you can summon more than one at a time, as long as they are different. I think a total of 8 is possible. (One from each syndicate + tenno spectre + Clem)

Pizzas... to use an energy pizza u have to stand still, which is a bad idea in this test. U might have time to use one right before first orb and directly after hitting an orb before the next one spawns and maybe even soak up one or two ticks from it. But Id rather suggest to summon specters then or drop the AoE cast of your frame.

Assume that youll need to get 6 to 8 orbs... because (at least when I did it) mobs simply dont spawn faster.



This test badly needs a starting platform and the 3 attempts.

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On 1/13/2018 at 6:29 AM, seventhwalker said:

this test is very frustrating, 
without having built an ember yet;
can't cheese it and have to
do it normally with just weapons.

can complete it fine during practice;
but damn, everytime I do the actual run,
somehow, someway the orbs appear 
on the opposite ends and other floor, and not even
bullet jumps>double jump could make up for the time.
that's not even counting the times that the orb spawn
and marker have a delay while the clock keeps ticking.
and yeah, killing only when on the way to the next orb,
modified weapons against infested, ect.

will have to disagree to the post above that the parkour
obstacle course with orbs was harder. at least there
you know where their spawn area is and RNG won't
screw you over by constantly putting them on opposite sides
of the map. i can only wish my spawns were as regularly
near each other as the video in the wiki 

stuck several days now, only test to have failed so far.
the orb RNG is terrible, and having to create ember just
for this is just not a fun idea


At some point in this video I explain that aiming down sights will prevent the environment marker for the next orb from showing (the minimap marker still shows), so just hip fire as much as possible or use the minimap instead:

and here's about a 15 minute "endurance" run of the MR17 test just to prove a point. If you know how to parkour this test is an absolute breeze. You literally don't have to kill the enemies they eventually die of bordom. At around 8 minutes in I check the scoreboard to make sure I wasn't somehow killing them because the UI said I was 10/30 kills even though I hadn't done any damage.

Edited by AXCrusnik
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This is going to sound rude, but why exactly should the Mastery Rank tests be made easier just because you were having a difficult time with them.

Is that not the point of the tests? To test whether a player at that point has learned some valuable skills and knows how to use them?

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Ctrl+Spacebar lets you jump really far and fast in any direction your mouse points to

If your arguements literally come down to "#*!% you, I don't WANT to use the movement, I just wanna run and gun", then too bad, wrong game

You can't just refuse to use the basic gameplay systems and then complain that they should change it to fit your arbitrary limitations

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