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Grinlok requires a buff


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This weapon is so overwhelmingly bad that even with a good riven, with the syndicate augment and a well forma'ed build the weapon falls back behind other weapons without riven and without syndicate mods such as Latron etc.

Buff the critical chance, buff the base damage.
This weapon is exceeded by almost any weapon currently ingame that has access to riven and augment mods.

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Sad thing is that this weapon has impact as primary which is already meh.
Then it has low crit but the syndicate mod gives +200% crit, point strike gives +150% and my riven gives +177 but this weapon still does not reach 100% crit even though it is supposed to be crit. based (according to the repetier rifle mechanic and the syndicate mod mechanic.

So please, DE, have a look into this weapon.
Grinlok (and some other Grineer weapons such as Buzlok, Halicar, etc.) need a serious improvement to be viable!
This balancing needs to be done by you and cannot be done by riven randomness.

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Faster reload is something it needs. What it needs overall is a Wraith or Syndicate version (preferably Wraith). I think a lot of people put too much focus on trying to make it a crit weapon when its a Status one, sure there's an augment that boosts its crit but unless you get a heavily crit based riven its not the best thing for the gun to be doing.

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Grinlok is still one of my favorite weapons but like many said i wish it would get buffed slightly (or get a wraith version with said buffs). i'd be happy if it got some more rounds per clip or the reload time reduced by about 1/2. spend more time reloading the darn thing then killing stuff with it.

Alternatively i wouldn't mind if they buffed its crit/status ability enough that the low clip/high reload time was more justifiable

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Something that I always seemed strange about the Grinlok is how it's per-bullet damage is substantially lower than it's pistol counterpart, the Marelok, despite the fact that pistols' superior multishot mods make that damage discrepancy even greater. Right off the bat the Grinlok's base damage should be equal to, if not greater than, the Marelok. Also, buffing it's crit-chance to 18-20% would make it substantially more reliable for crit damage (especially with Point Strike and it's augment combined).


On 8/30/2017 at 10:17 AM, PsychedelicSnake said:

My main problem with the weapon isn't how powerful it is stat-wise, but how weak it feels to fire. It totally lacks any kick. It feels like I'm firing a BB gun. A stat buff would be cool too of course, but if it gets that it could also use an update to how it feels to wield.

This too, the Grinlok could really use a second pass sound-wise to give it more umph.

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Idk man the weapon is fine to me. It follows the marelock set up of having decent crit with nice status. I can take my grinlok into any sortie and do just fine. My current set up has 45% crit chance with 4.4 crit multi and 98% status chance. I also do have a 100% multi and 200% dmg riven which makes it that much better. With shred on it for some punch through the weapon does quite a bit of work even against higher lvl enemies. It is a riven weapon so you need a good riven for it.

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As someone who loves the Grinlok, I would love to see it get buffed. Crit chance, reload speed, and slight increase to magazine size? Maybe increase the pierce damage on the weapon as well?

I get that the developers have decided to not make Grineer pierce weapons because pierce does no bonus against the shields of the corpus or the flesh of the infested. But there is ONE enemy that the Grineer hate that uses armor. Tenno skoom. Every wretched flesh puppet of the Void Demons has some amount of armor. Wouldn't it make sense for the Grineer to engineer some of their weapons with that in mind?

Edited by CrazyYanmega
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Grinlok Wraith is probably a better bet, because well let's admit it, DE isn't likely to buff niche weapon like Grinlok. And unless they're doing Semi Auto 2.0, we won't see any significant buff. Power Creep variant is a better solution because it can give significant overall buff.

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On 08.09.2017 at 9:22 AM, TheMightyBaloon said:

Idk man the weapon is fine to me. It follows the marelock set up of having decent crit with nice status. I can take my grinlok into any sortie and do just fine. My current set up has 45% crit chance with 4.4 crit multi and 98% status chance. I also do have a 100% multi and 200% dmg riven which makes it that much better. With shred on it for some punch through the weapon does quite a bit of work even against higher lvl enemies. It is a riven weapon so you need a good riven for it.

This is why I hate Riven mods. Now everyone can come in and apologize a garbage weapon: "oh, you just need to roll a top-tier riven and it will be fine". No, a research weapon should not need need a riven to be good at sorties. Grinlok is trash and needs buffs, mostly QOL ones like bigger mag, faster reload and a bit more damage.

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20 hours ago, Vance.Stubbs said:

This is why I hate Riven mods. Now everyone can come in and apologize a garbage weapon: "oh, you just need to roll a top-tier riven and it will be fine". No, a research weapon should not need need a riven to be good at sorties. Grinlok is trash and needs buffs, mostly QOL ones like bigger mag, faster reload and a bit more damage.

I'm right there with you. Granted, I have an eighteen roll Riven that gives my Grinlok +61.7% Magazine Capacity, +97.2% Heat, +180.1% Crit Chance, and -117.3% Impact, and I'm trying to get a good roll that has +Damage, +Crit Chance, +Multishot, and -Impact, and as much as I'm enjoying how it's making my Grinlok stronger, I hate the mentality Rivens have brought to both the players and the Devs. "A weapon's weak and could use a buff? Eh, just get a Riven mod for it." To me, it just screams that the Devs were too lazy to do proper balancing and would rather just add a three tier RNG system to "bring up lower tier weapons" instead, and I honestly think the players who think Rivens are a good idea are the ones who want the "God rolls" so they can trade them for huge amounts of platinum.

I'm happy that the Riven I bought is making my Grinlok better, but I hate that my Grinlok is only better because of a Riven. Hopefully DE will stop the "Wraiths should be sidegrades instead of upgrades" mentality before we get a Grinlok Wraith, 'cause even if it's stronger, I'm afraid of what DE would take away to compensate.

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I'd kill so many baby animals to have its crit chance at 20s... 

That said, I think Grinlok is a serviceable mid-tier rifle without Riven. It does have the highest base damage among the old DMR/semi-auto trio (Grinlok, Latron, Sybaris--yes I know Sybaris is burst but nobody uses it like a burst rifle.) The only changes it direly needs are probably magazine & fire rate buffs. Impact-focused weapons being bad or feeling generally weaker than they should is mostly due to element & scaling imbalance and not limited to Grinlok.

So on that note: DE pls gib impact and puncture better effects. I should not be glad that my Grinlok Riven has -Impact stat on it. When gas, toxin and slash procs can just bypass shields, impact and magnetic's bonus against shield is absolutely worthless. Please tweak their bonuses and effects. 

I agree 100% that Riven should not stop a weapon from receiving buffs it needs. 

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How about this:


  • Damage - Up from 120 to at least 135
  • Reload time - Down from 2,1s to 1,7s
  • Rate of fire - Up from 1,67 to 2,25
  • Magazine size - Up from 6 to 8 (same could be done to the regular Marelok, for fairness)
  • Critical chance - Up from 15% to 22,5% (101,25% crit chance if you mod it with both Point Strike and Deadly Sequence!)

Grinlok variant (Wraith or Prisma):

  • Damage - 150
  • Magazine size - 10
  • Critical chance - 35% (Deadly Sequence alone = Guaranteed crits. This allows for more modding diversity, such as being able to put in Shred etc)
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10 hours ago, Azamagon said:

How about this:


  • Damage - Up from 120 to at least 135
  • Reload time - Down from 2,1s to 1,7s
  • Rate of fire - Up from 1,67 to 2,25
  • Magazine size - Up from 6 to 8 (same could be done to the regular Marelok, for fairness)
  • Critical chance - Up from 15% to 22,5% (101,25% crit chance if you mod it with both Point Strike and Deadly Sequence!)

Grinlok variant (Wraith or Prisma):

  • Damage - 150
  • Magazine size - 10
  • Critical chance - 35% (Deadly Sequence alone = Guaranteed crits. This allows for more modding diversity, such as being able to put in Shred etc)

Like this. 

I used to have a real GOD roll for this weapon and even with that, the weapon felt... lackluster. Low fire rate, the reload was too long... i even had a bad time selling the riven, provided nobody uses the weapon.

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On 9/10/2017 at 0:12 AM, Vance.Stubbs said:

This is why I hate Riven mods. Now everyone can come in and apologize a garbage weapon: "oh, you just need to roll a top-tier riven and it will be fine". No, a research weapon should not need need a riven to be good at sorties. Grinlok is trash and needs buffs, mostly QOL ones like bigger mag, faster reload and a bit more damage.

The weapon is from a forgotten era, it does probably needs to have double the magazine and more fire rate at best, but it does work on the star chart and in some higher end missions even without a riven given that it has high status and decent crit chance with a nice chuck of slash that can be boosted. It is definitely not an endless mission weapon but it can go the distance. It probably needs a wraith version with some of the stats buffed, basically a fan service to the lever action gun fans.

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