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Razorback auto health decay & concerns over DE's implementation of the event


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I would like to start a new Post listing out my Concerns over what seems to be an Auto-Health-Decay system set by DE onto the Razorbacks, which guaranteed their Deaths before the Razorback Armada Tactical Alert Timer ran out.


For starters, No. I do not have any concrete, Datamined Evidence of this Action. What I do have is my own observation and recordings of Data, which seem to point towards the existence of an Auto-Health-Decay. The Following Times and Percentages were taken on Sunday, between the hours of 9am (Central Time, America) and 10pm (CT).

9:00am = 47.4%       |      9:30am = 46.6%

10:00am = 45.9%     |     10:30am = 45.2%

11:00am = 44.5%     |      11:30am = 43.8%

12:00pm = 43.0%     |     12:30pm = 42.3%

1:00pm = 41.6%       |       1:30pm = 40.9%

2:00pm = 40.2%       |       2:30pm = 39.4%

3:00pm = 38.7%       |       3:30pm = 38.0%

4:00pm = 37.3%       |       4.30pm = 36.6%

5:00pm = 35.9%       |       5:30pm = 35.2%

6:00pm = 34.5%       |       6:30pm = 33.8%

7:00pm = 33.1%       |       7:30pm = 32.6%

8:00pm = 31.8%       |       8:30pm = 31.0%

9:00pm = 30.5%       |       9:30pm = 29.8%

10:00pm = 29.2%     |      10:30pm = 28.5%

By looking through the numbers you might notice there seems to be a pattern, one that persists despite Time of Day, and Player Activity Levels. (I had a chart for this before, given by another, but lost the Tab it was on. If someone could be so kind as to find the Steam Player Activity Chart for Warframe for the Week it would be greatly appreciated)

That pattern is 1.4% per Hour

Over and over it appears, with only occasional discrepancies of 1.5% (Which I believe to be Player contribution), and later becoming 1.3% (Highlighted in Red when the pattern changed)


From this and Player Contribution, I cannot say for certain the number is indeed strictly 1.4%, as it could also be 1.3%, or 1.2%, depending on the Player activity level on the Event, which I do not have numbers for.

What I can say is that this number appears far too often for it to be purely coincidence.

I believe that DE implemented an Auto-Health-Decay on the Razorbacks to ensure they wouldn't last to the end of the Event Timer, and thus, they would not Destroy the Larunda Relay, and I believe they did this entirely behind the backs of their Player Base.


This action (should it be true) greatly concerns me, and I've been pestered and mocked for this, but I believe it should concern you too.


DE changed a set of numbers, numbers in an Event we were told was entirely in our hands, and that our Actions would have in-game consequence, and because of this many of us rallied, and farmed for hours to get the Arch-wing Resource and PolymerBundles, and then more hours still to fight off the Razorbacks from destroying our precious Relay.....but by DE changing a few numbers, they have made such actions, and the time spent doing them, entirely pointless. In the end, it turns out your actions had no effect what-so-ever, and unless you were trying to farm for Gorgon Wraiths or the Tactical Alert Mods, you literally wasted all your time.


I've seen the comments already "Well, DE has done this before, what did you expect?" and "It's their game, who are you to Question them?", as well as "Jeez, taking a little secret number fiddling so seriously"....but I want to point out a few things.


DE has claimed that after the Datamining incident of 2017 that they would be more "Transparent" for their Player-Base, posting up the numbers for Drop Locations and Loot. So, "They've done this before" doesn't really hold up as much, because this is a newer DE. One that has grown up and learned from their past actions, and ours as a player-base as well. This excuse holds up just as well as it would for any other person committing a less than ideal action. Not at all. Because "They've done it before" doesn't mean they should be doing it again, or that we should expect them too, or accept it when they have.


Those who claim "It's their game, who are you to Question them?", I can understand were your argument might come from, but understand....WE play it. Without us, DE has no business, no profits, no future. We are DE's customers, and as a customer you have every right to question the actions of a business that is profiting off you.


And lastly, for those who think I'm blowing this whole thing overboard, let me ask you something. How would you feel if tomorrow DE suddenly changed the Rare Drop of a Radiant Relic from 10% Chance...to 1% Chance (And lower for all other Relic Types), and they kept this fact hidden from the Player-Base, and didn't post it anywhere. If you found out from a Datamining or some other inside information collection, you would understandably be upset. DE changed a number, a number that was important and involved you, and they didn't say a thing. All those Radiants you ran trying to get the new Prime Loot. Gone. Nothing. Because you weren't lucky enough to get a new 1% Drop Chance value you weren't even aware was there. And how would you feel if you confronted the Forums or others about it, and the answer you got back was "Well, yeah. DE needed the Prime Sets Market to start booming with higher profits by minimizing the Supply chain in order to help boost the in-game Plat Economy and increase sales. Course they'd change the number. They knew you'd be upset by it too, so of course they kept it hidden. Shesh. Drama-Queen".


"DE needed to produce a result so it's okay that they changed numbers secretly behind our backs."


No. It is not okay.


To accept one form of this behavior is to accept all forms of it. DE was changing the numbers, numbers that affected most all of us, and they're being allowed to slide for doing it. This I am not okay with.


Now, to end my rant, I am not okay with what DE has done, again, "supposedly" according to the data I had collected, but, if DE comes forward with what they had done, and explain the reasons why they did it, I will fully forgiven them for it. "Transparency", that's all I'm asking for right now from this situation.




DE possibly implemented an Auto-Health-Decay on the Razorbacks to prevent them from ever reaching the Larunda Relay. I am not okay with this.

Edited by Letter13
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Just now, Miser_able said:

I see no supportable evidence, just conjecture, so I repeat. Do you have any actual proof?

Oh my god you didn't even scroll down, did you? =__=

I've been tracking the numbers this entire time, every half hour. THAT'S my proof.
("Hey, kids at home! You can do it too!")

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Just now, Tangent-Valley said:

Oh my god you didn't even scroll down, did you? =__=

I've been tracking the numbers this entire time, every half hour. THAT'S my proof.
("Hey, kids at home! You can do it too!")

I read the whole thing, thats why I said its conjecture.





  • 1. form an opinion or supposition about (something) on the basis of incomplete information: "he conjectured the existence of an otherwise unknown feature" synonyms: guess, speculate, surmise, infer, fancy, ... moreantonyms: know
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4 minutes ago, Miser_able said:

I read the whole thing, thats why I said its conjecture.

Look. A nearly perfect 1.4% EVERY hour. It's a repeated process during varying player activity levels through the day, and it'll continue to be 1.4% every hour for the rest of the day, and into tomorrow. That's my proof. I mean, come on.

If I exposed a rat to poison, and the rat died every time, would you not believe that the poison kills the rat? "Where's your proof", you'll ask, and I'll just stand there, pointing at the dead rat.

(I forgot. Sometimes it's 1.5%, but this is when I "conjecture" that players are actually playing it and adding that extra .1%.)

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14 minutes ago, Tangent-Valley said:

Look. A nearly perfect 1.4% EVERY hour. It's a repeated process during varying player activity levels through the day, and it'll continue to be 1.4% every hour for the rest of the day, and into tomorrow. That's my proof. I mean, come on.

If I exposed a rat to poison, and the rat died every time, would you not believe that the poison kills the rat? "Where's your proof", you'll ask, and I'll just stand there, pointing at the dead rat.

(I forgot. Sometimes it's 1.5%, but this is when I "conjecture" that players are actually playing it and adding that extra .1%.)

I would conjecture that the actual change is something more like 1.42% or something like that, but we only see a single decimal.

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Annnnnnnd DE has put my Public Announcement post about the Health Decay and hidden it inside my first  Times and Percentages number documenting post. Well done, DE. Well done. Just keep trying to sweep it under the rug, but people still know.

Amazing "Transparency" on your part, frankly.

Edited by Tangent-Valley
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