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How can I increase the chance of getting a 75% discount?



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3 minutes ago, TheBlueHero said:

Create an alt account. 75% discount each day. Okay lets move to a way that will not get you banned.
Stop playing for a few days and you will 75% get a discount. It works. I tested it xD

Would 5-6 days of not playing be enough? (Not sure I could last much longer, I'm too addicted xD)

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Yes im pretty sure. Don;t play for like a week and when you start playing first or second day you'll get one. It happend EVERY time i went on vacation. LITERALY EVERY TIME.
Yet this is an extreme measure so you should just PLAY normaly the game and pray for a discount each time before entering. Im not joking.

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5 minutes ago, TheBlueHero said:

Create an alt account. 75% discount each day. Okay lets move to a way that will not get you banned.
Stop playing for a few days and you will 75% get a discount. It works. I tested it xD

You can create alt account for increased chance to get a discount only restriction is do not use on your main account. Othewise not a great thing because you waste your time and money on the alt acc.

The second what you mentionned is seems possible but I tried that and not worked. 2 times a month break and not get 75% anymore. Maybe after they changed the log in reward system the old members not got so often 75%. They focus on new members so the first way is viable I guess but I don't bother myself to make an alt and do everything again.

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5 minutes ago, Onyxeagle171 said:

Would 5-6 days of not playing be enough? (Not sure I could last much longer, I'm too addicted xD)

Mostly a month or couple of months but the system changed a bit with the login reward rework so it could be enough but depend on how much you play and when going to take a break.


Also - I got my last 75% discount at 2014 may 28. It was not today :D

Edited by Syndrella
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Yeah the 'lack' of 75% drops for longer term or higher MR players is pretty bad really.  I seem to get a lot of 20% or 50% discounts but I'm not going to buy any at that price when I know there's a 75% discount price.... if I'm honest I'd buy a lot more plat if the prices were at the 75% price all the time, the normal prices are at a price where it makes me think 'do I actually need plat' and I usually come to the conclusion no I don't. 

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22 minutes ago, LSG501 said:

Yeah the 'lack' of 75% drops for longer term or higher MR players is pretty bad really.  I seem to get a lot of 20% or 50% discounts but I'm not going to buy any at that price when I know there's a 75% discount price.... if I'm honest I'd buy a lot more plat if the prices were at the 75% price all the time, the normal prices are at a price where it makes me think 'do I actually need plat' and I usually come to the conclusion no I don't. 

This is what DE not consider to do because they feel they need to do these discounts for collecting paying peoples. I would like to pay the 75% off these prices because actually that is the normal price for these items. 75 plat for 5 dollar is considered money grabbing with that 5 dollar I can eat a burger with normal menu "in Hungary".

It would be much better to them if they remove the plat discounts or just make it 10-20-30% but they reduce the prices to the 50-75% of the normal price and more people willing to spend money on the items and no need to wait for discounts.

They are doing this because mentally it has more effect to see a 50-75% discount than a much lower. "psychology"

Edited by Syndrella
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Can confirm 75% discount always happens after a (long) break.


For some people but not everyone.

I have a friend who gets at least one a month but she often doesn't use it and only has a small platinum balance.  

My balance is over 1K and I just get 20% off regularly.  But I didn't get any at the beginning when I had almost no Plat but since Rhino PA I've always had a very healthy balance so a factor I guess.

Edited by Sabreracer
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I am getting discounts weekly or two weekly but I am only use the 50-75% discounts. When I get 50% mostly I am uying just 75 plat since no really worth to spend money on it. 75% is okay but as someone said before me it would be nice as base price. 75% is what I am using for huge deals so I can make an amass wealth in platinum. I have a nice job so I can save enough money for this game and usualy using my plats to help friends. :)

Edited by Lady_Symphonia
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19 minutes ago, Syndrella said:

They are doing this because mentally it has more effect to see a 50-75% discount than a much lower. "psychology"

There's also the 'psychology' of pricing an item at the 'no need to think about it' price point.  If you price something at a high price people think about if they actually need something, put the price low enough so it looks like good value then a person will just go 'ah it's just £10' for 2000 plat (can't check prices, can't get past robot check....) and click buy... ie an impulse purchase. 

As most of us here agree, we're more than happy to buy at 75% off prices but it seems none of will buy at the full price... doesn't that say that the prices are too high... mind you I've had the same argument in other games too. 

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22 minutes ago, LSG501 said:

There's also the 'psychology' of pricing an item at the 'no need to think about it' price point.  If you price something at a high price people think about if they actually need something, put the price low enough so it looks like good value then a person will just go 'ah it's just £10' for 2000 plat (can't check prices, can't get past robot check....) and click buy... ie an impulse purchase. 

As most of us here agree, we're more than happy to buy at 75% off prices but it seems none of will buy at the full price... doesn't that say that the prices are too high... mind you I've had the same argument in other games too. 

Yes exactly this and another fact the game pricing is match with the canadian and USA prices on avarege so what a western european or canadian-american people can buy easily is not what a eastern european or poorer regions can afford that.

The price for these items still sounds nonsense because compared to a one time paid game the prices have great gaps and the one paid games often sells a full content to you without further stuffs.

If they just lowering the prices for platinum to 50-70% lower I would much likely to buy and no need to trade and live on my saved platinum.

Also on the market a lot of items have bad prices and some not really show the real power for example frames. Oberon parts can be drop by eximus units and in no time you can build him but on market he have 375 plat price which is seems silly if you consider how hard to get a nidus or limbo and those much cheaper frames in price. Rhino the first frame what you can get from jackal and it cost the same. I am sure not so many peoples pay money for these so they could lower these prices and increase slightly the others so they can get more money from those.


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I get them now and again. I think its calculated off of how much platinum you have spent vs how much time it has been sints you bought. may also be tied to the amont of platnum you have as well (lower givieng a slightly higher chance if you buy a lot at a time)

could be wrong thought. it also often givens them after long brakes. I also notice if you skip the smaller ones, they tend to come more offten.

More or less just log in a lot 

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For me the platinum discounts were so short and only bought 3 times with 75% but then the highest possible because Then I was too careful and thought there is no other way to obtain platinum. "in that time wasn't trade implemented yet" but suddenly all the discounts ended for me. I didn't get any since 2014 so I tried to take some break in order to get some more platinum discount but after that never got any. After the login reward rework I hoped some discount but still didn't got any dcs.

Nowadays I am just live on what I saved and via trading I earn some platinum but I don't like to take others stuffs so I pretty much just use my left plats when really need something.

Luckily I got everything what I wanted I have enough slots both in warframe both in weaponry section only the pet and sentinel is what not so great but I don't really care that part.

If DE consider to lowering the price or just somehow give me discounts again then I would like to buy some again and help them further and make my in game economy.


Also - It is just an observation but newly created accounts are more often get platinum discounts but I guess this work similar like in real life where if you are new patient then you can get some bonus and extras over the old "loyal" consumers.


Edited by Sziklamester
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I started playing in mid July because of the Twitch Prime reward (Frost Prime and so on) and since then I remember seeing at least 2 -75% discounts and 1 -50% discount, I log in every day so I got 60+ rewards.

I bought 1.000 plats when I got a -75%, that was in mid August, I still have 700 left but I swear I saw another -75% after that.

I could say that is totally random for me, maybe I will see one discount every month and I am just lucky, so your mileage may vary.


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On 2017-09-11 at 4:15 AM, Lunaris said:

Stop playing for a few days and you will 75% get a discount. It works. I tested it xD


I feel like this might actually work.

When I quit Warframe for a few months due to Borderlands3 releasing

then finally came back to WF, I feel like I got a bunch of Coupons and Boosters in the next few days.

Way more than I remember seeing on average.


?could be I'm imagining patterns that are really just RNG? ?or could be that there are hidden mechanics to the Login Rewards that try to give you good stuff if you've been absent to get your re-hooked?

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