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Why "Hey Kiddo" Will Kill Us


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HA!!! You thought this was a "Hey Kiddo" thread, but it was I!!! Conspiracy theory thread! 

Let's get down to business. 

The "Man in the wall" is a being that pops up every now and then as your Operator, seen here. 


You can make your Operator, and thus, the man in the wall a woman, but the important part is that the Man in the Wall is, by name, a man. 

When the TMitW (My new abbreviation.) appears, he looks at you strangle, as if peering into your soul, while saying "Hey Kiddo." You know what this reminds me of? The Stalker, who is also a man.

The Stalker is another being that pops up now and then and is very menacing in appearance. I could make the correlation between TMitW and him, saying that TMitW is just Stalker V.3, but we all know that with the Tigris Prime the Stalker no longer exists. So what exactly does this mean? 

It means that 16 (The number letters contained in TMitW) - 7 (Stalker) is 9. We're subtracting this because the Stalker no longer exists. What quest does TMitW come from? Chains of Harrow. Chains of Harrow features the Red Veil, who warship Rell. Rell contains TMitW within himself, meaning he's the key. Rell no longer exists either, so that means we can subtract him. 

9 - Rell = 5.

5 is a vary significant number. Why you ask? Because it's when you're most likely to have an imaginary friend, meaning that TMitW is potentially such a character. 

However, since TMitW has become distorted, probably due to lack of attention, he's aiming to scare you in a game of hide n seek. But I believe that this is more than a game. Ignoring your imaginary friend for that long can scar said friend for life, leading them down the path of insanity. I believe TMitW want's to get revenge, and he will do so slowly, agonizingly, and painfully. He's gearing up for something, and it's going to be big.

Congrats Tenno. Because you ignored your imaginary friend, we're all gonna die. 



Edited by Spartan336
I made the name better.
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The Man in the Wall's narrative and symbolic significance has many similarities to theology and esotericism. A simple and easy way to look at it is to consider the Lotus as Anima and MitW as Animus. They are diametrically opposed, with the Lotus being a tangible entity from Realspace and the MitW being an intangible entity from the Void. They exist as opposites, polarizations of the Tenno spirit, with the former counseling arbitrary compassion and the latter counseling arbitrary indifference. The Lotus doesn't even believe MitW exists, but we've seen him multiple times and he interacts with us independent of our own minds.

As far as why he appears to us as ourselves, I believe that is because we the closest thing he has to a tangible form. Remember, this is a self-contradictory entity. A consciousness that spawned from nothingness. A thing that is, but isn't, and probably should not be in the first place. Its existence is forever in question, in flux, because it is a paradox in the first place. Consider the possibility that the MitW is a tangible entity, not an imaginary friend, but believes itself to be a part of us. The only part of it that exists, that truly exists, exists in our mind. We are its only means of manifestation, which means that on some level we are the Man in the Wall.

As an additional note, I'm not convinced the Man in the Wall is as antagonistic to the Tenno as others believe. He seems quite capable of antagonizing us much more than he actually has. If anything the fact that he only announces his presence and nothing else tells me he's looking to interact with us instead of attempting to harm us. As I mentioned above, he may simply be the Moon to the Lotus' Sun. Maybe his goal is as simple as taking the Lotus' place as our counsel. If that's the case then it's the rest of the system that should fear the MitW, not us.

Edited by Mints
Added third paragraph with speculation, various diction/typographical errors
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What if the Man in the Wall could control the madness of the infested though the saturation of void energy, much of the hive has stewed in the old void bound orokin towers and ships.

The infested just spreads, like a mold in any ol direction, path of least resistance. What if he reigned them in, and built them up. Maybe focused them, on a moon. Like Eris... Hes building. A giant brain. Of infested. Hes stronger day by day. Hes going to escape out of the void. Hey kiddo.


So when DE makes the Eris infested open world. We will be trying to sever his control over the infested.

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6 minutes ago, Firetempest said:

What if the Man in the Wall could control the madness of the infested though the saturation of void energy, much of the hive has stewed in the old void bound orokin towers and ships.

The infested just spreads, like a mold in any ol direction, path of least resistance. What if he reigned them in, and built them up. Maybe focused them, on a moon. Like Eris... Hes building. A giant brain. Of infested. Hes stronger day by day. Hes going to escape out of the void. Hey kiddo.


So when DE makes the Eris infested open world. We will be trying to sever his control over the infested.

I like the idea of the Infested consuming Eris whole at some point, effectively transforming it into a massive Infested brain, but involving the Man in the Wall would be too contrived IMO.

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7 hours ago, Firetempest said:

What if the Man in the Wall could control the madness of the infested though the saturation of void energy, much of the hive has stewed in the old void bound orokin towers and ships.

The infested just spreads, like a mold in any ol direction, path of least resistance. What if he reigned them in, and built them up. Maybe focused them, on a moon. Like Eris... Hes building. A giant brain. Of infested. Hes stronger day by day. Hes going to escape out of the void. Hey kiddo.


So when DE makes the Eris infested open world. We will be trying to sever his control over the infested.

i would think something more along the lines of latest?cb=20091124231708


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Just the other night I had a hilarious dream. After completing a typical sortie run, I receive a riven mod that allows me to shoot exploding sheep from my zarr that deals 9001% damage of enemy max health with 75m-180m aoe. The alt mode fires armor-ignoring black rams with skull heads that can restore the squad's max health from each enemy killed! I was dominating Hierchon with such a god of a weapon... Until I returned to my orbiter, I heard someone said "Yo kiddo!". As soon as I turned around, my operator did a move behind that look like Ash's fatal teleport and pulled something out of my warframe. Don't know what it was but it had a partial glow and was fleshy in texture. Then the operator picked up my god-rivened zarr and shot a golden lamb as hot as a red hypergiant. Because of the tremendous energy, our solar system was devoured because of its small size.  This is so weird. I couldn't hold back telling the story at work. 

I rarely have dreams of warframe. The last time I did was a result of void fatigue. Just trying to prove I'm not under any form of substance. :crylaugh:

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Well your conclusion is wrong.

1)the man in the wall us a physical manifestation of the void entity itself.

2)it takes our form because we're sorta the embodiment of the void(he gave us our powers).


3)we dont know whether or not he's truly trying to kill us, for all we know maybe he just wanna be there to take over our bodies to live his own life and since we already have part of his body, its easy, or maybe he's trying to assist us in controlling our powers..just like it made captain vor immortal.

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3 hours ago, (Xbox One)ItsMast3rking said:

Well your conclusion is wrong.

1)the man in the wall us a physical manifestation of the void entity itself.

2)it takes our form because we're sorta the embodiment of the void(he gave us our powers).


3)we dont know whether or not he's truly trying to kill us, for all we know maybe he just wanna be there to take over our bodies to live his own life and since we already have part of his body, its easy, or maybe he's trying to assist us in controlling our powers..just like it made captain vor immortal.

*When they don't get the joke.*

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2 hours ago, (Xbox One)ItsMast3rking said:

....i dnt really see wht the joke's suppose to b

Interesting choice. Dnt and wht. Three letters each, one at the end, and convey's a message. What message you ask? That this person doesn't understand? NO! This man in the Illuminati. 

Think about it. Three spelling errors, Three Three one. It's a pyramid with an eye! 

(I'm making fun of conspiracy theories.)

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