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PoE Stream: Lots of excitement, niggling concerns


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So first of all, that Eidolon has me hyped. This is the exact kind of boss I have been yearning after. So much yes. It looks and moves in a way that bleeds power.

The plains themselves look amazing, and I must add: the shown enemy density is perfect for experienced players. The encounter rate felt visceral and put pressure on the player. I think we should add a mechanic that unlocks after a certain mastery point that allows you to activate 4 player spawn density while solo. This should be a thing not only for PoE but every mission in the game because it's what makes Warframe fun-to have an incredible number of enemies pour in and use your gear on them. Please let us do this!

I was really afraid of mining, but it looks just harmless and refreshing enough to provide sufficient breaks in combat and be fun to pull off. Side activities like these are important because they provide a way to relax, and having unending skirmishes without these breathers isn't good for an open zone kind of mission. Good job!

The NPCs in the relays look kind of same-ey. I get that you want to have them seem like part of the same culture, but I think more variety in costumes and color in general as well as unique body shapes and more noticeable silhouettes. Have not seen hooked up dialogue and animations so can't say if it makes up for it, but I would really like more visual variety. I want some of that colourful, middle-eastern  spice town vibe, you know? Hopefully there are also more civilians running through like small children to make it more lively.

The caves seem a bit bland. If I'm honest! Hopefully you guys put some wild-life in there, or some kind of activity with some small streams and maybe vegetation like moss or lichens to make them more lively.

Taking a sledgehammer to the focus system is welcomed. but I think the trees should be split among passives and buffs to enforce warframe gameplay and combat enhancements for the operators themselves, keeping in mind the philosophies of the schools (I would also like some lore on them, hint hint!). The main draw to the game are the warframes after all, and we should make operators back them up. 

Operator to warframe transitions seem really jarring. If Eidolons end up being glorified kuva guardians they will be more annoying than challenging! You should be able  to weave in and out of operator into warframe to  make the fights fun.

Operator movement is also absolutely terrible. You feel sluggish and slow, there is no toggle sprint and you run out of energy really easily. Not to mention your powers don't blend together! Hopefully the warrior system will let us solve these issues.

Excited and also somewhat concerned. Let's see how it turns out!




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3 minutes ago, Evanescent said:

I was really afraid of mining, but it looks just harmless and refreshing enough to provide sufficient breaks in combat and be fun to pull off. Side activities like these are important because they provide a way to relax, and having unending skirmishes without these breathers isn't good for an open zone kind of mission.

I indubitably agree with you there 100%; they need to find a way for the player to get some breathers here and there. 

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3 minutes ago, (Xbox One)falconpwnch0234 said:

I indubitably agree with you there 100%; they need to find a way for the player to get some breathers here and there. 

I think some more minigames would be cool. They do have that zephyr flappy bird game some other game that I don't remember the name of

Edited by (XB1)blazephoenix118
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Couldnt agree more. I was worried the plains were going to feel either too empty / boring due to their non-randomness but this constant stream of possible activities via the alert system and the side activities have really releaved those concerns.


I am not exactly happy about the sledgehammer coming down onto the focus system for one reason and one reason only (dont get me wrong i know shadowstep needed to be gone). It NEVER got touched post-release. I still have an ability in my Zenurik Tree that has not done anything for almost two years at this point and now it will be replaced, rather than finally fixed and fleshed out and rebalanced. And obviously i love the casting playstyle so im afraid my 4 energy/s Zenurik passive has a sledgehammer coming after it too (im not an ult-spammer but i love to weapon for example Nova's whole kit and some Antimatter Absorb drops in with my shooting and i wouldnt be able to do that at 0,6 energy/s off of Energy Siphon)

So here's my plea: Dont ruin Zenuriks Energy Regen. If anything, make it passively available to everyone in a weakened form. We're ment to be controlling the void's powers with these frames. Having to wait for (low tech) enemy pickups to use them at all is kinda lore-breaking and can feel a bit off. None of the other 3 weaponry means of combat are quite as limited as caster-warframes (believe me, we all use EV Trinity batteries but the game could be more fun if we didn't need them. You're going to rework her eventually anyway at least in terms of EV so why not make it less of a mandatory move before taking steps in that direction? :) )


And yea, my hype train has actually started to roll out of the station on this update now. With the twitch details already being announced and everything... i hope it hits before the last two weeks of october (i got those off work so i'd play&stream a Hekton if PoE was out by then)


Keep up the great work, don't crunch yourselves too much and thank you for everything you do for us!

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2 hours ago, (Xbox One)falconpwnch0234 said:

I was really afraid of mining, but it looks just harmless and refreshing enough to provide sufficient breaks in combat and be fun to pull off. Side activities like these are important because they provide a way to relax, and having unending skirmishes without these breathers isn't good for an open zone kind of mission.

Ooo can we use extractors as midget mining drones... (haha i got sidetracked)

Edited by DarkDrakeDrakus
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13 hours ago, Jukantos said:

And yea, my hype train has actually started to roll out of the station on this update now. With the twitch details already being announced and everything... i hope it hits before the last two weeks of october (i got those off work so i'd play&stream a Hekton if PoE was out by then)

release target is still within september

if DE doesnt encounter any major flaws we may be able to play it within the next 14 days

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14 hours ago, Evanescent said:

Operator to warframe transitions seem really jarring. If Eidolons end up being glorified kuva guardians they will be more annoying than challenging! You should be able  to weave in and out of operator into warframe to  make the fights fun.


They never did show how you are supposed to fight the big guys as "operator" but one thing did not exit my mind.
During the stream it was showed that those bosses hit for a lot and with a big range (to the point in which God mod was enabled in the stream).
It was also showed that Rebecca's Operator with the new equipment still has 100 HP. 
Unless you can become immune to damage in the new encounters I don't see this playing out well.

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14 hours ago, (Xbox One)blazephoenix118 said:

I think some more minigames would be cool. They do have that zephyr flappy bird game some other game that I don't remember the name of


On topic, I am also hyped and can't wait to see what else is there that DE hasn't shown. 

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11 hours ago, Nesodos said:

release target is still within september

if DE doesnt encounter any major flaws we may be able to play it within the next 14 days

Thats what i've heard over and over again but nobody is able to give me a source for it. DE has avoided making any statements about the release target since Tennocons "mid september" statement which obviously was so long ago it's not accurate (as we're smack dab in the middle of september right now)

Can you link any source?

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2 hours ago, Jukantos said:

Thats what i've heard over and over again but nobody is able to give me a source for it. DE has avoided making any statements about the release target since Tennocons "mid september" statement which obviously was so long ago it's not accurate (as we're smack dab in the middle of september right now)

Can you link any source?

last dev stream, ~ min 10

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On September 16, 2017 at 3:06 AM, (Xbox One)blazephoenix118 said:

I think some more minigames would be cool. They do have that zephyr flappy bird game some other game that I don't remember the name of

I can see a building system like in ARK being introduced.  

Streamlined, obviously.

But you can see the makings of an open world canvas where they can go in many different directions...mounts, turret/base camp systems for defense "Hold your ground, Tenno!", mining loot resources for almost anything they want to implement. 

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6 hours ago, Nesodos said:

last dev stream, ~ min 10

Ah i only tuned into that one after it was running for 20 minutes already, time to catch up

Edit: Aha, TARGETTING this month, so i hope it's gonna release in the 2nd week of october with an extra coat of polish :)

Edited by Jukantos
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I've taken some time to sum up my overall thoughts on the Zenurik Regen removal and i figured since i dont currently have the time to make a video about it i'd just post the script here instead :)

[blabla intro so zenurik regen is being removed in favor of operator warrior mode stuffs]

Here's why im personally frustrated with this. I love weaving ability casts into my gunplay. I main Antimatter Absorb Nova with occassional Ults weaved in for crowd control. So, wanting to use my Antimatter Drops defensively to suck up bullets for me, it kinda sucks when i can't cast any. And they dont come cheap at half an energy orb each. When (unfortunately not if) my Zenurik Regen gets stripped away, i'll have to stop playing her the way i like in favor of tankier (and less elegant) frames or carry a poor soul on a battery trinity around with me. Which sucks, a lot.

Removing Zenurik doesnt do anything to "spam 4" farming strats. It only affects those players who use continous energy output though repeated casting (not even toggles as those disable Zenurik's Regen already)

So, the only people that are going to be affected by this hard removal (in favor of jamming even more operator combat down our throat) are the ones who play the game properly without abusing "niche" exploits like EV Trinity or Ult Spam. Congratz on hitting exactly the right people with those nerfs (sarcasm /off)

It also doesnt make any sense lore-wise either. We are the children of the void, so powerfull our minds can only be contained within surrogates we control. But, while these Warframes run on void energy, we regenerate absolutely NOTHING of that energy. We can literally never, ever use these abilities beyond the first free one in a mission, unless we either bring a crawlingly slow aura, or pick up blue blobs from enemies and crates. If we're the void powered warriors, why does every single OTHER faction hold OUR Warframe juice? It makes no sense and is frustrating and limiting whenever you wanna cast something only to hear that familiar "mep mep" beeping sound. Zenurik was a bandaid for it, and now they're tearing the bandaid off, with the announced replacement being "hey at least you're not completely useless when not playing as a Warframe, in the game Warframe".

It's kinda hard to not be salty about that. Especially after spending the equivalent of 50++$ on Greater Zenurik Lenses (i've bought far more than 25, its probably closer to 50 lenses, thus 100$ if converted)


And, as much as it may sound like developer bashing i have to bring up two ancient criticisms of the current state of the focus system even if it is marked for replacement as a whole.

1) The whole 45 seconds longer charge time for each activated node literally punished players who wanted to use their focus outburst in an active manner and pretty much directly led to the passive only meta we have until today, almost two years later. It never ever got adressed and might return in the next iteration, i hope it doesnt.

2) Some of the straight up dysfunctional skill nodes were never actually patched to do what they said. In particular in Zenurik, the whole "cause an Aura that deals 6000 dmg to enemies near you" never did ANYTHING. How is having one of the most expensive skills in the entire tree, which sounds like one of the coolest active features not doing anything for 20 odd months in any way shape or form acceptable? If the actives hadn't been so strongly discouraged by the first point, this would've pissed off people way more than it did.

Worse, it has to be said. You didn't fix or even touch the whole "beta" outside of the early acquisition rate changes AT ALL in what amounts to a third of the time this game exists and almost 95% of the time the focus system has existed. That's not me saying the content you created in that period of time wasn't bloody amazing, i just think it should be given as a reason for my caution. IF this rework makes the focus system "worthless" outside of operator combat and/or a new heavily optimized heavily onesided meta forms itself in this new reworked focus system, are we at risk of another "sledgehammer" two years down the line with no changes in between?

My cynical side is whispering to me that the new super OP super "need to level this one" focus trees might just be anything BUT Zenurik and Naramon, thus baiting me into spending another few thousand plat on new lenses to get THAT up. But you're not the kind of developers i'd expect that kind of balance-shifting move from. You're no blizzard or riot games, i hold you on a much higher idol than them. I trust in you doing the right thing. Please, shut up my niggling concerns (thread title, eh?) by doing the right thing :)


Thank you for everything you do (right) :)

A loving fan from germany


PS: i still have that awesome Warframe mug Steve handed me at TennoVIP 2015, when he let me into that thin restaurant backyard as the very first of the bunch :) Please come back to Europe/Germany/Gamescom some year

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