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Rude Warfame Partners


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5 minutes ago, (Xbox One)R3d P01nt said:

It looked to me like you were claiming that identifying as anything or having a persona as anything was wrong.  Perhaps I misread, but I don't think I was far off.  You seem to be saying that having a persona that is defined by what gender one is attracted to is wrong.  Is that correct?  I disagree.  I don't see anything wrong with it.  I don't necessarily see it as a cry for attention or as a shield.  Do you?  It's not clear to me whether you do or not.


Bad form is not the same as wrong. Kicking puppies is wrong, writing edgy Rhino/Nezha (it is a joke) fan fic is just Bad form and questionable taste. I am not mentioning attention or anything as well, just as with all mediums of entertainments there are things that on *strictly personal level* are considered distasteful and killing the entertainment level - hence "bad form" of doing that.

For me using toilet humor, suicide jokes, jokes with sexual charge and "memes" towards majorities/minorities all fall in that "bad form category", regardless of who is taking the blunt of the joke or who is delivering it.

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Coming from a Hispanic heritage, I just wanted to share that there is the identity of Machismo, defined as strong or aggressive masculine pride. It too is a sexist concept that can become a persona and should not be promoted.

The heart of issue to me is chauvinism (which is excessive or prejudiced loyalty or support for one's own cause, group, or gender) in general, that should not have a place in promoting and sustaining a brand like Warframe, that looks to include and be for everyone.

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1 minute ago, phoenix1992 said:

Bad form is not the same as wrong. Kicking puppies is wrong, writing edgy Rhino/Nezha (it is a joke) fan fic is just Bad form and questionable taste. I am not mentioning attention or anything as well, just as with all mediums of entertainments there are things that on *strictly personal level* are considered distasteful and killing the entertainment level - hence "bad form" of doing that.

For me using toilet humor, suicide jokes, jokes with sexual charge and "memes" towards majorities/minorities all fall in that "bad form category", regardless of who is taking the blunt of the joke or who is delivering it.

OK, that helps me understand where you're coming from.  Apologies for the misunderstanding.

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2 minutes ago, (Xbox One)R3d P01nt said:

We do agree and it seems both of us are having trouble articulating to the other that we agree, lol.

Well I guess we're just going to have to agree to agree then :P


3 minutes ago, DatDarkOne said:

Edited because I agree with not derailing the original goal of the topic

Just, as a quick aside, I saw what you posted originally and while I don't want to break skirting around naming names, I will say that if you want specifics and happen to know the video the OP was probably referencing (I actually didn't think that one in particular was so bad,) you should check out the comments section of it. As I stated before, I don't think the the issue is so much the videos most of the time, but how they behave in their comment sections and elsewhere- places you already mentioned you don't really read. You might understand the problem better if you did.

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I think it is all my fault, at least partially.


In my attempt to both avoid naming and shaming and hint at content creator I was asking about, I chose the trait that westerners consider to be sensitive and one that is, unfortunately, the most prominent trait that channel's owner chooses to use as defining feature of his channel.

Have I used the formula "certain partner that chooses to make excessive amount of relatively crude jokes involving male genitalia and sexual interaction with parts of mammals' digestive system when producing his content" we might have evaded the whole "implied sexuality intolerance" discussion.


I feel responsible, but don't know what I could do to fix that.

Pls don't suggest ritual suicide, I have 2 kids.


Edited by Tachibana_Hibiki
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7 minutes ago, Tachibana_Hibiki said:

I think it is all my fault, at least partially.


In my attempt to both avoid naming and shaming and hint at content creator I was asking about, I chose the trait that westerners consider to be sensitive and one that is, unfortunately, the most prominent trait that channel's owner chooses to use as defining feature of his channel.

Have I used the formula "certain partner that chooses to make excessive amount of relatively crude jokes involving male genitalia and sexual interaction with parts of mammals' digestive system when producing his content" we might have evaded the whole "implied sexuality intolerance" discussion.


I feel responsible, but don't know what I could do to fix that.

Pls don't suggest ritual suicide, I have 2 kids.

you should have used "a Partner that wishes death and destruction on people for the horrible crime of voting for the wrong candidate" (oh yes he/she/it went that far on his/her/its twitter)

as atonement you shall play as Limbo only for no less than two weeks

Edited by Helch0rn
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1 minute ago, Tachibana_Hibiki said:

I think it is all my fault, at least partially.


In my attempt to both avoid naming and shaming and hint at content creator I was asking about, I chose the trait that westerners consider to be sensitive and one that is, unfortunately, the most prominent feature channel's owner chooses to use as defining feature of his channel.

Have I used the formula "certain partner that chooses to make excessive amount of relatively crude jokes involving male genitalia and sexual interaction with parts of mammals' digestive system when producing his content" we might have evaded the whole "implied sexuality intolerance" discussion.


I feel responsible, but don't know what I could do to fix that.

Pls don't suggest ritual suicide, I have 2 kids.

Don't beat yourself up with this.  We all make mistakes or have don't things we regret later.  Just try to learn from them.  Also, what happened was bound to happen anyway.  For you to take the blame for this (while honorable) would be totally unfair.  I do wish that I could upvote you even more for trying.  

Hehe, I bet in two weeks no one will even remember this topic.   :D

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6 minutes ago, Tachibana_Hibiki said:

Have I used the formula "certain partner that chooses to make excessive amount of relatively crude jokes involving male genitalia and sexual interaction with parts of mammals' digestive system when producing his content" we might have evaded the whole "implied sexuality intolerance" discussion.


If the previous was bad form, this is disgusting. 


1 minute ago, Helch0rn said:

you should have used "a Partner that wishes death and destruction on people for the horrible crime of voting for the wrong candidate" (oh yes he went that far on his twitter)


And this is something that is a transgression. Has someone send that to DE?

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10 minutes ago, phoenix1992 said:

And this is something that is a transgression. Has someone send that to DE?

If I'm not mistaken, that happened a while back during before Harrow update in a feud between multiple Youtubers.  I think that was already addressed and punishments/citations/warnings were handed out by DE.  I'm not sure exactly and could be completely wrong.  If it's something resent, then I do agree that it should be reported.

Edited by DatDarkOne
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18 minutes ago, Tachibana_Hibiki said:

I think it is all my fault, at least partially.


In my attempt to both avoid naming and shaming and hint at content creator I was asking about, I chose the trait that westerners consider to be sensitive and one that is, unfortunately, the most prominent trait that channel's owner chooses to use as defining feature of his channel.

Have I used the formula "certain partner that chooses to make excessive amount of relatively crude jokes involving male genitalia and sexual interaction with parts of mammals' digestive system when producing his content" we might have evaded the whole "implied sexuality intolerance" discussion.


I feel responsible, but don't know what I could do to fix that.

Pls don't suggest ritual suicide, I have 2 kids.


Nobody's at fault, dude. Personally I think the conversation's been pretty interesting, if maybe deviating once or twice. The forum has a bad rep and I consider a good sign that we've managed to have a discussion about a sensitive topic where, for the most part, nobody's flown off the handle.

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Ah, so the chaps already been on the block a few times for Tuber feuding, eh? Never saw the details I saw when I went hunting for the interesting individual. Hopefully, Digital has kept at least one eye on him. I know, as Mr. Aidan said, they can't be everywhere at once, but, when one of your assets "attacks" another of your assets, one might want to weigh in on whether or not the "attacker" asset is worth keeping or is a potential risk that must be eliminated to prevent loss of other assets.


Reading more about Madam Quite, it is very clear to me that offstage, you can see some of the mask actually slide off to reveal a true artistic persona. Looking at Mr. Improper Anatomy Usage however, I see. . . well. . .a volatile person.

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4 hours ago, Nation_X said:

Many great partners (looks at profile pic) are informative and polite with good humour.  

"Whats up you f*ckers" is actually part of the humor and YT persona.

Try applying that logic to the other guy, and see that it somehow doesn't work like said Irish man. 

That's my basic 2 cents on the subject.

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Op I'm really glad you made this topic. I've felt very strongly about this for a long time and thought I was the only one. This kind of thing is really upsetting, and I always imagined that it may be putting people off of the game. I defiantly think it's important that these people who represent the community be held to a standard that includes not being able to talk to people, and be so insulting, snobby, and rude like some of them can be a lot of the time. 

Hell, it even puts me off of the game sometimes and this is probably my favorite game of all time.

On 9/18/2017 at 11:51 PM, Tachibana_Hibiki said:

OP, does it have to do with certain homosexual partner calling your build or  reddit post "s**t", or calling you "stupid", "b***h" or other potentially unpleasant names he throws around every time he throws a fit in a squeaky voice?

That's just the way he is, u can take it or leave it.

I understand what you're saying, but that doesn't make it acceptable. They represent the game, potentially to people who know nothing about it, and it's really inappropriate.


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4 hours ago, Nation_X said:

As a gay man my issues arise with the said individual when they use it as a justification of being a "*@##$". No one gets a pass for being an obnoxious idiot. My opinion is they are a partner, a privileged role and should act accordingly. I am not saying they need to be angels or not have an opinion but actively attacking people in YT comments, other partners on twitter and twitch isnt cool. Be honest but be respectful.

Many great partners (looks at profile pic) are informative and polite with good humour.  


This honestly. The things I have read in some of the YouTube comments are absolutely abhorrent. I am appuled at the things people have said to their FANS as well as newcomers. That kind of thing pisses me off because there is NO reason for that. They're going out of their way at that point, and it's absolutely nuts they'd do that with their time. 

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I like how thet has the gall to say he has a reputation as a "saviour of the community", when it's clear everyone thinks they are  an obnoxious twit.

You can't get much more self-righteous than this.

I once saw a thread on the Warframe reddit based on the ratings of Warframe Partners from best to worst and they came at the bottom of practically everyone's independent lists.

I only ever commented on one of his videos once. It was about the vacuum nerf. The way they approaches criticism is legendarily disrespectful/arrogant. Dismissing any valid argument as hater logic or hiding behind his "I'm gay and you're not agreeing with me so you're homophobic!" shield. I honestly don't know how DE tolerate his behaviour when he's off-screen, or even when he is on-screen sometimes, seeing as how other non-Partner people who displayed that sort of behaviour are immediately banned.

The disgusting comments they made during the election should have warranted a ban two times over. It's a joke that he's managed to get away with this stuff. Most likely it's because, as others have said, they are DE's lapdog.

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3 hours ago, Arugula420 said:


I just wanted to point out that this is not a reason for DE to not act if they think a youtube partner is acting in a way that they feel doesn't properly represent their brand, but if you are worried about immediate harm to the game, it's reputation, or bringing in new people, keep in mind that most of these youtubers really get a very tiny amount of views in the grand scheme of things. 

Warframe is played by millions of people, but the most popular warframe youtubers most successful videos manage tens of thousands of views at best. 

A cursory glance at the youtube channel of the person in question, and they don't seem to break 10K most videos. And most of those views are going to be loyal fans that are that youtubers own base of people. In other words, the amount of people seeing this youtuber and potentially being negatively influenced is probably in the hundreds at best, maybe only in the tens. 

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I commented early on in this thread and not to drag a dead horse too much but what I would add is that I hope that whoever is spoken of learns to grow from the experience. I personally work as a therapist currently and over the years I've come to observe different behavioral models interacting in social environments like our community. We should always remember to be charitable if we can first, take a time to second guess ourselves and self-reflect and only then comment forward. I've interacted with various of Youtube personalities and I've come to observe that a lot of them are clearly very passionate about what they do.

However it leads me to wonder if due to passions being informed by emotions of attachment, belonging and unity, they form a kind of a bubble with a sense of benevolent Self and hostile Other. And I am not talking about self-grandiosity and hatred of others, I am talking about a very common human behavior of being passionate to the point of pathology where it leads to, ironically, becoming a toxic behavior of its own form. When you care so much about the way you view the world , this tends to inflate ego's to a point where there simply is not much room for other ego's to exist. This isn't maliciously intentional or specific to a human category, to an extent we are all prone to do this if given the keys to the car and feel insecure enough about ourselves. In science we often identify good scientists and teachers as humble who know they do wrong, and bad ones often are too proud to recognize they can in fact do wrong. When we think we are infallible and perfect, that is when we are most likely to make mistakes paradoxically.

I do sincerely hope that whoever this applies to takes it as an opportunity to grow, to self-improve and develop their character in a productive and constructive way. I said this before to the person in question about another community drama over a year ago where I urged this person to be better than the bully was and not steep to that same level. I still believe that message.

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On 9/22/2017 at 8:51 AM, BETAOPTICS said:


A well thought out post sir.

Unfortunately I've seen similar posts in the comment section of this persons videos and he just tells them they don't know what they are talking about and labels them haters. Logic and humility is a gift he has yet to receive and more than likely never will.

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On 9/21/2017 at 9:29 PM, Helch0rn said:

you should have used "a Partner that wishes death and destruction on people for the horrible crime of voting for the wrong candidate" (oh yes he/she/it went that far on his/her/its twitter)

as atonement you shall play as Limbo only for no less than two weeks

Dude, I like Limbo...

Anyway, on topic, it certainly feels like this is a case of two separate portions of the community having an antagonistic relationship with each other, and I'm sure to each of those parties it seems like they're a hundred percent in the right. But from the outside looking in, it's just a frustrating schism in an otherwise excellent community. 

I love the videos that they put out and I've personally seen how crazy hard he works to put out quality content on a regular basis. But I also participate heavily in the Warframe subreddit, and those people also work extremely hard on theorycrafting and fact checking and other equally valuable content. 

To me, it seems like the video was an inevitable reaction to the Reddit community's consistent cynicism and frustration. I'm not in their head, but I can't imagine how it must feel to be up until 2AM collecting footage and cutting video and generally working your buns off only to be immediately slammed when you release the project you worked so hard on. I can imagine that after a while, it would be quite easy to see these people as just fixated jerks instead of chronically disappointed fans.

To a lot of redditors though, them as a concept and a channel represents everything that drove them away from the official forums (and in some cases, the game) in the first place. It's definitely a very sensationalist approach to creating content, and I would say that the extremely positive tone that the channel takes can come off as a kind of shilled praise. So the Reddit community winds up viewing him as a flamboyant poseur instead of an avid or serious gamer. And if there's two things Reddit tends to come down hard on, it's filthy casuals and fake fans. 

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