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Glass-Frame: What DE/Community is Getting Wrong.


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From the VERY BEGINNING they Said it was NOT a Japanese SAMURAI Frame, but an AZTEC Warrior Priestess.

So DE, Why not come up with Aztec-esk Names?

Some Examples are...

( * )My Favorites

Erandi (air-ann-Dee)= Sunrise/Dawn *

Sugey (sue-Hey)= Sunlight *

Yaretzi (ya-ret-see)= The one that always be loved

Yohali (yo-Ah-lay)= Our Joy *

Yelitza (Yell-it-Za)= Heaven´s door

Malinalli (MALi-nAll-ee)= Wild grass

Jatziri (Jat-Siri)= Dew drop *

Erendira (Air-en-Dear-a)= Smiling Princess * (Also the name of a Aztec-ish Princess that led an uprising against the Spanish After the Aztec Empire Fell)

See? Not so Hard after All.

Edited by Runeglyph
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14 minutes ago, (PS4)BLOOD-LINE-01 said:

Are you sure about that? I have a friend on the Design Council and he said they were given a bunch of names to vote on. So the council does have a say.

IIRC players suggest names in one thread, DE picks a handful from that thread and creates a new one with a poll. Winner of the poll is the frame name.

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5 minutes ago, KarkatNepeta said:

"Vote" It was DE asking people to come up with names and explain why they choose that name. 


5 minutes ago, (PS4)BLOOD-LINE-01 said:

The vote for glass frames name.

Design Council are involved in both of those threads.

Ya, so there was no vote.

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  1. The Name They Have Now Makes Me Want to Vomit cause it is so bad.
  2. They can Always Change it Before Launch or After Launch like they Did With "Ash".
  3. It Isn't even Very Creative to begin With, it's like they didn't even Care and Tried Too Hard at the Same Time.


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25 minutes ago, (PS4)BLOOD-LINE-01 said:

Are you sure about that? I have a friend on the Design Council and he said they were given a bunch of names to vote on. So the council does have a say.

Disclaimer : I'm not a part of the Design Council


Now I don't want to get too into details as that would be breaking the exclusivity of the DC and the rules of this forum, but you are overestimating the DC's impact on the game's development. Previous vote results for Warframe augments have shown that DE would rather put augments that are easier to make than the one that actually won the votes. 

If you look around you'd find screenshots that show that "Gara" was not in any way the most popular name. 

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as a council member let me just say that the council is nothing but show. we can suggest and then vote on names but DE has shown that they still do what they want. There have been votes that got changed and at one point the council voted on the order of content to be done... and de went out of order on the very first thing

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2 minutes ago, Runeglyph said:
  1. The Name They Have Now Makes Me Want to Vomit cause it is so bad.
  2. They can Always Change it Before Launch or After Launch like they Did With "Ash".
  3. It Isn't even Very Creative to begin With, it's like they didn't even Care and Tried Too Hard at the Same Time.

Can you please stop posting this in every single glass-frame thread? We get it; you don't like the name.

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okay since this is being debated over, here's all that you'd need to know to satisfy curiosity without really divulging anything. this will become common knowledge soon enough.
besides it's annoying when i see DC 'blamed' for things when it was not in their control. sometimes it is, but when it is not... in this case you could say involved because of being the pool of things to choose from.


Edited by taiiat
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