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Nameable Warframes and Guns


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DE, just allow us to rename our Warframes and guns and spare yourselves the discomfort of having to listen to people whine over the most irrelevant thing ever.

People don't seem particularly happy with the choice of name for the new Glass frame and since nobody can really decide the best alternative, just allow us to name it whatever we want.

It'll still be universally known as "Gara" but for sanity's vanity's sake, just allow us to name it something else if we desire.

Edited by Tricky5hift
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2 minutes ago, PoisonHD said:

It will fade away like always. There's slight more then normal this time, but it will still fade, and nobody will care anymore.

Yeah that's how it was for Ivara but since melee weapons are getting a rename option, why not just give everything the same feature?

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It's trickier with warframes. They aren't weapons, they're frames, extensions of us as tenno, and they have their names for those reasons. I don't think it would be a good idea whatsoever. I'm not a big fan of renaming them in general tbh. Takes away their personality imo

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Just now, danthedapper said:

It's trickier with warframes. They aren't weapons, they're frames, extensions of us as tenno, and they have their names for those reasons. I don't think it would be a good idea whatsoever. I'm not a big fan of renaming them in general tbh. Takes away their personality imo

Warframes are emotionless machines that we control. Since when did they have any personality on their own?

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Just now, Tricky5hift said:

Warframes are emotionless machines that we control. Since when did they have any personality on their own?

I always thought they had personality... Specifically in their stances and such. They just don't feel like machines. It also wouldn't really work lore wise either. 

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5 minutes ago, Nakrast said:

He probably meant identity.

What you do as the player gives the frame its identity.

If all you want to do is banish team members for fun then you may as well name your Limbo "Trollmaster666" or something like that if you want.

5 minutes ago, DrBorris said:

Are you sure about that? 

Yeah ok maybe I should've held off on any sort of judgement for a Warframe's sentience but my point still stands.

You don't have to name your stuff. But if DE's choice of name for a new piece of equipment triggers you so much then why not just rename it something that appeals to you?

Edited by Tricky5hift
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1 minute ago, Tricky5hift said:

Yeah ok maybe I should've held off on any sort of judgement for a Warframe's sentience but my point still stands.

I think there is a lot more to Warframes than even just sentience (I have a feeling "the sacrifice" is not necessary directed at the Tenno). 


However, I see no problem with renaming Warframes, especially if it is just visible to you. I don't want to admit the amount of times I have typed Excalibro and Broberon in the search bar in the arsenal. 

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22 minutes ago, Tricky5hift said:

DE, just allow us to rename our Warframes and guns and spare yourselves the discomfort of having to listen to people whine over the most irrelevant thing ever.

People don't seem particularly happy with the choice of name for the new Glass frame and since nobody can really decide the best alternative, just allow us to name it whatever we want.

It'll still be universally known as "Gara" but for sanity's vanity's sake, just allow us to name it something else if we desire.

Now everyone can have an "Excalibur Prime" 😆 

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Its your choice to name your stuff something whacky and fun or something that you feel is more appropriate to the themes of the game.

But seeing how a lot of people are pissed that the new frame doesn't have the name they wanted and got their panties all up in a bunch, you may as well give us an option.

Also, I don't think people should get mad at others for choosing different names that you may not agree with or like. Its their stuff, they can name it whatever they want. Same way they can customize their frames and weapons however they want.

Somebody could be walking around in an all pink Rhino named "Princess Bubblegum" but that's their decision and you shouldn't have any control over their means of creative expression.

Edited by Tricky5hift
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You know how it is, haters gonna hate, and some Warframe players can only hate, and hate, for unreasonable reasons.
Sometimes it's a 1hr delay, sometimes it's a 5dmg nerf, and other times it's a name, they only need an excuse to throw hate at the DEVs.

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I actually like to know what frames and weapon loadouts teammates are using for many different reasons, so I'm on the disagree side of camp on this one. .

It's going to throw me off when I see "Haze4Daze4e20" on there or "divinity rod" or whatever else going on. .

Sometimes I didn't even know certain weapons existed and were so good  till I looked them up in the player loadout screen in a room and wanted to emulate some of it. 

I think it's really dumb to put a name change feature on things just because a fringe group don't like the name of a frame, just my own opinion. It's like negotiating with terrorists.

Edited by komoriblues
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4 minutes ago, komoriblues said:

I actually like to know what frames and weapon loadouts teammates are using for many different reasons, so I'm on the disagree side of camp on this one. .

It's going to throw me off when I see "Haze4Daze4e20" on there or "divinity rod" or whatever else going on. .

Sometimes I didn't even know certain weapons existed and were so good  till I looked them up in the player loadout screen in a room and wanred to possibly emulate it 

I'm pretty sure for melee weapons they will keep their original names but just be displayed next to the given name in the profile dropdown,

So say you renamed your Skana it'll probably look like [Insert Name Here] (Skana)

If they ever do allow to rename Warframes and guns, expect the same kind of layout.

Edited by Tricky5hift
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I can see this working, Many people have their own headcanons and whatnot where the Warframes ARE alive and independent - I don't see a problem with renaming them at all, even for platinum, it'd be another way DE can make a little bit of extra money AND keep players happy, remember you don't HAVE to rename them if you don't want to if this were the case.


I see no harm in it, as for people not knowing what said warframe / weapon is, they could quite simply put it in brackets next to the named item much like they do with radiant relics and whatnot

Edited by Latiac
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The only problem of the renaming system is the fact that you'll be no longer able to check what equipment one has took to mission unless you look at their toon directly in the mission already. Which means it will either - force us to keep saying what do we bring... or will bring chaos in team because of lack of communication and will lead to picking frames countering eachother.

There should be a way to name our gear, as we like, but the team must still know what do we pick. We could of course, as I've mentioned, spam our setup every single time we start a new mission, but it is a step back rather than an improvement.

Since there was nothing shown in DevStream about this, I'd suppose DE forgot about this tiny thing.
Let's hope they indeed will use the [custom name] (default name) scheme as suggested.

Edited by Sanxxieh
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I can see it now...

Everyone's gonna name their melee weapon to "mahwang".

And then we're gonna name all of our primaries "Soma Prime", all of our Secondaries "Akstiletto Prime", and all of our warframes "Limbo" just to troll people.

Edited by Almagnus1
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