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Sortie Rewards from PoE Dev Build


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18 minutes ago, fatpig84 said:


How about typing instead of using a super large gif ?
Not everyone has unlimited data :)

And why tokens are better ?
So you can choose the reward you want.

Say i got 10k tokens, I can spend all of them on 10 sculptures if I want or spend it to get 2 rivens.
Or spend it on 5 unairu lens or 4 formas. It is my choice.

Less RNG, less whining for everyone.


Sorry, submitted as I thought I put the text in. Ah well, fixed.

As for tokens, a mix of the two systems would probably be best, with limitations of course. DE won't let us spam certain rewards like that I'm sure, as they are quite substantial on their own and are already limited to being received once per day. At best, we'll probably receive a system wherein we can choose to receive a token, or get random loot. We can keep stacking up tokens to get higher stuff, but once we hit random, we'll lose them all, as an example.

Edited by (XB1)Graysmog
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4k is a start, but I think 10k wouldn't be unreasonable. it's a semi-common reward, so you won't be getting it all the time, Ayatan Anasa Sculptures and the odd Riven that you actually still play the Sorties for will still be the order of the day. I really don't get why DE are so stingy when it comes to Kuva, we already have a resource Sink for it, so they could give us ridiculous amounts and it would still be used up trying to get "god-rolls"

but at least it breaks up the monotony of Siphons, which is mainly what I was after.

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While you all complain about your higher roll rewards(which i fully agree with), I'm still stuck down here constantly getting ayatan sculptures and endo as rewards, I haven't even had a single lens as a reward so far.

Edited by TeaVice
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23 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Knight Raime said:

I guess it sounds bad if you run boosters all the time.  But how many actually do?  I sure don't.

Personally i'm wondering where the heck i'm supposed to get lenses now.

I guess it sounds bad if you don't check up information outside of General forum. But how many actually do? You sure don't.

Lenses will be sold in the Plains, we have yet to see the currency tied to them, but most likely rep.

PS: There are also going to be bigger domination of Lenses.

Edited by phoenix1992
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7 hours ago, --Q--Voltage said:

I actually like to express what I am saying in a way that has a physical feeling. I cannot use profanity, so that’s as close as you are getting to “how it feels to get 4k Kuva from sorties”.

Well, I only know how it feels to be hit on my palms with a wooden spoon or a belt to my legs or a sandal to my @$$... I never did anything to warrant a face slap. But you use those words to describe anything that you dont like so they lose their "power".

"Just provide the feedback and keep the dramatization out." Its what would be preferable imo.

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I too would prefer a larger Kuva reward but most of the rewards make very little sense anyway. Anasa sculptures (bronze reward) give you 3450 endo and as a silver reward you get 4000 endo, hooray 550 more!

Gold rewards can give you a ready made forma or exilus adapter but you only get the blueprint for reactors and catalysts! They all cost the same in the market and all take 24 hours to build but are treated differently, why?

Whole reward system for sorties needs an overhaul.

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One man's trash is another man's treasure. 4k is ok.

I think that Sortie rewards are fair for an effort and time spent and that lack of the end-game challenge (and loot) for the veterans is the real problem. Fingers crossed for PoE :)

3 hours ago, Kaotyke said:

But you use those words to describe anything that you dont like so they lose their "power".

I know how it feels to be slapped on the face (and it have been one slap 16 years ago) and I wholeheartedly agree. Guillotine as a headache cure next?

I am also afraid to imagine what analogy OP will use to describe how it feels to get nothing but Endo and Statues for a week.

Edited by rand0mname
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Absolutely agree with OP, it should definitely be a higher amount of Kuva since we can get more kuva in a kuva mission. 4000 kuva as a reward is a bit low, as OP has suggested, 10000 kuva would be a lot better of a number of kuva. Since that we're already on the subject of sorties, we also need the Token System so we can pick what we want instead of the horrible RNG slapping us in the face with a terrible reward over and over.

Edited by xXDeadsinxX
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On 10/6/2017 at 4:05 AM, phoenix1992 said:

I guess it sounds bad if you don't check up information outside of General forum. But how many actually do? You sure don't.

Lenses will be sold in the Plains, we have yet to see the currency tied to them, but most likely rep.

PS: There are also going to be bigger domination of Lenses.

You don't need to be a jerk.

fyi i'm subbed to a handful of warframe content creators.  and I do read dev stream summaries.  That information was not posted in either.

I'm aware that there will be even greater lenses.

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