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Since warframe is going open world, what if we add vehicles?


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Recently my a friend of mine has been bugging me quite a lot on warframe, and he's been wanting me to come back pretty badly, unfortunately I simply wasn't interested enough to come back to warframe, even after looking at the many things they were going to add, i simply wasn't interested, and he's been asking me on what would it take for me to come back? and to be honest, im gotten tired of jumping around like a grasshopper to get to places and i also pretty much do the same thing in the middle of battles. However since warframe is to soon have open world, I was thinking that i might come back if they decided to add buggies, and to be honest i do want these buggies to feel great when driving and also be a part of gameplay when using them, and I know, i know, archwings might make them obsolete already, which i really hate too to be honest, but there's more to do with them than to just take you from place A to place B.


Getting around

i know you're all wondering on how you will get these buggies across deep rivers or cliffs or jump over some obstacles even? theres some simple solutions to that, you can use ramps or add a jumping mechanism to the buggies, or you can even use a combination of both when needed in a situational manner, they can even use a temporary boost that makes them go faster and can recharge over time, im sure there's going to be some of you familiar with these mechanics and i believe they're fitting in warframe if these buggies were ever to be implemented, we can even add glides or parachutes if they're needed to extend a jump. We can even give them the ability to climb using their grappling hook while the tires either use spikes or some kind of sticky surface to climb.



If these buggies are to be of decent use, i think that even adding a simple grappling hook on them can give them many uses if it is provided by the things to do in the world, such as tearing down doors, gates, obstacles or even knocking down or tearing down other vehicles, we can also add weapons to them for defense purposes that work at close range, such as spikes, or electric rails, or something that explodes on impact, think you get the idea, meanwhile you could also add flamethrowers, or some kind of freezing coolant for relatively offensive purposes as well as defensive ones, w.e feels appropriate for your situation, if you need to seriously go more long range or need a very accurate aim to shoot something, i think the player should be able to use their secondary weapon for something like that. If your buggy is tanky and heavy you could use it to plow through other enemies and enemy vehicles and tear down heavier obstacles more easily that might get in your way. If these buggies were to also be multi-seaters we can also have lazy friends sit in them as we drive them around.


Building and Customizing them

I believe these buggies should come with 4 customizeable areas, the chassis, the wheels, the engine, and the armor, all these 4 things should be affecting the performance and endurance of the vehicles, for example, you can add more grippy wheels for more traction or wheels to tend to slide to be able to do stunts like 180s or do drifts, bigger chassis can have more potential for more armor and contain more seats for more players, but also at the cost of being heavier, lighter engines can be fit for lighter vehicles and run faster and do sharper turns easier IF the vehicle itself is light as well, meanwhile heavier engines will be heavier but can take more punishment and can easily move heavier vehicles.

Accessories and other cosmetics like paint should also be added on to these for more personalization to these vehicles, people such as myself really love personalizing vehicles in video games just like how many love personalizing their warframes and operators, you can change things like steering wheels, seats, interiors, lights, spoilers, rims, etc. its also an opportunity for DE to have more ways to also make more money.

You can also have them carry your arsenal or part of it so you can swap weapons whenever youre close to it as well as resupply.

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I'm pretty sure archwing was designed to be the be-all end-all vehicle for warframes. This would make more sense if they didn't exist or you weren't exploring the plains as a warframe, like the Grineer there.

Edited by Pizzarugi
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Even if I suggest motorcycles, the first thought after that are other modes of transportation, like universal 'ice' skates. Think like the special Corpus units that use 'em. As in, they're already in the game, so why not? Still, the thought of a motorcycle drive by on Grineer turf sounds hilarious.

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We have vehicles in the game already. They're called ArchWings. Between that and quick travel, there is no valid reason to waste development resources adding anything else to the game. Resources are best spent better integrating the systems that are already in the game rather than starting from scratch.

Edited by Ceryk
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I can already say Id never use other vehicles as they are time and time again in most games always unreliable for getting around the terrain in any form of accuracy. You'd end up flipped over or jammed on a rock more times than they'd be useful for what you want. Also the plains are just not a place where a vehicle is useful. The size of the map is still quite small and you would only be in a vehicle 30 seconds to a minute at a time before you jump out and poof, away it goes or you finish your objective and gotta return to the city. Archwing is useful for getting around but will not be used in-mass due to the cost of the consumables. Most people will just run to where they want to get because of the things they'll pick up along the way and the resources they'll save by not flying there.

Warframe is not going open world in a sense that justifies other vehicles yet. We are getting one 2.5km x 2.5km map with caves that 4 people can play on at a time. Thats it. Doesnt require a whole new mechanic to be made that is only usable on the plains that few people would use and most would complain of clunky controls vs just parkouring/running to the location you are going to. We get enough of that already with just Archwing.

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39 minutes ago, Alineah said:

Recently my a friend of mine has been bugging me quite a lot on warframe, and he's been wanting me to come back pretty badly, unfortunately I simply wasn't interested enough to come back to warframe, even after looking at the many things they were going to add, i simply wasn't interested, and he's been asking me on what would it take for me to come back? and to be honest, im gotten tired of jumping around like a grasshopper to get to places and i also pretty much do the same thing in the middle of battles. However since warframe is to soon have open world, I was thinking that i might come back if they decided to add buggies, and to be honest i do want these buggies to feel great when driving and also be a part of gameplay when using them, and I know, i know, archwings might make them obsolete already, which i really hate too to be honest, but there's more to do with them than to just take you from place A to place B.


Getting around

i know you're all wondering on how you will get these buggies across deep rivers or cliffs or jump over some obstacles even? theres some simple solutions to that, you can use ramps or add a jumping mechanism to the buggies, or you can even use a combination of both when needed in a situational manner, they can even use a temporary boost that makes them go faster and can recharge over time, im sure there's going to be some of you familiar with these mechanics and i believe they're fitting in warframe if these buggies were ever to be implemented, we can even add glides or parachutes if they're needed to extend a jump. We can even give them the ability to climb using their grappling hook while the tires either use spikes or some kind of sticky surface to climb.



If these buggies are to be of decent use, i think that even adding a simple grappling hook on them can give them many uses if it is provided by the things to do in the world, such as tearing down doors, gates, obstacles or even knocking down or tearing down other vehicles, we can also add weapons to them for defense purposes that work at close range, such as spikes, or electric rails, or something that explodes on impact, think you get the idea, meanwhile you could also add flamethrowers, or some kind of freezing coolant for relatively offensive purposes as well as defensive ones, w.e feels appropriate for your situation, if you need to seriously go more long range or need a very accurate aim to shoot something, i think the player should be able to use their secondary weapon for something like that. If your buggy is tanky and heavy you could use it to plow through other enemies and enemy vehicles and tear down heavier obstacles more easily that might get in your way. If these buggies were to also be multi-seaters we can also have lazy friends sit in them as we drive them around.


Building and Customizing them

I believe these buggies should come with 4 customizeable areas, the chassis, the wheels, the engine, and the armor, all these 4 things should be affecting the performance and endurance of the vehicles, for example, you can add more grippy wheels for more traction or wheels to tend to slide to be able to do stunts like 180s or do drifts, bigger chassis can have more potential for more armor and contain more seats for more players, but also at the cost of being heavier, lighter engines can be fit for lighter vehicles and run faster and do sharper turns easier IF the vehicle itself is light as well, meanwhile heavier engines will be heavier but can take more punishment and can easily move heavier vehicles.

Accessories and other cosmetics like paint should also be added on to these for more personalization to these vehicles, people such as myself really love personalizing vehicles in video games just like how many love personalizing their warframes and operators, you can change things like steering wheels, seats, interiors, lights, spoilers, rims, etc. its also an opportunity for DE to have more ways to also make more money.

You can also have them carry your arsenal or part of it so you can swap weapons whenever youre close to it as well as resupply.

Populate with unique flora/fauna first, and then maybe add Grineer speeders and Corpus hover boards to give us fast-moving units to take down as an added gameplay element.

But AW for Warframes is hard to beat.


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I eould never use ground vehicals. Id only use them as something to blow up. Look at Just Cause 2/3. The wheeled vehicals are practicly pointless as a means of transportation. They only serve as an objective to keep in one peice or to use as a temporary weapon. Air vehicals and your infinate parachute are the way to go. 

Now i would love corpus and grineer to have fuctional ground vehicals. But only as a spring board to destruction.

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While impractical, I really wouldn't mind to have an overly slow corpus rover that acts like a shield osprey, or hacking and taking over an Ogma or a Dargyn or Dropship off a Grineer base. For no other reason than it being fun and different.

The Shield Dargyn is pretty much a flying Rampart anyway.

I can see this as maybe a way to aid newer players who haven't got their operator to have a better chance against sentients.

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the reason why i think these ideas is because there's a lot of people like myself that would love to have these, there's a lot of petrolheads out there, also i already stated it before, these vehicles wouldn't be limited to just transportation, but for combat and taking down obstacles such as towers and gates of the sort, and some people have given me ideas to have these vehicles be used as cover as well, maybe they can implement shield-like functions for protections and also serve as resupply and recover stations on top of having a mobile arsenal. I dont really like using archwing either and im sure im not alone on that too.

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The only thing I'd be interested in when it comes to vehicles is being able to hijack grineer vehicles during a firefight for some extra armour/firepower without having to drop one of those archwing beacons, which seem like they'd be kind of fiddly to use on the fly (if you'll excuse the pun)

I don't think extra vehicles are particularly necessary, I think they could add some extra spice, but I wouldn't be disappointed by the lack of inclusion.

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It wont really fit with the theme of the game right now.


We already have archwing and they need some love, they also are a more fun better and faster way to travel that any buggie or normal vehicle.


Think about it, why use a buggie when you can just fly around and nuke enemies from avobe

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