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Steve tweeted...almost there.


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I cant wait for it but, to be honest, i'm not sure if i want it dropping today. Seems too early in the week.

I know DE is doing their best to not deliver a buggy update so we might aswell just give them the time they need at this point.

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Chances are it's going to be between 7-10pm ET on Thursday. I participate in a tabletop RPG During that time and i'm betting that streamer will be jumping strait into it pretty soon after it's released. So in order for the universe to spite me, it'll happen during this time frame.

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Just now, Gerdaro said:

Btw does anyone have any idea of how graphic demanding will PoE be?

They've said that PoE will be the best optimized update to date. So given that it will be what we've got now or perhaps even better. 

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3 minutes ago, Gerdaro said:

Btw does anyone have any idea of how graphic demanding will PoE be?

I believe Steve mentioned during the reveal of POE at TennoCon that they updated the rendering tech for the POE so it should be even more optimized than what we have now.

Edited by kontradictions
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That's awesome, thank's for the replies!

I wonder if the new rendering system will only work in PoE or in Warframe as a whole. I'm not saying i have a hard time runing Warframe with my 1060, but sometimes, specially in remastered earth, stuff gets clunky.

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1 hour ago, Gerdaro said:

That's awesome, thank's for the replies!

I wonder if the new rendering system will only work in PoE or in Warframe as a whole. I'm not saying i have a hard time runing Warframe with my 1060, but sometimes, specially in remastered earth, stuff gets clunky.

Steve responded to tweets that said earth is still bad for frame drops and said they would come around on another pass on the tiles. But he tweeted about ~80% of the optimizations is related to PoE, ~30% was for WF as a whole  ~80% was for the game at large.

Edited by Firetempest
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1 minute ago, phoenix1992 said:

Don't you have like...

Friends that can do that for you?

You mean, give people my password, also tell them how to enter my room, negotiate the outer layer of death traps, propitiate the savage guardian fluffbeast, and where the antidotes are for the neurotoxin in my chambers’ environmental systems?


Are you mad?

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