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Please Don't Make Me Fish


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Please do not make me fish.

I don't want to fish.

Please add enough fish crafting parts into the Bounty rewards as to give us an alternate means of advancement.

This is Warframe not Fishframe. 

Alternatively revise your crafting system entirely so that fishing is not needed at all. Relegate fishing to cosmetic components.


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1 hour ago, Foxbat40 said:

Relegate fishing to cosmetic components.

Absolutely, it should. I really like fishing in games, yet I know it's implemented really badly.Fishing should be a sidequest.

Let's take the example of fishing in Zelda Ocarina of Time: If you spent hours fishing in that game, you'd get a Heart Piece or two — it's a very small power advantage that you probably won't need to beat the final boss and finish the game, but if you want to complete the game 100%, you need to get all 20 Hearts in the game. It's bragging rights, and it makes you pleased with yourself once you attain it.

Contrast this with the current release of PoE: if you don't fish, you don't get a custom Amp for your Operator. No custom Amp (and no Shield Disruption...) means that you'll have a much harder time with Eidolons, People with upgraded Amps have reported that they can practically Solo the Eidolon with their new toy, since it's so strong compared to the default Mote Amp. No Eidolon = many other new systems gets locked off completely. Not to mention the Archwing Launcher debacle... I'd say we dodged a bullet on the x150 fish oil thing, but even the x50 fish oil crafting costs are a bad thing.

TL;DR: Warframe's Fishing should be a self-contained "Sidequest" like in Zelda, with its rewards being bragging rights/cosmetics. The idea of Fish Trophies is great, and trading Fish Parts for Companion skins at the Tamer fits perfectly. Linking them to Gameplay / Combat, however? Bad move.

Edited by Noctah
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Wow, I fully agree. Just earlier I was thinking of what fishing could be tied to, and cosmetics seemed like a good optional reward for doing it.

I like fishing in games, and I like the mechanics and presentation DE pulled off. However, connecting it with main progression tied to stat giving items was a mistake in my opinion. At least to the degree that it is. 

How about a chance to fish up noggles? Other ship decorations? Or create a new type of cosmetic, and have the ingredients be used for that. I don't think anyone could have predicted that fishing would be a part of such an important gameplay system .. I know I didn't.

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A lot of fishing posts on the forum this morning.  This one I can completely agree with!  Mind you I like fishing in WF, but still every time I go to build something I see a fish component, my excitement sinks a little as now I know I've got to go spend an hour on a rock/shore poking fish.

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As a brand-new player, I came for the space ninjary, not fishing and mining. It's giving me flashbacks to WoW and Minecraft and now I have the shakes. The concept of fishing in a video game is beyond bizarre to me and if actual stuff I will eventually need is locked behind that... it would vex me.

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58 minutes ago, TheHaney said:

As a brand-new player, I came for the space ninjary, not fishing and mining. It's giving me flashbacks to WoW and Minecraft and now I have the shakes. The concept of fishing in a video game is beyond bizarre to me and if actual stuff I will eventually need is locked behind that... it would vex me.

Yes I totally agree Haney. I purposely avoided fishing in all my previous games. I can do that in real life with real beer and real people I actually care about. And actual fish that taste yummy. I go into a game to do things that are either impossible or not safe in real life. For instance; bullet jumping over a group of cloned soldiers to stun them with a ground stomp and shoot the lot of them with a giant space laser. I can't do this in real life. It is compelling and entertaining. 

I quit a guild in BDO because they grouped up to fish. It was the lames thing ever sitting on a boat for an hour catching virtual fish. I love this game but I will quit it if they don't remove fishing from the main progression path. 


I would like to commend DE that their implementation of fishing is the best I have seen in any video game. But it can't compete with shooting bad guys with a giant space laser. Or cutting greedy corporate stooges to ribbons with my robot space ninja Valkitty.

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Exactly! I can't fish or play sports in a video game because it genuinely makes me feel incredibly silly. I can go actually play soccer, or actually fish, or actually golf. I can't actually fly through the air at high speeds while blowing S#&$ up, so THAT is what I play this for.

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OP is absolutely right. I can't upvote that post enough. As I said in another thread...



Almost all of the new and significant content that DE hyped about is locked behind fishing.

Gara, almost all of the Zaw parts, Skywing launcher gear, and Operator gear (excluding the stuff you can outright buy with plat which doesn't have any practical value anyway...) require fish parts or some sort. That's a huge amount of content that requires you to sink a tremendous amount of time into what should be a purely optional activity.

The only things I can think of that DON'T require some fish part are the two new Grineer weapons and the mod sets.


The worst thing of all is some of the fish pats don't even make sense for the gear that needs said parts. Some gear shouldn't even USE fish parts (looking at Operator Amp parts and Skywing launcher gear and Gara's Systems).

Edited by MirageKnight
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  • 2 weeks later...

 Are you saying that there aren't other weapons in the game that don't require fish.  Or things that are used only on the planes where you would be fishing anyway.  Or other items that you don't really need.

 They aren't making you fish, and it is not exactly a hardship to fish them up.  Just not an exciting part of the game.  It might be nice if the fish and ore and gatherables were just cosmetic changes, but the things that require these items are not core to Warframe, so you are not forced to fish.

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25 minutes ago, JHarlequin said:

 Are you saying that there aren't other weapons in the game that don't require fish.  Or things that are used only on the planes where you would be fishing anyway.  Or other items that you don't really need.

 They aren't making you fish, and it is not exactly a hardship to fish them up.  Just not an exciting part of the game.  It might be nice if the fish and ore and gatherables were just cosmetic changes, but the things that require these items are not core to Warframe, so you are not forced to fish.

weapon crafting system and operator weapons ( NOW A PART OF YOUR LOADOUT) are locked behind hours upon hours of fishing, im ok with you fishing, im ok with people liking it i like it myself, but locking most of an expansion content behind what should be a side activity, its stupid, and trying to justify it for them its even more stupid.

also yes fishing its not a hardship, its a tedious grind, is it fun for a while? heck yeah it is, but locking most of the content from the first mainstream media expansion behind fishing its such a bad desission that "pulling a DE" should become a terminology used in the game development comunity, you wanna fish? fish cool, i dont mind that people want to fish too. but coming from a couch potato, if you have to jump into a game, to do something for hours that you could do in real life (where its actually a productive activity), then there is something wrong with you.

might aswell go to work at a mcdonalds for 6 hours for actual money instead of working at PoE, for virtual fish.


note: i dont understand this selfish mentality either, people are just asking for alternative ways to get to the content that the expansion brought, withouth having to engage in some random activity that should have nothing to do with the main game, none is asking for fishing to be removed or anything yet theres always someone like you, essentially saying that players should suck it up, that fishing its not that hard or something like that, almost like they know fishing has no place in the main game, but they already fished so much that they feel the need for some avantage to make up for all those wasted hours in that mindnumbing activity , so the thought of people getting the a option to optain the same S#&$ they got, but with a more fun path to do it, gets on their nerves, either that or you hate despise the current state of fishing too, but you like to shoot yourself in the foot.

Edited by Lisztomaniac
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5 minutes ago, JHarlequin said:

 Are you saying that there aren't other weapons in the game that don't require fish.  Or things that are used only on the planes where you would be fishing anyway.  Or other items that you don't really need.

 They aren't making you fish, and it is not exactly a hardship to fish them up.  Just not an exciting part of the game.  It might be nice if the fish and ore and gatherables were just cosmetic changes, but the things that require these items are not core to Warframe, so you are not forced to fish.

Let's see the things that require fish parts...Gara...Amp Parts do (if you intend to make your Operator more powerful, so that's player progression right there)...if you want all those Mastery points, you will be needing some Zaws built...and then there's Archwing. You want to fast travel with Archwing? You need Fish Oil.


So yeah, if you intend to build Gara, make your Operator more powerful, fast travel on PoE, and /or need as many MR points as possible, at some point you are going to need to engage in a mind-numbing activity that has nothing to do with running around killing faceless mooks in a biotech murder machine.


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I mean... you can buy fish off other players you know the majority of prices have collapsed. You need those 7 norg brains for that amp? That'll only cost you 28 plat the price has collapsed to 4 a piece that's like 1 or 2 rare relic drops at most you don't have to do any fishing for this additional content if you really despise it people have already done it for you.

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33 minutes ago, Dank_Falz said:

I mean... you can buy fish off other players you know the majority of prices have collapsed. You need those 7 norg brains for that amp? That'll only cost you 28 plat the price has collapsed to 4 a piece that's like 1 or 2 rare relic drops at most you don't have to do any fishing for this additional content if you really despise it people have already done it for you.

"the problem is not there if you pretend its not there"

so now you have a choice, play fisherframe or auctionframe, i love this game, next expansion, chessframe or chinesse checkers frame? phew cant wait.

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A problem is also not a much of a problem anymore when it has a solution? It seems a bit pointless saying that when you know full well the number of people who hate doing archwing to get anything archwing unique and that's pretty squarely under the term Warframe with no fish in sight. If you are just requiring fish to access this fish gated content in game, which is pretty much only useful for killing the thing you have already killed 30 times just to be able to buy the blueprints, the solution isn't mindboggling or radical. Nobody's forcing you to fish, or do anything every gatherable resource from Cetus can be traded, its nice to have an actual use for these fish other than feeding them in for standing god knows cosmetics don't appeal to me.

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32 minutes ago, Dank_Falz said:

A problem is also not a much of a problem anymore when it has a solution? It seems a bit pointless saying that when you know full well the number of people who hate doing archwing to get anything archwing unique and that's pretty squarely under the term Warframe with no fish in sight. If you are just requiring fish to access this fish gated content in game, which is pretty much only useful for killing the thing you have already killed 30 times just to be able to buy the blueprints, the solution isn't mindboggling or radical. Nobody's forcing you to fish, or do anything every gatherable resource from Cetus can be traded, its nice to have an actual use for these fish other than feeding them in for standing god knows cosmetics don't appeal to me.

you still dont understand the problem, the problem is that 90% of the expansion its based around fishing, so you either fish your eyes out to get anything on the new expansion, lose your time trying to do bounties, which are the clossest thing tto the core of the game but as of now are a waste of time, or the last solution, ignore the whole expansion and just buy your way to the items.

so for players who dont want to spend their whole day fishing, this expansion is non-existant, and this was suposed to be the first big expansion.

thats like going to a paintball competition, the final price being a legenday paintball gun, and the person to win takes it home, however to win the paintball competition you have to complete and entire golf course first.

Edited by Lisztomaniac
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On 10/17/2017 at 11:10 PM, Foxbat40 said:

Please do not make me fish.

I don't want to fish.

Please add enough fish crafting parts into the Bounty rewards as to give us an alternate means of advancement.

This is Warframe not Fishframe. 

Alternatively revise your crafting system entirely so that fishing is not needed at all. Relegate fishing to cosmetic components.


Let us hijack grineer' fishery & drilling machine to harvest fish & ore/gem!! (New bounty? Event? etc?).

Or let us hire NPC to fish & mine for us... Where's your promise!

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I have an idea, is that one could deploy drones/Titan extractors to mine and fish for you while you busy doing bounties or hunting an Eidolon. I dont mind fishing, i find it fun, but it gets annoying when items that need crafting rely on rare fish parts such as operator amps. The only way i counteract this is fish for rare fish bait, and pile up a huge tonne of of rare fish bait to even at get one or two rare fish that are cut up for resource part.. Mining i usually do on the way in doing things such as when I see a glowing section of a rock... when I see blue... i know it has a gem.


But disrupting a grineer fishery or mining operation should yeild rare fish and ore resources for those who dont want to mine/fish as a primary task. Maybe putting them in the armoured vaults that you open during bounties. If it is in a mountain region, has ores and gems, if it is on flat area has freshwater fish bits, and if by the ocean has sea fish resources.

because i think some of them have plant bits.

Edited by Cosmic_Elf
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100% Agree OP! As soon as I learned I "had" to fish, PoE was dead to me and I haven't been back since. Not even once. I'm playing Warframe the same way I did before PoE, and have no desire to invest in PoE content. I love Warframe, but I REFUSE to allow a modern game to force me to go fishing. This ain't WoW. 

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On 17.10.2017 at 10:21 PM, TheHaney said:

As a brand-new player, I came for the space ninjary, not fishing and mining. It's giving me flashbacks to WoW and Minecraft and now I have the shakes. The concept of fishing in a video game is beyond bizarre to me and if actual stuff I will eventually need is locked behind that... it would vex me.

I hope the devs read your post so badly. 

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