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So now that Focus needs 9000 trillion points and full time job amount of effort...


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the biggest issue is the passive gains, a normal player (like probably 95% of the active playerbase) will take forever to get anything in the focus trees.

NEWS FLASH: Being  forced into specific playstyles with specific frames on specific missions is not good. we should never be forced to do adaro sleep stealth cheese farm or bere/hydron aoe spam to get any kind of focus, especially in a game where one of the biggest points that draws players in is the ability to play as you like. those that are saying its fine right now cus they can cap it in 20 minutes with a booster in a stealth meta cheese farm are seriously being elitist, and focus cant really even be considered "endgame" anymore, not when 80% of operator progression is tied to it and i guarentee you that they'll add more operator stuff in the future. plus its not like we'd be able to finish off all the focus in a week even if they DID make it more passive, they still have the cap in place. Im not saying that you should be able to hit the daily cap in 2 hours by playing regularly, just that you can get something like 75-100k in a normal length play session (i.e. not more than 3-4 hours for that)

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43 minutes ago, NightBlitz said:

NEWS FLASH: Being  forced into specific playstyles with specific frames on specific missions is not good. we should never be forced to do adaro sleep stealth cheese farm or bere/hydron aoe spam to get any kind of focus, especially in a game where one of the biggest points that draws players in is the ability to play as you like.

NEWS FLASH: It's a game.  You ARE NOT forced to do anything.  You have multiple options to get focus in multiple ways.  Even playing casually while having a fulltime job.  I did it and still do it.  There isn't even a real need to max out the focus schools especially if you read descriptions and/or do research to see which nodes work best for your playstyle.  

With that said.  Could focus and farming use some more work? Sure, but it's not the huge issue some are making it out to be.  

Edited by DatDarkOne
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9 minutes ago, DatDarkOne said:

NEWS FLASH: It's a game.  You ARE NOT forced to do anything.  You have multiple options to get focus in multiple ways.  Even playing casually while having a fulltime job.  I did it and still do it.  There isn't even a real need to max out the focus schools especially if you read descriptions and/or do research to see which nodes work best for your playstyle.  

With that said.  Could focus and farming use some more work? Sure, but it's not the huge issue some are making it out to be.  

I am sorry to say, but the "elitist" trap card has been used. I doubt you can salvage this argument.

PS: Should I tell them that they can acquire a ton a focus within a hour while progressing the Quills or let it go?

Edited by phoenix1992
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11 minutes ago, phoenix1992 said:

I am sorry to say, but the "elitist" trap card has been used. I doubt you can salvage this argument.

PS: Should I tell them that they can acquire a ton a focus within a hour while progressing the Quills or let it go?

Honestly I don't think they would be happy if DE gave them all the focus needed to unlock everything.  Then there would just be complaints of nothing to do.

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23 minutes ago, phoenix1992 said:

I am sorry to say, but the "elitist" trap card has been used. I doubt you can salvage this argument.

PS: Should I tell them that they can acquire a ton a focus within a hour while progressing the Quills or let it go?

im aware, and for me its basically the only way i can earn focus doing something i like to do

10 minutes ago, DatDarkOne said:

Honestly I don't think they would be happy if DE gave them all the focus needed to unlock everything.  Then there would just be complaints of nothing to do.

i wouldnt be happy if they did that, because it would be doing all the work for me. i just want it to be more reasonable to earn it. get it through your heads: meta cheese farming shouldn't be the only way to get focus (that counts towards your cap) at any kind of reasonable rate. Especially since the majority of operator progression is tied to it and we all know that DE will add more Operator content into the game, quite possibly balanced under the assumption that most players will have at least some of the cross-passives unbound and one school with even a merely decent amount invested. clearly you aren't going to listen to the players that make up the majority tho, since you think that its perfectly fine to leave it in as by far the grindiest thing in the game....

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36 minutes ago, NightBlitz said:

im aware, and for me its basically the only way i can earn focus doing something i like to do

i wouldnt be happy if they did that, because it would be doing all the work for me. i just want it to be more reasonable to earn it. get it through your heads: meta cheese farming shouldn't be the only way to get focus (that counts towards your cap) at any kind of reasonable rate. Especially since the majority of operator progression is tied to it and we all know that DE will add more Operator content into the game, quite possibly balanced under the assumption that most players will have at least some of the cross-passives unbound and one school with even a merely decent amount invested. clearly you aren't going to listen to the players that make up the majority tho, since you think that its perfectly fine to leave it in as by far the grindiest thing in the game....

Now where in any of my posts did i say "meta" was the only way to gain focus.  I'll help you with the answer.  I didn't.  I did specifically say that there are multiple ways to do it.  

Second, considering how long it takes for DE to add major changes to the game, I can safely say that we all have plenty of time to unlock various focus trees for next big change.  A change that is at the least 6 months or more away if it even happens then.  

So what's the rush?  This has been my whole point in almost every last post i made on this topic.  The only thing that is really driving the main argument in this topic is "I want it NOW!". To which I say that if you or anyone else really want it now, then why not use all the methods available to achieve your goal.  

I myself only passively farmed focus from the time I finished Second Dream.  I knew that because of my work schedule and how I play that I just wouldn't be able to just farm focus.  As I knew right off that it would lead to burnout even if I could.  So I got 4 greater lens and put them on the frame and weapons i used the most.  

Now for you to say that I'm telling you to only use meta means that you just haven't read what I posted.  I don't use meta or actively farm focus, but yet I still don't agree with the complaints of this topic.  Why, because I'm starting to believe the whole basis for this topic is spoiled entitlement attitude.  

I ask that you prove my belief wrong.  

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Figured I would test how long it takes to cap 250,000 focus.

I used Sleep Arrow Ivara (standard lens) + Crit Atterax (greater lens). It took under 1 hour to collect the focus points. I was averaging 30k per mission, topping out at around 50k focus.

Yes, this was with an affinity booster. Was not going to be, but I got a one hour affinity booster from a rare chest at spawn on my first mission (Thanks RNGesus!) Assuming no booster, this should take about 2 hours tops.


I used Ivara because it is not Equinox. And, Ivara has the right school lens already. 

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19 hours ago, Tachibana_Hibiki said:

And as far as future telling goes, I think your point is just as baseless as the one you so kindly put into my mouth.

My point that DE will mostly likely make sure the Operator is used in more upcoming quests/activities is baseless is it, even though PoE does in fact make it abundantly clear, that they are making the Operator do more stuff so it can be used in future content.

Also I never put any words in your mouth. I took them out.

16 hours ago, DxAdder said:

DE will release Focus Boosters for Plat to fix this

Or they could just fix the damn placeholders. Don’t give them ideas. 

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I like how people with such busy lives and important priorities even find time to argue passionately on forum about videogame experience points. 

Most likely you put in more time than most. You want focus, go earn it. The entire point of focus is have a practically ever lasting grind. Before focus, people complained about all the wasted affinity they were acquiring. Theyre not going to make it easy to max every tree, just to be at the same spot again of people not having anything to do with their affinity gains.

If they make it easy to max out with casual "I'm too busy to play" gameplay.... Then those that do actually TRY to be efficient will max all trees even faster and be left with nothing to do. Maxing focus trees is not a system made for casuals. It's entire point is to give vets/hardcore players something to do constantly after they've maxed all of their gear. If you're life is so busy that you can't earn tons of focus, then the system isn't for you. You have tons of OTHER things you can still use your affinity on.

Edited by Hypernaut1
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1 hour ago, Hypernaut1 said:

I like how people with such busy lives and important priorities even find time to argue passionately on forum about videogame experience points

I take it your brain has never entertained the notion of lunch breaks before.

1 hour ago, Hypernaut1 said:

If they make it easy to max out with casual "I'm too busy to play" gameplay.... Then those that do actually TRY to be efficient will max all trees even faster and be left with nothing to do.

So? How does that make you any more important than people who literally cannot play for hours on end. Go play a different game to entertain yourself.

1 hour ago, Hypernaut1 said:

Maxing focus trees is not a system made for casuals.

So you’re in favour of punishing people who might not have a choice but to be “casual”. You and your elitism repulses me.

1 hour ago, Hypernaut1 said:

It's entire point is to give vets/hardcore players something to do

It shouldn’t be only geared to the hardcore otherwise what will other non-hardcore players think. You want something to do? Go play a different game while you wait for the next update.

Stop acting like spoilt brats simply because you have more time on your hands than others.

1 hour ago, Hypernaut1 said:

If you're life is so busy that you can't earn tons of focus, then the system isn't for you.

So because people might have lives that don’t involve playing video games 24-7, that means we should miss out on certain parts of the games we like to play on occasion? 

You are part of the problem and need to realise the world doesn’t revolve solely around players who are still sitting in their mothers house aged 32 playing video games all day.

1 hour ago, Hypernaut1 said:

You have tons of OTHER things you can still use your affinity on.

Like what? Syndicates? Weapons? Warframes? Done those.

You also have tons of OTHER games you can play if you’re looking for something to do. Just because you sit around for months being bored while waiting for DE to spoon-feed you more content, that doesn’t automatically give you the right to dictate which systems are for which kind of player.

Honestly the sheer elitism/arrogance in some people....

Edited by TheGodofWiFi
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1 hour ago, TheGodofWiFi said:

You also have tons of OTHER games you can play if you’re looking for something to do. Just because you sit around for months being bored while waiting for DE to spoon-feed you more content, that doesn’t automatically give you the right to dictate which systems are for which kind of player.

Honestly the sheer elitism/arrogance in some people....

the irony in your response is hilarious. Just because you dont have the time to play shouldn't dictate that the ENTIRE game be completed in a week. 

maxing focus trees is specifically made for hardcore WF players. If you cant find time to play, then maybe YOU need to go find tons of other casual 5 minute session games to complete, like angry birds or something

You "not having time to play" should not dictate content for others that play this game constantly. Some content is geared towards those players that play all the time and want their affinity to mean something. It would be unfair for everything to be a casual affair, especially when there are TONS of things for casual players to do.

i think you just have a very difficult time comprehending the idea that if focus was easy to max with casual play, then there would be many dedicated WF players left with even less to do as they burn through it even faster. This system addresses those dedicated players. simple as that. 

1 hour ago, TheGodofWiFi said:

Stop acting like spoilt brats simply because you have more time on your hands than others.

lol...seriously? Your whole entitled whine sounds like a spoiled child thats wants a participation medal. If you don't have the time to do something in a game, then you dont have the time. lol.

1 hour ago, TheGodofWiFi said:

So because people might have lives that don’t involve playing video games 24-7, that means we should miss out on certain parts of the games we like to play on occasion? 

yes. if you dont have the time, then you dont have the time. Why is that such a difficult concept to grasp? The best parts of the focus trees are easily accessible anyway. It doesnt take THAT long to unlock the basic nodes. If you want to get into min/maxing and unbinding nodes, then you need to put in the time. Its a completely OPTIONAL part of the game, and not needed to enjoy it. DE has the right to make certain perks available to long time players and players that dedicate tons of their own free time to the game. These aren't huge game breaking perks either. 

1 hour ago, TheGodofWiFi said:

You are part of the problem and need to realise the world doesn’t revolve solely around players who are still sitting in their mothers house aged 32 playing video games all day.

personally, that in no way applies to me, and youre lame for even bringing that argument. You clearly have issues, and maybe need to rethink your priorities and goals in life if you need to insult people and whine about a grindy shooter game not handing you everything during your 5 minute gaming sessions in between jobs. Im no way close to maxing more than one school, and im ok with that. I dont have full sets of arcanes, and im ok with that. I dont have the time to do raids,i accept the fact that im not entitled to those rewards, Thats a mature mindset of someone that actually does have a life and more important things to worry about. 

the world doesnt revolve around YOU, thats why it doesnt matter how much time YOU have to play.

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So? How does that make you any more important than people who literally cannot play for hours on end. Go play a different game to entertain yourself.

What a nice attitude, people don't want to play different games, they want longterm content to work towards in Warframe.


So you’re in favour of punishing people who might not have a choice but to be “casual”. You and your elitism repulses me.

They're not punished they'll simply get there slower than others who invest more time, but they'll get there too eventually, which is only fair. That should be clear to people the moment they decide playing a Lootgrinder type game, grinding is a vital corepart of the gameplay, as long as the grind is fun there's no problem with that.

This "I want everything now" mentality is seriously getting annoying, learn some patience. It's kind of hilarious, people complain about not being able to grind everything fast, and once they can, they complain about having nothing left to do and then leave the game until the next update hits. That's clearly not in anyone's interest. A game like warframe needs two types of grind, a short term grind that gets added in with new updates and offers quick satisfaction, and a long term grind you can work towards even when there is no update in order to keep people playing the game, providing a sense of progression even when there's nothing else left to do. Focus is obviously aimed towards the later, and considering warframe will likely be around for a few more years, if you want people to have some long term progression, then that's the timeframe you'll have in mind as a developer. 


It shouldn’t be only geared to the hardcore otherwise what will other non-hardcore players think. You want something to do? Go play a different game while you wait for the next update.

Having a lot of content not only benefits hardcore players, it's a good thing for everyone, even new players that enjoys playing the game. Which some people apparently don't, they simply want to reap the rewards without playing it.


So because people might have lives that don’t involve playing video games 24-7, that means we should miss out on certain parts of the games we like to play on occasion? 

It's almost as if people are shocked at the idea that they have to play the game and utilize the methods available in order to progress. Gotta love how the "I want everything now" crowd keeps exaggerating to an insane degree, you don't have to play 24-7 to max out your Focus, if you don't even collect the orbs and play missions with decent affinity gain, then it logically follows that your progress will be slower and the only one to blame for is yourself then. With the addition of Eidolon Shards and the constant adjustments that made the Teralyst even easier to farm than before, there's now absolutely no excuse of not being able to fill the daily cap in a reasonable timeframe of not even two Nightcycles on the Plains. Once more people are getting the Quill standing to craft better Amps, which will be soon enough, you'll be looking at 5-7 Eidolon Catches in 50 minutes of Night, which is 125k to 175k Focus in just under 50 minutes. That isn't an unreasonable grind, considering it's not supposed to be rushed in the first place and you should already have 2 years worth of Focus resources under your belt, which is more than enough to unlock the more important stuff of the new Focus trees immediately. The rest is just a bonus for your time investment, but not a necessity to play the game.  

And progress in Focus isn't just a few mission types, althought there are the ones that clearly are most effective if you're looking to maximize gains, as long as the enemies start at a decent level, you'll get enough affinity for 10k+ Focus in a single mission. If you're running low level stuff that rewards almost no affinity you're simply doing it wrong. 

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I want to max a skill tree or just create a build with many waybound passives for the sole reason that is the only way to make our operators stronger, and i will tell you, cheese farming is boring, equinox + polearm is boring, and dont talk to me about affinity booster and greater lenses, even if i cap my focus in 3 runs, i still need to go back to my focus tree and see that i need 1,5kk points just to get the best out of that passive, and many more points for the rest of it, and even more just so i can unlock space with those capacity pool points, the whole problem is, if you want to invest time to make your operator stronger, you not only need a specific setup to farm this fast (im talking about most of the players that wont get a greater/eidolon lens plus booster) you need to sit through a lot of chesse farm like im doing right now because i dont have a greater lens for my equinox and melee, also the need to see that even if you unlock your waybound passive you still need a ton of points to fit it into another school (talking about capacity).

What is the point of focus 2.0 giving us access to waybound passives and stuff like that, to make us stronger, if the whole ordeal requires a lot of days to do it even if you have everything that makes it fast, do you think everyone is going to go full booster + eidolon farming for brilliant shards all the time? It is boring, time consuming, and exhausting. Focus shouldnt be handed to us easily, but making it a pain to acquire, both for new and veteran players, is not the way too.

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I do believe that the tree needs more increments though. They could keep the same grind, yet make the progress more incremental. IMO, each node could use 4-5 more "blips" for the same cost overall. 

Infact, they could add even more blips for more focus and still increase the strength even more. None of the buffs seem that game breaking when maxed. There is definitely room to go up on the power creep.

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Focus isn't only for hardcore grinders, but for ppl who maxed out their gear and this includes casuals...

So why not look for a solution that pleases everyone? A dedicated node, with a dedicated warframe and dedicated equipment to get to the cap in a reasonable time is just not the right solution and I think DE agrees with it. I want to reach that cap while I "play" the game, aka do my sorties, syndicate missions, alerts, bounties and so on and not be bound to this one boring node or 2-3h teralyst.

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10 hours ago, Nariala said:

Whats the need for making it an obtuse, year long at best speeds, grind?

That's easy to answer.  So that those that want it now will buy Greater Lens and Boosters.  If the grind was too easy then DE wouldn't make much revenue or as much revenue.  Simple.

10 hours ago, Nariala said:

People rush it because they have no choice if they want to experience having that content. 

Which leads directly back to what I said in my earlier post in this topic.  You really only have three options: Be patient, farm the grind for free, or pay to get Greater Lens and/or Boosters.  

Some seem to forget that while this game is free to play, DE still has to make money to sustain it.  Any one with common sense can see this in the whole game design.  DE doesn't hide it.  

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7 minutes ago, DatDarkOne said:

That's easy to answer.  So that those that want it now will buy Greater Lens and Boosters.  If the grind was too easy then DE wouldn't make much revenue or as much revenue.  Simple.

So your confusion about people grinding it as fast as they can arises from what? You've already stated you are aware that this was an attempt to further monetize focus from the player base and also stretch content. 

"they need to make money" is a flimsy defense in the face of a poorly designed system.  The absurd amount of focus you require to even begin to dent just one of the many Focus Trees is staggering.  Its a huge barrier to casual players (aka: a large portion of the players, and typically the ones prone to impulse purchasing)  and a chore to the "dedicated" players.   So the system (according to you) is currently setup to piss off both parties with the hopes of selling a few lenses. Something that doesn't really generate enough revenue with the free sources in game to be worth it.

Given the availability of "free" lenses in the game... It is more likely that this was done simply to stretch the content rather than let people engage with it. In the past they've stated they wanted to reduce the grind for focus schools, but this update goes completely counter to that notion. Boosters do not reduce the time needed to invest in this grind. There is a daily cap and thus ruins any attempt at speeding along.  

Tl;DR: I'm not sure what you are getting at beyond simply trying to play devils advocate. 

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42 minutes ago, Nariala said:

Tl;DR: I'm not sure what you are getting at beyond simply trying to play devils advocate. 

You asked a question.  I tried to answer it to the best of my knowledge using logic, common sense, deductive reasoning, and real world experience.  

I'm not defending anything.  It's just not hard at all to see how the grind (all of it and not just focus) is geared to entice players to spend money.  To ignore this simple business truth while discussing grind would generally lead to errors, etc.  

Kinda like saying 95% of shark attacks happen near a beach while ignoring that the beach is where the people generally are.  :D. It's the seemingly small details that help make sense of why something is happening.  

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16 hours ago, TheGodofWiFi said:

So? How does that make you any more important than people who literally cannot play for hours on end. Go play a different game to entertain yourself.

So you’re in favour of punishing people who might not have a choice but to be “casual”. You and your elitism repulses me.

Sorry, but how are you being "punished"?
Is it that you can't complete an "endgame" portion of the game that has minimal(if any) impact on 90% of the game in a week?

The system doesn't punish anyone.
It rewards people who are smart about either:
A) dumping time into the game
B) play their limited time smartly to maximize investments.

Fact is that it doesn't take "hours on end" to cap focus.
Fact is that it doesn't take "hours on end" to fight a terralyst 3 times in a given day (easy enough in a non-optimized groups and its how I've been fighting the Teralyst) for 75K focus (and more quill standing than you can ever use after only a few IRL days).

I have a full time job and other responsibilities.
I can still cap out my focus quite easily.
But the thing is that I don't need it as the simple truth is that none of the nodes are really worth it.  I just do it because I'm a completionist.  If I wasn't I would ignore the focus trees outside of the starting residuals (which are extremely easy to max) and then go along my way ignoring focus and not be "punished" for missing out on a function of the game that doesn't affect 90% of it.

16 hours ago, TheGodofWiFi said:

It shouldn’t be only geared to the hardcore otherwise what will other non-hardcore players think. You want something to do? Go play a different game while you wait for the next update.

So basically "You play in a more efficient way then me!  How dare you, go play another game!"  Sorry, but you're being the spoilt brat with that type of attitude.

The simple fact of the matter is that DE put in the large grind to keep people busy.  Without the daily caps and long grind peoples first complaints on the forums are "There's nothing to do, I've done it all!"  At least this way keeps those players happy.

And it is not bad to have a system geared more towards the hardcore players.  Not everything needs to be able to be farmed up by a casual player in a week or two.
Especially when said system has next to no impact on the vast majority of the game and pretty much no one even notices that the system is there or has any impact on what they are doing outside of 2 farms (Kuva and Teralyst).

So please tell me: How does having a 100% optional system that has no impact on the majority of the game be more geared towards hardcore players impact you negatively in any way shape or form?
How does not being able to cap focus in 2 or 3 casual missions per day cause you any trouble or problem or make the game harder/impossible to progress?

16 hours ago, TheGodofWiFi said:

Stop acting like spoilt brats simply because you have more time on your hands than others.

So because people might have lives that don’t involve playing video games 24-7, that means we should miss out on certain parts of the games we like to play on occasion? 

You are part of the problem and need to realise the world doesn’t revolve solely around players who are still sitting in their mothers house aged 32 playing video games all day.

Sorry but I have only noticed one spoilt brat in this thread and that would be you.

Like I said above: I have a full time job.  I have other responsibilities.  And yet I can still cap on focus and farm the Teralyst without much trouble because I enjoy the game and go about how I play smartly instead of just whinging and complaining and demanding that I be able to get everything in a game while putting in zero actual effort to get it.

And again: Please tell me what you are missing out on.
What part of the focus trees affect gameplay so much that it has a noticeable impact on the majority of systems in the game?
The simple fact is that the focus trees currently affect 2 farms, and one of them is just barely affected.
Neither of those farms are required for any play, especially the one that actually relies on your operator doing something other than the occasional void dash.

You aren't missing out on anything.
Nothing in the focus trees will change how you play the game or do very much unless you're interested in farming the Teralyst over and over again (which due to the brilliant shards is an easy focus farm as well).

And honestly I see you being the problem here.  You keep on going on about how the game should revolve around the players who can't play it for long and who refuse to put in the effort to maximize the returns on the time that they do spend in it.

Games need a system that take time and appeal to the hardcore farmers.
And again, this game does it without locking the more casual players out of anything.

16 hours ago, TheGodofWiFi said:

You also have tons of OTHER games you can play if you’re looking for something to do. Just because you sit around for months being bored while waiting for DE to spoon-feed you more content, that doesn’t automatically give you the right to dictate which systems are for which kind of player.

Honestly the sheer elitism/arrogance in some people....

And hey: Just because you can't play the game for very long and refuse to do anything to occasionally maximize your return on the time you spend in a completely optional system that has absolutely zero effect on the vast majority of gameplay doesn't mean that you have the right to dictate that the game should have literally every single feature cater to your demands and leave players who like to farm with nothing to do.

And again: The nodes which actually have a small impact on normal gameplay?  Those are cheap nodes easy to unlock.
The rest of the trees that have no effect what-so-ever on normal gameplay are the ones that take an investment of time.
And what is so wrong about that system?  How is it punishing that you're missing out on a bunch of nodes that have no impact on the vast majority of gameplay and only affect one of the farms that you already said you didn't want to do (teralyst)?  How does it hurt your experience in any way to "miss out" on a system that doesn't impact you or how you play/what you do?

Edited by Tsukinoki
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My only issue with the new focus costs is that the costs will 100% intimidate & drive away new players.

After Second Dream, the unlock cost alone was somewhat unsettling to many newbies (myself included).

But the PoE costs make me not even want to try/bother with it.

They are too high.

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