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After 4+ years my first frame for plat


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So GARA and why for plat 

well even on low settings i cant play POE so i decided to spend plat on it (i hope this does not become the trend )

And POE and maps a like in future get at least 70% better optimization 

One of reasons why i invested my time and stuff in WF because i was like ''hell yeah These DE get it if they make optimized game like ''lol'' and similar

They will get huge playerbase. I have made this decision knowingly and if this continues i think ill have to leave WF for good

Since so much of the content is locked behind HUGE WALL for me now

That being said i understand WF needs to evolve but i dont have enough real life resources to chase it at this point and it makes me super sad.

I will keep track of WF info and log in from time to time (there is a chance i hope since i can run skyrim on ultra and i cant run POE on low) internet is not a problem its my PC

so ill keep dreaming for optimisation for now (cya from time to time).

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I cant keep swiching from high to low all the time and it makes so much problems for me At this point i cant play POE and its fine 

But this is plea for all other TENNO that have lower PS-s and potato tosters 

Optimization will take time i understand that but till it gets to like 70% it will take forever and at least help ppl who have half desent pc-s 

Like save options is not that hard to make i would assume tho i culd be wrong . FOR POE and big maps in future pls considere it 

Or at least reply so i can know i can look foreward to future to know ill be able to play POE in a year or so ?

Edited by TennoPain
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tell me about it POE is eating my mid ish spec laptop alive...

can get 40-80 fps in the base game,but if i go to do planes stuff it drops to 30-40 fps...playable but it can be better...

luckally its playable enough that i grinded everything for gara and made her legit + grinded things and made my 1st Zaw,im now slowly working on collecting set mods and trying to get quill standing for a actual amp not the one you get for finishing Gara's quest

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16 minutes ago, (PS4)A_SimpleName said:

As a console gamer, this thread does not give me a good feeling. :sadcry: Finger crossed for performance at console release. 

I bought a pro because of this.

Funny enough I have a really good gaming PC but I refuse to switch because DE wont honor my login days. Mr24 and I didn't mind regrinding for everything but the login day thing is too disrespectful.

Edited by (PS4)RenovaKunumaru
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On 10/29/2017 at 12:27 PM, TennoPain said:

So GARA and why for plat 

well even on low settings i cant play POE so i decided to spend plat on it (i hope this does not become the trend )

And POE and maps a like in future get at least 70% better optimization 

One of reasons why i invested my time and stuff in WF because i was like ''hell yeah These DE get it if they make optimized game like ''lol'' and similar

They will get huge playerbase. I have made this decision knowingly and if this continues i think ill have to leave WF for good

Since so much of the content is locked behind HUGE WALL for me now

That being said i understand WF needs to evolve but i dont have enough real life resources to chase it at this point and it makes me super sad.

I will keep track of WF info and log in from time to time (there is a chance i hope since i can run skyrim on ultra and i cant run POE on low) internet is not a problem its my PC

so ill keep dreaming for optimisation for now (cya from time to time).

Maybe invest in a console or better computer. The better computer may help you do other things than just play Warframe.

Edited by (PS4)godlysparta
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On 10/29/2017 at 3:27 PM, TennoPain said:

well even on low settings i cant play POE so i decided to spend plat on it (i hope this does not become the trend )

And POE and maps a like in future get at least 70% better optimization

I have made this decision knowingly and if this continues i think ill have to leave WF for good

Yeah, uh .. I'm not trying to be that guy, but come on man. One of the greatest achievements with PoE is the amount of optimization they did manage to pull off. I forget the exact specs, but Steve managed to get it running around 30+ FPS on a laptop running Windows XP. They've done their due diligence and more. To quote, "This is the most optimized version of Warframe."

If you're going to indulge hours upon hours into a hobby and want to enjoy it, then you should invest monetarily into it as well; especially after 4 years. There's only so much responsibility you can place on DE for this, and if you care about your hobby (gaming) and want to continue to, you should invest in it. Threatening to leave the game over it is just poor form.


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IF and only IF you are on Windows 7 32bit you can paste this in the command prompt (start->accessories->right click on command prompt->execute as admin):

bcdedit /set IncreaseUserVa 3072

Restart the PC after doing that.

This will increase VRAM to 3gb and now you can enter PoE (but this can also make your PC unstable so do it at your own risk), it worked for me and some other people (also PoE uses a really stupid amount of RAM, 2.5-2.7Gb it's not optimized AT ALL).

If any problem comes up with your PC you can always disable it:

bcdedit /deletevalue IncreaseUserVa

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you can just build new pc. hey, it doens't need to be a super expensive processor like the 6th,7th,8th gen core cpu or ryzen. just a used and old cpu is enough. and a budget modern graphics card.

this is my pc build"

CPU: i5 2500k

Ram: 8gb Kingston Hyper X Fury 1600mhz

Motherboard: Asus P8P76LE

HDD: WD 1TB Caviar Blue

GPU: MSI GTX 1050 ti Gaming X 4GB

PSU: FSP Hexa+ 450

that's it. my pc is so cheap that even student relying on their mama can afford. but still, can't get away to the fps drops that everyone experiencing. but it mostly stays at 80 ~ 100 @ max settings. sometimes more than 100 depending on the situation.

EDIT: here's a PoE screenshot




Edited by Gram01
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