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Anybody who bought the new Ember skin?


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18 hours ago, Stoner74 said:

Nah. Why would I buy a chicken anyway. Ember prime's default skin is so much better than the deluxe and it's quite sad. 

If there's one skin I want for Ember is her Magesty skin. Tennogen is so much better, even if you pay real money. 

my question is how is possible that fan-made reskin and cosmetics are actually so much better than the ones from professional designers of the game ?

And if you have noticed, the release of cosmetics purchasable with platinum since from the start of tennogen items has been the worst. We get good items only with great updates, except for garbage-like set/pieces here and there sometime, and deluxe skins which actually are the unique cosmetics worth to be bought.

Is this a way to force us toward tennogen items? 

I could not care less if we could buy tennogen items with platinum as console players do, but frankly I find it unfair to force people to spend other money, when at the end of the day, platinum are real money too.

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Seems like the biggest complaint with her deluxe skin is the head. Even the people who like the skin don't like or use the head that comes with it hehe. I think the reason why some were let down or hate on it is because it's not that much different then her other default helmets. I guess not having the mohawk/rooster part would have made more people happy.

Edited by RoninJed
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1 minute ago, RoninJed said:

Seems like the biggest complaint with her deluxe skin her the head. Even the people who like the skin don't like or use the head that comes with it hehe. I think the reason why some were let down or hate on it is because it's not that much different then her other default helmets. I guess not having the mohawk/rooster part would have made more people happy.

Generalizing is never a good idea.  There are people who like the skin (including its helm) and there are people who don't... different opinions are different.



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I actually don't mind the Ember deluxe.

I can see the complaints with it having the mohawk yet again but I'm not too fussed and I like the punk rock chick thing going on with physics too. I think the weapon replacement is kind of weak though.

However, TG is a very hard contender against this deluxe despite being a simple skin and new helmet.

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6 minutes ago, GnomeFrame said:

Generalizing is never a good idea.  There are people who like the skin (including its helm) and there are people who don't... different opinions are different.



And it seems the majority don't like it...but will buy it anyways hehe.

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When the Tennogen is so cool it makes people spoiled.

Ember got a skin that represents a fire bird, Phoenix. Ember is a fire frame.
It makes sense and it looks the part, how can anyone be upset? If it's your taste in looks then that's a personal issue.

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9 minutes ago, GnomeFrame said:

So, you've spoken to the 'majority' of people who bought it then, and polled them for their opinion on it?  


Uh no I said it SEEMS like the majority don't like it and I based that off the negative feedback here and all the negative feedback leading up to this skins release. 

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5 hours ago, Rentix said:

When the Tennogen is so cool it makes people spoiled.

Ember got a skin that represents a fire bird, Phoenix. Ember is a fire frame.
It makes sense and it looks the part, how can anyone be upset? If it's your taste in looks then that's a personal issue.

Having to pay for skins in the first place is apparently "spoiled ". Business side spin is in full swing on the anti-audience rolodeck. Please, these aren't gifts, people pay for these, the skin is the blandest representation of a phoenix and not really repping one at all at the end of the day, its repping a straight up rooster. Not that explaining the reasoning behind why it looks like a bird makes it look any better 

Edited by UrielColtan
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16 hours ago, Anthraxicus said:

Taken from the update thread

Like I mentioned back in page 2, they think hard work = awe worthy for no reason whatsover. Awesome work is awe worthy. Hard work that results on something mostly despised is cringe worthy.

Can't see that, I guess they edited the post.

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12 hours ago, Rentix said:

When the Tennogen is so cool it makes people spoiled.

Ember got a skin that represents a fire bird, Phoenix. Ember is a fire frame.
It makes sense and it looks the part, how can anyone be upset? If it's your taste in looks then that's a personal issue.

Y'know honestly that's a good point. No matter what DE does, there will always be better artists out there and I think we've known that for a while now. Even low-key skins like the Vojnik ones can make for some fantastic fashionframing that the more glossy and chromed skins just can't.

What I will say though, is that Ember is one of the more iconic warframes and if this skin is the only deluxe skin we'll see, then it's absolutely a valid complaint that people have, especially when we've had a gorgeous concept of her waved in front of our faces.
Besides, you can always earn plat to get the deluxe skins (which is what I did for these last two) but not everyone can afford the rather expensive tennogen things, so for many people it's a concern.


Edit; Here's my punky ember. Also if anyone was in doubt that making the wraith/vandal weapons colorable was a good idea, just look at those pearlescent wraith Twin Vipers. MmmmHmmmm!


Edited by Smilomaniac
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