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0.6 Energy/sec Native ever possible ?


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i am honestly tired of having no energy or doing a stupid move, since the old Zenurik got ruined.... 

1 Void mode (kid mode)

2 Dash for some Energy

3 Void mode off

back to play my Warframe (which i want to play instead of the kid) with some Energy Regeneration for like 35 sec...

rinse repeat after a bit...... over and over

playing energy hungry caster frames is not fun anymore....

How is that new Energizing Dash fun ? really guys ?

So i now change to Energy Siphon on my most used Warframes to at least get a little Energy back over time ....

How complicated is it for you Developers to understand that the more complicated you make it to enjoy the game fluently the worse it gets for the players ?


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Have to agree with the OP, the changes to zenurik have actually hurt caster frames imo (funnily enough I said this would be teh case when it was 'previewed on this forum) while doing absolutely nothing to or even helped the frames that are the main issue for many (ie ember with wof active all the time).  This is especially apparent on the plains where the 'extra from energy orbs' is pretty useless between waypoints where there's very few or no enemies etc.  It's not as bad on star map. 

And before the replies about taking off blind rage, use streamline/fleeting expertise or use energy pizza or stop spamming skills etc, some frames are designed to use multiple abilities together and at the same time are being built for efficiency as well.  Assuming we're going for -efficiency builds is just ignoring the issue being raised by quite a few of us. 

The new pop in/out mechanic on zenurik for energy doesn't even automatically start on our own frames so we have to ensure our frames are in the bubble and in some of my cases I need 4 to 5 of these 'in void dash out' motions to fill my energy up (primed flow).  Then there's the issue with lagging hosts (the code really needs improving for picking host) delaying the process (had this earlier today) where there were delays in exiting/returning the frame and also being able to perform the action.  I've also been instantly one shot the very second I left the frame.... 

From what I understand the dev's designed the new 'void dash' system to remove the 'pop out and in' of the old focus school but honestly this is no different, at least in the case of zenurik, because all we're doing is the same in/out (plus the void dash) just more often and well that really kills the flow of the game. 

9 minutes ago, Madway7 said:

While it isn't fun it is more useful since it helps teammates who don't use Zenurik get energy regen.

This option was already there in the old zenurik, it was on the second branch and left a radius around the warframe where any player inside it got energy regen... this is basically what energy regen is now on the new zenurik. 

Edited by LSG501
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While I agree Energizing Dash is not as good as the old Energy Overflow, it's ok-wish if you don't spam abilities like crazy and build for at least a little efficiency. Also, personally I found that Energy Pulse which gives you more energy from orbs is arguably more useful in recovering energy given you're not casting channel-type abilities. 

However, I found that the new Zenurik punishes channeling abilities coz all its skills doesn't work on them. And I really don't like this.

Edited by Marvelous_A
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Get an energize set, problem solved :P

I have no problem with the new zenurik and I play Mag quite often. Also energy pads exist. Just pop 1 or 2 when you need energy quick. 

People got used to energy overflow and now that it's slightly different, its not okay. Just remember back when focus wasn't a thing and energy siphon was the most used aura. 2 energy per second was a lot back then. Now they give you 5 energy + even more energy on orb pickup. 

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1 hour ago, Tuccos said:

i am honestly tired of having no energy or doing a stupid move, since the old Zenurik got ruined.... 

1 Void mode (kid mode)

2 Dash for some Energy

3 Void mode off

back to play my Warframe (which i want to play instead of the kid) with some Energy Regeneration for like 35 sec...

rinse repeat after a bit...... over and over

playing energy hungry caster frames is not fun anymore....

How is that new Energizing Dash fun ? really guys ?

So i now change to Energy Siphon on my most used Warframes to at least get a little Energy back over time ....

How complicated is it for you Developers to understand that the more complicated you make it to enjoy the game fluently the worse it gets for the players ?


I think you missed the point. DE doesn’t want you to play Energy Hungry Frames without much consequence. They want you to use them but they don’t want to make it easy for you on purpose. That would be really cheesy and you should get out of the cheese mentality 

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14 minutes ago, (PS4)godlysparta said:

I think you missed the point. DE doesn’t want you to play Energy Hungry Frames without much consequence. They want you to use them but they don’t want to make it easy for you on purpose. That would be really cheesy and you should get out of the cheese mentality 

Yet the dev's find it perfectly acceptable for people playing with their 'strongest' abilities on ALL the time like equinox and ember for example.... the changes made have actually helped non caster frames because they can pop out at the start and by the time they reach their first enemy the short recharge is done and they just go about killing stuff like usual.... while actually hurting the frames that could make use of the regen in the first place (ember wof disabled it for example).

If the dev's don't want us to cheese stuff all the time then they need to be more consistent in the warframe abilities etc or not design around the need to 'spam' multiple abilities at the same time, not to mention channelling melee which is something zenurik is supposed to promote (it's got it's own branch). 

I've had numerous occasions, more often on the plains, when using a caster frame since the change where I go to use an ability and there just isn't enough energy because the first ability hasn't given me enough to replace what I've used, there's been nothing to trigger the first ability or I 'forgot' to micro manage my energy regen by activating a 'passive' that isn't actually passive...and yes they are built for efficiency and in some cases they actually have primed flow on them. 

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1 hour ago, Aurea_Hiigara said:

Consider Octavia, who pretty much needs to use all of her abilities at the same time. Effiiciency will only get you so far if those abilities are also going to, you know, kill things.

Maybe run more efficiency?

The game existed before energy overflow, you know. Your guns still work. Your sword is still sharp. Enemies still drop orbs. You don't have to stack any ability for that ability to work on its own. Do you really need 3 different buffs running all the time? 

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2 hours ago, LSG501 said:

This option was already there in the old zenurik, it was on the second branch and left a radius around the warframe where any player inside it got energy regen... this is basically what energy regen is now on the new zenurik. 

You mean the 20 sec 2 energy/sec node that would increase the cooldown timer by 135 seconds?

If you mean in the ideal situation sense, yeah if they gave us a passive energy regen and just the ability to give alies regen with void dashes that would be much better.

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8 minutes ago, Madway7 said:

You mean the 20 sec 2 energy/sec node that would increase the cooldown timer by 135 seconds?

probably, pretty sure I was like everyone else and only unlocked the bare minimum to keep the cooldown to the minimum (the main reason half the stuff was never unlocked) so can't really remember too much about the exact details.  I remember unlocking it and then turning it off because 1 no one ever used it (haven't actually seen anyone go after the 'new' energy regen either) and 2 it increased the cooldown.

edit: yeah that's the one, called energy surge

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13 minutes ago, LSG501 said:

probably, pretty sure I was like everyone else and only unlocked the bare minimum to keep the cooldown to the minimum (the main reason half the stuff was never unlocked) so can't really remember too much about the exact details.  I remember unlocking it and then turning it off because 1 no one ever used it (haven't actually seen anyone go after the 'new' energy regen either) and 2 it increased the cooldown.

edit: yeah that's the one, called energy surge

Actually mostly people who do exp farms use it, I've met plenty of people who pop ut up on the defense objective while doing the waves.

It's kinda hard to use it just to help people unless you're either wiyh friends or manage to get ahead of everyone. In general it's much better as a team buff than what it used to be.

I'm not saying it's perfect like it is. Just that it has its ups and downs. Atm the significantly increased cost to max it being the worst imo.

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Just now, Madway7 said:

Actually mostly people who do exp farms use it, I've met plenty of people who pop ut up on the defense objective while doing the waves.

It's kinda hard to use it just to help people unless you're either wiyh friends or manage to get ahead of everyone. In general it's much better as a team buff than what it used to be.

I'm not saying it's perfect like it is. Just that it has its ups and downs. Atm the significantly increased cost to max it being the worst imo.

The new 'place it where you want' aspect of the new energy regen would have been great if it for a replacement to energy surge but the current system isn't an improvement to the old energy regen imo because of the issues I said earlier. 

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What frames are you having problems with?

I've never used Zenurik and I have yet to have it be a problem for me. 

I regularly use Ash, Excal, Vauban, Hydroid, Nekros, Rhino, Chroma, and Frost.  I've recently leveled Saryn, Zephyr, Titania, Wukong, Banshee, Ivara, Nova, and Trinity.  I've made use of Ember, Volt, Nyx, Mag, Valkyr, Oberon, Limbo, and Inaros.  I've got a Mirage and Nezha built but haven't leveled them yet.

Are none of those the "energy hungry" frames people are having trouble with?  I've seen Equinox and Octavia mentioned and haven't tried either of those yet.

I mean, what is it folks are doing that they are always out of energy?

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1 hour ago, TheBrsrkr said:

Maybe run more efficiency?

The game existed before energy overflow, you know. Your guns still work. Your sword is still sharp. Enemies still drop orbs. You don't have to stack any ability for that ability to work on its own. Do you really need 3 different buffs running all the time? 

Octavia really does. I don't play her much because she sucks on bad connections, but the 1, 2 and 3 abilities synergize with each other. I don't remember exactly how 4 works.

What you're basically saying, though, is that we should stop using frame abilities because our weapons work well enough. While true, the question becomes why we have different frames at all if not to use their abilities.

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