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0.6 Energy/sec Native ever possible ?


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2 minutes ago, Aurea_Hiigara said:

Octavia really does. I don't play her much because she sucks on bad connections, but the 1, 2 and 3 abilities synergize with each other. I don't remember exactly how 4 works.

What you're basically saying, though, is that we should stop using frame abilities because our weapons work well enough. While true, the question becomes why we have different frames at all if not to use their abilities.

He's not saying stop using them altogether.  He's saying don't try to use them 100% of the time.  If you were supposed to always have abilities active, they wouldn't have an energy cost at all.

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6 minutes ago, Aurea_Hiigara said:

Octavia really does. I don't play her much because she sucks on bad connections, but the 1, 2 and 3 abilities synergize with each other. I don't remember exactly how 4 works.


What I'm saying is that the synergy is not a requirement for her powers to work. Any single ability she has can provide a buff that is useful enough on its own to get through that part of the mission. Mallet and Resonator in particular will help you each in their own way, not so much Metronome which I always found to be weird. 


8 minutes ago, Aurea_Hiigara said:


What you're basically saying, though, is that we should stop using frame abilities because our weapons work well enough. While true, the question becomes why we have different frames at all if not to use their abilities.

What I am saying is don't depend on your powers so much so that not having energy will cripple you. I don't particularly like or play caster frames that much, but Chroma and Excalibur still eat a lot of energy, and I frequently have to decide particularly with Chroma whether to use Elemental Ward or Vex Armor or both. Radial Blind and Radial Javelin less so, but for all its flaws Radial Javelin is still a viable alternative to Blind, and one will suit the situation more than the other. 

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15 hours ago, Aurea_Hiigara said:

Consider Octavia, who pretty much needs to use all of her abilities at the same time. Effiiciency will only get you so far if those abilities are also going to, you know, kill things.

Octavia is a bad example to choose (possibly the worst) as an example for your point.

Octavia does need to use her abilities all the time, but they're all set-and-forget with high duration. It's best if she has them up all the time, but she doesn't need to spam. All of her abilities benefit from both Efficiency and Duration (especially Mallet for storing more scaling damage), and so as tools go she's set.

In fact, it's optimal if you don't rapidly spam her powers. Octavia's passive gives an AoE of 1 Energy/second for 30 seconds of regen after casting an ability. Casting another will refresh the buff, but it doesn't stack. To optimize her innate team-wide regen, casting powers here and there (withing that 30s window for continuous regen) is far more economical than constantly redeploying the same stuff.

As far as casters go, Bardframe is probs the best for self-contained energy economy.

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16 hours ago, DarthBane1 said:

One word if you want to use powers like that. Limbo. 


Limbo+Energy siphon=TONS of energy. 

You can go full 50% efficiency and he can gain back all his crap + some. Limbo is an outlier though. 


Titania i can see being obnoxious to play now but i dont have her on my pc wf so iunno. Titania mains any input?

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16 hours ago, Marvelous_A said:

However, I found that the new Zenurik punishes channeling abilities coz all its skills doesn't work on them. And I really don't like this.

If that's your reasoning, then the old Zenurik "punished" channeled abilities too, since its Energy regen has always been blocked by them.

Am I misunderstanding you, or did you not notice this?

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12 hours ago, TheBrsrkr said:

. I don't particularly like or play caster frames that much, but Chroma and Excalibur still eat a lot of energy, and I frequently have to decide particularly with Chroma whether to use Elemental Ward or Vex Armor or both

I disagree here Excalibur feels very energy efficient compared to the likes of Mag/Titania/Limbo (if he gets screwed hes done since his set ups involve at base popping 4 and spamming 3, spamming 1 - 3 - 1 x N or 2 - 4 z 3 then 1 - 3 - 1 and this is with 130% efficiency if something messes him up he gets in a rut, if he does well he has no energy limitations)/ Vauban with either repelling or perpetual vortex and the like. They are mashing their powers almost as much as they shoot in intense environments.

Chroma part i dont understand though since i run Strength / duration + rage and am experimenting with str/dur/pflow + quick thinking. I always havw both vex and ward up. 



Edited by (PS4)psycofang
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17 hours ago, Stoner74 said:

Get an energize set, problem solved :P

I have no problem with the new zenurik and I play Mag quite often. Also energy pads exist. Just pop 1 or 2 when you need energy quick. 

People got used to energy overflow and now that it's slightly different, its not okay. Just remember back when focus wasn't a thing and energy siphon was the most used aura. 2 energy per second was a lot back then. Now they give you 5 energy + even more energy on orb pickup. 

*Old man Tenno voice* Back in my day the Warframe you chose determined your archwing's health/shields and we liked it!

On a serious note...this. I've never unlocked Zenurik and rarely have energy concerns. When I do have energy concerns then it's pizza time. I really feel the old focus has babied people far too much

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1 hour ago, SenorClipClop said:

If that's your reasoning, then the old Zenurik "punished" channeled abilities too, since its Energy regen has always been blocked by them.

Am I misunderstanding you, or did you not notice this?

Now on top of that the new energy orb passive doesn't work on channeling ability also. They can make it a plain increase instead of extra X energy gain in Y seconds. In the old tree the efficiency skill worked on them.

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9 hours ago, (Xbox One)Ubern00ber88 said:

*Old man Tenno voice* Back in my day the Warframe you chose determined your archwing's health/shields and we liked it!


You mean like on the plains... (unless it's been changed) you archwing health etc IS linked to your health etc on your warframe lol

Admittedly being a console player you may not be aware of this :)

Edited by LSG501
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11 hours ago, (PS4)psycofang said:

Chroma part i dont understand though since i run Strength / duration + rage and am experimenting with str/dur/pflow + quick thinking. I always havw both vex and ward up. 

Interesting, I think I might have taken out rage for something (not the best, I know) but I'm not actually done using forma on him so I can't exactly fit everything. I even still use Steel Charge on him. Even so, I can get by even with sorties with fire or Ice Chroma on elemental Ward or Vex armor on their own. 

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On 04/11/2017 at 1:10 AM, Tuccos said:

i am honestly tired of having no energy or doing a stupid move, since the old Zenurik got ruined.... 

1 Void mode (kid mode)

2 Dash for some Energy

3 Void mode off

back to play my Warframe (which i want to play instead of the kid) with some Energy Regeneration for like 35 sec...

rinse repeat after a bit...... over and over

playing energy hungry caster frames is not fun anymore....

How is that new Energizing Dash fun ? really guys ?

So i now change to Energy Siphon on my most used Warframes to at least get a little Energy back over time ....

How complicated is it for you Developers to understand that the more complicated you make it to enjoy the game fluently the worse it gets for the players ?


I too am fast finding this tiring... I thought there was going to be a focus tree free method of energy gain, like an arcane or something to take it's place... but all we got was a more painful method of acquiring energy... I'm slowly coming to hate it.

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Using abilities is fun.  Not using abilities is less fun.  Therefore, anything preventing us from using abilities is no fun.

Why are there things preventing us using abilities?

Because they're overpowered as hell and Damage/Healing is rotten to the core,  Crowd Control is entirely unrestrained thus literally infinitely overpowered, Invulnerability and Invisibility can be kept up indefinitely thus is infinitely overpowered.

Is this seriously so hard to figure out!?

I could probably trace every single flaw of this game back to the ANCIENT Damage and healing system.  It's not friggin rocket science!
Except people apparently don't see this, or everyone just wants to bury their heads in the sand and are content with misery.

Getting so tired with apparent ignorance and lack of action done on something so FUNDAMENTALLY IMPORTANT that is CLEARLY messing up 90% of the game.
If only more people could see.

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57 minutes ago, blazinvire said:

Using abilities is fun.  Not using abilities is less fun.  Therefore, anything preventing us from using abilities is no fun.

If it were that simple there would be no energy system to begin with.


Do you honestly think that having a limiter to gameplay only ruins gameplay? Why can't I fly in CoD? Why doesn't every weapon one-shot in Doom? Why does nearly every game ever that has had abilities have some sort of cool-down?

It is simple, it is because having limitations to your gameplay makes you use your noggin. And when you use your noggin, you are more engaged. And when you are more engaged, you have more fun. It has long been known by developers that given the opportunity, a players will min/max the fun right out of a game. 

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The need to do this Energizing Dash crap 1-2 per min for energy regen is simply and honestly spoken "horrible game design"

its going on my nerves and feels like a brick in my shoe while playing..... permanent interrupts for this Dash move....

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13 hours ago, LSG501 said:


You mean like on the plains... (unless it's been changed) you archwing health etc IS linked to your health etc on your warframe lol

Admittedly being a console player you may not be aware of this :)

Huh. When i was playing plains on my laptop my itzal had the same health/shields as always no matter what frame I ran. Unlike the old days where archwings didn't have independent health/shield/armor stats.  It's why everyone ran frost/rhino trying to farm elytron since they gave the best survival stats for such a high intercept mission

Admittedly I wouldn't expect you to be aware of this due to how long ago this change occurred.

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6 hours ago, (Xbox One)Ubern00ber88 said:

Huh. When i was playing plains on my laptop my itzal had the same health/shields as always no matter what frame I ran. Unlike the old days where archwings didn't have independent health/shield/armor stats.  It's why everyone ran frost/rhino trying to farm elytron since they gave the best survival stats for such a high intercept mission

Admittedly I wouldn't expect you to be aware of this due to how long ago this change occurred.

Haven't checked for a while, so it might have been a bug and been fixed if it's no longer like it, but If  you entered your archwing (on plains) with reduced health on your frame the archwing health was also reduced... it didn't really make much difference seeing as you usually end up being one shot anyway no matter what health you have. 

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Honnestly I don't mind to have to do this, we have to go toward energy orb, deploy blue pizza, use trinity vampire, get affinity with our gammacore and so on,

So just void dashing from time to time and sharing my energy with other is not really an annoying issue finally a point to go out of my warframe

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1 hour ago, LSG501 said:

Haven't checked for a while, so it might have been a bug and been fixed if it's no longer like it, but If  you entered your archwing with reduced health on your frame the archwing health was also reduced... it didn't really make much difference seeing as you usually end up being one shot anyway no matter what health you have. 

I was talking about how archwing used to determine health and shields  The change came about in update 15.6.0 and to quote the pertinent information:

Overall Archwing Changes:

  • Warframe Stats and Mods no longer carry over onto Archwing performance. All Warframes will now perform equally well while piloting an Archwing, eliminating the need to use a specific Warframe for optimum Space Ninja performance.
  • All Archwings now have different base Health/Shield/Armor stats that can be modded (with the newly buffed Mods).

No bugs here, only your own ignorance...as well as a false sense of elitism.

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1 hour ago, (Xbox One)Ubern00ber88 said:

No bugs here, only your own ignorance...as well as a false sense of elitism.

or more likely it's your inability to read that my posts are referring to archwing ON THE PLAINS.....note the fact you are 'missing' the bit on your quote (which was after my edit according to the timestamp) where it specifically states its referring to the plains.  You keep going back to archwing in space which as DE have stated is different to the one used on the plains and I have made no reference to in any of my posts.


2 hours ago, LSG501 said:

 If  you entered your archwing (on plains) with reduced health on your frame the archwing health was also reduced...

Just checked and still doing it... entered plains with nidus, took damage to about 25% of health, used beacon to summon archwing and on mounting archwing it has about 25% of it's health pool.  And just to make it completely clear.... that is off of it's own health pool based on it's own mods and base stats, it is not linked in the same way as a kubrow/kavat is via their mods. 

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23 minutes ago, LSG501 said:

or more likely it's your inability to read that my posts are referring to archwing ON THE PLAINS.....note the fact you are 'missing' the bit on your quote (which was after my edit according to the timestamp) where it specifically states its referring to the plains.  You keep going back to archwing in space which as DE have stated is different to the one used on the plains and I have made no reference to in any of my posts.


Just checked and still doing it... entered plains with nidus, took damage to about 25% of health, used beacon to summon archwing and on mounting archwing it has about 25% of it's health. 

Oh, I can very well read that you keep referencing archwings on the plains. However what you seem to be missing is the fact that my original post was referencing the archwing system change as whole from what it once was. The space and plains distinction is irrelevant as they use the same health/shield system throughout as each has its own independent stats now instead of being based on the frame used. Example: Itzal having an unmodded shield of 600, health of 600, and armor 50 You initially retorted with a statement about plains health/shield linking (which is similar to current sharkwing mechanics) which is a different subject than what I was speaking on entirely.

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1 hour ago, (Xbox One)Ubern00ber88 said:

Oh, I can very well read that you keep referencing archwings on the plains. However what you seem to be missing is the fact that my original post was referencing the archwing system change as whole from what it once was. The space and plains distinction is irrelevant as they use the same health/shield system throughout as each has its own independent stats now instead of being based on the frame used. Example: Itzal having an unmodded shield of 600, health of 600, and armor 50 You initially retorted with a statement about plains health/shield linking (which is similar to current sharkwing mechanics) which is a different subject than what I was speaking on entirely.

Once again you cut out a part of my reply which already covered that but you chose to remove it for your reply. 

Having read that last reply of yours however I do believe that you may have 'misunderstood' my initial reply and as such see no reason to continue trying to explain things. 

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11 minutes ago, LSG501 said:

Once again you cut out a part of my reply which already covered that but you chose to remove it for your reply. 

Having read that last reply of yours however I do believe that you may have 'misunderstood' my initial reply and as such see no reason to continue trying to explain things. 

There really isn't anything to explain you made an irrelevant comment to my original post which you continue to misinterpret.

As for "cutting" your posts, I leave everything that is there when I hit the "quote" button. You seem to be editing an awful lot though in an attempt to backtrack,.however.

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