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Best and Worst types of players to play with?


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Best player traits:

Kindness - You bring a positive energy to the group and promote enjoying the game together.

Compassion - You reassure those who under-performed that it's okay and we'll just try again.  When someone is insulted, you try to defuse the situation and support the target.

Effort - You may make 100 mistakes, but you're genuinely trying.

Worst player traits:

Insulting / Blaming - Nope.  I want to have fun, but you're adding unnecessary hostility to my experience and destroying camaraderie.

Racism, sexism, etc - NOPE.  You're adding unnecessary hostility to my experience and creating a toxic environment.

Using mic but not talking, just eating chips and listening to music - Mute.

Edited by (PS4)Unstar
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For me the best players are the ones that understand that not everyone is knowledgeable and are willing to wait up for newbies give tips and give away mods and primes because they can and see the struggle some new comers may have. 

Those who are wiling to laugh and have fun and don't even bat an eye when playing very long long defense or survival runs only to fail.


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Favorite players are those who enjoy playing the game, who are involved in the team looking out for the others in the mission. Players who are learners, while mistakes are made, they recognize them and learn from them. Players who are teachers, who take a few seconds to help out another player with some aspect of the game they're having difficulty with. Usually there's a few seconds to do this without endangering the mission at all. 

Least favorite players are those who are rushing through a mission as if they're the only person in the world, the rest of the team can go hang. Players who disparage other players for mistakes they make or having a weapon/frame that is deemed subpar by this player. Any player that displays an elitist attitude at all. 

Warframe is a game, intended to be enjoyed by those playing it. So, lets play it as intended in a cooperative way, each of us helping the rest to get to the objective and complete the missions successfully. Have fun and enjoy the ride.

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8 hours ago, (PS4)PS_90210 said:

I think the best type of player to have n a squad is the totally chill higher level player. They don't care what level you are, they will treat you well.

My personal favorite type of player, is the "Slow reviver". I was once on Hydron, and i go down, because i was using a low level frame, with all of my survivability abilities locked. So i go down, and i'm totally isolated. I was still in affinity range, but i doubted that anyone would come to pick me up. But then, i see another player, they were using an uncolored Oberon, they're somehow procced with cold. I see then slowly, slowly "sprinting" down the stars, and i see them slowly running towards me. I just see their frame's arms swinging back and forth really slowly, and they revive me. It was kinda humorous, watching them slowly run towards me, and i imaged them yelling "OBERON TO THE RESCUE" while slowly running towards me. It was humorous, but at the same time, i felt loyalty.

This is the type I strive to be.  Some would consider me to already be there. If I believe that, then I can't work to be even better.  Granted there are also a few times when I can be an A-hole, but I try to limit that side of myself.  :D  

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favourite are those who play the game without ruining the fun for others, they work as a supportive teammate but they also can hold their own. The ones who have your back and also do their fairshare to contribute to the objective. The ones who have enough experience with the game that they know what their teammates are doing, what they're going through and as a result know how to complement and support and do everything that their teammates want them to do without even speaking a word.

The worst are the ones who are holding their own so much that the entire team goes 0% dmg dealt and does not get to play the game at all. Because you aren't even playing with these types of players, they're playing by themselves and you happen to be stuck in the same lobby as them. It's a co-operative game, these players want to play solo and their playstyle makes the game unfun for the other 3 in their squads.


My personal hatred however, goes to players who do spy missions, fail one vault then quit. So the objective bar reads:

A:Objective failed



These players I hate because 1. they force the mission to host migrate, 2. They don't learn. They're clearly bad at spy missions but because they quit instead of trying the other vaults to make some semblance of progress, they learn nothing from that match. So not only are they bad, they're going to stay bad forever. Y'know how the worst kind of stupidity is ignorance? because it means the person will never learn and therefore never have knowledge or wisdom? yeah these are the same players. They're not just bad at spy; They're forever always going to be bad at spy, because they keep quitting and giving up at the smallest drop of a dime.

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The worst : AFK (and by proxy lechers), players that do not comprehend the concept of enemy spawning locations (and die miserably due to that), DPS braggers, new Limbo players

The best : People that understand humor, go for the team plays, have enough knowledge of mechanics or ask for information that they lack.

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Best - Pretty much anyone who shows common courtesy and doesn't get angry. I'm happy to say that this is the standard in most pugs I've been in.

Worst - People who bring Limbo. If I see a top hat, it's abortin' time.

Limbo players can complain all they want about haters not understanding him or knowing how he works, but the fact is that since he got the first rework, everyone's been out to try him out and have a tendency to cover important things with cataclysm without knowing what it does. Such as during the Lua Rescue mission where you have to cycle through the consoles. If you're unlucky, you *barely* have time to go through all of them.
Or they'll defend a mobile defense with stasis and it's a total snorefest. If you're pulling stupid tacs like that, you might as well solo.
Or you'll run into one of their hundreds of "roll" mini-rifts wasting your time to get out of it.

He has his uses, but everyone I've come across have been total nuisances. At it stands, he should be "put in the rift" until DE can do another rework or add a filter to avoid Limbo players in random matchmaking.

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Best players: anyone who loves the melee system enough to go out of their way to chop things, and anyone who seems like they came to the mission to have fun rather than rush through the mission just for the reward at the end. 


Worst players are those  in Spy missions that leave as the timer is running down. I really hate that. Like, just get the mission failed screen like the rest of us and try again. No need to force everyone to go through the host shuffle to eventually get dropped anyway. 

3 hours ago, Eidolon_Slayer said:

.Worst: Cheeki-Breeki breath exercise spamming trolls on mic



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3 hours ago, SkyCakeLight said:

This is especially annoying when I'm playing Ivara. Not only can I rez you, but I can do it with little-to-no danger to us. 

You would really like Unairu's Void Shadows power.  I use it all the time to revive allies as it makes me, my frame, the downed tenno and anyone helping invisible kinda like stealth arrows.


For me the worst players are Messiah Complex ones particularly the ones playing Limbo (although some Nova and Frost players can be like that too).  They are arrogant to the extreme and believe they are the only thing that is keeping the mission from utter failure and a TPK.  Yeah, I get that we are basically invincible in the void, but I am playing Rhino, I was basically invincible anyways and I can hack the hardest console in 6 seconds or less.  You didn't save anybody or anything.


As best players, I always appreciate a Fast Nova when I am affinity/focus grinding, a farmer Nekros and a well played Harrow player.  I also really appreciate players that both know their frames the rest of the squads frames and know how best to use them without stepping on the toes the squad or slowing anyone down.  It is a rare occurrence you get those players with right squad comp, but when you do, it is poetry of digital destruction.

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Best: People who run frames appropriate to the mission with those frames properly modded when running in high level content.

Worst: People who run in and trigger alarms in Spy while nobody else is around because they don't get it. People who run off alone and die repeatedly in high tier Defense. People who play high-tier missions and leave after the first A rotation. People who play Interception with 3-4 players yet keep running around and letting points be decapped instead of holding one. People who activate objectives when the rest of the team isn't there and they can't hold them alone (especially excavators). People who automatically spam their revive button when downed, even if someone is literally two meters away and no enemies are nearby. People who run level 100+ content without Corrosive Projection, especially if they have something like Rifle Amp or Rejuvenation equipped. People who play Frost/Prime with default range and drop bubbles everywhere (especially on Interception consoles). People who play Limbo as if they were solo. People who run into massive AoE DoTs in high level missions and get mad when the Loki/Nova/Whatever doesn't run in and die trying to rez them. People who drag sapper drones/infested moas/&c. to defense objectives.


Oh, and the big one: people who queue for Kuva missions and AFK, repeatedly. Leeches more generally, but that's the one that gets me going. Especially when it's a MR22.

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I remember when I was new to the game, my friend helped me get Nyx. He also taxied me to Hydron to level up. I kept controlling enemies and proceeded to get yelled at by someone who randomly joined our game because I was "purposely trolling him"


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Really as long as you don't have a negative attitude and are making your best effort to not be a burden then I'm good to go, even if your best involves you going down repeatedly throughout a mission. Everyone's gotta learn somehow, and if I'm queuing up for pubs it seems unreasonable to judge; I should be inviting known good players or friends if I want a controlled environment.


My favorite players are the strong and silent type, and I mean that literally. I definitely don't leech off of games but it sure is nice when someone carries the whole team so hard you almost feel bad for the stragglers you pick off while trying to catch up with the slaughterhouse that went speeding ahead of you

Edited by Beartornado
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Best - the one limbo each sortie that's doing a dio fashion frame I really like would have to be the one person on the team that one guy that actually emotes with me at extraction while we wait for the rhino trying to get the ayatan star on the other side of the map.

Worst - The one loki prime each sortie that's like "Guess I'll have to carry you scrubs" during a uranus spy.

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Best -

People who are FUN to play with. Humorous, light-hearted, capable of understanding everyone is a different player with different skills and different play-styles.
People who actually listen to guidance, or give it without attitude.
People who TRY their best regardless of their time playing or their level.

I personally like taking "noobs" through their missions, and purposefully not killing things unless I need to so they get to experience and learn battle for themselves.

Worst -

Campers that expect to be revived. PLAY THE GAME.
Players who forget they were noobs once, and "help" new players with "git gud".
Players that look down their noses at anyone who doesn't use the same builds as them. See: Elitists

Players that go into low-level missions and wipe the map bare before the "noobs" even get a chance to see what the mission was or how it was accomplished.

Did I say elitists?

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Well, i refuse to revive leecher on pub game if they do nothing and hide, even didn't bother to bring CP or give energy to the DPS.


and I hate limbo since it ruins the fun of shooting the enemy or even stop Zenistar from spinning.

but now I like to meet them on Sortie since I always bring my Azima-the stasis destroyer and have fun with their stasis.


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Each time I see a saryn with augmented spores (happened once), eternal war banshee (twice), or a flash accelerant ember (can't recall), I be like: "marry me"

The players I hate:
- CP addicts
- Frame/build demanders
- Leechers
- Limbos
- Mags
- Globe-obsessed frosts
- "What survival mods?" players
- "What is spy?" players
- "I'm just gonna run my operator" players 
- Campers
- Slide melee spammers


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If you went far from the group, far from the objective why should anyone bother to revive you?

That's exactly the worst kind of player - one that doesn't give a damn about the objective, the teamwork, the synergy between squadmates and yet feels entitled and expects others to help them.

Maybe a week ago me and my partner went for a bit longer endless run, we forgot to change to private and this MR2 Excalibur joins. We told him we're staying for longer, he agrees. He might have been inexperienced with his low level Latron and Cronus, he might have just go AFK and get carried, but he kept playing with us and did his best to carry the objective - that's the best kind of player, the one who puts some effort to play with others not just beside them.


9 minutes ago, Teloch said:

eternal war banshee (twice)

That must be some new build :D Care to share?

I'm pretty sure almost every Valkyr runs Eternal War these days, but Resonance Banshee is very rare indeed despite being incredibly powerful.

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Best = Players who are willing to wait for me to rez them instead of wasting their revive coins.....

Worst = those who waste rez coins.


I'm only 100m+ away at most when I play in groups which is 2 to 3 seconds away..... most times I'm practically there when coin wasters end up wasting both their coin AND my time for hauling &#! for even bothering to try to rez them.


It's like you hauling &#! to the randoms only to see this face. Every. Single. Time.


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9 hours ago, TheBrsrkr said:

Best players: anyone who loves the melee system enough to go out of their way to chop things, and anyone who seems like they came to the mission to have fun rather than rush through the mission just for the reward at the end. 


Worst players are those  in Spy missions that leave as the timer is running down. I really hate that. Like, just get the mission failed screen like the rest of us and try again. No need to force everyone to go through the host shuffle to eventually get dropped anyway. 



"Cyka blyat" Warframe = CS:GO now lol

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9 hours ago, Smilomaniac said:

Best - Pretty much anyone who shows common courtesy and doesn't get angry. I'm happy to say that this is the standard in most pugs I've been in.

Worst - People who bring Limbo. If I see a top hat, it's abortin' time.

Limbo players can complain all they want about haters not understanding him or knowing how he works, but the fact is that since he got the first rework, everyone's been out to try him out and have a tendency to cover important things with cataclysm without knowing what it does. Such as during the Lua Rescue mission where you have to cycle through the consoles. If you're unlucky, you *barely* have time to go through all of them.
Or they'll defend a mobile defense with stasis and it's a total snorefest. If you're pulling stupid tacs like that, you might as well solo.
Or you'll run into one of their hundreds of "roll" mini-rifts wasting your time to get out of it.

He has his uses, but everyone I've come across have been total nuisances. At it stands, he should be "put in the rift" until DE can do another rework or add a filter to avoid Limbo players in random matchmaking.

What about a cringy fedora? (with neckbeard)

Image result for neckbeard fedora

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The worst behavior I've stumbled upon on occasion are the ones that are judgemental/argumentative. The player that makes some snide snarky comment on your gear when you're holding your own and contributing regardless of what they think. The MR24 that thinks just because you're not at the same rank as them that you're a drooling idiot that doesn't understand the mechanics of the game DESPITE you clearly showing you do understand. An example of this I recall was a player some time ago blaming me for a failed mobile defense mission despite the fact I was the only one there trying to defend the spot while he was off doing who knows what in some other location. He then accused me of not understanding the objective (which by that time I had done numerous mobile defenses with success). Luckily, this sort of behavior isn't too common but it does happen sadly.

The best type of player I've played with have been the ones that are super friendly and are helpful. They are the opposite of the type at the top. Where if the sortie spy goes horribly wrong, they joke about it and try to give it one more go with you. They see that you're somehow stuck in the geometry of the map, they tell you how to use the unstuck command and try to defend you from the enemies while you try to get yourself unstuck. They find a void trace but no one is nearby to see the marker, they mark it on the map in the case that it's not marked for you. Then when we're all heading to extraction we have a little dance party while we wait for everyone to make it to the extraction point. So far this behavior has been much more common than the snarky jerks example at the top.

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5 hours ago, (Xbox One)BaconHunter111 said:

Best - the one limbo each sortie that's doing a dio fashion frame I really like would have to be the one person on the team that one guy that actually emotes with me at extraction while we wait for the rhino trying to get the ayatan star on the other side of the map.

Worst - The one loki prime each sortie that's like "Guess I'll have to carry you scrubs" during a uranus spy.

You thought this was going to be a clever comment but it was me, Dio.

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