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Kubrows and Kavats have more issues than just lack of UniVac


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Let me start off by painting you a picture of the average process to get a non-sentinel pet, a Kavat. For argument's sake, I'll ignore the requirements to get the incubator segment because that in and of itself is a job all on it's own.

First, you need to find a specific enemy in a specific tileset locked behind a key and scan it, with a 15% chance of getting a DNA Sample in the first place, being a super tedious, time-wasting process that can take hours before you hit the target amount. Otherwise you have to get lucky.

Next, after obtaining at least 20 of these before crafting your first and another 10 for every Kavat after, you aren't allowed to choose which cat you even want, so pray the RNG God gives you 1 of each by your second attempt, or if you wanted just the 1 it's the one you actually wanted, keeping in mind it can take about 80-100 Kavats scanned at best before you actually get another 10 to try again. Let's not forget the Incubator core either, which, while not super expensive later on, is still 100k credits an argon and some materials just to roll the dice and get a random result.

Keep in mind Kavats only have 2 Breeds. Kubrow RNG is even worse since you basically NEED imprints to get the breed you want. 

After getting the cat of your target breed, don't think you're anywhere close to done. No, now you need mods! Where do you get these mods? From two specific enemies in two specific tilesets, one locked behind keys, and both have a low chance of even dropping a mod in the first place, let alone the mods you actually wanted, and neither can be farmed effectively because both spawn in a small number and do not spawn anymore then whatever small handful of Kavats/Kubrow Dens exist. 

Oh, right, you also need to pay a sum of credits to maintain them on top of all this. If you gave us UniVac, then they should be fine, right? I mean, it's not like you gave setinels amazing utility mods available to them like restoring health and shields, reviving you from downed, giving you a defensive barrier while reving other players, ect. all while forgetting that getting even basic mods to boost your Kitty's/Doggo's survivability are a chore, right?

The average process to get a setinel is to get the BP and build it. Argon is the most expensive material in Setinel construction and they need 0 maintenance. Their own mods drop from a bunch of things, and their weapons use the exact same mods you do. 

UniVac will be a step towards them getting off the ground, but thanks to all efforts put into nerfing pet mod acquisition, and failing to actually make them worth all the effort and investment, even with UniVac there is literally no reason to bother with them, and this is without touching the most basic complaint that your pets have braindead AI that can't be managed or controlled in any way. 


Edited by (XB1)PompousNinja156
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Just a few corrections. You forgot about crazy cat ladies spawning kavats.. tons of kavats. nekros pretty much makes every feral kubrow and kavat drop a mod making collecting those mods hilariously easy compared to the chore of jumping around multiple missions to get all the crap you need for sentinels. Also the greatest thing a pet has above a sentinel. It's not made of paper and can be revived without killing yourself... it doesn't really matter if a sentinel is better or not if it dies at the start of the mission thanks to a single stray bullet.

Nothing to see here folks. Just more misinformation and sentinel propoganda in yet another univac post.

Edited by maj.death
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My kavat's problem is a lack of primed armour (DE, next PA please?). The door issue is being patched in the next patch (I hope)


Universal Vacuum is a waste of time/energy etc. Frames have it now, 3 m, it is fine.

Edited by krc473
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Fixing companion AI is more important to me than univac. It would be nice if kubrows and kavats had vacuum equal to that of the sentinels, or univacs range was at the same level of Vacuum right now, but then you run into the issue of "Why ever use a sentinel"


Carrier has ammo case and ammo conversion, Shade has some stealth, Diriga has 75m range on his shots, Djinn has mesmerize, Wyrm has a "back off mofo" wave, Taxon has Artax to slow enemies, all sentinels can have Vacuum.


Kubrows... hell I'm gonna drop my honest opinion here, the only one thats any use to me is a Huras for the free stealth. Kavats on the other hand, crittykitty and lootkitty are fabulous. The downside to using them over sentinels really is the lack of Vacuum (ignoring AI issues, obviously) so if the pets got vacuum, or a true univac came out and we didnt need sentinels with vacuum, the only thing people would use are the cats. You'd end up with the same thing that we had a year ago where people claimed "carrier; the best everything" which, though stupid a claim as it was, wasnt entirely wrong.


You'll end up with "oh you're running a sentinel RIP dumbass get a cat that gives you crits or double loot" with very little reason to use Sentinels.


Ideally what I want at this point, given we did get a short range univac with PoE, would be just a small increase to the current univac range (like, from 3m to 5m or something) with sentinel vacuum still being much better so theres still a good reason to use them for loot gathering, with the univacs range increase letting players who want to use their fluffy dogs and scaley cats still use them happily without wondering about what they missed because something was just below the floor outside of current univacs reach.


But its whatever right, what do I know, just a magical seashell with an opinion.

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I'm pretty happy with where it's at. Universal Vacuum we have now means you don't need to be so damn precise, and I agree that if you give Vacuum to K/K then Sentinels become useless. K/K live longer, have much more valuable buffs, and they do a pretty good job of breaking attention off of you. As nice as Sentinel Vacuum is, Sentinels die so fast that I have a hard time finding it terribly useful for very long. Without it I feel they lose a sense of purpose. 

Edited by Acos
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1 hour ago, (Xbox One)PompousNinja156 said:

Oh, right, you also need to pay a sum of credits to maintain them on top of all this. If you gave us UniVac, then they should be fine, right?

I mean, it's not like you gave sentinels amazing utility mods available to them like restoring health and shields, reviving you from downed, giving you a defensive barrier while reving other players, ect.

all while forgetting that getting even basic mods to boost your Kitty's/Doggo's survivability are a chore, right?

I fail to see the argument here, Long range Univac wouldn't procure you with 10k+ credits for the stasis rush and the health things, so no... UniVac wouldn't solve that "Problem" if we can call it that, considering we're all gaining about 20k credits per mission from just completing the most basic objective.

I'm not sure if I'm reading that right considering it looks like bad sarcasm, but let me try to correct as I decipher :
-Sentinels comes with basic attack mods, just like Kubrow/Kavats.

-Rest of the mods are acquired the same way, by killing enemies and completing events.
If anything, it's easier to get the pets mods in one farming session as compared to running through the entire star-chart to find specific enemies with variable of sentinels mods.

-Kubrow/Kavat have access to the same AND much, much better mods than sentinels.

-The only mod I'd consider better for sentinel is "Sacrifice" which is basically a pain in the behind because it doesn't revive you until 1 second and sometime your sentinels just decides to mess with you and not save you just for the hell of it.

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3 hours ago, (PS4)XxDarkyanxX said:

I fail to see the argument here, Long range Univac wouldn't procure you with 10k+ credits for the stasis rush and the health things, so no... UniVac wouldn't solve that "Problem" if we can call it that, considering we're all gaining about 20k credits per mission from just completing the most basic objective.

Vacuum tied to setinels, decent range especially, is the largest hurdle towards convincing players from moving away from Setinels to Pets. 3m Radius is so inconsequential and with 95% of the playerbase using Setinels as their companions with Vacuum already slotted in that it literally went unnoticed. 

Even if you put this aside and Vacuum is a non-factor, why would you bother paying for Stasis, for incubator segments, and DNA Stabilizers for pets with dramatically less utility, after possibly breaking your back to breed and mod them and forma in the first place just so they can finally stop dying to enemies above level 30? Nothing they do is worth going through that much trouble.

4 hours ago, giantconch said:

You'll end up with "oh you're running a sentinel RIP dumbass get a cat that gives you crits or double loot" with very little reason to use Sentinels.

And the problem with pets having better combat and utility compared to setinels is what, precisely? You would think something that demands far more maintenance and investment would have a worthwhile payoff relative to the work put into it. That said, setinels themselves have enough useful utility within their mod pool as is, that even if pets were generally better overall, you could at least arguably opt for a low maintenance setinel in certain scenarios.

I mean we technically have this already in Shade vs Huras, and even if we do argue over which is better (It's Huras), it doesn't even matter because Warframes could permastealth anyway, much like how you can just use a more ammo-efficient gun that's probably better than whatever gun you need Carrier's Ammo Case for, or you can scan things yourself instead of Helios do it, or use a stronger CC than Artax's permaslow, Wyrm's knockdown, or Diriga's Arc Coil built-in your Warframe's ability kit.

Point is Warframes and Weapons already cover 99% of your bases, so you can just squeeze in whatever other utility you like, and there's nothing wrong with high cost pets being considered over low cost setinels assuming that power and utility are fairly scaled by cost. 

5 hours ago, maj.death said:

Just a few corrections. You forgot about crazy cat ladies spawning kavats.. tons of kavats.

Pretty sure this was fixed Hyekkas the same way they fixed the method of farming the mods off Drahk Masters that spawned tons of Drahks 

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6 hours ago, (Xbox One)PompousNinja156 said:

Pretty sure this was fixed Hyekkas the same way they fixed the method of farming the mods off Drahk Masters that spawned tons of Drahks 

Fixed? I assure you that it is not a bug and they still do drop Kavat mods.  Also oh snap I completely forgot the Drahk master exists. (making the whole only having limited spawns from dens thing even more inaccurate) Both of which have mod drop tables. Or was there was infinite spawning bug you were referring to? If that's the case I did not know about it.

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18 hours ago, Mavor said:

My kavats only problem, these days anyway, is negotiating doorways >_<


18 hours ago, giantconch said:

Fixing companion AI is more important to me than univac. It would be nice if kubrows and kavats had vacuum equal to that of the sentinels, or univacs range was at the same level of Vacuum right now, but then you run into the issue of "Why ever use a sentinel"


Carrier has ammo case and ammo conversion, Shade has some stealth, Diriga has 75m range on his shots, Djinn has mesmerize, Wyrm has a "back off mofo" wave, Taxon has Artax to slow enemies, all sentinels can have Vacuum.


Kubrows... hell I'm gonna drop my honest opinion here, the only one thats any use to me is a Huras for the free stealth. Kavats on the other hand, crittykitty and lootkitty are fabulous. The downside to using them over sentinels really is the lack of Vacuum (ignoring AI issues, obviously) so if the pets got vacuum, or a true univac came out and we didnt need sentinels with vacuum, the only thing people would use are the cats. You'd end up with the same thing that we had a year ago where people claimed "carrier; the best everything" which, though stupid a claim as it was, wasnt entirely wrong.


You'll end up with "oh you're running a sentinel RIP dumbass get a cat that gives you crits or double loot" with very little reason to use Sentinels.


Ideally what I want at this point, given we did get a short range univac with PoE, would be just a small increase to the current univac range (like, from 3m to 5m or something) with sentinel vacuum still being much better so theres still a good reason to use them for loot gathering, with the univacs range increase letting players who want to use their fluffy dogs and scaley cats still use them happily without wondering about what they missed because something was just below the floor outside of current univacs reach.


But its whatever right, what do I know, just a magical seashell with an opinion.


17 hours ago, (PS4)XxDarkyanxX said:

I fail to see the argument here, Long range Univac wouldn't procure you with 10k+ credits for the stasis rush and the health things, so no... UniVac wouldn't solve that "Problem" if we can call it that, considering we're all gaining about 20k credits per mission from just completing the most basic objective.

I'm not sure if I'm reading that right considering it looks like bad sarcasm, but let me try to correct as I decipher :
-Sentinels comes with basic attack mods, just like Kubrow/Kavats.

-Rest of the mods are acquired the same way, by killing enemies and completing events.
If anything, it's easier to get the pets mods in one farming session as compared to running through the entire star-chart to find specific enemies with variable of sentinels mods.

-Kubrow/Kavat have access to the same AND much, much better mods than sentinels.

-The only mod I'd consider better for sentinel is "Sacrifice" which is basically a pain in the behind because it doesn't revive you until 1 second and sometime your sentinels just decides to mess with you and not save you just for the hell of it.

Acquisition is definitely harder to get the actual companion.  Mods are just as easy these days though with the hyekka/drakh spam that you can find in plenty of maps.

6 hours ago, maj.death said:

Fixed? I assure you that it is not a bug and they still do drop Kavat mods.  Also oh snap I completely forgot the Drahk master exists. (making the whole only having limited spawns from dens thing even more inaccurate) Both of which have mod drop tables. Or was there was infinite spawning bug you were referring to? If that's the case I did not know about it.

Yeah, still getting pet mods from these. Got a few this week.  Yeah, not all of them come from the pokemon trainers (damned hyekka master makes me want to actually use the damned fire resist mod, but...that's also so I can casually soak up energy).  Some still come from the dens, probably some weird places.

I don't have problems with them getting stuck, or stuck in doorways. Not saying it doesn't happen but, mine don't get stuck or glitch out ever really.  Dunno if its host/net related or what.

But yeah, OP post is straight propaganda aside from acquisition/upkeep criticism.
The utility they provide, like actually drawing enemies off me and -actually- tanking for me, while instagibbing enemies, or stripping multiple heavies armor for me to melt like they were trash mobs is invaluable.  Double/loot/supercrit is nice too.  I've tried most of the Kubrows and a Smeeta, and am working on an Adarza, but I have no reason to believe based off of my time playing with pets, often as squishy frames, that these will not significantly add a large amount of utility.

Wth would I want overshields that will empty in a few shots at high level content when my pet can straight up draw fire from a small crowd while I'm off dealing with other/bigger targets and keeping it immortal through link health?  Just an example.


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20 hours ago, maj.death said:

Just a few corrections. You forgot about crazy cat ladies spawning kavats.. tons of kavats. nekros pretty much makes every feral kubrow and kavat drop a mod making collecting those mods hilariously easy compared to the chore of jumping around multiple missions to get all the crap you need for sentinels. Also the greatest thing a pet has above a sentinel. It's not made of paper and can be revived without killing yourself... it doesn't really matter if a sentinel is better or not if it dies at the start of the mission thanks to a single stray bullet.

Nothing to see here folks. Just more misinformation and sentinel propoganda in yet another univac post.

Meh... In the end all your points are moot since they lack vacuum and are pointless compared to sentinels.

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Il y a 21 heures, Terrornaut a dit :

Acquisition is definitely harder to get the actual companion.  Mods are just as easy these days though with the hyekka/drakh spam that you can find in plenty of maps.

Yeah Kavat acquisition (Damn kavat genes) is about the only issue I've ever faced with the pets.

-Maintaining them cost literally nothing
(You gain 15-20k credits without a booster as soon as you hit Mars, at least that's what I've noticed yesterday on a normal sabotage mission),

-Pets only require 1 potato as compared to sentinel which requires both type to function.
Sentinels requires a whopping 16 mods which involves duplicate for every type of weapon ( Snipers, rifle, shotgun, melee ) depending on which weapon to use and it changes every time a new sentinels appears.
Pets only need 2 mods for damage and the rest is basic over-kill in stats.
I'll let you imagine the Endo/credit cost for that.

So technically, yes Kavat acquisition is a total b---h, but sentinels are way more costly than pets for so few bonuses.

People over-hype and overestimate the efficacy of Vacuum.
The only time I've ever considered vacuum to be super useful is on Nekros accompanied with a max range despoil considering those health orbs are quite the dramatic drop when your health falls by 100 every 10 seconds, rest of the time it's just another mod.

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 UniVac is one issue that could be fixed tomorrow. The rest of the animal companion issues come from the lack of attention from devs due to the pets' general unpopularity. That unpopularity is the direct result of the absence of UniVac in the game.

*after actually reading the OP*

Oh, you don't object. Good. I'll be going then...

The thing is, for me, for example, it doesn't really matter what bonuses companion provides as long as it doesn't take away the QoL of Vacuum. So experimenting with companions would be much easier with the UV. And that's pretty much all pets need to "get off the ground". To be allowed to be experimented with.

Edited by AperoBeltaTwo
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vor 2 Stunden schrieb (PS4)XxDarkyanxX:

People over-hype and overestimate the efficacy of Vacuum.

Double-loot kavat vs.sentinel with vacuum during Hema farm has proven different. All in all, you will actually lose out on some ressources if you didn't bring the vacuum. I think the loss was ~20%.

When farming efficiently, you can get to a point where loot despawns, before you collect it all. Not to mention some may drop through the floor or becomes unreachable without vacuum. The sorry excuse they offered us helps to free some blocked drops and lower the required accuracy when looting, but it does not provide the gamechanger that is necessary to put the pets usage on par with the sentinels. All we can do is wait for some statistics on the companion uses after the changes.

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il y a 50 minutes, ScribbleClash a dit :

Double-loot kavat vs.sentinel with vacuum during Hema farm has proven different. All in all, you will actually lose out on some ressources if you didn't bring the vacuum. I think the loss was ~20%.

When farming efficiently, you can get to a point where loot despawns, before you collect it all. Not to mention some may drop through the floor or becomes unreachable without vacuum. The sorry excuse they offered us helps to free some blocked drops and lower the required accuracy when looting, but it does not provide the gamechanger that is necessary to put the pets usage on par with the sentinels. All we can do is wait for some statistics on the companion uses after the changes.

Well that's the thing, Hema is an exception to anything else, DE even admitted they went too far with trying to Resource sink us.
When's the last time you needed to solo farm a few million Clan resources by yourself on a game other than warframe?
It says a lot on how resource/xp greedy we are considering most Blueprints only requires a few thousand.

Needless to say, comparing a timed Double-loot and Vacuum on a common resource doesn't quite sound fair, rather do it with Kuva Clouds and Fish, I've heard and seen that you can get 10k Kuva with a Kavat and 4 Fish at once on PoE, ain't that super duper effective when it activates?

20% is an acceptable loss as compared to Kubrow and Kavats's damage output/survivability and all the other stuff.
However we're dealing like, a few hundred thousand damage per shots so people feel like Pets are unnecessary.
We're so powerful that our companion literally doesn't mean anything unless it helps in a super farm-effective passive way.

Your super cool and Wild dog or Infested chewing cat is reduced to a mere statue that gives out timed buff and your sentient robotic friend is reduced to a vacuum cleaner that helps Ordis to clean the ship.

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As far as fundamental things I think should change with pets go... I actually feel like their survivability mods could use a second look. Or, rather, an alternative set. All of the Link-X mods make the pets scale into fantastic durability when you, yourself, are playing as a high health+armor frame. But if you're not? If you're on a frame whose survival is more reliant on either non-armor DR or pure evasion, and isn't packing that kind of HP+armor, the pet's going to be looking pretty squishy. Cats might mind less since they both have evasive/defensive precepts, but most of the dogs are just going to run around being shot up.

I think the synergy and bond with durable frames is interesting, and should not be changed. But to make pets more attractive seeming or feasible for NON tank frames, I think it would help if there was an alternate set of survival mods that worked closer to how normal health/armor/shield mods do, independent of frame stats, and were just incompatible with the Link versions of those stat mods. I know the tech for this exists, since there are mobility mods for warframes that prohibit each other, and the inability to use both the normal and primed version of a mod at once.

Edited by OvisCaedo
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5 hours ago, OvisCaedo said:

As far as fundamental things I think should change with pets go... I actually feel like their survivability mods could use a second look. Or, rather, an alternative set. All of the Link-X mods make the pets scale into fantastic durability when you, yourself, are playing as a high health+armor frame. But if you're not? If you're on a frame whose survival is more reliant on either non-armor DR or pure evasion, and isn't packing that kind of HP+armor, the pet's going to be looking pretty squishy. Cats might mind less since they both have evasive/defensive precepts, but most of the dogs are just going to run around being shot up.

I think the synergy and bond with durable frames is interesting, and should not be changed. But to make pets more attractive seeming or feasible for NON tank frames, I think it would help if there was an alternate set of survival mods that worked closer to how normal health/armor/shield mods do, independent of frame stats, and were just incompatible with the Link versions of those stat mods. I know the tech for this exists, since there are mobility mods for warframes that prohibit each other, and the inability to use both the normal and primed version of a mod at once.

You're on to something.

It would be nice to have a pet mod that scales armor off of energy used.  Like basically spend energy, that adds to pet's armor for some amount of seconds up to a maximum of total energy + energy spent over the course of 30 sec.

Basically, I play Ember.  High levels, I have to remember to melee to keep pet up if decoy is down, otherwise it goes down and then mobs will come after me more while its down.  It would be nice if it had great survivability based off of my energy usage (I don't even usually need primed flow) and energy cap so that I don't have to play some uselessly invulnerable frame like Inaros to ensure safety.  Though, part of the risk of some of these damage frames are making sure to kill efficiently at high levels in order to stay alive.



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On 12.11.2017 at 12:36 AM, (PS4)XxDarkyanxX said:

Well that's the thing, Hema is an exception to anything else, DE even admitted they went too far with trying to Resource sink us.
When's the last time you needed to solo farm a few million Clan resources by yourself on a game other than warframe?
It says a lot on how resource/xp greedy we are considering most Blueprints only requires a few thousand.

Needless to say, comparing a timed Double-loot and Vacuum on a common resource doesn't quite sound fair, rather do it with Kuva Clouds and Fish, I've heard and seen that you can get 10k Kuva with a Kavat and 4 Fish at once on PoE, ain't that super duper effective when it activates?

20% is an acceptable loss as compared to Kubrow and Kavats's damage output/survivability and all the other stuff.
However we're dealing like, a few hundred thousand damage per shots so people feel like Pets are unnecessary.
We're so powerful that our companion literally doesn't mean anything unless it helps in a super farm-effective passive way.

Your super cool and Wild dog or Infested chewing cat is reduced to a mere statue that gives out timed buff and your sentient robotic friend is reduced to a vacuum cleaner that helps Ordis to clean the ship.

I said roughly 20% even though I believe it is actually around 50% because the last time tested is quite a while ago as well as leaving space for errors in teamplay. Mutagen farm was just an example, but consider losing >20% resources over your accounts lifetime.

It doesn't matter whether you find the scenario fair, the buff is random and you can't possibly claim a reasonable farm on kuva through it.

And correct, you may boost fishing, but again the buff needs to activate. While you've got better control here, this still is just a niche application.

You are quite right in terms of our companions status. They're nothing more than utility (yes they deal damage, but the player can be way more effective at that). But what's the issue with that?

I'm not claiming pets are without use. However their lack of vacuum make them less useful.

It boggles my mind how people can be against universal vacuum.

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10 hours ago, ScribbleClash said:

I said roughly 20% even though I believe it is actually around 50% because the last time tested is quite a while ago as well as leaving space for errors in teamplay. Mutagen farm was just an example, but consider losing >20% resources over your accounts lifetime.

It doesn't matter whether you find the scenario fair, the buff is random and you can't possibly claim a reasonable farm on kuva through it.

And correct, you may boost fishing, but again the buff needs to activate. While you've got better control here, this still is just a niche application.

You are quite right in terms of our companions status. They're nothing more than utility (yes they deal damage, but the player can be way more effective at that). But what's the issue with that?

I'm not claiming pets are without use. However their lack of vacuum make them less useful.

It boggles my mind how people can be against universal vacuum.

I have definitely had times where my Huras years ago has outdamaged people in my group.  Even just a few days ago I was playing with a buff build and just releveling/buffing my pet, I had equal damage to the other people in my group and slightly less proportional kills, until I started intervening and then blew past them.  They weren't so far in MR, and I was probably dropping about 450% weapon (heat) damage on them, and that was before the 6.6x-7x mutliplier on heat damage on enemies.  Not the most detailed study, but, its not in a vacuum and this is definitely not the only time its happened.  I will always remember having a huras years ago charge and kill 2 level 80 heavy gunners, 2 lancers(may have been seekers), and a scorpion with one charge.  Their target acquisition time is not always great, but then again, there are so many players I see that even if they have decent or good guns, they aren't always quick to aim/acquire new targets.

Been playing around with an Adarza and its pretty cool throwing crit on my noncrit status weapons I tend to use and getting pretty crazy boosts of damage to often melt level 120+ mobs in simulcrum for testing.  It says 60% additive, but once that buff hits, it really seems like all of my attacks are yellow crits.  Did have some issues with its reflect, but, I'll be able to test it out once I have it forma'd enough to fit all mods on it.  Don't know if it will be as defensively useful as the smeeta (that decoy + it roaming and drawing enemies off me or instagibbing nullifiers helps a ton), but it definitely adds to already absurd damage. It is significant.  Once again, armor stripping and on occasion, loot+enemy radar can be very useful.

I do wish pets were more aggressive in seeking out enemies when you aren't attacking for the sake of leveling, but, they're aggro seems tied to you attacking, launching them ahead/giving them permission to attack.  Its weird because sometimes they'll be almost in another tile waging a war of their own while I'm off doing other things and then eventually they come back, either running or if far enough, teleporting.  My pets don't really get stuck, but as I mentioned, sometimes they will start acting like a 5th person doing their own thing...then I come back and find loot everywhere.  I don't mind that.


I don't mind Univac being bigger, 5-7m, if it applied to loot and not orbs though.  I do not want univac applying to orbs (there probably won't be an on/off toggle that they add).  My problem is people who quite likely aren't even playing efficiently to begin with crying LITERALLY UNPLAYABLE without a large vac.  AW and POE is a different case because of extreme distance and constant obstruction.

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It would be nice if I didn't have to stuff away and pull out a new pet every time I wanted to switch, and wait 30 minutes minimum (without spending plat) before I could even use the pet.  Meanwhile, I can switch between sentinels on a whim with no hassle.

It would be nice if all of the Kubrows were useful, not just 2 out of the 5 (Huras for stealth, Raksa for survival with shield restore spam and fear howling.)

It would be nice if Kubrows got global Kubrow-only precepts like Kavat's do.  Sharpened Claws is very nice.

Univac isn't necessary.  I won't complain should I suddenly have a 12m vacuum for simply being a Warframe, but it really would diminish the value of sentinels.  At that point, the only value I expect people to see in sentinels might be medi-ray, maybe Carrier's ammo case.  In every other case I can think of, there's a pet that does what a sentinel does, only better, unless you're really hankering for some sweeper fire support!  There's a good reason DE's resistant to the idea.  It would do no good to give pets UV if it means making sentinels the rarely used companion type.

And what someone said before is the truth:  Because pets have little popularity, people aren't applying pressure to get DE to improve them beyond bare bones maintenance.  This is why the game ends up with so many features that get swept under the rug.

Edited by Littleman88
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