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Can DE just remove Operation: Plague Star?


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There's no reason to keep it.

No one likes it, it's repetitive, thinly plotted, lacking any sort of real substance worthy of an event, and it makes everything else on the plains unplayable.

The way that infested AI and the spawning works is probably the most anti-fun mechanic in the game. Even when you're invisible/stealthed, they still run towards you like they know you're there and just stand right on top of you, and more often then not, the Grineer start shooting at you, firing rockets and mortar rounds right on top of your face just because the infested AI is so garbage. Not only, but regardless of where you are, infested spawn points spawn location follows you, so they WILL purposely get in your way regardless of what you're doing.

There is nothing redeemable about the Plague Star event and absolutely no reason to keep it. Can we just end it early?


And yes I'm pissed, I'm all burnt out on Warframe and the plains is the only thing I still play Warframe for, and even that, DE's carelessness will cuck you over. 

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You sound like you should take a break for a while.


EDIT:  The only problem I have with the event is that Cetus lags all to hell whenever I go there.  I end up needing to restart my game after about 2 trips to Cetus.  So the fact that I can only start it in Cetus and not from my Orbiter is kind of irritating.

Edited by Cifrer
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1 minute ago, (PS4)jFresh215 said:

Plague Star is live until November 27th at 2 p.m ET

You will get your release soon enough. A few days off of the plans isn't the worst thing that could happen. 

My resource booster would've ran out by then. I have like 10k standing worth of fish so far and I didn't plan to stop until the infesteds got in the way

They literally ruin basically every aspect of gameplay on the plains

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7 minutes ago, Cifrer said:

You sound like you should take a break for a while.

I won't get to play much anymore soon, and it so happens to be starting on Monday I'm gonna have almost no free time.


Plague Star ends on Monday.


That's why I'm so pissed, so pissed that I actually need a fan facing me to cool my body down by how blatantly destructive the way they implemented the infested is.


And I dunno if you can tell but I'm doing my utter best to not use profanity, otherwise half of this post would be filled with it due to how inexplicably pissed off I am.

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2 minutes ago, NSDBL said:

They literally ruin basically every aspect of gameplay on the plains

I agree, they are annoying when you want to fish. But they do not ruin fishing.

I use a Valkyr (tanky frame) and kavat. The infested can barely damage the frame, and the kavat kills them instantly. Or, just bring a friend with a CC frame.

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3 hours ago, NSDBL said:

They literally ruin basically every aspect of gameplay on the plains


Which is why I hope this is the last time anything like this happens again. The rewards should come back in any other way that isn't through a threat system like Fomorians.

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1 minute ago, NSDBL said:

And I dunno if you can tell but I'm doing my utter best to not use profanity, otherwise half of this post would be filled with it due to how inexplicably pissed off I am

I don't want to discount your frustration but this is just a video game. There is more to life, do something else that makes you happy.

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1 minute ago, NSDBL said:


That's why I'm so pissed, so pissed that I actually need a fan facing me to cool my body down by how blatantly destructive the way they implemented the infested is.

Honestly, this tells me that you really need to step away.  I've gotten pissed off about stuff like that before myself, and it's futile.

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I don't see how the infested are a problem for fishing ?

If you are plainly fishing for standing, the lungfish lake has 2 little rocks that you can stand on.
The infested can't really touch you from there.

If you are doing fishing for murkrays and stuff, the extreme east has again a rock isle in the middle of nowhere.
Infested can't touch you either.

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17 minutes ago, NSDBL said:

My resource booster would've ran out by then. I have like 10k standing worth of fish so far and I didn't plan to stop until the infesteds got in the way

They literally ruin basically every aspect of gameplay on the plains

Ye ... that inmortal and so hard to kill infested are ruining the game .... wow , player are becoming really really bad (not the word i would choose ... ) . You land in the spot you want to fish , kill the near pod and fish . You can even use the Kudrow/kavat/NPC to deal with them if you dont want to kill the pod .

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Infested tickling you while you are fishing sure is a drag - you won't get any argument out of me on that matter. I do think you might be going a bit off the ledge here though, so what do you say you take my hand and get back up here and tackle what is really bothering you in life :)

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1 hour ago, NSDBL said:

No one likes it

Proof please

1 hour ago, NSDBL said:

it's repetitive

Like the entire game

1 hour ago, NSDBL said:

thinly plotted

As in story or...

1 hour ago, NSDBL said:

lacking any sort of real substance worthy of an event, a

Elaborate? Is it any different than Ambulas reborn? Operation Defect? Acolytes? Razor back? Formorian?

1 hour ago, NSDBL said:

The way that infested AI and the spawning works is probably the most anti-fun mechanic in the game. Even when you're invisible/stealthed, they still run towards you like they know you're there and just stand right on top of you, and more often then not

I havent ran into this but ive heard a few ppl complaining about it. But...question if i may? Why are you standing still long enough for them to pile on you and get crossfired by the grineer?

1 hour ago, NSDBL said:

There is nothing redeemable about the Plague Star event and absolutely no reason to keep it. Can we just end it early?

Look im.not down playing your personal and anecdotal experiences but i feel like you're going a bit too far. Not even "insert buzzword here"ing but if you could use objective information to explain why its irredeemable then i may see it your way.

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Honestly the only thing I really dislike about it is being forced to use archwing launchers.  I haven't spent much time in PoE because it's not a priority but I'd have liked to spent some time farming forma from the event.  But that means running around on foot whacking rocks for half an hour just to be able to get anywhere in a reasonable amount of time.  I don't know why they felt the need to add a resource sink for movement when the lack of one is one of the best features in warframe.  If they really wanted to limit the amount of time we fly around the plains then they should make distances between objectives shorter so that it doesn't feel like such a slog when you aren't playing helicopter simulator.

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2 hours ago, krc473 said:

I agree, they are annoying when you want to fish. But they do not ruin fishing.

I use a Valkyr (tanky frame) and kavat. The infested can barely damage the frame, and the kavat kills them instantly. Or, just bring a friend with a CC frame.

Anyone frame can tank anything but it's the fact that they completely interrupt all sorts of experiences, and if they don't do it themselves, the Grineer start a war against them, disrupting the water and rendering my baiting in hotspots useless.

Everything would be sorted if they don't 'automatically' know where you are despite being permastealthed. If they woudn't "automatically" know where you are and roamed around normally like the Grineer none of this would be an issue.

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1 minute ago, Dreadwire said:

More or less i do agree that the infested are extremely annoying and anti fun in POE.

Tbh so did the grineer

But the Grineer don't automatically know where you are despite being in permastealth, and their 'spawn points' don't follow you, they spawn in very specific areas so you can choose to either 'interact' with them or avoid them.

Infested spawn points are very clearly 'following' you when you roam around so they will always just run to you

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I actually like the event (mostly just the rewards cuz I've been able to fuel my forma hoarding addiction lol). Tho I gotta agree with the infested being butts when you fish and stuff. I like my nights to be relatively quiet till a crawler scoots up my bum and I can't find the spawner thing to destroy :P

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24 minutes ago, NSDBL said:

Anyone frame can tank anything but it's the fact that they completely interrupt all sorts of experiences

I disagree with them completely disrupting it. I can fish mostly fine with them around.


In saying that, I do want them gone. "Mostly fine" is not ideal. 

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Jeez. I am not looking forward to this event on Console...now.

Its bad enough the Grineer can see you from the opposite side of the map & worse...their guns seem to have no drop off; & then they go all Rambo if you do so much as touch an Archwing.

But having Infested in the pristine plains.

Not cool.

I'm still infested out after doing Patient Zero. I REALLY don't want to deal with them. I can already see myself getting tethered & dragged out my fishing spot...

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yea ive had the issue as well with them totally messing with me fishing, from what i personally experienced its at night that they seem to be able to track you at ridiculous distances (about 200m i believe was the furthest ive seen a pod hit with them running right at me but that was when i decided no more sniper lol) or just know where your at instantly, dont really have the issue in the daytime atleast not that im remembering, but its been annoying enough ive maybe gone to poe once in the past 2-3 days and that was yesterday (side note if you have an enemy camp with a inferno guy hell burn em for days and days, never before have i stumbled onto such a massive and i mean massive pile of free loots just in the middle of POE had me thinking a nekros snuck into my fishing trip lol)

Also to OP im not sure what your target fish are but 30-60 minutes of lungfish with a booster on is like 15k standing, just the way you said 10k standing in the earlier post was like it took you forever to get there

Edited by Tokens210
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27 minutes ago, (PS4)Zero_029 said:

Jeez. I am not looking forward to this event on Console...now.

Its bad enough the Grineer can see you from the opposite side of the map & worse...their guns seem to have no drop off; & then they go all Rambo if you do so much as touch an Archwing.

But having Infested in the pristine plains.

Not cool.

I'm still infested out after doing Patient Zero. I REALLY don't want to deal with them. I can already see myself getting tethered & dragged out my fishing spot...

if you are any decent. No you won't.

There are enough isolated rocky isles that infested simply won't have the range to hit you with.
If you got a long range sentinel, they simply drop like flies since the infested are pretty low level too.

As for fishing, anyone who is knows how to throw a spear properly can hit 20k standing EASILY without booster while fishing at night. Great ones 25k. Heck it is even better because the Grineer remains at camp, and Eidolons will cross fire with the infested.

You are untouchable.

Edited by fatpig84
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