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People trying to be "funny"


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Why is it there's always someone with a Loki and thinks it's fun to troll players with their switch teleport. I told many of them to stop doing it and they reply with "Lol it's my job" ffs. Troll ya friends instead. People don't like that bs. It aint making me laugh either and is just down right aggravating. 

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vor 2 Minuten schrieb (Xbox One)Babadookcf:

Why is it there's always someone with a Loki and thinks it's fun to troll players with their switch teleport. I told many of them to stop doing it and they reply with "Lol it's my job" ffs. Troll ya friends instead. People don't like that bs. It aint making me laugh either and is just down right aggravating. 


fun requires 2 people, at least. Those trolls fail to realize that. It's not "actual" fun if only one person is having a good time while the other one is being annoyed by said person.


But what can we do, you know? All we can do is ignore them and hope that they lose interest in trolling us because we don't show any reaction. Getting mad at them will only motivate them to troll even more...

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2 minutes ago, o0Despair0o said:


fun requires 2 people, at least. Those trolls fail to realize that. It's not "actual" fun if only one person is having a good time while the other one is being annoyed by said person.


But what can we do, you know? All we can do is ignore them and hope that they lose interest in trolling us because we don't show any reaction. Getting mad at them will only motivate them to troll even more...

Yep, and wow i thought loki was dying off to ivara.

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Tenno can be like this. As a player who fell in love with Limbo when I first started playing but am now avoiding him until I can master his abilities and not annoy my team, it can be hard not to accidentally banish fellow players. However, in the case of Loki, I would say that such a player is being a total d!ck, and deserves a taste of his own medicine. Unlike Limbo, Loki is not built around trolling, but rather stealth. A Loki standing by you with his Invis active and letting you take the damage might be acceptable; constantly switch teleporting is not.

My solution? Break out Limbo, the Troll God. Sure, Loki can keep switching me, but I can always rift him in and out, constantly keeping him away from kills or exposing him to the enemy when he's weak. Oh wait, he needs a revive? Too damn bad. In short, always try to avoid being an &#!, until someone starts being one first. In that case, fight fire with fire. Happy revenge!

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Stand perfectly still. That's how I got people to stop. As soon as any of them ever Switched Teleported, I didn't move a muscle, hands off the key board.

The few cases I got to do this went like this:

1.) *Switch* I stop moving and it's clear that I'm not moving at all, not to aim either, and an infested charger comes in and starts to swing away (with Loki watching) and kills me. They revive me, cause I'm sure they were afraid I might report them as "Kill Tele-Switching" me, and never do it for the rest of the match.


2.) *Switch* I stop moving....... *Switch Again* I'm still not moving.......*Walks up to and Crotches a few times* Still not moving.......*Runs off and doesn't Switch with me for the rest of the match.


3.) *Switch* I stop moving.......*Loki just watches me, and with no immediate corrective or spasming actions, they find me boring, and run off.

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8 minutes ago, Colinorus said:

Tenno can be like this. As a player who fell in love with Limbo when I first started playing but am now avoiding him until I can master his abilities and not annoy my team, it can be hard not to accidentally banish fellow players. However, in the case of Loki, I would say that such a player is being a total d!ck, and deserves a taste of his own medicine. Unlike Limbo, Loki is not built around trolling, but rather stealth. A Loki standing by you with his Invis active and letting you take the damage might be acceptable; constantly switch teleporting is not.

My solution? Break out Limbo, the Troll God. Sure, Loki can keep switching me, but I can always rift him in and out, constantly keeping him away from kills or exposing him to the enemy when he's weak. Oh wait, he needs a revive? Too damn bad. In short, always try to avoid being an &#!, until someone starts being one first. In that case, fight fire with fire. Happy revenge!

If you fight fire with fire, all that's left is ashes and char.  Also, "don't argue with idiots.  They'll drag you down to their level, then beat you with greater experience."  The same applies to trolls.  If you yell at them, they win.  If you quit, they win.  If you become an even bigger jerk than they are... they win.  You can't usually out-troll a real troll, because they don't care about *anything* except making you miserable.

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i tried to not run the plague star on public for this reason ran into a few that would switch teleport the drone further away from the objective.   or try to get the drone stuck.


trolls are apart of every game. i love switch teleport i just wish it could only be used on the clone of loki. or at the very least not on other players.

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I only do this to valkyrs who riplined me away from the extraction so they can be the first to reach there. Shame that DE nerfed switch teleport. I use to get people as well as myself out of glitchy  situations. One kind human service replaced by /unstuck. Not that it's too much of a bad thing. Lol

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2 hours ago, o0Despair0o said:


fun requires 2 people, at least. Those trolls fail to realize that. It's not "actual" fun if only one person is having a good time while the other one is being annoyed by said person.


But what can we do, you know? All we can do is ignore them and hope that they lose interest in trolling us because we don't show any reaction. Getting mad at them will only motivate them to troll even more...

What are you on about mate? Fun takes two people..??! I used to have days when I would laugh my &#! off (admit i was stoned) by using the worst possible energy color for a flashy weapon or flashy warframe power, lasoing, tp-ing teammates, killing teammates in radiation sorties, starting random bizzare topic conversations with pub players..

 You can bet the troll is having a great old time.. Depending on the "victim" reactions, some of those games ended up being fun for more then just me.


  Only defense is either not react, or troll back.. or you know, if the person is really impossible, put them on ignore list.


I should probably be clear tho, I never did it to make other miserable, only for my laughs.. If the persons reaction was too bad, none, I would go on to the next player.. I would take a troll ingame (one that does not try to fail the mission) over games where ppl don't communicate at all - any day of the week.

Edited by .Re-light.
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4 hours ago, .Re-light. said:

What are you on about mate? Fun takes two people..??! I used to have days when I would laugh my &#! off (admit i was stoned) by using the worst possible energy color for a flashy weapon or flashy warframe power, lasoing, tp-ing teammates, killing teammates in radiation sorties, starting random bizzare topic conversations with pub players..

 You can bet the troll is having a great old time.. Depending on the "victim" reactions, some of those games ended up being fun for more then just me.


  Only defense is either not react, or troll back.. or you know, if the person is really impossible, put them on ignore list.


I should probably be clear tho, I never did it to make other miserable, only for my laughs.. If the persons reaction was too bad, none, I would go on to the next player.. I would take a troll ingame (one that does not try to fail the mission) over games where ppl don't communicate at all - any day of the week.


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The most cases when I saw Loki's trolling is when in a full team we played together with one Loki, Limbo, Ember. The Limbo partly was afk and he usually moved 1 step in every 3-4 min to avoid any major afking but the ember was afk also but she went into a high place to stay there afk for the entire match. Then the Loki saw this action and he decided to make justice then he lured some infested units to the same place and he jumped up to the Ember then he switch teleported the chargers to the ember then you can imagine the result. The ember died noone went to revive it. The limbo then activated himself and constantly tried to banish the loki but the loki was wise enough and he knew how to avoid the banish. The ember in the end of the mission when realized what happend begin to argue with the loki and told not so nice things I just laughed on this situation and we just finished the mission then left the squad. It was an infested capture mission with griiner asteroid tileset. 

Otherwise I rarely seen Limbo-Loki or Valkytty trolling.

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