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Has anyone else met an Excalibur Prime user (Founder) in-game?


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Anyone else had this experience? I didn't get to talk to them unfortunately. I think it would be cool to befriend a founder. Not to try and beg them to let DE re-release Excalibur Prime (BECAUSE THAT SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN), but just because they could be pretty cool to talk to. 

Edited by KelsierSurvivor
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4 minutes ago, KelsierSurvivor said:

Not to try and beg them to let DE re-release Excalibur Prime

Your post was interesting until this. Why would you even mention it?

4 minutes ago, KelsierSurvivor said:

They have memories of the game way back when it first began.

You do not have to be a founder for this.

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Just now, krc473 said:

Your post was interesting until this. Why would you even mention it?

You do not have to be a founder for this.

I guess your points are true. I mentioned it as clarification. And the second point, well, I guess there could be a player from the beginning that just didn't buy the pack. So you're right. I'll edit that out.

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12 minutes ago, KelsierSurvivor said:


Anyone else had this experience? I didn't get to talk to them unfortunately. I think it would be cool to befriend a founder. Not to try and beg them to let DE re-release Excalibur Prime (BECAUSE THAT SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN), but just because they could be pretty cool to talk to. 

I know several friends with Excalibur Prime - they've argued that there is nothing special about having him whatsoever. The fact that they play other warframes as their main supports their opinion on the matter.

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Just now, Trowicia said:

I know several friends with Excalibur Prime - they've argued that there is nothing special about having him whatsoever. The fact that they play other warframes as their main supports their opinion on the matter.

True enough. Excalibur Prime is basically just Excalibur, so if you don't enjoy the base frame you won't like the Prime variant. I still bust him out from time to time (use a Graxx skin so as not to be super flashy and draw too much attention) when I want to throw around energy blades, but these days I main Harrow.

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I have met serveral, most of them noticable from their glyph.

To me it doesn't matter really, yes they supported the game in its early stages and most likely allowed the game to thrive into what it is now, but they're just that.

When I was a new player I kinda warshipped founders, that is until I realised taht at the end of the day all they are are people, just players playing the game who opted to make a possible risky financial decision in the past.

I don't mind them keeping their exclusives, they deserve them, but I'm not going to care much when I see them.

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21 minutes ago, Madway7 said:

I have met serveral, most of them noticable from their glyph.

To me it doesn't matter really, yes they supported the game in its early stages and most likely allowed the game to thrive into what it is now, but they're just that.

When I was a new player I kinda warshipped founders, that is until I realised taht at the end of the day all they are are people, just players playing the game who opted to make a possible risky financial decision in the past.

I don't mind them keeping their exclusives, they deserve them, but I'm not going to care much when I see them.

Agreed, however I still respect them. I don't worship them, but they hold a certain place in my mind because of what their money turned Warframe into.

30 minutes ago, Trowicia said:

I know several friends with Excalibur Prime - they've argued that there is nothing special about having him whatsoever. The fact that they play other warframes as their main supports their opinion on the matter.


In response to both of you, this video explains my whole thought on the subject;


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1 hour ago, KelsierSurvivor said:


Anyone else had this experience? I didn't get to talk to them unfortunately. I think it would be cool to befriend a founder. Not to try and beg them to let DE re-release Excalibur Prime (BECAUSE THAT SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN), but just because they could be pretty cool to talk to. 

I started on the very first days of Warframe and never met one 'till... yesterday? It was, amusing! And I'm a lazy lad who didn't put money for the Founder Project, but still I have fond memories of the game and it keeps impressing me.
The X-Cal Prime won't make a come back, and mainly because it is a Warframe given to the players who decided to help financially on the developing of this game... let us stay this in that state.

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