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This game needs an auction house...


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An auction house could work on warframe too but then need to do something with the rng and need a price monitor / limiter so the players can not abuse it with absurd low and absurd high prices. The only major problem is the scammers whom could group into consortiums and manipulate the prices but any player can almost see if excatly that happening because the prices changing fast. The current system also has it's good points but that not a major reason because it is more personal in any means because that is not a pro one to this nor could be a con just neutral. The chat is messy and basically there is no channels like in EVE because there every chat label is clear and you can make multiple channels to deal with different things. Warframe is lack in this option also there is no offline messaging so if you not add to the friendlist a person whom you wish to trade then possibly you both could forgot each others because the trading has no results like the mission and whom you played. Another problem with the current trading is the prices linked to the warframe market site which is not an accurate price tag because the rng is handle the players different. If I wish to sell a mod what I think is hard to get and set a price maybe you won't buy it because it is more common for you. The prices every time will be different than the site prices because the site is just use an avarege instead of calcul with the rng which is pretty difficult to do.

The auction house could solve some issues but also could create new ones. The first issue is the rng and the number of items. Warframe has not enough items to trade and for it need to be available to trade items like non tradeable blueprints, items and frames alike and need to do something with the materials. Currently you can buy a small amount of materials from the market for a "relatively" high price and you can only farm it or just buy it from market. If you introduce it to the trade list then the market simply become obsolete because noone will buy for say nano spores for 30 platinum if you can get 30000-300000 for much less depending on how much ask the seller. Also if you introduce the non saleable items then the market would be obsolete too because noone will buy an oberon "I guess noone does" but who knows so the market prices for frames and for weapons become also obsolete and DE has less option to generate money. They could sell then only colors, cosmetics, catalyst-reactor-forma-exilus, and slots which is the only items in game what you cannot obtain by playing. They should then do the same like how league of legends did it long ago "not sure if this still apply" but they sold mostly skins and glyphs for money but mostly skins and you can obtain heroes via playing the skins were only real money which is basically just a skin. Then DE need to focus on making each frame a lot of new skins for money and it can affect the tennogen skins a bit but these are cost money aswell so maybe they won't compete on the market. 

Another problem with auction house the manipulators and groups whom work together to make sales. In theory there are limitations in reality if a moon clan deciding to sell something for a price and buy out lower valued items to clear that segment they could not succeed alone but if multiple clans do then that is widely different because that is a great amount of players and those are has the power to changing prices. If we calculate the total playerbase of the game which is rougly 30-31 million by now and we calcul with a daily 65-70k person doing trading then it could be significant if some groups deciding to manipulating the prices.

Overall not a bad idea the auction house if they could implement it without spoiling their market but I doubt they will risk it because the current system is works to them more than an auction house could work.

Wow is a different story and how they handled but also there is another blizzard game called Diablo3 which failed hardly with the auction house system so if an auction house work well in a game that is not mean it will work in another. Both games are made by Blizzard and the uses of auction house was widely different. In warframe may be could work but the risk is currently high so they won't bother to implement it.

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15 hours ago, PhotriusPyrelus said:

In what reality does that even approach being logical or reasonable?  WoW had an AH since its creation, and I don't know if you know this, but it peaked at 13 million active subs.  Clearly the AH killed it, right?

What is this, preschool logic? - "it works in some other game, clearly it would work here" - No, AH working in WoW does not mean it would work anywhere else or in warframe at all. AH to work properly entire game should be built around it from day 1. Did you see weapon stat variety in WoW? Warframe does not have that luxury. If you drop a mod, or a primed part, it's same like from other 10000 ppl who farmed it already. Most of prices would plummet down and really rare items would become insanely expensive. Yes, newbie players might profit from this in short term but in longterm this move may kill the entire game economy and would force developer to contrive new business /earning models.

How does a monthly fee to play the warframe sounds?

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15 hours ago, Mints said:

Here's the dilemma: The people who want an auction house are often different from the people who would use it the most. The people who would use the auction house the most, the people trading, already prefer the existing system because it makes prices more fluid. When an auction house is instituted, or any formal trading system, price ranges will immediately tighten and we will see a massive short-sell of high value parts, mods, etc. Considering the loose and largely anarchic economic model that exists within Warframe it would create temporary instability and the abstracted value of plat will fluctuate wildly before stabilizing and becoming more rigid.

The people who really lose in the current model, as OP suggests, are new players who are not acclimated to this trade environment and/or do not know the tools to use it properly. I empathize with this, but to be perfectly honest if you're spending large amounts of plat buying things from other players early on you're playing a little too fast and loose with your money in the first place. When one enters Warframe's economy one is competing with a lot of people who have accumulated a lot of plat, people who sometimes buy large amounts of plat with -75% off coupons, and no small amount of malicious shysters.

As it stands, I think inertia will kill any thoughts of a Warframe Auction House interface. There's too many people that like the system that already exists and the only acceptable solutions to them would be solutions that are practically identical to Warframe.Market.

You know, i kept asking for an Auction House in WF like the one in WoW and some other MMO's for its convenience to the buyers (sort lists and insta buy even if seller is offline for an extra 20%).

Never thought it would affect the game THIS bad, but thanks to you now i know o.o ... WHY DIDN'T ANYBODY EXPLAIN IT LIKE THIS!?

Edited by (PS4)ArnnFrost
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Not unless the economy's biggest issue is fixed. If you'd add an auction house right now it'd just supercharge the bottoming out of prices for anything that isn't super rare. The only situation in which auction houses aren't a detriment to virtual game economy is if every item in that economy has a use, or is perishable, which includes consumables. Technically, that's mostly the case with Warframe, but the balance is way out of whack, with how little material resources, credits and endo are worth, since those are the basic natural resources in the Warframe universe. No offense to Sheldon, but you'd actually need to constantly monitor the supply and demand of items in order for a virtual economy to stay healthy, and add new ways to use and create resources depending on how much surplus their is. That is something DE doesn't seem to be willing to do at the moment, and until they are, auction houses are a bad idea for the game.

In fact, until they are, they'd be wise to do everything in their power to decentralize trading in order to slow down the decay of prices. Problem with that, however, is that it'd come at the cost of player convenience, which is the main reason people keep asking for easier or faster trading. The game economy, and by extension the quality of the game, is more important than player convenience, so the only, fair way to make it more of a hassle for players to trade would be to give them some other benefit. That's again where in Warframe we hit a roadblock, because the cost associated with being allowed to trade are minimal at best. A few credits(outside of primed mods), a MR lock, and the necessity of traveling to the Dojo or a relay to facilitate transactions.

While difficult, these minor sacrifices could be worked into a new system that frees the players from them without negatively affecting the market decay. I don't think I've ever posted the suggestion I did have in mind to solve that issue, so maybe I'll do it now that it's back on my mind.

Anyway, auction houses can be a huge negative influence on any virtual economy in which there are many items that don't perish, and until that issue is being tackled by DE they're a bad idea. It doesn't mean you can't work with them at all in this scenario, however, just that they need to come at a cost to the player to counter balance the convenience granted by them.


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2 hours ago, ThorienKELL said:

What is this, preschool logic? - "it works in some other game, clearly it would work here" - No, AH working in WoW does not mean it would work anywhere else or in warframe at all. AH to work properly entire game should be built around it from day 1. Did you see weapon stat variety in WoW? Warframe does not have that luxury. If you drop a mod, or a primed part, it's same like from other 10000 ppl who farmed it already. Most of prices would plummet down and really rare items would become insanely expensive. Yes, newbie players might profit from this in short term but in longterm this move may kill the entire game economy and would force developer to contrive new business /earning models.

How does a monthly fee to play the warframe sounds?

It's the same preschool logic as saying "Auction houses are the reasons games die".  :shrug:

I really don't see any difference between having Warframe Market and having the same system in-game.

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12 minutes ago, PhotriusPyrelus said:

It's the same preschool logic as saying "Auction houses are the reasons games die".  :shrug:

I really don't see any difference between having Warframe Market and having the same system in-game.

Then you dont look hard enough. Warframe. market is simply a listing website you still need to interact with people and negotiate. 

An action house would not have these limitations meaning that very easily and most surely people would start relying on passive trading and going to the lowest price possible just to sell something. Good luck trying to sell something for a decent price when thousands of players are doing the same thing and a lot of them only care about selling and not about keeping the market healthy. 

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Economics is a very complex system. To explain why an AH would not work in the Warframe setting would take pages of discourse. Suffice it to say, an AH will not function properly in the Warframe game. It would reduce the economy to shambles within months, if not weeks.

For those arguing for it, I suggest much research into economics and their impact on cultures. There's several college courses that you could complete in 1-2 years and then be able to understand why an AH will not work here.

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At the end of the day, who ask this kind of stuff are mostly 2 kind of people


1. People are new to this game and have not adapted to the trading environment

2. People that are just too dumb to find a way to actually sell their stuff


I know this by just looking at how much people Rushing the MR, Using Meta weapon for 97% of they most used weapon. And Rage at "Nerf" of certain Warframe or Weapon

I know some decision made by DE is worthy to be mad for (I'm looking at you Hema and Axi A3). But the at the end of the day, All people won't agree on anything. If you come to Warframe only to play PvP or to Rush the game. you are playing the game wrong. Not like you can't play the game. But its better for you to play an actual game focusing on those subject

tl;dr   Adapt to the game or leave


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14 minutes ago, aligatorno said:

Then you dont look hard enough. Warframe. market is simply a listing website you still need to interact with people and negotiate. 

An action house would not have these limitations meaning that very easily and most surely people would start relying on passive trading and going to the lowest price possible just to sell something. Good luck trying to sell something for a decent price when thousands of players are doing the same thing and a lot of them only care about selling and not about keeping the market healthy. 

You can negotiate, if you want, but you certainly don't have to.  I don't.  I see someone willing to pay a price I want, and I sell them my good.

The "interaction" you venerate, is limited to (paraphrasing), "Warframe.Market says you want X for Y.  I'll sell for that."  "Cool *invites to dojo*" *trade happens* "Thanks!"  "Thanks!"  And I never talk to the person again.

I don't see at all how a buy/sell list in-game would "kill the game".  It already exists, it's just a pain to use.

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4 minutes ago, PhotriusPyrelus said:

You can negotiate, if you want, but you certainly don't have to.  I don't.  I see someone willing to pay a price I want, and I sell them my good.

The "interaction" you venerate, is limited to (paraphrasing), "Warframe.Market says you want X for Y.  I'll sell for that."  "Cool *invites to dojo*" *trade happens* "Thanks!"  "Thanks!"  And I never talk to the person again.

I don't see at all how a buy/sell list in-game would "kill the game".  It already exists, it's just a pain to use.

Can you do a favor for all of us here? I really want this thread to be locked. Cause I know this going to get bigger and bigger with each replies


Go to a College about Economy, Or Read a Book, Or even better. Read the older replies


I may not sound smart. But I at least understand why it will break the economy by just looking from older replies. If you still don't get it. Then please stop, cause you already see how many people don't want auction house feature

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I finaly got into trading...

its ridicolous how swingy prices for basicly everythinge are.

as someone not deep in the trading

And here's the people's problem. The desire to get something easy while also getting a profit is understandable, but if you're new to something and find it not meeting your expectations, hold your judgement until you understand the basics, details or trends. In Warframe case it's not that hard.

For example, I couldn't keep up with the Kubrow imprints market when you could easily get 300-1000p for specific builds or Lotus pattern -- didn't make the existed market bad for me, it was my own fault that I refused to do research to make the plat. Instead, I was sticking with Primed and R10 Mods: grind for R5Cs -- buy unranked Primed/Rare (10-rank) mods -- max it out -- sell it for 400-800p (depending on the mod). I probably made about 50k :platinum:(for all time) or even more in trading, no scam, shady stuff or anything like that. Everything was within normal price ranges, or even below the minimum.


Also, this is a free market. You're free to set whatever price you want: to buy or sell. If someone puts the 900:platinum:price on Redirection it's indeed ridiculous. But it doesn't mean someone will actually buy it after all.


The most common thing I see about AH being implemented in Warframe is people living in a perfect world in which people aren't greedy, there's no bots, the undercutting is friendly and not abusive etc. Of course, all of these are already here, but the pace will be different because everyone will be able to see the current best offer. It will surely be easy to buy stuff, but to sell? Well, you'll have to grind more and harder to keep up with undercutting prices while the market platinum prices will still be the same.


Trading Chat got the filters that makes the navigation much easier, of course the in-game chat is still inferior to .market or trading hub, but you can still try out your luck in between trading session from the .market.

General Trading:







https://semlar.com/rivenprices/opticor *The data is taken from trade chat using a technique similar to nexus-stats.com


Does the market work just fine with any of these? It does. The market right now is one of the minor things in the game that need to be looked at and changed (besides, there's always a trade-off with the good changes when it comes to Warframe overhauls).

Give it a try.

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18 minutes ago, PhotriusPyrelus said:

You can negotiate, if you want, but you certainly don't have to.  I don't.  I see someone willing to pay a price I want, and I sell them my good.

The "interaction" you venerate, is limited to (paraphrasing), "Warframe.Market says you want X for Y.  I'll sell for that."  "Cool *invites to dojo*" *trade happens* "Thanks!"  "Thanks!"  And I never talk to the person again.

I don't see at all how a buy/sell list in-game would "kill the game".  It already exists, it's just a pain to use.

Looks like my point flew over your head, so I'll  reiterate it once gain: An AH will create an environment where nothing will have any value because there's a surplus of almost everything. Anything that isn't limited or has incredible grinding times will become to worth the bare minimum, under 10p most likely becaus as i said in the previous post, people wont care abouth the economy, they will only care about making Plat fast so they'll sell under the lowest price. The next will do the same and the market will plummet. Have fun selling warframe sets for 20-30 plat. 

Incredibly rare stuff or time limited ones will be worth even more because of the whales who will buy cheap and sell high. 

As for what you've argued in your post, I dont venerate the interactions between players, those are not meant to create relationships, they are there to stop passive farming and force players to work for their trades. 

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i vote yes for AH   all the best mmos have it and its something this game lacks.  i have read so many posys about how plats hard to make .   about people trying to scam during trades which i do think they came up with a pretty good fix for .   about how it takes forever to find someone to trade with for a reasonable price.    there are a lot of down sides to no auction house.  i do think it benofits thosr you flip items/ sets to buy from someone who dosent know the value and to resell it for the value or higher

 .   it also helps players scam new players by trying to get them to think a mod is worth a lot.   type in trade wtb flow  just the base mod not primed and you might be surprised on the prices people are trying to scam new players for.   i have done this many times when i am bored.  sometimes  very few a nice person thinking i am new will say i will just give you the mod and some other atarter ones.   most of the time i recieve 70p    there is no way that shoukd be worth 70p   5p at the very most.  you can easily buy the primed version for 45p  there is no way the base version is worth almost twice that.



this game has good people in it but it also has a lot of greedy scammers with no moral compass. an auction house would encourage fair and competitove prices.

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24 minutes ago, (PS4)Quil_Nye said:

this game has good people in it but it also has a lot of greedy scammers with no moral compass. an auction house would encourage fair and competitove prices.

The naivety of this statement is beyond belief.

Sure, you could put up a mod for sale for a "fair and competitive price". However, those people with no moral compass could also come in and buy all those mods at your price....then turn around and put them back on the AH for a higher price, thus turning a profit off your hard work of farming the mods, and still take advantage of those new to the game who know no better.

An AH will not prevent greedy persons from trying to take advantage of others. No system will. The only thing that prevents people getting "scammed" in a trade of any sort is for them to know what they are doing going into the trade. Like going to a car dealer and paying sticker price, heh. The more you know and all that. Something cartoons used to teach kids on Saturday mornings, but is a concept lost today.

Common sense should be called rare sense, since it's a commodity harder to come by.


Also, you all can "vote" all you want. DE has already stated that they will not be doing an AH, so it's a moot discussion.

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While I feel that AH wouldn't bode well for the Warframe economy. (Making trading too easy would pretty much ruin the economy) I feel that the current existing trade chat could stand to be more streamlined.

Pretty much all you do is watch a wall of scrolling text of WTB/WTS offers and pick out whatever deal fancies you, PM the guy, get into a dojo, trade, and be on your way or repeat.

While I don't mind the PM and moving to the dojo to trade, watching the scrolling text can really be an eyesore, especially in cases where there's a trading hot streak and the offers roll by faster than you can process. Yes, filters are a thing, and they help, but I feel more could be done.


However, what I would be onboard for, is expanding on the concept maroo's Bazaar, Player market and such, like think of the stalls in Cetus, but instead of Ostron, you get tenno selling their wares with custom billboards and such. "Revy rivens" or "The Mod Shop" or "Prime Part Palace" etc. give us a much larger space to work with, customizable stalls, and the ability to list more than 5 items, when you interact with a tenno stall, instead of requesting a trade, you instead get a menu of all the wares he/she is selling, you pick what you like and it pings the seller a prompt to accept the trade (not automated to promote AFK trading), in which you can then do your business and be on your way.

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5 hours ago, PhotriusPyrelus said:

It's the same preschool logic as saying "Auction houses are the reasons games die".  :shrug:

I really don't see any difference between having Warframe Market and having the same system in-game.

Warframe.market has no guarantees. People can put up fake offers for items they don't have, or just outright refuse to sell for the listed price.

What would happen if the same system was to be officially implemented, therefore officially endorsed, by DE? The same abuses would occur.

Now here's the difference between 3rd party and built-in: DE would be responsible for built-in systems. What would that mean? Support queue times would grow substantially from all the reports of fake offers.

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Eh I have stated before , an AH would be bad, How about we just get the WTB and WTS Tabs Separated and also have a WTT tab? .

All those people who want to make plat while offline? Well to bad, because like someone one else said it would drive prices down because of people keep selling and such.

Also there is a Thing called Supply and Demand. Unless DE did big donate P parts for rewards evens then, well the Supply would outclass demand so heavily the price of everything besides Rivens, Some mods and Syndicate Weapons,  would be dirt cheap, sure that helps the average Joe, and Beginner Bob , but to Vets, and the Console people it would hurt because Vets mainly want Rivens and Fashion Frame.

Which For Console Vets it would hit even harder, making those 170+ plat Tennogen items only buyable with IRL money, Sure that helps DE, but HOW many people would that turn off and how many would they lose due to that change. Believe it when a Console Vet says Plat Discounts are about as rare than Finding a ember set for 400 or so. which is rare. I've seen like 3 or 4? plat sales in my 2 years of playing warframe

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One of the many problems with Auction Hoses is that invites abusers and bots, after all, you are not required to play, just place your items and log off.
Another is, AH on f2p never work that well if the only way to buy is through pay for currency, and I'm sure you don't want me to buy your Rivens or Prime parts with credits.
Or do you?

I'm wild guessing here thats why DE rather do not implement one, they want their players to be as active as possible while online.
And as it is now, they probably enjoy more legit users buying plat instead of bots with stolen payment information. (Thanks DE)

Which is way better than running into network errors due to massive amount alt accounts/bots.

My advice to players who always ask about AH, think of the larger picture, we all know it would be greatly convenient for each of us INDIVIDUALLY, but as a whole (the game if clarification needed), not so much.

For those wondering how much damage gaming prices in an AH could be for the game. I've done it (years ago, believe it or not, gaming economy hasn't changed much in over a decade); not alone, it takes lots of people to do it (and they read and wait and pray for the day to come), and most simply don't care about the games. Took me awhile to grow out of it, so is not as easy as assuming hardly anyone does it.

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Game doesn't need an auction house. Some just want it.

Game is functioning perfectly fine without one. DE is making profit with the current system and there is no reason why they should change how trading works.

Would be nice if we could edit the trade chat box though. Looks kinda plain/boring to look at and maybe include a trade station on our ship where we just type the player's ign in the thing and trade with them without the back and forth with dojos/bazaar.

Aside from that, no real issues with how trading is atm. You either sacrifice time in trade chat or sacrifice real money/time through other methods.

Edited by EtherealSlasher
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