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24 hr lock needs to go


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if u could use common sense and read , u can take the upcoming mr test , it clearly gives u 2 options : 1. practice 2.take the test @dronekiller . u dont have to create a useless forum post for petty issues like this. 24hr wait is a game mechanic introduced by the devs. wat r u gonna do about it ? huh ? 

Edited by Zukoku_Zero
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Honestly, stop whining about this. For years us vets had to do our tests with no practice feature being available. We actually had to study youtube videos before trying the tests, then we had a single chance per day to "nail it"... I remember on some of the hardest tests taking me more than a week to get done because of the stress of knowing you only get one chance and having to figure out on the fly exactly what to do.

Nowadays, anyone can just go to a relay, go to cephalon simaris and practice the test until they can reliably complete it numerous times in a row, then quality for it. Minimal stress, ample time to practice, no reason to fail any test anymore. And if you do fail it, well, too bad, you should have practiced it more to make sure you could reliably nail it before qualifying for it.

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6 hours ago, (PS4)Stealth_Cobra said:

Honestly, stop whining about this. For years us vets had to do our tests with no practice feature being available. We actually had to study youtube videos before trying the tests, then we had a single chance per day to "nail it"... I remember on some of the hardest tests taking me more than a week to get done because of the stress of knowing you only get one chance and having to figure out on the fly exactly what to do.

Nowadays, anyone can just go to a relay, go to cephalon simaris and practice the test until they can reliably complete it numerous times in a row, then quality for it. Minimal stress, ample time to practice, no reason to fail any test anymore. And if you do fail it, well, too bad, you should have practiced it more to make sure you could reliably nail it before qualifying for it.

Like MR 8 Test Parkour 1.0

Now MR 8 is a joke.


Edited by GmG-ITA
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On 12/30/2017 at 2:31 AM, (PS4)Stealth_Cobra said:

Honestly, stop whining about this. For years us vets had to do our tests with no practice feature being available. We actually had to study youtube videos before trying the tests, then we had a single chance per day to "nail it"... I remember on some of the hardest tests taking me more than a week to get done because of the stress of knowing you only get one chance and having to figure out on the fly exactly what to do.

Nowadays, anyone can just go to a relay, go to cephalon simaris and practice the test until they can reliably complete it numerous times in a row, then quality for it. Minimal stress, ample time to practice, no reason to fail any test anymore. And if you do fail it, well, too bad, you should have practiced it more to make sure you could reliably nail it before qualifying for it.

thank you

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Perhaps the wait time should be lowered to at the most of 12 hours so that people who don't have the opportunity to play as often can have a better chance to rank up just to play the game instead of having to potentially wait multiple days just to be able to try again and have the possibility to fail again if they crumble under the pressure of tests. (Speaking of personal experience). I just want to play Warframe, not "The Waiting Game".

p.s: Forma's build time should go down a little too.

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On 12/30/2017 at 2:19 AM, Clats01 said:

Whats the point of a test of "skill" if you can redo it instantly, none at all. The point of the lock out is to teach you patience and giving people time to make a whine thread about it needing to go.

Except Mastery Tests dont test skill. They test whether you've spent enough Plat or time to have the loadout that utterly cheeses and thus invalidates the existence of, a given Test. 

They are a pointless source of frustration and I outright APPLAUD every player who quits because of one. Especially since they were deliberately and unreasonable redesigned to MAXIMIZE frustration with their recent monochromatic visual disaster redesign.

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1 hour ago, Countess_Hapmuhr said:

The waiting period is there to make you feel the gravity of the test and how important it is. Also, the fact that you can practice it now just means that you've got to work on getting it into a routine instead. Make the test second nature and eventually you will succeed.

Gravity. Importance.

This is...a video game. One where the very "important" tests you reference, can be UTTERLY CHEESED so long as you have the correct build.

Mastery Tests exist to encourage to buy your way past them with the loadout that best cheeses a given test. They are part of the business model, like Nitain, not the game.

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The problem is that most weapons that are not complete crap are hard locked behind those test. As an actually terrible player I suffered from some of those tests. There are some where I wasn't able to get past a 25% success rate in training no matter what I tried so they turned into a sort of rng fest. I feel like the timer is just a gigantic fuk you for terrible players like me. Also most of the test don't reflect what general gameply is about. Warframe is not a skill based game at all. 99% of content can be solved by either casting World on fire, stacking frost bubbles or getting any CC frames. The only hard parts of the game are sorties, dealing with mutliple nullifiers at once and not killing yourself with your Lenz.

In short: please remove that stupid timer.

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Sorry if you can't wait 24 hours to take a test again because you need to keep advancing that quickly you are rushing too much. You lose nothing waiting 24 hours.

If anything I'd rather they adjust warframe build times and pet's incubation periods. Not to remove them but to make them more consistent across the board and they do need to reduce the total build time. Only due to the fact you have to farm for hours for alot of those frames, making people wait days to get something they worked directly towards is annoying.

But all in all the build times are the least of my concerns about this game. Just relax and take it easy there is literally no rush.

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2 hours ago, BlackCoMerc said:

Except Mastery Tests dont test skill. They test whether you've spent enough Plat or time to have the loadout that utterly cheeses and thus invalidates the existence of, a given Test. 

They are a pointless source of frustration and I outright APPLAUD every player who quits because of one

What are you even on about, you can pass any test with any frame... Lol i thought you "quit" like a few weeks ago but here you are still cluttering up the forums with all this doom and gloom. Applauding someone for quitting a game? 

2 hours ago, BlackCoMerc said:

Gravity. Importance.

This is...a video game. One where the very "important" tests you reference, can be UTTERLY CHEESED so long as you have the correct build.

Mastery Tests exist to encourage to buy your way past them with the loadout that best cheeses a given test. They are part of the business model, like Nitain, not the game.

And here's some more of this nonsense, I'm sorry if you felt that you had to "buy" your way past MR tests but the truth is they are so trivial to pass I just can't even fathom how you think they are there to make people spend money. 

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There's no reason why the mastery retake delay should be removed due to the fact that every bloody test is a joke. The only ones where the penalty should be revoked is the stealth ones due to the amount of absurd bugs that DE refuses to fix even after a few months or more of it happening. There really is no reason to remove the cooldown on taking a test due to being able to practice as many times as you want with as many different loadouts to try. Even if you fail, it doesn't even truly hurt you unless you're under MR15 due to being mastery locked out of some weapons (Euphona Prime or whatever) as your mastery points continue to increase regardless of if you actually rank up.


Just go practice more or look up guides and be babysat through the mastery tests as they really aren't even a true test of 'mastery' of the game.

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Yeah Mastery Rank is one of the most lax and forgiving leveling systems in any game I ever played.

I mean you want crazy challenge. Try rushing through Gran Turisimo License tests and see how long and how many tries it take to pass those test, and those licenses unlocks content in the game, meaning if you don't pass you can't even keep progressing the game.

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15 hours ago, (PS4)Musicopia said:

What are you even on about, you can pass any test with any frame... Lol i thought you "quit" like a few weeks ago but here you are still cluttering up the forums with all this doom and gloom. Applauding someone for quitting a game? 

And here's some more of this nonsense, I'm sorry if you felt that you had to "buy" your way past MR tests but the truth is they are so trivial to pass I just can't even fathom how you think they are there to make people spend money. 

Most tests arent hard. They are, like much of the rest of the "challenging" content in Warframe, simply tedious.

Also, for what its worth, Mastery Rank is not a leveling system. Its a business model. Given enough Platinum, you can, quite literally, buy the Rank itself. Which is one of the reasons tests exist: To disguise the fact that all you need to to "level up" in Warframe, is acquire stuff. Its a business model, not a game mechanic.

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On 12/30/2017 at 1:24 AM, dronekiller said:

Ok so the 24 hr lock when you fail a mastery test needs to be axed. There is no benefit or point to it.  All it does is makes people want to quit when they fail.

I've actually known people to quit after reaching a particular mastery test they struggled with.  While I understand the idea behind "difficult" content and consequence for failure enhancing the experience it being required for any progression is an issue.  The 24 hour lock is excessive and I'd frankly go a step further and remove MR tests entirely or make them optional was it me.

3 hours ago, BlackCoMerc said:

Given enough Platinum, you can, quite literally, buy the Rank itself.

Where is this in the market?  0.o

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1 hour ago, PatternistSlave said:

I've actually known people to quit after reaching a particular mastery test they struggled with.  While I understand the idea behind "difficult" content and consequence for failure enhancing the experience it being required for any progression is an issue.  The 24 hour lock is excessive and I'd frankly go a step further and remove MR tests entirely or make them optional was it me.

Where is this in the market?  0.o

Everywhere, since leveling new gear is what earns MR. You literally cannot increase MR without acquiring more STUFF.

And stuff just happens to be what the market sells. Imagine that.

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