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Banshee gets top damage in Hydron and no one blinks an eye


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Mag gets top damage and everyone leaves at wave 5.


Every. Single. Time.


Seriously, I could practically afk and we'll go to wave 15 no problem, but if I'm mindlessly spamming Polarize just like everyone else is spamming Meme Strike then suddenly it's "oh, my weapons are maxed" at wave 5, then they leave the instant they get to orbit so nobody can check. This has happened far too many times with too many unique players to be mere coincidence.


I see this same behavior in Sorties too. If I underperform but someone else got their ego fed in the Tab screen then the squad will stick together for all three missions, but if I outperform the rest of the team (or someone else is playing Mag and they score the highest) then I have to find a new squad for each individual Sortie tier. If I use a different frame and perform "alright"  I'll typically get the same thing that happens when I underperform on Mag. 


Even better, sometimes I'll do poorly on Tier 1, and nobody will leave the squad. I'll get the top score in tier 2 and everybody will leave, even if the mission went perfectly smoothly with few or no deaths (which is MOST Sorties). Same thing happens with defense and survival missions. I've had many cases where someone or a duo were bragging about some weapon or synergy they discovered and how they wanted to stick around until Wave 30 or "an hour", but once the enemies reach the point where it takes more than a stare to kill them, and I start playing seriously, and it's only Wave 14 and I'm clearly gaining on the guy in the number one spot, they'll stop talking and suddenly decide they need to leave as soon as possible. This ONLY happens if I'm playing Mag. If I'm playing any other frame they never care. Ever.


so what's the meaning of this? People in-game love to perpetuate the myth that Mag is a weak frame, but when they see what happens when she's played by someone that knows how to use her do they just interpret it as them (and everyone else in the squad who isn't the Mag) playing like garbage?


im just venting a bit. Nobody cares if Mesa carries the team. Same with Mirage, Valkyr, Excalibur, etc. but the instant Mag gets near the top people always have to leave the group as fast as they can. When you main a frame for hundreds of hours as I have, it becomes harder and harder to ignore these kinds of things. It gets really old. 


Edit: I'm totally open to the possibility that I'm just seeing things that aren't there. I know I can be pretty sensitive. But some questions just need to be answered...



Edited by Legion-Shields
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Am I the only one thinking the other way around about this?

Whenever I see soundquake Banshee in anything higher than ~40, I facepalm and usually leave. It isn't any better than Limbo trolls, her locking all enemies 40-50 meters away and ticking these eximus and disruptors for 50-200 damage at 20 stacks is not only boring for everyone else, but it significantly slows the mission progress.

Mag on the other hand is a quite rare view lately, a good Mag even more. I can't see any reason why would I mind someone else stripping armor and shields.

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2 minutes ago, (PS4)OmegaSlayer said:

People is just ashamed at their lack of skills

Well don't get me wrong, I've had plenty of missions where I was genuinely bad (even recently!)  it's just that by now the missions where I've performed well have all piled up and I can't help but notice these things.

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10 minutes ago, saradonin said:

Am I the only one thinking the other way around about this?

Whenever I see soundquake Banshee in anything higher than ~40, I facepalm and usually leave. It isn't any better than Limbo trolls, her locking all enemies 40-50 meters away and ticking these eximus and disruptors for 50-200 damage at 20 stacks is not only boring for everyone else, but it significantly slows the mission progress.

Mag on the other hand is a quite rare view lately, a good Mag even more. I can't see any reason why would I mind someone else stripping armor and shields.

Probably for the same reason people hate Magnetize bubbles and refuse to shoot them.

and I mean to compare Mag to her more mainstream counterparts; as a dps-oriented frame she belongs in the same class as Mesa, Octavia, Ember, etc. yet people react differently in my experience to those frames being played well then to a well-played Mag (by me or someone else).

you're absolutely right though to point out that there are other frames that have a bad reputation when it comes to team work. There is simply nothing that can compete with a max range Banshee on Hydron, which wouldn't be an issue if her range didn't extend into the enemy spawns.

Edited by Legion-Shields
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The funny thing about all of this is that a sound quake banshee is hardly viable past level 50, while a good mag with a mediocre team can easily go into the 300s.  The community as a whole is fairly ignorant in terms of using creative and effective teams.  The community tends to pick a  meta build or setup and beat it to death until something else is found, and somehow, people enjoy that.


If you can't tell I like to play mag.

Edited by lordpie
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or maybe, people are actually maxed at wave 5 already, i mean everytime i level up a weapon, everyone leaves at wave 15, so my weapon's exp from 0 is now at 27 or 28 [and no, i dont just leech, i use chroma so my weapon still does a ton]. so, i go join a new group and its maxed out at 5

i mean, do people really care who the top damage in the team is? as long as you arent just on the cellar afk-ing like nobody's business, you can use any warframe you want

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21 minutes ago, Varacal said:

or maybe, people are actually maxed at wave 5 already, i mean everytime i level up a weapon, everyone leaves at wave 15, so my weapon's exp from 0 is now at 27 or 28 [and no, i dont just leech, i use chroma so my weapon still does a ton]. so, i go join a new group and its maxed out at 5

i mean, do people really care who the top damage in the team is? as long as you arent just on the cellar afk-ing like nobody's business, you can use any warframe you want

Well, you're certainly a lot better at leveling stuff than I am. Maybe it's because I hug the payload too much? While everyone else is camping the spawns...


i didn't think anyone cared about the scoreboard until it became impossible to ignore sometime around Update 15 or so. One of the updates around that time brought in a bunch of new players and thanks to them I realized the tab key had the exact same function it would in an FPS.

Edited by Legion-Shields
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Though, Banshee is quite good on Hydron. She's good at killing trash mobs, and when only Eximus units remain, she can stop quaking and kill remnants with weapons. It's just not everybody knows that, that's why all of them always leave when they see Banshee/other DPS. 

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SQ Banshee is worse than Limbo in terms of trolling. She kills things SLOWLY. What's that, you say, you get the top score? Well of course you do, because now all the enemies are stuck in their spawn points and if anyone else wants to kill them they have to chase them down across opposite ends of the map.

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3 hours ago, Legion-Shields said:

Mag gets top damage and everyone leaves at wave 5.


Every. Single. Time.


Seriously, I could practically afk and we'll go to wave 15 no problem, but if I'm mindlessly spamming Polarize just like everyone else is spamming Meme Strike then suddenly it's "oh, my weapons are maxed" at wave 5, then they leave the instant they get to orbit so nobody can check. This has happened far too many times with too many unique players to be mere coincidence.


I see this same behavior in Sorties too. If I underperform but someone else got their ego fed in the Tab screen then the squad will stick together for all three missions, but if I outperform the rest of the team (or someone else is playing Mag and they score the highest) then I have to find a new squad for each individual Sortie tier. If I use a different frame and perform "alright"  I'll typically get the same thing that happens when I underperform on Mag. 


Even better, sometimes I'll do poorly on Tier 1, and nobody will leave the squad. I'll get the top score in tier 2 and everybody will leave, even if the mission went perfectly smoothly with few or no deaths (which is MOST Sorties). Same thing happens with defense and survival missions. I've had many cases where someone or a duo were bragging about some weapon or synergy they discovered and how they wanted to stick around until Wave 30 or "an hour", but once the enemies reach the point where it takes more than a stare to kill them, and I start playing seriously, and it's only Wave 14 and I'm clearly gaining on the guy in the number one spot, they'll stop talking and suddenly decide they need to leave as soon as possible. This ONLY happens if I'm playing Mag. If I'm playing any other frame they never care. Ever.


so what's the meaning of this? People in-game love to perpetuate the myth that Mag is a weak frame, but when they see what happens when she's played by someone that knows how to use her do they just interpret it as them (and everyone else in the squad who isn't the Mag) playing like garbage?


im just venting a bit. Nobody cares if Mesa carries the team. Same with Mirage, Valkyr, Excalibur, etc. but the instant Mag gets near the top people always have to leave the group as fast as they can. When you main a frame for hundreds of hours as I have, it becomes harder and harder to ignore these kinds of things. It gets really old. 


Edit: I'm totally open to the possibility that I'm just seeing things that aren't there. I know I can be pretty sensitive. But some questions just need to be answered...

Correlation isn't necessarily causation.  Just keep that in mind.  If I was in a sortie and saw your damage numbers, I'd actually boost squad efficacy with support tactics.

It could simply be a focus farm issue with focus 2.0?  If damage dealers are "perceptually robbing" farm meta from others, it's going to be a perpetual squad-splitter.

If that is the case (I'm not sure), then focus needs to be shared like affinity because:

SQUAD SYNERGY > FOCUS FARM 2.0 for the continued health of the game.

You hear me, DE? This Tenno's opinion.

Edited by (PS4)Silverback73
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3 hours ago, Legion-Shields said:

Edit: I'm totally open to the possibility that I'm just seeing things that aren't there. I know I can be pretty sensitive. But some questions just need to be answered...

Sorry m8, but this have to be coincidences. People can't be that dumb and egocentric.

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3 hours ago, schilds said:

SQ Banshee is worse than Limbo in terms of trolling. She kills things SLOWLY. What's that, you say, you get the top score? Well of course you do, because now all the enemies are stuck in their spawn points and if anyone else wants to kill them they have to chase them down across opposite ends of the map.

maybe in higher tiers or they have  crap setup, but a decent banshee can clear hydron waves as fast as most frames if not faster.. that being said if i do goto hydron on my banshee ill ask if they want my quake if not i just go operator and back for naramon buff and melee my head off

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People leave @ 5 or 10 most of the time regardless of which frame is doing the heavy lifting. 

Nox spawns seem to put many off as they require a slight effort, but if they are being cleared in a few seconds then there seems to be a greater chance of going further

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The main problem with people leaving missions early is their amount of kills. Too many people think that this is game is called Call for Money: Recycled Warfare, where kills are all that matters. They also forget about the shared XP system.

I mean, sure, having literally 1000+ kills looks nice on your stats, but it literally doesn't have ANY effect on your skill.

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I might be the only one who doesn't care about my kill count/damage % at the end of a mission. I tend to do a lot of farming for resources or use Hydron to power level new weapons or Frames. If Banshee, Mesa, Ember, etc. toss on their 4th, and take out the mobs quicker, it doesn't matter to me. What I don't like is being on a defense mission, having folks queue up for another wave, and at the last second, queue out, leaving me to deal with 5 wave solo. It's a jerk move, but what can you do?


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