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Warframe's eventual downfall, and what happens after -For [DE]-


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This is something I've thought about a lot, for a lot of games, and I'd love to get a response from [DE] on this. Warframe is doing amazingly right now, no question about it, but success doesn't last forever. Time and time again, online-only games have become incredibly popular, only to eventually shut down due to dwindling playerbase, internal strife, or other factors. As both a player and a software conservationist who believes that experiences should be preserved for future generations, I have to ask- if the time comes for Warframe to have it's servers shut down, would you consider releasing the game's source code to live on in the form of private servers, or would it remain closed permanently? 

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as long as De keep releasing new content and lore around warframe the game should never dwindle to the point other online games have, warframes playerbase is bigger now then it ever has been and thats a direct relation to plains and open world being introduced, and as they plan to add more open worlds on other planets the player base will only increase in size as there is no other game that competes on same level that is free to play and isnt aimed at stealing your hard earned $, nothing in warframe cant be obtained for free outside of tennogen....

but in saying that if it ever gets to a point it does have to shut down i would forsee warframe finally being released as a standalone bought game with 1000s of hrs of gameplay to be had, and even then no other game would be able to compete with amount of gameplay this great game has

Edited by xXHobbitXx
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27 minutes ago, MagPrime said:

...City of Heroes



Don't.... don't remind me.... I still hold a grudge against NCSoft even after all this time. I still, to this day, refuse to buy or play any of their products.



If Warframe's decline were to come, you'd be able to see it in dev streams. Either by reducing or removing dev streams or seeing the devs no longer enthusiastic at talking about their work and they would talk more like a corporate drone like all the AAA game devs. So, it's whenever Steve and Rebecca stopped talking about balls.

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6 minutes ago, JalakBali said:

Don't.... don't remind me.... I still hold a grudge against NCSoft even after all this time. I still, to this day, refuse to buy or play any of their products.



If Warframe's decline were to come, you'd be able to see it in dev streams. Either by reducing or removing dev streams or seeing the devs no longer enthusiastic at talking about their work and they would talk more like a corporate drone like all the AAA game devs. So, it's whenever Steve and Rebecca stopped talking about balls.

rebecca is a front person not a developer, she will always be optimistic its what shes paid for

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I feel like the title is bait.

And I don't think Warframe will do badly anytime soon. They're not predatory in their schemes, but very upfront and fair.
if you couldn't trade items in the game, and instead had to rely on grinding or hoping they drop from expensive loot boxes, I could see people leaving enmasse, but that's not the case.

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I've always been the "enjoy it while it's here and then cherish the memory" type of person.

There was a game called Gotham City Impostors that was easily my favorite competitive shooter ever. It got shafted hard in the great GameSpy debacle. Instead of getting angry and wishing I could still play it... I just look back on it with fond memories, thankful that I got to experience it.

Warframe will be the same way for me.

Edited by (PS4)KingGuy420
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37 minutes ago, JalakBali said:

Don't.... don't remind me.... I still hold a grudge against NCSoft even after all this time. I still, to this day, refuse to buy or play any of their products.



If Warframe's decline were to come, you'd be able to see it in dev streams. Either by reducing or removing dev streams or seeing the devs no longer enthusiastic at talking about their work and they would talk more like a corporate drone like all the AAA game devs. So, it's whenever Steve and Rebecca stopped talking about balls.


15 minutes ago, NoggDog117 said:

EVEN WORSE, Statesman is now a part of their (terrible) MOBA, as a ploy to get some of that amazing community on board. Needless to say, most I've seen are pissed.

Yeah, it's messed up.  I was logged in the day they killed it.  There were tears.  Spent 8 years in that game.

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I feel though that the current game is reaching the end of its life. Games don't tend to go on this many years in one iteration. They have been working on the same code for 6 years at this point. There must be alot of legacy code that is getting in the way of expanding the game further(for example POE). So it's surprising there haven't been talk of a warframe 2 with a new engine built from the ground up.

Because they biggest challenge now in Warframe is keeping the engagement up and offering enough content to keep new and old players alike.

Sadly I don't think they are putting much thought and effort into this. They are completely ignoring what actually made Warframe so popular(the community, the pro consumer attitude) and think it's all from POE.

POE represent a huge change for them as devs, I think alot of current players aren't aware of the change in the direction of game. I see a move away from Warframes and more into operators and Zaws and Amps and Focus and open world maps.

Now I don't fault them for trying to be new and innovate in their game, but after playing for so many years and on PC and console I have come to realize that the devs don't actually listen to what the players want in this game. They design in a black box and don't take much influence from anything but what they bring themselves into the effort. They operate under a design by attrition mentality, meaning that they will always try to add something new in lieu of fixing or going over something already established. This has resulted in the game in it's current form, warts and all.

But eventually most of the new players will come down from the initial rush and enthusiasm from starting a new game and most will abandon the title once they realize how inconstant and uneven the entire game is. The repetitive grind mechanics will drive most people to boredom long before they get to the high level content. Meanwhile, I hear they are already rushing to make another open world map, rather than get back to working on the rest of the game.

The biggest danger in design by attrition is alienating their core base. With Operatoes, Zaws, Amps, Focus and POE they are moving in a marked direction away from the core game. I fear they will lose most of the core players and any momentum if they keep with this method as they practice it. But I don't think they are really interested or really even respect what we really want as players. I mean I never heard one peep of talk about any desire to play a real human character in this game. We had absolutely no problem with the current void power mechanics and I definitely never heard any mention that something like Focus was desired. People loath Conclave and Archwing yet they are still in the game after years of unenthusiastic apathy towards it. And as far as i have spoken to players, no one had an inkling that POE was their next big thing, nor was it ever part of any player talk I ever heard. Yet they put alot of time money and effort into producing and releasing that content, and even after alot of it fell with a thud(archwings/conclave) they seem deaf to the trash talk about it.


So yeah they are doing good right now. But I fear they aren't really learning the true lessons about their success, which makes them vulnerable to faltering due to hubris.

I for one would rather they spend their current energy into polishing up the core of the game and leaving this stuff in the fringe. Enemy AI, Maptiles, Weapons, Pets, Player economy, these are the things they should be focusing and is what is really going to give them longevity, not more gimmicky single shot map content. Reworking the new player experience to include more cooperative elements to get people used to that as part of the game, putting in more tutorials for parkour, using weapons. these are thing that DE needs to address soon if they want to keep the numbers they are so happy to have acquired. Or else most of the new players will get bored and move on to the next shiny but not until after the old school players have all quit in disgust.

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2 hours ago, Prophet_007 said:

HAWKEN i suppose. It was shut down this month even after it got a huge update.

I think HAWKEN failed because it failed to capture the battletech crowd who were already excited for MWO, both of which came out around the same time.

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6 minutes ago, (PS4)HurricaneHugo76 said:

I feel though that the current game is reaching the end of its life....


One of my flaws is a willing lack to judge others, and I shall do so however such ineptitude might carry my liver or whatever I need to stay alive.

carried forward with what ever-else works in a competitive framework. so meh, details right? Wut is being typed now.

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5 minutes ago, Gandergear said:

I think HAWKEN failed because it failed to capture the battletech crowd who were already excited for MWO, both of which came out around the same time.

HAWKEN was doing fine until it was reacquired by people who just sat on it. The content dried up, and so did the players.

MWO is very, VERY different in terms of pacing, so it's not like there wasn't any room for coexistence.

It's almost like the game was deliberately strangled.

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