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Does anyone here actually like the Operator?


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Just now, NaoEthelia said:

Weirdly, not at 100% efficiency. Last I tested, it was about 33% efficiency. I'm assuming the other 33% goes to the operator itself and the last 33% is reserved for another amp (melee?) equipment.

Yeah, I noticed that. Pretty strange, but I wish you could install a Lens on your Operator as well.

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10 minutes ago, NaoEthelia said:

Weirdly, not at 100% efficiency. Last I tested, it was about 33% efficiency. I'm assuming the other 33% goes to the operator itself and the last 33% is reserved for another amp (melee?) equipment.

I found it's at 75% efficiency. Hacked a spy vault as the operator, got 12k affinity, only got  9k on the Amp.

Edit: Actually, I'm not so sure myself. I'll check it again.

Edited by Gamma745
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I like him as a set of Utility tools. He is a nice reviving tool and if you raise his Energy Pool he actually quite a decent movement tool for slower Frames (not completely finished and sitting on 5 dashes in a row) and i probably going to unbound the dash talent of Naramon to raise it even further. 

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18 hours ago, Klavinmour said:

Why would you want Mods for Tenno?

When was the last time you actively went for mods for your Archwing?

Tenno are better off leveling through Focus and the current weapon system they have, there is no need to add mods on top of this.

Because even with maxed out stats most people find them meh?

Its good and all to say to just go unlock the waybounds but most people dont want to bother with active focus farmnig for the reason how boring it is. The other alterantive is teralyst farming what gets boring fast too.

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1 hour ago, NaoEthelia said:

have fun dying to level 2000 eximuses and nullies while i revive my teammate in void mode

sorry bud, but like it or not, operators are already part of the endgame meta

you can try to revive teammates in your warframe (like the old ways) but its more probable that youll become a flying pizza and die

and did i mention: this is not shoved down your throat?

 Is having an instant invincibility button available at any moment really a good thing? And how often players really go to those high levels with current low-lvl gameplay? There's no incentive to even go to those far-off levels. Resources? Relics? Now tell me you don't have a stockpile of both.

Edited by AperoBeltaTwo
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8 hours ago, Futurehero said:

Lastly, I want to make a consolidated list of actual criticism, with less salt and less ranting and raving. 

Something that can actually be read coherently  and simply understood. So:

Opeartor gameplay sucks because:

-Operators are designed to be weak and vulnerable, so having them "tag team" with Warframes brings out their weakness even more.

-Their role has to be "forced" into the gameplay/combat, rather than as a natural extension. Example: "This guy takes no damage until you void dash through him". "This guy takes reduced damage till you strip it off him with your laser gun"  .  The Zenurik Energy regen  and the void dash that prompts enemies for finishers is the closest it gets to being good.

-"Amps" make no sense, and are essentially "Archwing Weapons" 2.0 . They're a weak alternative to an actual weapon that does NOTHING  a regular weapon can't (minus the above mentioned forced gameplay).   If a T1 amp is literally just an Arca Scisco with an Opticor alt fire, why not give me that?  Why can't I wield my Lex , which I already spent time improving? Is this to "roll back the power creep"  ?. Then why lock it behind so much grind? If all I need this laser gun for is to strip shields and un-resist Sentients, why have all these fire modes etc?

-Your void powers are essentially inferior versions of Warframe powers. Your blast is a weaker Banshee 1. Your dash is a weaker Rhino 1. Your void mode is the only remotely unique thing, and it's not used for stealth. It's used for toggling on/off while you pop enemies with your amp gun.    Even worse, since these powers are tied to button inputs instead of actual ability inputs, this hamstrings DE in the future if they ever decide to add more gameplay to the operator. Example: Melee is void blast, so actual hypothetical operator melee will need a more complex input.   

-Your operator's power derives from persistence and perseverance  rather than actual strength. You can kill any enemy since you yourself can't die. You can shoot an enemy forever since you never run out of ammo, you can be invisible almost forever since you have infinite recharging energy. These in themselves do very little, however.  In layman's terms, you are that weak Skeleton in the Graveyard in Dark souls, that deals little damage and is of little threat, but will re-spawn forever until his source is killed.

Or , in Warframe terms: You are Wukong with a Rage mod, armed with a level 1 Cycron, tried to run through Sortie 3 constantly spamming Defy. 

And without a significant investment in Focus, that's where you'll remain. That little skeleton in Dark souls.

Focus sucks because:

-It requires a massive investment of time for bonsues that are really not worth it. That Madurai Fireball in my OP is the posterboy example, but others sure exist.

-Even worse, it requires a lot of non operator gameplay to unlock operator bonuses.  Killing enemies with Spider Equinox makes it so your Tenno will eventually have more HP. Think about the logistics of that. What am I "focusing" on?

-Focus schools are poorly balanced so most people will rarely switch them out. Even moreso with the rigorous grind attached to it. Oh I can deal some percent extra physical damage? Oooorrr... I could have constantly recharging energy for the powers that actually kill .  Hmm.....

-Focus does not add anything actually new to gameplay. It's mostly effects/abilities that we ALREADY have. Disarm this. Reduce armor that. Damage for X electric.... How about, "you can now walk through walls".  "You can now dual wield primaries for a bit"  "You can transfer into Sentients and shoot their weapons" 

Opeartors turning out how they did sucks because:

-Their customization options are weak/underdeveloped compared to Warframes. When you give people a human character , they're gonna want to shape it to either look like them, or create an actual character to roleplay as.

-As "humans"  DE has their work cut out for them to animate, voice them as believable characters. (See ME: Andromeda for when this goes wrong)

-Their personalities are underdeveloped for any kind of roleplay. They're not silent so you can fill in the blanks, and what they DO say often doesn't match what you'd want them to say. IF this nerdy "roleplay" S#&$ seems pointless, go to above point. Why give me a human with a voice if a faceless death-robot will slice enemies with no concerns to story?

-To continue the nerdy lore S#&$: How does Tenno society/culture function. They apparently have this huge, honor-focused culture, but I'm not buying it . Can you imagine these kids building something like the Duel Room in the Dojo to have honorable fights and hone their skills?  


Well said in both posts.

These are my main gripes and it doesnt really help that currently we only have 2 universally good focus effects instead of 4 acceptable focus schools.

You can choose zenurik and get energy regen or choose naramon for the combo counter and thats it the others are niche uses.

Im still salty that we lost the uniqueness of focus 1.0 where we had healing, deathbeam, minor CC, confusion and a petrify effect and how all schools felt well designed. Before anybody says it im aware of the problems with the old system but if you just look at the nodes they seemed good.

Unairu was the stone school, the tanks choice. Basilisk gaze turned enemies into statues, Madurai was the phoenix school, desigmed to deal damage to turn enemies into ashes in your wake and so on...

Now we have these lame copy-paste effects where some of them are nodes from focus 1.0 placed on a different school.

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54 minutes ago, StabbyTentacles said:

Am a vet.:laugh:

In absolutely no way do I like the operator.:sad:

It is an abomination.:sadcry:

To your point as to vets who have ground this game into their lives to such a degree that anything is praiseworthy, well, that's pretty self explanatory, self evident.

I break it down like this: operator's are to warframe, as having a small gun inside your larger more dynamic, enjoyable gun. Yes you now have 2x guns instead of 1... But why the fu:facepalm: do you need it. You want to add more powers to the game? Eaah add more powers to WARFRAMES.

The point is best explained by Skillup here. (Goto 16.19 to get to the operator contention.)

At the very least allow players who are not fans of operators the option to give them a much needed pass.

As the game stands I can't really play it anymore.

And with every deeper push into operatorframe, well the game becomes more awful.


Who said anything about Tenno being praiseworthy?
There are plenty of issues with them, but the ones people mainly complain about is nothing more than children moaning they don't like broccoli.
I said they are a breath of fresh air, that they bring greater build diversity to the game, and enhance gameplay features.
This is done in ways that no Warframe will EVER be able to.
Hell we have the BEST boss fight in the game right now the Teralyst because of Tenno.

No single Warframe should be allowed to mitigate in entirety it's energy costs or heath needs etc.
Which is why Trinity is so popular, she gives other Frames energy or health, but how selfish is it to always be demanding there be a Trinity in your group?
Especially since with your Tenno you can eliminate your personal need for a Trinity.
At this stage I don't think I'll ever play EV Trinity again, just gonna stick to my max duration build with my Arcane Aura helmet, it's actually fun unlike pressing one ability over and over again, which seems to be the favoured play style of everyone who rags on Tenno and reworks. (if you can even call pressing 1 button a "play style" )

In no way is Tenno play forced upon you, don't want to play as them?
You don't have to, just like you don't have to be invaded in Dark Souls, you can avoid this gameplay entirely.

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22 minutes ago, Klavinmour said:

Who said anything about Tenno being praiseworthy?
There are plenty of issues with them, but the ones people mainly complain about is nothing more than children moaning they don't like broccoli.
I said they are a breath of fresh air, that they bring greater build diversity to the game, and enhance gameplay features.
This is done in ways that no Warframe will EVER be able to.
Hell we have the BEST boss fight in the game right now the Teralyst because of Tenno.

Except broccoly is actually well designed for consumtion. At least mechanically. Say whatever you want about the taste.

 Operators' design is fundamentally flawed. In the 'consumption' department, so to speak. They could have been a better 'breath of fresh air' and allowed for more 'build diversity' if their core mechanic wasn't about completely replacing Warframes on the battlefield for the time Operators are engaged. Instead of augmenting the core Warframe-based gameplay expierience, operators are obstructing and actively trying to replace it with their own degraded functionale and mechanics

 Teralyst is a prime example of that. For Operators to even have a role in combat, content has to be specifically designed from scratch around them - with a forced mechanic like invulnerability shields in this particular case. 
 Otherwise, Operators don't fit into the core gameplay in any natural way.


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3 hours ago, Gamma745 said:

You do know that is just your subjective opinion, right?

Apologies, but I'm curious as to what pointing out the self obvious does to further discussions.  But for the sake of anyone who actually wonders such things, I will offer this disclaimer:

All statements which appear to be opinion, when stated by the entity Thrymm(not even a real name, it's a forum alias, in case you wondering if I knew that too), are recognized by the presenting entity as opinion and were recognized as such by Thrymm before being presented.  Often, these opinions will be in response to the opinions of others, and the entity Thrymm recognizes that these other viewpoints are also opinions, and that his opinions may differ from those that others may present.  At no time should these opinions be misconstrued as fact, nor should they be misconstrued as the entity Thrymm believing they are anything but opinion, just as the entity Thrymm agrees to not believe opinions of others to be fact.  Thrymm reserves the right to disagree with said non-fact opinions despite their subjective nature, and any responses given by said entity can be agreed upon as equally subjective.

There, now that that's out of the way, maybe we can make something constructive(albeit likely repetitive at this point).

Of course it's opinion that I dislike the operator and virtually everything having to do with it, just as it is opinion that there is anything good about it.  Clearly, it is an issue that the community is at least somewhat divided on. Forum traffic, as well as the snails pace development of operator content versus actual warframe content would suggest that a majority prefer avoiding the operator, or dislike it to at least some degree.

It's not impossible to change a person mind on the subject, but it won't happen by offering derptastic observations like noticing that their opinions are....opinions.  Rather, it will happen by DE crafting an operator system and story that generates actual interest from a greater number of its playerbase(in my opinion, in case you're still somehow not figuring that out, despite my neato disclaimer).

For me, it's actually pretty easy.  I don't like the clumsy focus schools, the operator mechanics, or his whiney kid persona.  I don't really care about his actual personal power level, he's the driver of the most incredible power armor to ever grace gaming, THAT is his actual power level.  All he has to do for me to like him is polish his mechanics so that they are fluid, do the same to the focus schools so they are a seamless integration rather than the hodgepodge of flaky add-ons they are now, then apply a cosmetic package that's appealing to my personal tastes.  The last one is actually among the easiest---the same art teams that somehow made the rest of the game visually appealing didn't bother with the operator, all they have to do is "fall in" and it'll work.


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1 hour ago, AperoBeltaTwo said:

...and actively trying to replace it...

Except.... thats not what DE intends to do at all and very much so HAVE NOT DONE.

I seriously cant think of 1 point outside of 2 old focus passives where warframe gameplay has been forcibly replaced by operator gameplay.

Kuva guards, designed with them in mind
Eidolons, designed with them in mind

And next to that there really is nothing that forces you to use it. yet still you feel SO attacked and threatened by this mechanic. Why? because shadow step was removed? (was bound to happen anyway). because energy regen is bound to the dash? seriously? like that is literally about the only point left.

As of this point. pretty much nothing has been lost from warframes because of operators. Nor is it the intent of DE to do so.

No reason to make points that do not exist as they have no basis. you don't like the kid (and for some reason feels threatened by them) and you do not like them having added capabilities that you don't like them having. then keep your point as that.

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1 hour ago, Airwolfen said:

Except.... thats not what DE intends to do at all and very much so HAVE NOT DONE.

What DE intend to do often deviates from what they're actually end up doing.

1 hour ago, Airwolfen said:

I seriously cant think of 1 point outside of 2 old focus passives where warframe gameplay has been forcibly replaced by operator gameplay.

I'm not sure if you're seeing the full picture. Let me explain what I'm talking about:
 On one hand we have Warframes with all the existing mechanics built into them. You can actively use weapons, modding system, abilities and movement from the game's primary combat platfrom that is your Warframe. Warframes' function is to move through space and kill enemies. All gameplay mechanics are built around Warframes with that functionale in mind.
 Now on the other hand you have Operators. With their own movement system, with their own set of abilities and even their own percs. Operators on their own don't interact with any of the core gameplay mechanics developed for Warframes through the years. Yet their function is the same - they move through space and fight.
 Operators are an entirely separate combat platform with its own set of way less developed mechanics, but pushed into the same basic functionale as Warframes. And to use this entirely separate combat platform you have to stop using the primary one - if only briefly.

 It's like having another game inside of the game. 

 The real trouble starts when Devs try to justify the presense of this separate combat platform in the game. Since both Warframes and Operators are player-controlled, you can only use one or the other at any moment, meaning that two platforms are competing for Player's attention.
 If the game was initially designed with this gimmick in mind, it wouldn't have been a problem. If both combat platforms are equally integrated into the core gameplay and each offer an equally unique twist on the basic functionale, or even both work together in combination somehow - the whole situation would just be a unique aspect of the game. 
 The problem is that Warframe as a game isn't built to support two combat platforms in the same mission. There's just nothing for Operators to do in the core gameplay, so DE have to engineer gameplay specifically for the Operators - only to justify their presense. If Teralysts' shields weren't invulnerable to regular damage, they would just be another bulletsponge boss - instead of being an exceptionally annoying bulletsponge boss with an invincibility phase that forces you to play as a secondary combat platform instead of using the primary combat platform of Warframes, which were the focus of game development for the past 6 years at least. 

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1 hour ago, Airwolfen said:

And next to that there really is nothing that forces you to use it. yet still you feel SO attacked and threatened by this mechanic. Why? because shadow step was removed? (was bound to happen anyway). because energy regen is bound to the dash? seriously? like that is literally about the only point left.

As of this point. pretty much nothing has been lost from warframes because of operators. Nor is it the intent of DE to do so.

 "As of this point". With the direction DE are headed right now, from my point of view at least, I expect more of the game's content locked behind mandatory Operator gameplay. "Nothing forces you to use it", no offence, isn't an incredibly smart thing to say in general. There's a whole portion of game content effectively locked behind you using the Operator. The entire PoE is like that. I heard people say multiple times "well, don't play PoE then". By this logic I might as well not play the entire game at all just because I don't like the Operators.

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1 hour ago, Airwolfen said:

No reason to make points that do not exist as they have no basis. you don't like the kid (and for some reason feels threatened by them) and you do not like them having added capabilities that you don't like them having. then keep your point as that.

Also, it's not just a matter of taste. With the direction DE took, it will eventually affect you as well. You might like all the changes personally, but it would still mean that the stronger and more useful Operators are over the updates, the less you'll use your Warframes and the core gameplay mechanics that support them. Simply on the basis of the fact that the two separate combat platforms compete for the players' attention.

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5 hours ago, NaoEthelia said:

have fun dying to level 2000 eximuses and nullies while i revive my teammate in void mode

sorry bud, but like it or not, operators are already part of the endgame meta

you can try to revive teammates in your warframe (like the old ways) but its more probable that youll become a flying pizza and die

and did i mention: this is not shoved down your throat?

Or just use Harrow and avoid areas with nullies?

But on a more serious note due to how our systems work by the time you finish reviving your teammate your frame is already swarmed by enemies and while they do not attack it while you are in void mode they instantly shot at it when you return.

I wanted to point this out because it seems you forgot that high levels make the enemies react faster and aim better.

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4 hours ago, AperoBeltaTwo said:

 Is having an instant invincibility button available at any moment really a good thing? And how often players really go to those high levels with current low-lvl gameplay? There's no incentive to even go to those far-off levels. Resources? Relics? Now tell me you don't have a stockpile of both.

Yeah it's great how the best things about Operator further invalidate non-tank frames. Want Stealth? Who needs Loki, now you have Operator?

Way to devalue stuff you SELL, DE.

Operator was a mistake. Just like Nullifier, the Roller Skate Brothers, Renewed Archwing focus and two years for two one hour quests.

Whoever had made the guiding decisions for Warframe for the past 24 months...they need to take a step back, and let someone else do so for a while. They are actively harming the game.

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24 minutes ago, Fallen_Echo said:

Or just use Harrow and avoid areas with nullies?

But on a more serious note due to how our systems work by the time you finish reviving your teammate your frame is already swarmed by enemies and while they do not attack it while you are in void mode they instantly shot at it when you return.

I wanted to point this out because it seems you forgot that high levels make the enemies react faster and aim better.

Oh in that case you can either void dash enemies away or use the void blast to knock them down. The upgrade that enlarges the blast range works well for this as well as the upgrade that stuns in a larger range, though that one is exclusive to zenurik.

But overall, remember that your frame respawns where you are as long as you are the one starting the return and not an operator death. so you have control over your safety. meanwhile the one you revived is invulnerable for a bit.


58 minutes ago, AperoBeltaTwo said:

What DE intend to do often deviates from what they're actually end up doing.

I'm not sure if you're seeing the full picture. Let me explain what I'm talking about:
 On one hand we have Warframes with all the existing mechanics built into them. You can actively use weapons, modding system, abilities and movement from the game's primary combat platfrom that is your Warframe. Warframes' function is to move through space and kill enemies. All gameplay mechanics are built around Warframes with that functionale in mind.
 Now on the other hand you have Operators. With their own movement system, with their own set of abilities and even their own percs. Operators on their own don't interact with any of the core gameplay mechanics developed for Warframes through the years. Yet their function is the same - they move through space and fight.
 Operators are an entirely separate combat platform with its own set of way less developed mechanics, but pushed into the same basic functionale as Warframes. And to use this entirely separate combat platform you have to stop using the primary one - if only briefly.

 It's like having another game inside of the game. 

 The real trouble starts when Devs try to justify the presense of this separate combat platform in the game. Since both Warframes and Operators are player-controlled, you can only use one or the other at any moment, meaning that two platforms are competing for Player's attention.
 If the game was initially designed with this gimmick in mind, it wouldn't have been a problem. If both combat platforms are equally integrated into the core gameplay and each offer an equally unique twist on the basic functionale, or even both work together in combination somehow - the whole situation would just be a unique aspect of the game. 
 The problem is that Warframe as a game isn't built to support two combat platforms in the same mission. There's just nothing for Operators to do in the core gameplay, so DE have to engineer gameplay specifically for the Operators - only to justify their presense. If Teralysts' shields weren't invulnerable to regular damage, they would just be another bulletsponge boss - instead of being an exceptionally annoying bulletsponge boss with an invincibility phase that forces you to play as a secondary combat platform instead of using the primary combat platform of Warframes, which were the focus of game development for the past 6 years at least. 


53 minutes ago, AperoBeltaTwo said:

 "As of this point". With the direction DE are headed right now, from my point of view at least, I expect more of the game's content locked behind mandatory Operator gameplay. "Nothing forces you to use it", no offence, isn't an incredibly smart thing to say in general. There's a whole portion of game content effectively locked behind you using the Operator. The entire PoE is like that. I heard people say multiple times "well, don't play PoE then". By this logic I might as well not play the entire game at all just because I don't like the Operators.


49 minutes ago, AperoBeltaTwo said:

Also, it's not just a matter of taste. With the direction DE took, it will eventually affect you as well. You might like all the changes personally, but it would still mean that the stronger and more useful Operators are over the updates, the less you'll use your Warframes and the core gameplay mechanics that support them. Simply on the basis of the fact that the two separate combat platforms compete for the players' attention.

That is where the difference lies mostly. You see, I see the two as one package. mastering both modes will in the end improve me as a player. To me it is not a choice where one locks out the other as you have control over when you do so. 

If warframes can be streamlined over time then operators can as well.  The game is already so different then it was when I started. and mind you that have been MANY outcries over new systems ruining the experience. Stuff you may as well see as a great part of the game now. a lot of the time they were incredibly rough to start, but over time they got polished. And I simply see that same image in Operators. So thats why I'm not scared to go into that future. I have never been over my years of playing warframe.

Mind you that at the time we just got wallrunning (the original one) and the maps (all 2 types of m) were not even prepared to use it.

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I like a few things, like the mechanics of Kuva farming or killing Vomvalists in ocasional encounters, but I think one of the main issues with them is the same issue you find in every aspect of the game: DE's game design philosophy is based on looks and on what the features feels like "on paper" first, and function and practice later, if ever. For example, all of those "dash and deal x amount of damage" "dash and do this crappy CC" are utterly useless perks, no thanks, I don't want discounted CC as a reward for the most tiresome and unbearable grind in the game.

What do we go for? Energy (Zenurik), faster grind (Naramon) and bonus damage  (Madurai). Things that actually HELP us. I don't like the idea of making the operators "strong" they should compliment the already existing experience, the bonus we get from them should specifically be focused on enhancing our Warframe, but only a handful of them actually do this. I like to use them for small stuff, focused stuff, not them taking a protagonistic role, do we have to remind DE the name of their own game?

I honestly think they almost crossed the line with Eidolon hunting, that's probably the best thing they can achieve with Operators without alienating the core of the game.

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23 hours ago, Syasob said:

The story behind operators is very nice, "they can be who they want to be, not who they are", you know. Like children playing knights and their dreams came true.

About gameplay: there're only 2 things where one have to use operator: break through eidolon's shield and finish vomvalists. And you don't have to do both of them to have fun.

Edit: forgot "rap-tap-tap" and MR challenge, sorry.

You also forgot Kuva ;-)

12 hours ago, (Xbox One)IXx Troy xXI said:

Frames weren't fun or warframe as a whole was not as fun for a lot of us a few years ago. this point is more how I feel and some people i've talked to. So where your view of it being fun is my view of operators now.

It most certainly was for many, or me and most other Founders wouldn't have thrown our money at it. At least I expect most people to be sane enough to not invest in something they don't enjoy...

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18 minutes ago, Airwolfen said:

That is where the difference lies mostly. You see, I see the two as one package. mastering both modes will in the end improve me as a player. To me it is not a choice where one locks out the other as you have control over when you do so. 

If warframes can be streamlined over time then operators can as well.  The game is already so different then it was when I started. and mind you that have been MANY outcries over new systems ruining the experience. Stuff you may as well see as a great part of the game now. a lot of the time they were incredibly rough to start, but over time they got polished. And I simply see that same image in Operators. So thats why I'm not scared to go into that future. I have never been over my years of playing warframe.

Mind you that at the time we just got wallrunning (the original one) and the maps (all 2 types of m) were not even prepared to use it.

It's not a matter of your attitude towards Operators. It's a factual reality of the game. You either use one or the other.

If you want to talk about opinions, well, if you're ok using your Warframe less or not using it at all, it's your choice. 

But your opinion doesn't change that Operator mechanic is intrusive and forces Warframes out of their own game, which is the fact you tried to argue. 

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Like has been said many times before, story is good, gameplay is in a state where I am thankful for every aspect of the game where I DONT have to switch to operator mode. Since I am using Zenurik (because casting abilties is actual FUN gameplay, I know, shocking revelation, isnt it) I am forced to go into kiddo mode all the time, and I honestly hate it from the very depths of my heart. My mouse doesnt have any extra buttons I can put the operator mode on, so now that there are bindings to the keys 1-5 i get the 4 and the 5 mixed up from time to time, especially after Bullet Jumps and Evasion maneuvers where my index finger is not hovering the "d" key anymore. Cant tell you how many times my Nidus accidentially used his ult when all I needed was Energy...

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14 minutes ago, AperoBeltaTwo said:

It's not a matter of your attitude towards Operators. It's a factual reality of the game. You either use one or the other.

If you want to talk about opinions, well, if you're ok using your Warframe less or not using it at all, it's your choice. 

But your opinion doesn't change that Operator mechanic is intrusive and forces Warframes out of their own game, which is the fact you tried to argue. 

That's still an opinion, not a fact. NOTHING a Warframe COULD do has been taken away. Its only that way because you feel it is so. Stating it as if its a fact does not change that in any way.

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8 minutes ago, Airwolfen said:

That's still an opinion, not a fact. NOTHING a Warframe COULD do has been taken away. Its only that way because you feel it is so. Stating it as if its a fact does not change that in any way.

Uhm I dont think you understand what he meant. When you activate operator mode, you stop controlling your warframe for the duration of the operator gameplay. Its kinda absolutely  factual.

At least thats how I understood it.

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