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What enemey do you hate fighting

(XBOX)l Alexios l

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Ambulas. They're not particularly hard to fight, but I still get triggered from hearing dropships thanks to the fact I started during the time Ambulas Reborn was running.

Seriously, who thought it was a good idea for them to have a 100% drop chance on venus. I nearly quit the game right then and there but the friend who introduced me to the game reassured me not everything was like this and ended up carrying me to Fossa and helping me farm Rhino.

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I don't have any. There are situation what i don't like, hate.

Scorpion or Ancients when they are thinking your his P...ck, and pulling you through the room, when you want to jump or move somewhere and suddenly you find yourself on the ground.

Or Nullifiers, when they are walking, jumping on to you, and your skills, buffs Puffs, just went away.

There are always medicine against every type of enemy, so it's no problem mostly.

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RNG, there is no way to win other than waiting for it to grind out your patience
that turn you from an optimistic new player into a realist veteran who kind of lose the enthusiasm

for grinding something... because it takes about months to do it
instead of some delusional thinking that it takes days because you wish you got lucky.


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1 hour ago, Ailyene said:

Nul Comba and Nul Scrambus. 

They are literally huge invisible mobile nullifier bubbles on jet skates that do way too much damage way too accurately.

Agreed by far the most advanced enemy yet. the fact they stop a majority of abilities & one of them uses a heat seeking pistol where the bullets follow you until they hit & they hit hard. Definetely most advanced weaponry too. i wish they would add it to MOT

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Yup comba and scrambus. The screen effect kinda disorients me a lot when it happens too and sometimes hunting them down is really annoying. Also the bane of my iron skin after i got a really good ironclad charge they just go 'nope' and turn it off.

Early On i hated nully boys but not i can deal with even a hoard of em but these guys? Ugh....

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Napalm. The Explosion Radius seriously needs to be fixed since he can kill you or do a lot of damage to you by just missing you. Another would be the Comba or Scrambus (the one with the Lecta). When i use a frame like Mesa or Titania in Sortie 3, his/her Lecta can one shot me.

Edited by Shaw1996
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Transitioning from "new guy" toward "fairly experienced" I still haven't met all the mobs that are in game. But from those I met I used to dislike (hate is too strong word) the following:

- leech anything, ospreys the most. Usually I had issues with energy management, low reserves at lower levels and was ALWAYS energy starving when I needed it most. And when I had energy there was always some leech that sucked it before I could use my powers. Now I barely notice any leeches.

- shield lancer. Ugh, no matter how good at melee I can be, they ALWAYS managed to hit me. And shooting them from distance was almost pointless, except if I could hit the "window". Some time ago Daikyu solved this issue, Vectis made it non existent.

- Hyekka master. When I solved above issues, this one appeared to ruin my day. Not only spawns dogs that were tougher than usual mob, it spawned in packs. On top of heavy hitting flame thrower + flame patches. With hard hitting ranged weapon they stopped being a threat.

- shockwave MOA. Mostly during early days when my frame and weapons were weak. Shooting took too much time and MOA could shockwave me, same for melee. Now it's no issue.

- infested ancients, toxic the most. Another baby age issue. Not only high HP but healing, mob buffing auras but also grappling line. Now I just snipe them from afar.

- bursa. Something new, faced just 2 or 3 times and haven't developed the counter.

Honorable mention: Hellion when first met, Ballista at lower levels and new frames and pack of Crewman with shield osprey.



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not a fan of the Comba/Scrambus units with the homing Detron or Angstrum, they deal insanely high damage and move around a lot. definitely more troublesome than other Corpus units.

I'd say the hardest enemies overall though are the Rock Golems in the Sands of Inaros quest, they're VERY tanky and their multiplication can end up overwhelming you. only time I've ever ran out of ammo for my Tigris Prime.

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