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Ridiculously overpriced mods and parts is ridiculous


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I think WF has one of the best market systems ever.. ever seen in gaming history.
Evn tho they have no ingame market :D

So players who spend time on grinding stuff and are long time players can penefit from noobs who want stuff fast.
In some games people get cracked up because throwing your 100 dolla bill can get newb better items than other player grind for a month.

Here however all can win. Grandmothers, granddads, babies and big-brother himself also.
Regulating the stuff would be kinda difficult.

Another trickery is -85% or was it -75% platinum sales you get as daily reward.
So have some patience and you get your riven 75% cheaper.
Making your 700p worth riven cost 175.

However i am desperate for in-game-riven-market-system whatever the ideas would be...

Market only for Rivens with strong penalties like:
1) You cannot resell or trade riven bought from market for one month.
2) You can only buy 1 riven per day from market.

Trade chat is nightmare :D

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A free market is driven by greed to maximize profit and therefore always fair but not always moral in the traditional sense.  Where I live there was a huge influx of corruption money from foreign government officials (and their kin) driving the housing market up to the point where regular local folks cannot afford to buy a home.  People don't have a place to live while many houses are left vacant because the owners are oversea.  It is not fair to ask the house seller to not sell their house at a higher price and instead take a lost to sell it to local people, but I wouldn't necessary call the whole situation morally good either.  In this case I tend to put the blame on buyers more so on the sellers.

Not to imply that people paying money to buy plats are all criminals, but just that whenever these types of threads starts to roll I see arguments oscillating between advocating fairness and advocating for morality.  They'll never meet and the threads usually don't go anywhere. 

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The seller isn't solely responsible for prices. I would argue that it's the buyers that dictate prices more than the sellers who really just lucked out on getting a rare item. 

In a market where a seller crafts goods, they won't produce if the price isn't worth their time. They control the price if there is a need. In Warframe, players get items from RNG. If no one buys, then it's not worth anything. The sellers will eventually sell for whatever someone is willing to pay.  It's the buyers that drive up the price and keep the best Rivens exclusive to those that can afford it. 

When I got an unrolled vectis Riven when they were first released, someone I was talking to OFFERED 600p for the Riven to prevent me from going to market. I honestly was about to let it go for 50p because I had no idea of it's value and never dreamt that mods would be going for more than 50p. That buyer dictated the price to his advantage. That's what's happening in this market. Players with lots of plat throw it around to ensure that the Rivens with the best stats remain exclusive to those willing to pay. 

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10 minutes ago, BahamutKaiser said:

You don't have to have some things, like Rivens. Other things like prime parts can be deflated by availability.

Use WFM, and let freedom remain. Also, auction houses are trash. 

Warframe market is trash as well. It only exist to artificially inflate or deflate prices, not to show what things are actually worth. 

Just look at what happened when the acolytes showed up again. Maiming Strike dropped in price, obviously, and suddenly for a couple of weeks Warframemarket was full of people wanting to buy Maiming Strike for 600 and 700 plat. None of these people actually wanted to buy it of course. They were all selling it, but they just wanted casual players who checked the website to think that 700 plat was a normal price to pay for Maiming Strike, even though it was being traded for much much less than that in trade chat.

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27 minutes ago, rune_me said:

Warframe market is trash as well. It only exist to artificially inflate or deflate prices, not to show what things are actually worth. 

Just look at what happened when the acolytes showed up again. Maiming Strike dropped in price, obviously, and suddenly for a couple of weeks Warframemarket was full of people wanting to buy Maiming Strike for 600 and 700 plat. None of these people actually wanted to buy it of course. They were all selling it, but they just wanted casual players who checked the website to think that 700 plat was a normal price to pay for Maiming Strike, even though it was being traded for much much less than that in trade chat.

Is there some sort of fantasy where auction house systems aren't subject to price tampering?, worse price tampering? 

A hardship isn't a problem where a superior alternative isn't present. Misdirection isn't as bad as scarcity. 

A superior solution was given, dwelling on an isolated portion of the subject falls under red herring as a form of misdirection and falsehood. 

The problem IS fixed by availability. It's also a newb trap mod. There's an organic problem with scarcity and impulse control, a problem DE isn't reasonably accountable for. 

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8 minutes ago, BahamutKaiser said:

Is there some sort of fantasy where auction house systems aren't subject to price tampering?, worse price tampering? 


I never said anything about an auction house, though.

8 minutes ago, BahamutKaiser said:

A hardship isn't a problem where a superior alternative isn't present. Misdirection isn't as bad as scarcity. 

A superior solution was given, dwelling on an isolated portion of the subject falls under red herring as a form of misdirection and falsehood. 

Did I accidentally walk into a self-help seminar? :crylaugh:

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11 minutes ago, Tricky5hift said:

You realize like, you probably don't really need that really expensive stuff?

What I need is one thing, what I end up buying is another. Like, I'm pretty sure I don't need a bald, toothless crack-addicted prostitute when I'm walking home drunk on a Saturday night, but if I got the money I'll probably end up paying for one anyway.

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19 hours ago, Hypernaut1 said:


This is not some new novel idea. This is how a free market works. You go cheaper to push your items faster. It's a choice. It works the same way for buyers. You pay more to buy faster, or wait around for a deal. 

The thing is, if you sell too cheap, then a seller will just buy whatever you're selling to resell at a profit. It's not like your noble act will help to lower the prices in the market AT ALL. In fact, it'll all inflate items even more. You try and sell a 2k Riven for 50p and almost anyone would buy it and possibly resell it to get a Riven they actually want. 

I'm not selling cheap to reduce prices, I'm selling cheap to make Plat :) 

If I had a Riven worth 2k Street Price then I would sell it at more 800 Plat and move onto farming again. 

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On 2/1/2018 at 2:13 AM, (Xbox One)xJdKxZomBiE said:

So I came back to War frame after I left during the Jordas Precept quest.. So I am completely new to Riven stuff. 

Why in the Lt Lech's left testicle have we not implemented some sort of trade house limitations or heaven forbid, auction house of some sort, to try and put a stop to people charging absolutely unf***ing acceptable prices for stuff? 

Guy wanted 1500 platinum for a Sicarus riven mod.. Another wanted me to trade my three riven mods and other stuff for a Corinth one.....plus platinum. 

How is this cool? I understand Rivens are hard to come by, and can have absurd unlock requirements.. I had a Phage one that required scanning a synthesis target without using traps not abilities, alone, while wearing a hobbled dragon key... And another was solo a 40 interception while wearing a hobbled key... Wtf? Get 19 headshots while aiming in a single bullet glide? 

Another fine gentleman wanted 1200 for Nova Prime parts. 

Having no guidelines or regulations for trading is ridiculous.. 

Am I salty? Yeah.. Expecting someone to pay nearly 50 dollars for a mod is dumb.. I'd rather just buy the Mirage Prime pack. 

Then go ahead and buy a Mirage Pack. 
This is free market. People are free to charge however much they want to. And you are free to not buy what they offer. 
You have just opened a huge salt mine for no reason whatsoever. 

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On 1/31/2018 at 8:17 PM, (PS4)watt4hem said:

Don't buy overpriced stuff. Simple as that. People are greedy, don't give it their way and they'll eventially stop.

Good concept.  But unfortunately there's always some dummy or whale who will pay ridiculous amounts of plat.  As long as they exist, opportunists will continue to ask for ridiculous amounts of plat.

When I first saw people selling rivens for 1k+ plat I thought to myself "Good luck with that.  No one will be dumb enough to pay that much for a single mod that works for a single weapon".  Boy was I wrong.  Now 1k+ almost seems the norm.  Id never pay that much but there seems to be plenty people in-game who will.

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29 minutes ago, Tizodd said:

When I first saw people selling rivens for 1k+ plat I thought to myself "Good luck with that.  No one will be dumb enough to pay that much for a single mod that works for a single weapon".  Boy was I wrong.  Now 1k+ almost seems the norm.  Id never pay that much but there seems to be plenty people in-game who will.

That's exactly what I thought at first. I mean, c'mon, that much for a single mod? Seems ridiculous at first ...

Then I realized, that single mod can change the entire game for someone. There are weapons that are pretty decent without, but become absolutely monstrous with perfect riven. Insanely high numbers are achievable with perfectly rolled riven. Imagine a weapon able to pull 550k burst and over 200k sustaned dps, seems impossible, absurd, you name it ... but it exists, because of a fancy purple mod. If it's going to change the game, many players are willing to pay a mountain of plat for it.


Edited by saradonin
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There is always the choice to just ignore (not by putting them on ignore) those prices and simply not take them seriously. As others have said, this problem goes both way, both people demanding silly amounts too much aswell as wanting to buy things silly low. I usually tend to sell fair and buy fairly but you easily see people that are complete rip-off buyers/sellers.

Like people yelling out "WTB Saryn Prime 50p, WTS Mirage Prime 120p". That just doesnt add up for me. Or people trying to buy rare mods like Vice, Secrets or others for half of the "normal" going price on the market. Heck some even try to buy it at half the lowest sell price on the market. Sure there might be a handful of low priced versions of the mods on the market page, but that doesnt mean people are actually selling it for that. If people wanna buy at extreme undercut prices they should probably look at the sellers activity and so on first. I'm also not sure how "secure" the market page is, or if it is possible for people to post fake sales on alt accounts that are never online just to try and drive down the actual prices.

I've had horribly low offers passed my way regarding things I sell, with comments like "but it only sells for 50p on warframe.market". Then I go check and see that yes there are those selling for 50p, but they havent been online in the last week or so, it is also just two sellers with such low prices then it bumps up to 100 or 115, with the avarage between 120-140 or so.

It is like when I see people trying to charge 90p or so for a Silva & Aegis Prime set. I just think to myself "good luck there buddy".


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34 minutes ago, Tizodd said:

Good concept.  But unfortunately there's always some dummy or whale who will pay ridiculous amounts of plat.  As long as they exist, opportunists will continue to ask for ridiculous amounts of plat.

When I first saw people selling rivens for 1k+ plat I thought to myself "Good luck with that.  No one will be dumb enough to pay that much for a single mod that works for a single weapon".  Boy was I wrong.  Now 1k+ almost seems the norm.  Id never pay that much but there seems to be plenty people in-game who will.

Unfortunate indeed. But still, call me stubborn and what not, i really don't wanna give in to people like these. I mean sure grofit and all that are fine but to the thousands is just absurd. While there are still whales, i'd prefer not to add the number with myself.

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hace 2 horas, Tizodd dijo:

Good concept.  But unfortunately there's always some dummy or whale who will pay ridiculous amounts of plat.  As long as they exist, opportunists will continue to ask for ridiculous amounts of plat.

When I first saw people selling rivens for 1k+ plat I thought to myself "Good luck with that.  No one will be dumb enough to pay that much for a single mod that works for a single weapon".  Boy was I wrong.  Now 1k+ almost seems the norm.  Id never pay that much but there seems to be plenty people in-game who will.

That single mod can change a weapon and make all if not almost all other useless . Take Scoliac as example , the riven its insane  expensive , but ones you get it the weapon make useless any other weapon (at least in normal lvls , 150-200) ... you cant outdamage that weapon with almost nothing .

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21 hours ago, rune_me said:

Warframe market is trash as well. It only exist to artificially inflate or deflate prices, not to show what things are actually worth. 

Just look at what happened when the acolytes showed up again. Maiming Strike dropped in price, obviously, and suddenly for a couple of weeks Warframemarket was full of people wanting to buy Maiming Strike for 600 and 700 plat. None of these people actually wanted to buy it of course. They were all selling it, but they just wanted casual players who checked the website to think that 700 plat was a normal price to pay for Maiming Strike, even though it was being traded for much much less than that in trade chat.

It is far from trash, I have bought many things off there for much less than the rip-off merchants in trade chat, and sold many things for what I consider a fair price (pretty cheap in general). I always order my results by online status then price, and usually ignore offline sellers, though if there are a lot of them selling lower than who is online I will wait a day or two to see if they are real or fake. When selling I ignore the buyer tab as all those offers are just from chancers trying to get whatever at half the price or as you say people trying to inflate the costs. Then you need to decide if you want a quick sale or try and get a bit more for your item and then base your price off of people online.

The site could be improved, would be nice if they could somehow integrate it with the game like Path of Exile does with their trade site, this would reduce the amount of fake buyers/sellers quite a bit.

Trade chat does have it's uses, but you need to know your stuff to be able to wade through all the rip-off merchants and clueless 'godly' riven sellers. Would be nice if they had 2 trade tabs, 1 for rivens and another for the rest. 

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1 minute ago, Shifty_Shuffler said:

The site could be improved, would be nice if they could somehow integrate it with the game like Path of Exile does with their trade site, this would reduce the amount of fake buyers/sellers quite a bit.

This. So much this. Just incorporate the basic concept from warframe.market into the game itself. 

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  • 1 month later...

Funny that everyone talks about "market" when there is no market - some forums or not official sides doesn't make a market. HAHA
People are just greedy and as long as anyone is dumb enough to pay 5~15k for those Riven mods the price will stay or even grow.

You ask what ppl do with their thousands of plat gained??
They sell it to other clan members/players on other platforms. Obv cheaper than the offers by DE for real money to their bank account. I know at least 1 clan that does it like i said. And i'm 100% sure there are more. But DE doesn't get it and doesn't do anything against it.

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