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Update 22.12.0: Warframe Changes Feedback Megathread


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22.12.0 Feedback - Zephyr  

Firstly, would like to say thank you for taking a pass at the old girl. Despite folks getting up in arms over it, I reckon it's a huge step in the right direction. 
And I'd like to say thanks to the team for pushing through - I've seen a lot of angry rioting on forums/reddit/twitch chat but few enough people offering civil criticism. 
So, here's my take on new Zephyr:

Passive - 
Good! I love her floatiness. 
One suggestion I have seen and really liked was to have a further increased aim-glide. 
But no complaints here.

Tail Wind - 
Speed seems very high. With a duration build for Turbulence I'm flying across the map and getting stuck in that animation while faceplanting a wall. 
I'm having no problems with directional launches, but folks are seemingly missing the initial upwards launch. 
The animation, direction tracking and player model position related to directional travel is awesome and a huge improvement, especially upwards. 
Carrying Momentum from TW into regular movement is great. 
Overwatch hover is a good and harmless feature, but seems to be useless outside of PoE content. Leaves you vulnerable. Further, falling out of your nest, hitting the floor, taking off again every 15s or so is a strong discouragement from regular use on defense missions when you could just sit on the objective and cast 3.
Dive Bomb itself seems fine. Damage scaling is a bit meh, but thats the nature of the frame - Mobility / CC not DPS Caster. Slightly increased base AoE would be nice but overall it's good.

UI Indicator of Hover Time  
Better Control options:
Holding 1 while grounded functions as 22.12.0. (Xs Charge, Y seconds Hover)
Holding 1 while airborne / aim glding allows Zeph to e.g. backflip into a hover mid-air (increased cost?) allowing for better positioning of overwatch. Faster but less efficient than setting from ground (X/2 charge, Y/4 hover)
Holding 1 while Hovering will consume the energy and refresh the hover duration, allowing for semi-permanent nesting while energy permits. (Scaling tX charge, tY Hover up to X, Y) 
Maybe Hovering flagged as Channeled Ability, halting energy regen to stop top-of-map survival exploits?  
Tapping 1 while grounded will fly in direction (as 22.12.0, but maybe speed change?)
Tapping 1 while grounded and looking towards the ground (e.g. < -60^ from horizon line?) will perform a vertical launch - increase deadzone for vertical from 22.12.0 straight down to wider angle.   
Tapping 1 while airborne will fly in direction (as 22.12.0)
Aiming while Tail-Winding will animation cancel. Momentum at time of aim imparted to player's aim glide as if it were coming off a screw jump or whatever, further TW position changes canceled. No energy refund, just to allow more precise control.
Tapping 1 while airborne and looking towards the ground will perform dive bomb (as 22.12.0).

Air Burst - 
Actually really like this. Decent AoE, decent range, knockdown and spammable. Whats not to love.  Energy cost seems a little high for its knockdown time.
Little bit lackluster in late-game however, where its either Heavies (who don't really care for the knockdown and stand back up) or Hordes (Where not enough are caught in the AoE)

Increase Knockdown time to actually make it worth the energy cost instead of them standing back up straight away.  
Add a scaling damage component or stronger CC effect (e.g. Lift) to increase viability at late-game content.  
Maybe add better punch-through?

Turbulence - 
Love the new Animation!  
Love the new SFX!
Only complaint is animation seems longer, increasing vulnerability time at high-level content.
Jet Stream no longer scales w/ Power. I'm fine with this, opens up lower-power build options, but I've seen some folks complaining.

Speed up the cast animation.
Allow the skill to be re-cast while active.
Maybe revisit Jet Stream

Tornadoes - 
Significant Improvement! They seem to be able to hold some enemies at least some of the time now. However, they remain hard to control, hard to get running effectively in place and prone to wandering off.  
The damage isn't excellent, and their ability to maintain capture depends heavily on them having a roof and not having interference from other nadoes.  
Shooting to distribute damage is a lovely idea, but seems to be impractical in game. By the time you or a teammate is able to fire on the trapped enemy, they have often been ejected and so you end up shooting 
the enemy normally.

Suggestion: (And this is a big one)  
Firstly, I appreciate this is a simple idea that may be a pain to implement. I appreciate that it might not be balanced or technicaly feasible. It's just my take on what I would want this ability to do.
Concept: A strong and competitive CC option. Currently Tornadoes are inferior to Vauban's Trap Circle and Duration Stomp Rhino in every way. Not asking for Zephyr to do awesome damage, but just for her to be useful in team fights at late-game - and at least as good at CC as the damned Tank frame.
Ability: Cyclone / Tornado
Single huge tornado is spawned on player / at player aim point with 22.12.0 tracking ability. Tornado is wide, stationary (except when following RMB Cursor), and will suck up and spin all enemies inside radius W(Range). Tornado will last for T(Duration) seconds.
Enemies inside the tornado take D(Strength) Impact damage per second. The Caster (not teammates) shooting the tornado can change the status type just like Live. Caster and Teammates shooting the tornado will inflict weapon damage to all caught inside (as live).  
Enemies are spun around mainly in the Horizontal plane - there is little vertical component to cause early ejection and hard loss of CC like Live.

Augment: Tornadoes / Funnel Clouds
Concept: A less player dependant fire-and-forget option. Will seek out, do damage and some CC, and generally do stuff without needing Caster / Teammates.
Instead of single large cyclone, 2/3/4 small tornadoes are spawned. These behave much like the tornadoes in Live, but with a higher vertical movement component. They will seek out, pick up and quickly spit out random dudes for knockdowns instead of holding and spinning. Impact damage increased, further environment collision damage, but no longer can be element changed by caster or distribute damage to internals. Once spat out, enemies are immune to chained pickups for N seconds.

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I'm happy with Atlas' changes for the most part but just a few things I noticed playing around with him:

-The Path of Statues augment doesn't create rubble when enemies petrified through this method are killed. Whether this is intentional or not, I don't know, but I think letting it do so wouldn't break the game given how quickly Atlas' rubble pile decays. It would also allow for better rubble creation if running a low range build, as petrify is very hard to hit enemies with when running w/ low range and due to how costly casting petrify is (unmodded, it's still 75 energy cost for a power meant to synergize with the rest of his kit).

-Having even 1 health missing means an entire rubble pickup goes for healing that 1 health instead of being split between health restore and armor. I don't personally mind that much but I've seen a few posts regarding it wishing it was split between the two if you don't have enough health missing to use up the rubble.

-I can't reinforce a fellow Atlas' bulwark, so I assume I can't also heal their rumblers. That said I've only ran into one other Atlas to try this with so maybe I'm wrong. I don't particularly mind this but I found it odd given how this dual Warframe synergy already exists for Oberon, as one Oberon can get his own armor buff from renewal when using a hallowed ground cast from a teammate. This is just me being picky, but it would be a neat addition that could lead to some interesting teamwork.

That's all, and otherwise I'm very happy with the changes to Atlas and it should get a lot more people interested in playing him.

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Here's my feedback specifically on the new Tailwind for Zephyr, because the ability is complex enough to deserve it.

Mobility and player control is all over the place and inconsistent

  • charge time is far too long and completely immobilizes Zephyr
  • uncharged is instantaneous and can travel huge distances now (between "why didn't I just dodgeroll" and "several seconds with my face in a railing")
  • scaling on tailwind causes distance traveled to vary massively between builds
  • There is no way to interrupt tailwind to cut it short or otherwise influence it's distance and speed while playing
  • charged launch version allows very minor control on the ascent then locks Zephyr in place during the "hover"
  • dodging or bullet jumping during the hover causes those actions to queue till after the hover is completed, regardless of how long that may be. (dodging locks all actions as well)
  • Melee attacks instantly cancel the hover ability, and appears to be the only thing capable of breaking the effect early other than another tailwind.

Nearly all of the context or timing specific aspects of the ability have poor to no indication of when they are or aren't in play

  • the hover effect seems to be constant right up until the moment it cuts off
  • there is no time or other (apparent) indication of when the hover will end
  • The charged launch can be interrupted with an aerial tailwind, which becomes a problem when there's no indication of whether your tailwind is free or not.
  • Tailwind will only be free once Zephyr has reached the completely stationary hover portion of the ability
  • Divebomb angle is very strict and has no indicators that it will activate over standard tailwind
  • failing a divebomb, and activating a downwards tailwind, leaves Zephyr faceplanting harmlessly at enemies feet and likely dragging her face across the ground for a good bit as well.

On paper the ability is interesting, but it's just not very practical without a build tailored to a specific tileset.

Right now I believe the high end of tailwind travel distance is too far for nearly everything that isn't the plains, and it becomes more of an issue due to being tied heavily to duration. I believe duration is too important to Zephyr's survivability (via turbulence) to be intentionally cut down significantly in most builds. Tailwind desperately needs a way for players to control it's distance during actual play, and not through extensive testing to create a build that may or may not be able to hit a personal sweet sport for only a portion of the games content.

Giving grounded tailwind fully directional dash is a nice convenience addition, however it actually hurts some practical functionality of the ability. Having a controlled, and quick, launch ability, can be very useful, as it hinders orientation and aim far less than rapid high angle camera movements. With how mobile Warframes already are, and how easy it is to leave the ground on demand, I feel that having to leave the ground to activate the camera based directional dash is perfectly acceptable.

I believe Tailwind needs a better method for distance control, as well as to remove nearly all of the mobility restrictions the charged version currently has. If Divebomb is to be kept as a specific activation, then it could really stand to use some improvements, at the very least the angle it activates at needs an increase. Currently the required angle for a divebomb feels far too steep. It feels like I have to be directly over an enemy regardless just because of how strict the angle is. It's technically better than nothing, but it doesn't feel like it.



What I'd like to see from Tailwind.

  • Allow standard Tailwind to be interrupted or otherwise cut short to allow distance control
  • fix the dodge locking issue
  • allow charged launch to be angled
  • greatly reduce charge time and/or allow some form of movement while charging
  • fade out air control during charged launch, not fully cancelling movement until well into the hover, if at all.
  • add visual feedback on the hover visual effect when it's nearing it's end and/or add a time to the ability icon.
  • Allow free tailwind to activate earlier into the charged launch, preferably with some visual feedback when it's available if there's going to be a window.
  • Expand the angle at which aerial tailwind becomes divebomb
  • add some form of feedback indicating when tailwind will be a divebomb
  • have grounded launch different than the aerial launch, these do not need to have as much overlap as they currently have.
Edited by TinFoilMkIV
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Now it’s my turn to give my opinion about the new Zephyr rework.

(keep in mind that’s just my opinion and playstile i don’t say “my word is the truth, you are all wrong,  worship me!”)


First of all is how i played her before the update:

I played her mostly as a CC frame with 133% duration 250% range and 40% strength, since i prefer CC at higher lvls and the dmg and Status isn’t very high. That's how i’ve known, that’s how i’ve loved her and that’s how i testet her.


I used her 1 to travel longer distances across big empty maps like the plains or long straight hallways. just mobility nothing else.

I used her 2 for close range CC when there are too many enemies, too close. But that was a rather rare occurrence.

I used her 3 all the time, for obvious reasons.

And last but not least: i used her 4 for some random CC, when i have to protect something or help up a teammate. just cast the tornados and let them do their thing, so i don’t have too many enemies in melee range.


Now let’s talk about each ability after the rework.


What i like about Tailwind:

The merge with divebomb is a big plus for me and i also like the idea of the charge and hover mechanic.

I also like, how the momentum of tailwind now carries over and i don’t stop midair anymore.


What i dislike about Tailwind:

The way the charge mechanic is now is kinda underwhelming. You charge for a few seconds, unable to do anything and it takes way too long.

Once you are hovering, you can’t move without using tailwind again and you fall down way too fast. So the way it is now, i won’t see me using it much, if at all.


Maybe you can change the charge mechanic so it doesn’t take so long to charge and you can still move while doing so.

It would also be really nice to have the jump after you release the 1 button instead of when the charger is full.

The Hovering would be better if it was a lot longer. Maybe about as long as loki's passive wall cling buff and make the hover a little bit more mobile like the aimglide. You can steer that one a little bit too.



What i like about Air Burst:

It has a big radius which can fling enemies around the map. Good CC for enemies in melee Range.


What i dislike about Air Burst:

Way too slow. At 10 - 20m, enemies may still get hit by the blast radius but anything further than that has to stand still to get hit at all. I even miss the slow tornados, when i aim directly at them.

It explodes on it’s own, after a few seconds.

By the looks of it the skill shoots three projectiles but the hitbox seems to be only the one in the middle, so only one projectile.

Most of the times i try to buff my tornados with the skill, i either hit the tornado and see a dmg number pop out but nothing happens. It just passes through and nothing happens.

The dmg doesn’t seem to be very high. (I’m not so sure about that, since i play with only 40% power str but it seems to be between 500 and 1000 before armor.)



What i like about Turbulence:

Everything from the way it was before.


What i dislike about Turbulence:

The new animation takes a bit longer than the old one and looks a little bit wonky and weird to me.

I really appreciate the thought and work you put into this, but i kinda want the old animation back. (sorry)



What i like about Tornado:

You can recast it now.

The enemies don’t fly away as fast anymore and are much easier to hid midair.

The tornados still spawn on top of enemies.

What i dislike about Tornado:

The tornado is way too slow to control with your weapon aim and it’s hard to tell which tornado is actually moving to your cursor. All in all this Feature has no effect on my gameplay.

Before the rework, the enemies caught by tornado didn’t move, even after they hit the ground again, until the duration expired. So for about 30 seconds the weren’t a threat anymore. That isn’t the case with the new tornado. (I admit, that  this might actually have been a bug)

Enemies caught in the tornado seem to fly out of it faster than before. (at least it feels that way, since the fly out of the side and hit the ground faster, instead of being flung out at the top at high speed.)

Hitting the tornado with air burst seems to work only ⅓ to ½ of the times.

Hitting the tornado with air burst enlarges the tornado visually but doesn’t seem to affect it in any other way. It seems to be the same area of effect before and after the air burst.

The applied status effects are still kinda slow.



And on a final note: jumping with Zephyr seems slower after the rework, but that might only be, because i’m more used to normal warframe jumps. (I always have to adjust after switching to Zephyr.)


All in all i play her like i did before the rework:


I use her 1 to travel longer distances across big empty maps like the plains or long straight hallways. just mobility nothing else.

I use her 2 for close range CC when there are too many enemies, too close. But that is a rather rare occurrence.

I use her 3 all the time, for obvious reasons.

And last but not least: i use her 4 for some random CC, when i have to protect something or help up a teammate. just cast the tornados and let them do their thing, so i don’t have too many enemies in melee range.


Anyway that’s just my opinion.

So thank you for taking your time to read this and thank you DE for trying your best to constantly improve your game and for listening to your community and taking it to heart.


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3 hours ago, D20 said:

That's because as awesome as Magnetize can be, Polarize and Crush were severely underperforming. To be honest, I still think that those two need more buffs, or a rework.

I agree. Polarize Armor/Shield strip still does not scale, and Crush still has terrible damage/cc and shields fall off hard DR wise in later levels. Mag needs way more than what she's been given.

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1 hour ago, arm4geddon-117 said:

Chroma's Scorn bonus has been murdered, nerf the fury bonus all you want but scorn wasn't the issue there , the calculations for scorn should have stayed the same....

A heads up to everyone feeling like soggy tissue paper on Chroma: remove your mods, exit the arsenal, wait a bit, then put your mods back on. Updates sometimes do this cute thing where they leave your mods applied, but don't calculate them for your abilities. I felt like paper, then thought to reset my mods, and now it works fine.

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Chroma has been killed.
I dunno your math on the scaling but now it's just worthless...
Before it was too powerful, sure it was.
But the nerf to Vex Armor (Scorn and Fury) are exagerated.
At First i thought well, now Rhino is a dead Frame, Chroma can give more damage and survive better than him (full uptime of the armor bonus)
Well to be really honest, it's just a worthless warframe where many have dumped at least 5 formas

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3 minutes ago, Beast85 said:

Chroma has been killed.
I dunno your math on the scaling but now it's just worthless...
Before it was too powerful, sure it was.
But the nerf to Vex Armor (Scorn and Fury) are exagerated.
At First i thought well, now Rhino is a dead Frame, Chroma can give more damage and survive better than him (full uptime of the armor bonus)
Well to be really honest, it's just a worthless warframe where many have dumped at least 5 formas

Uninstall mods, reinstall mods. Refresh your build on the server.

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Gerade eben schrieb Beast85:

Chroma has been killed.
I dunno your math on the scaling but now it's just worthless...
Before it was too powerful, sure it was.
But the nerf to Vex Armor (Scorn and Fury) are exagerated.
At First i thought well, now Rhino is a dead Frame, Chroma can give more damage and survive better than him (full uptime of the armor bonus)
Well to be really honest, it's just a worthless warframe where many have dumped at least 5 formas

i feel the same. rhino is way easier to aquire so chroma should be stronger. thats just how game progression works. but now he is just a worse tank and the dmg buff is on par. but rhino still got the stomp - a real  good low level shredder or high level cc. something chroma doesnt have.

so even tho before the update chroma was the better tank, rhino was often played as cc. now since chroma is just nerfed to the ground no one has a reason to use him because rhino does everything as good the least and has awesome CC

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G'day to everyone's beloved DE team ~!

My wish to the stars that you all get a little bit of a break this weekend after shipping such a massive update!
Anyhow, past the unhealthy amount of salt and chaotic feedback from other members - I hope my feedback will help alleviate some stress from this discourse.

Below is an account from my personal experience through testing, as well as suggestions assist in fine tuning the most recent introduced mechanics.
It is in my hope for this response to be well received and taken in for consideration.
Please do take your time in reading, and thank you for your time.

I will be updating this post with in regards to the other frames who've been shipped in the recent update when I get time.

To those at DE who would wish to contact me to discuss in further detail, do feel free to send me a message at your leisure. I will do my best to respond promptly and with clarity.
Also do understand, to those others reading on that I will go in structured depth and detail which each frame I go over.

(Can't wait to break down Ember/Chroma for the lot of you :satisfied:)


| |  Z e p h y r  | |

I believe she's been taken in the right direction. I'm absolutely enthralled in using her as a caster! Certainly much more elegant in design in terms of skill interaction in addition to a more interactive experience with regards to synergistic team play. To me, the concept of Zephyr leads me to believe in a frame that is free in movement and is one to lull the battlefield into a methodical madness to her favour. She is as trade winds are; so undeniable and full of resolve. 

A foreword to those in charge of Zephyr's management, I would like for you to establish her identity and her purpose as neither are truly distinguished to the general player base as to how she is to serve a team or coordinate through standard gameplay. I feel as though she can serve as an incredible caster, though arguably she could be intended as a pseudo tank/support. However it is in my opinion, that Zephyr deserves to have a gameplay experience that is both liberating and free in feeling at the very least. [Please allow me the pleasure of presenting a solution for it all through the following.]

[ ..but that 15 armor :') .. pseudo - "tank" ].

**(I also would not be against a model + alter. helm update for her, if this can find a way into the schedule. The art/model/design team has improved & grown since her release. Please consider blessing her with the full treatment in her rework not just mechanics, but baseline aesthetics as well.)
*(There's also currently a bug that doesn't let you switch to operator form while flying in Tail Wind for a while.)


Zephyr's Ability Breakdown/Feedback


  1. Tail Wind - The hovering is an extremely attractive feature, in my opinion. The ability itself past that feels clunky I'm afraid to say (from action to action. The animations are quite polished and well done.). Allow me to explain. The charge mechanic (& the new charge wheel looks great by the way), while it leaves the impression of dynamic take off, moves her up to a static position where she then hovers.
    Her options now are: a) Tail wind the heck somewhere else - or b) stay hovering for the remainder of the duration.

    If choice a) The player is catapulted into the direction of their choosing.
    If choice b) C'est la vie.

    Tail wind in design has beautiful potential, however the current shipment of said skill leaves one feeling extremely out of control in regards to her movement due to the lack of player control from point a -> hover -> point b -> panic jump -> point c. 
    Or something along those lines.
    Even her current passive sort of leaves her stranded mid-air while she floats her way down, and certainly does no good to the lack of control one feels when piloting her. It does leave much to be desired.

    I propose a bit of a revisit, as I believe Zephyr should be able to move through the battlefield with grace. She should dance among the corpses of her enemies and make it look as if it was the most natural thing in the world. Much like petrichor, a refreshing and breathtaking ode to dwell in its' wonder.
    As I mentioned before, the hovering I find is extremely attractive. If the team could find a way to incorporate the idea of this concept into her design, I can imagine it would do her some justice. Maybe allow her for more free movement in hovering? I'll leave the damage numbers to you.

    That aside, her augment for this ability I feel is rewarding - however, it is extremely difficult to utilize well due to the lack of control in the aforementioned. 

    Proposition for ability change + passive addition: **Allow Zephyr to double jump/bullet jump out of her 'hover' state. [Please adjust the animation accordingly to better suit a more fast paced toggle play style in activating and deactivating said state of floatiness] 

    Tie that 'hover' portion as an after effect for maybe 5 seconds after the instance her guard/aiming down sights by the player is released whilst midair (affected by aim glide/wall latch mods) which will allow her to sustain her Tail Wind augment much better. --- From a game play standpoint this would create a situation where the player would just have to tap the RMB (alt fire) to trigger it. To opt out of hover, simply jump/bullet jump/Tail Wind nose dive/crouch/roll out of it. To simply illustrate, imagine a wall latch mid air, but with a floating animation and code that places her current state as in the air yet still allows for her to perform parkour movements such as double/bullet jumping/aim gliding from her suspended state. (<-- this is important. Keep this in mind.)
    [As implied, this grants her freedom in movement as she may bullet jump in between 'hover' states. To what length? As much as players wish to do so. Do not put a limitation on this.]

    * If you could code it in so that when she nosedives while holding her guard/aiming down sights it would allow her to trigger her 'hover' state should she reach 1m (Adjust the trigger distance for a little extra allowance as there may be issues with regards to clipping, latency, etc.) from the ground. This will allow her to benefit fairly from her Tail Wind augment Target Fixation. In my opinion this implementation may create a very rewarding experience should the player have the skill to sustain the damage accumulation from said augment as the current preservation of the augment benefits is neigh impossible to maintain.

    * If possible nest this coding under aim glide/wall latch in addition to whichever code ties a Warframe's condition as not standing on the ground so that Zephyr may benefit from the Aviator mod fairly while in 'hover'. (side note: please do the same for poor Titania in her Razorwing mode as well || Add a visual indicator that lets the player know the mod is currently in effect, thank you.)

    * I suggest keeping her 'hover' state as a feature in her Tail Wind ability - with her being able to enter her 'hover' state mid-animation of Tail Wind under the condition that she begins the charge while holding down the RMB (alt fire) and will activate on the alt fire's release. This will allow the player to freely choose how far they'd like to reach before suspending themselves up in the air.

    *Projectiles shot (not hit-scan) from her charged 'hover' state suspended through Tail Wind gain bonus damage based on the time spent charging. This provides players with an incentive to not only spend time charging Tail Wind, but also a reason to stay in the suspended state.

    * Keep her passive as is with 'hover' mechanic as an additional feature. 

    * Add a visual indicator for her nose dive,

    * For Tail Wind, a wonderful addition for Zephyr would be to further inherit the benefits from bullet jump mods in increasing Tail Wind's damage, distance, and elemental type which would also highlight as well as encourage more usage in her 'hover' state

    * For the charge mechanic of Tail Wind, tie in an incremental increase in range with a up to a 3 times damage bonus increase - if done while in her 'hover' state, it will proc a cold effect on a nose dive only to enemies in the affected area as well an [insert base damage multiplier value here]. If done with her Tail Wind augment Target Fixation while charging from her 'hover' state, a charged Tail Wind upwards (extra brownie points if an fx is added akin to a smokey energy trail) which will then pull enemies towards the center point of the launch to combo enemies for a hard hitting nose dive as an ode to the old nose dive augment - this would be befitting in name to her Target Fixation augment as well (explained in the following). This will reward players who've skillfully collected that damage increase from her augment and will reward them should they choose to give up the accumulated damage on landing in a nose dive fashion. I would also like to add on withholding any energy tax on charging as a player placing themselves in a static position is a deadly place to be in as is. Second per second action, time is a lethal risk factor especially in regards to movement. This is a risk v.s. reward style of game play should indeed be rewarded accordingly. 
    To make things more exciting and to illustrate my point further, add aggro attention come the midpoint mark of the charge circle.

    I believe that this implementation would truly create a dynamic space for Zephyr to function in as she would then have the ability to freely dominate with masterful control the space above head level through what could possibly be summarized as a very simple & intuitive mechanic in triggering the release of her alt fire while mid-air. This 'hover' will label Zephyr with the characteristic & identity that she is not bound to normal ground based conventions, and further strengthens the notion that she is the frame you will want to choose if you wish to partake in an experience with mobility, zeal & fervor. She will become the very definition for freedom of movement in Warframe's current era of parkour 2.0. all while capitalizing on the very core of its' mechanics.

  2. Air Burst - Casting animation feels fluid, looks great, and I cannot explain how incredibly satisfying to land a head shot! The damage however is sub-par, and the projectile speed is rather slow. I'm also not lowkey saying that you should totally go out of your way to make some sort of Avatar the Last Airbender dance with consecutive casts because it'd be the coolest thing ever.

    Synergistic with abilities? Before I move on to her Tornadoes, allow me the moment to suggest an increase in projectile speed whilst in her Tail Wind hovering state - or with Turbulence active. Maybe even in general. 
    Now, with that out of the way .. It has an interaction with the Tornado's to double in size (though enemy retention and pull range feel rather small still). I think this is really cool! With her Tornado augment (creating 8 smaller 'nados) you can expect that I was constantly casting her Air Burst to no end. It's been incredibly fun! (and taxing on her energy pool of course.)

    The ability issues?
    My excessive casting was only partly due to my enjoyment of this lovely ability. Half of the time unfortunately the projectiles would detonate on terrain however, whilst the other half of the time a tornado would block another 'nado from getting bigger.

    I honestly enjoy a caster styled game play based off of Air Burst's interactions with her Tornado's and, would be head over heels for it to see some play in her other abilities as well! The crowd control is fair, but given the utility and high usage (partial to my play style)

    * It would be ideal for a reduced energy cost (on subsequent casts perhaps while she's doing a reallyreaLLY COOL AIR BENDING DANCE!!) 

    * A way to reliably increase its' output damage and scaling would be wondrous as well. (hello exaulted airbender dance scaling with melee multiplier plsdonttakethislastoneseriouslyI'mjustkiddingmaybenotthough)

    * Players in general are rather unappreciative of rag-dolling mechanics (regardless of how they may provide momentary amusement in its' physics.) Enemies have a tendency to recover far too fast for this to be of use, all the while the mechanic is far too buggy, disruptive, and takes away from what could potentially be immaculate in combat. I needn't mention how bad it looks from my perspective, as I personally wish for Warframe's combat to function in a smooth and seamless manner. [The sonicor is the only exception to this.]
    In rag-dolling, the player essentially self-inflicts confusion on themselves and their team. Time aiming is wasted, everyone is disoriented, and while in most cases by the time one figures out where the enemy they've tossed is located - a bombard rocket happily meets the back of their head as the tusk unit recovered 1.5 seconds ago. Infuriating is me putting it kindly. Please have some respect for this game and understand such things, while "useful" in Warframe's current state will take away from immersion in the long run. 

    * Remove the rag-dolling and in turn those caught in Air Burst will be knocked back and inflicted with a % slow that will diminish over a set duration of seconds. (please note: % slow, not ice proc.)

    *  Enemies drop their weapons. "oops." ( [Slow duration doubled] The latter can be the augment. No qualms with that.)

  3. Turbulence - Virtually unchanged. Visually changed heyhihello :inlove:.
    * While I appreciate the visuals and audio, one handed casting with uninterrupted movement would help assist in establishing the free flowing frame that Zephyr should be.
    * I've felt that her augment for this has been a little weak (though fun) it services your team for too little of a duration if one runs it in pubs, playing tag with your own team mates who mightn't even care for the buff is active on them or not can be a bit more trouble than it's worth.
    * Recastability would also be very welcomed. 

    Proposition for ability change:

    * Incorporate her current augment Jet Stream for Turbulance into her base ability. It is a rather minor feature that can become a much appreciated Quality of Life buff to her kit.

    The suggested change for the augment replacement is to then change it so that any allies who are in range for a moment will extend Zephyr's 'hover' mechanic to use for 2/3rd of its' max duration and will refresh on re entering her Turbulance's range (I highly believe it should be recast-able, hence the stated duration) & will also add the shared benefits of equipped bullet jump mods on allies. Perhaps only the damage portion as I am unsure of how crazy additive bullet jump momentum percentages scale. Or tentative values kept as is with the shared bullet jumps bonus applying only on the condition if launched while in the 'hover' state.
    Another possible implementation, and less extreme is for most exilus (looking at Aviator, bullet jump, slide - but not drift) mods to be shared by those affected with diminishing returns based on the amount of players so movement values don't get too extreme and with something like Aviator damage reduction stacking. Values should however reward the upkeep in keeping allies affected with the augment as this style of team play relies on skilled, and perceptive coordination through the access of a new and spirited movement system native to Zephyr where the extended benefits to allies are only applicable whilst in the air.

    In which, I would also like to take the time in pointing out the likelihood of benefiting fully from this new augment in public play is incredibly low (hence higher values may prove to be more fair in the long run), however it would definitely encourage the use of bullet jump mods for a small niche in an incredible experience based off of the parkour 2.0 system currently in place. Highlighting the latter is fundamentally important in Zephyr's identity in the Warframe roster. Please take this into consideration.
    In my experience the current augment Jet Stream is hard enough to tag moving team mates while on the ground, this would be worlds apart in difficulty and should be honoured appropriately for the efforts involved.

    This would be nice to incorporate, especially if her Tail Wind could also benefit further from such shared usage. It would also promote very active team play on Zephyr's part as there's a fair incentive to share the magic whether it would be for selfish or selfless reasons (dependent on the player of course).  [ ~ o f f   t o   n e v e r l a n d ~  ]

  4. Tornado - Agreeable improvements around the board here. 

    With it now being recastable in addition to allowing allied fire into the tornadoes to affect enemies caught up in it is a HUGE benefit to her kit. You've mine, and many others thanks on that no doubt.

    One thing that's been prevalent throughout Tornado's identity is in its' ability to make a player wonder "where did that one enemy go"? I'm not just referring to its' ability to deadlift 40 Grineer Nox units without breaking a sweat, and tossing them around like a bad meatspin prank on your younger sibling - n-no, I'm referring to its' ability to obstruct my vision to the point where I'm questioning if I'm even on my own side anymore.Like it's neat that a player can look over in the corner of a room and say 'hey look, that's a tornado' - but it's also sort of akin to shouting at the clouds to show you what the sun's been hiding. 
    I'm so deep I can't even see myself anymore  h o l y   s h i- really though. I just want to know, is there an enemy behind my own tornados? Can I even trust the wind whirlies that I summoned with my own energy???
    Paranoia's a bit-


    * To translate that last bit, it's hard to see through the Tornadoes (I'd imagine replacing/or masking the current tornado models with whatever is used for the stealth clocking mechanic as a relatively easy fix. Maybe something that looks as wispy as Limbo's Catacylism but not so definitive looking as a semi-circle].
    * The bullet distribution to enemies I haven't made too much note of as I believe it to work well enough (though it's hit or miss fairly often), however questionable the pull & retention mechanics may be. It is also a bit difficult to distinguish sometimes as to the mortality status of those in the vicinity of the wind whirlies. As many have mentioned before, they are rather slow (I can understand due to their disruptive nature in ragdolling enemies would prove to be frustrating to some other players) however I would prefer a more reliable method in directing their movements. Perhaps even a command feature (look to whatever upcoming pet functions you have in development) and implement it here for rough testing for the aforementioned and Khora with her personal Kavat. The current alt fire method may work fine for the companions in essence, but this case in directing the flow of summoned units for Zephyr would be a negative. 

    * If the team could remove the animation lock on the cast, it would further strengthen her identity as a free moving/flowing frame. 

    * I've some other concerns regarding her interactions with Air Burst and her Tornado augment Funnel Clouds, though. Right now it's partially buggy and unreliable.
    As it stands now Zephyr is still in the rough, so I will withhold on most of my idea pitches for now, but I would propose instead that herself and allied fire will affect those (enemies caught) in the radius of the tornado as a "gust" of 50% damage of those around it with a % to proc status of whichever element the Tornado currently is afflicted with.

    * Her Air Burst (which again I am quite smitten to the stars with) will inflict a "gust" with twice the air burst power plus a percentage of enemy max hp enemy hp (with some sort of equation -> insert number of enemies in radius here), increased radius and will emit from the base of the targeted Tornado, 100% to proc status based off of which status the Tornado currently is afflicted with and Air Blast's % slow and effect  or a blast proc or cold proc as the cherry on top for those affected(as her Tornado augment doesn't pick enemies up unless it's just dead corpses thus would mitigate enemy retaliation for a breather of sorts.) You could also look at potentially blowing up the targeted Tornadoes with her Air Burst to produce a regenerative effect that envelopes allies which restores energy (which can supplement the synergy tax between the two)/health for a set duration for allies caught in the aoe - or perhaps it will bolsters your team with refreshing reduced % damage taken + increased move & cast speed buff. Maybe, just maybe - all of the above in a perfect world (please make the dream happen). This does not have to be an outlier. This could be a toggle for the two features (if a toggle, then omit the damage reduction. have the damage reduction apply only whilst air born.)

    *(As a fan of the caster play style, I do enjoy my damages - but I believe the latter two may be more in proportion to her conceptual design. It certainly would help in energy management as the tax for not only summoning her 4 is rather steep, but so is 'buffing' them up to be of size. Synergistic skill usage and energy cost should be reflective of its' nature and so despite a potential adjustment in reduced cost in addition to creating a deadly storm on the battlefront with a lot of damages (which would make me pretty happy), I would still stand on my belief about the latter two suggestions as it may align better in her nature as a frame. Otherwise if there is such a heavy cost for a synergy interaction, the trade off tax in energy should be better worth not only the cost but cast time as well since the player is deliberately making an investment decision for an increase in [???] It only takes a second to mess up and be gone for a while (I wonder when my dad's coming home .. it's been 12 years), after all. Adjust those values accordingly.) 

    *One other option for her vanilla Tornado (do consider renaming it sometime) in regards to her interaction with Air Burst is for it to not only double the size but pull enemies in the area as well.


Edited by skRose
Formatting. Recent edit: Additional idea pitch for Zephyr's passive to fix to her clunky feeling movement
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I never really played atlas or Zephyr before this rework after I got them to thirty and I really like the changes made to them on the whole.  Some feedback that may be echoing things that've already been said:



The changes to tailwind make her very fun to use in PoE, but I think the incorporation of dive bomb into the power could be more complete.  keeping the damage dealing/aoe effect without the vertical drop at higher angles would be fun.  I must also admit that more than once I have tried to divebomb the ground but my angle was just steep enough that I catapulted myself into a cluster of enemies who were neither damaged nor happy to see me.  If it only does damage when used in the air it would keep her from completely stepping on excalibur and rhino's toes, but would make for some potential fun on large maps, or if you can really master short hopping before hitting 1 in hallways, especially with the augment.  I admit after playing her a bit and reading the description for target fixation I immediately went to PoE to try and fight a bulkor in midair only to find out I couldn't really hurt it unless I dropped down onto it.  the idea of building yourself up into a flying death missile seems fun for PoE and not terrifically abusable in hallways and tight spaces.

Her tornados don't seem to consistently appear where you're aiming, see the video below where one jumps off to one side to kill enemies (not a bad thing, but not expected behavior) just before this I had two tornadoes split off to either side while aiming in roughly the same spot.  The tornadoes are also incredibly slow to move.  At least when aiming and trying to steer them, making that a little snappier would be welcome.



I like atlas's new kit, but I feel like the numbers are hugely out of whack.  Between my own experience and what I've seen and heard from others he is fun but less effective than he should be.  Rubble has a number of things that could be changed to improve it, numbers on the armor/heal chief among them, but I don't know what specifically better numbers would be.  Instead I'll focus on some other features of rubble, specifically the cooldown, which is very, very fast in relation to the speed it's earned.  again, I don't know what the appropriate speed should be, but it is very difficult to build up to appreciable size without having swaths of easily killed enemies, against whom survival is not really that hard. 

As far as the rubble itself, apparently if you pick it up and it heals you, it does not even pause the degradation of your rubble armor, even if it doesn't add armor and health simultaneously (which would not be a bad thing) contributing to the decay on pickup would make maintaining the buff in situations where it is most useful much more feasible. 

Finally the actual pickups are very inconvenient and seem unnecessary.  Given the rate of deterioration it's not incredibly practical to try stockpiling drops on the map, and as far as I'm aware (i haven't tested personally but have seen some streamers comment on it) a rubble drop only exists for the atlas that earned it.  If any atlas's rubble was available to every atlas in the squad (like a normal item drop) then it would at least make some sense for them to be item drops, but as long as that is not the case forcing players to go and hunt down and pick up their survivability is a terrible mechanic, especially given how atlas's sequence of play is often cast petrify, landslide to cover ground and blow up the petrified cluster of enemies, rinse, repeat.  if you get multiple pieces of rubble in one blow but then immediately go to a new enemy group you can miss pickups and possibly never be aware of it.

Semi-related is that in my experience Atlas has energy problems.  the sequence of play I outlined above, petrify-landslide-petrify eats away energy very quickly with anything less than full efficiency.  I tried using hunter adrenaline with less efficiency, but if I was using petrify effectively no one was hurting me and if I didn't have the energy to use it I was killed before I could build up enough energy for it.  I'd honestly suggest swapping petrify and tectonics on Atlas's kit, with corresponding energy changes.  Petrify has become so core to atlas's play with this update, with repeated castings being expected given the mechanics, the 75 base energy cost is just huge, especially with power strength being as important as it is for landslide and rumblers bringing Blind Rage into the equation.  I don't think changing it back to a channeled ability would be a net improvement for his playstyle even if it could ease these energy costs.

Speaking of tectonics, it's clearly his weakest ability.  the wall has middling use and the projectile is clunky.  Especially if it was elevated to his three I think a damage increase wouldn't be out of order, and having it leave rubble behind after it detonates (possibly scaling with enemies hit, power strength, and/or petrifying it first) would give it some extra utility in his kit.  Having its damage scale with rubble might also make it more interesting as he could build up his tankiness and then have an alternative to landslide once sufficiently powered up, a reduction in its casting time/animation might make this more practical too.  Generally I just think it needs to be more relevant to what Atlas is doing, which after this update is wading into the midst of enemies, stopping clusters of them and smashing them all around him.  A wall and a long-range boulder don't really mesh with it.

The only issue I have with Rumblers is that contrary to the patch notes how much rubble you get from them seems completely unrelated to how much health they have.  each one is worth 50 rubble, period, unless it scales down from there with lower health, which is just insulting.  Actually having them scale, having Atlas be able to double-tap four and cover himself in rocks to kick-start his whole deal would be immensely useful and make the ability relevant aside from sometimes having attack dogs you can throw at enemies.


Edited by SporkMaster5000
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There is a bug with mag and magnetize now. When u cast it on enemy go away from buble, look at it and shoot enemy that beyond range of bubble - your bullets will pass enemy and go straight to magnetize. Tried with hitscan weapons in mission and simulacrum. Please fix, very annoying

didn't find any mention about it at forums

Edited by Phidel
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I love most of the update.. but here’s my 2 cent :

1. Please let use pick atlas’s rubble with vacuum and enemy died from landslide with path of statue augment drop rubble as well

2. I believe there’s so many players dislike WoF update.. i dont play ember as much, even at the lower level, but after some playtest i think the range nerf is really broke her.. i would prefer if after amount of time, instead of getting damage and losing range, make it lose damage instead and keep the range.. but it still proc heat and knockdown if equipped with firequake.. at higher level (these update are meant for this,right?), we dont really need damage from WoF, but its proc.. we can get damage from accelerant + new fire blast

3. Polarize’s new augment doesnt affect melee grineer/corpus unit, despite it says “weapon” in the description.. please make it clear, is it all weapon or ranged (for grineer) and robotic (for corpus)

4. Chroma’s scorn feel weaker after update, is it intentionally or bug?

5. Zephyr’s air burst travel too slow, please make it faster.. i like the rest of the kit right now btw

I dont have any problem with the other frame.. really like mirage, ash, and volt’s change..

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As it was mentioned alot of times by many of us, Volt deserves more love. Discharge is not usable at all in current conditions, all attempts to modify/balance Volt's kit not reaching the success, and the main reason is his damage type. In my oppinion, until single elemental damage type (like electricity) not acquire some real potential it will be impossible transform what's suppose to control in some that doing significant amount of damage. It's not the request to make another power creep, but at least make Discharge usable (or totaly revisit this ability).  Maybe with the damage 3.0 we will see some sort of damage type scaling that possibly can reopen the ways for Volt's usability, but until that time...


For the summary, in my oppinion Volt in current state is viable only for speedrunning captures. 

Edited by Cryone
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Now while I understand why DE makes it so that consoles can't interact with the forums of other groups (to avoid console war garbage), it doesn't make it any less a pain in the rear to discuss stuff until it comes out on your console. So here I am giving my few cents worth on the new update that PC has that yet to reach consoles (but will hopefully be our next update to go live sometime in the future).

Please keep in mind the following:

  1. These are just my opinions, so don't be salty if you don't agree with me.
  2. Don't be upset if I don't cover your favorite weapon or frame changes. All it means is that I don't play them enough to offer any significant feedback.

So let's start with frames.


I both love and hate these changes. Why? I love that Atlas's abilities focus more around petrification. I'm only sad because while I've really wanted a Medusa frame, I was really hoping it would be a female frame. Kind of makes me sad that we can't swap warframe power kits with other warframes. Oh well.


Rubble (new mechanic)
- Comes from killing petrified enemies. Atlas collects rubble to restore his health, or temporarily increase armor if already at max health. Rubble has a singular decay. Picking up more rubble delays the decay for a brief time.

That sounds interesting. I'm always for a tank gaining more survivability. Especially one who was a big pain to earn through the quest.


- Can use Petrify on Tectonics’ bulwarks to increase rolling velocity and damage. Can also be cast on Rumblers to heal them for a % of max health.

-Petrify is now a single cast instead of a channel ability, instantly Petrifying enemies in front of you regardless of level! https://gfycat.com/gifs/detail/bonybrokenappaloosa   . 

-Ore Gaze Augment is now 25% effective at max rank.

- Petrified enemies take increased damage from all sources.

I am very glad this ability got buffed, plus now it can help your Rumblers (which is one of my favorite Atlas abilities).


- While casting, creates an AoE around Atlas that will petrify any enemy that comes close.
- Rumblers create rubble when they expire, based on how much health they had

More synergy between his abilities. I love it.

I'm glad this frame got some more love. It needed it considering how sore my fingers were after repeating the same archwing battle over and over again for those parts.

Now let's jump to Equinox

Wait Equinox wasn't on the list, and DE thought I would forget about it? lol. No sillies, I remember and I still hope to hear from you all about this sometime in the near future.

For those of you who are confused, it was mentioned in a Prime Time recently (I can't remember the number but I can tell you it was the one with the new Augment Mods, that they weren't able to show us due to the fire alarm in the previous DevStream) Rabecca and Megan mentioned that Equinox's Mend ability was going to get a slight change where it would gradually give allies shields whenever they killed enemies, while they were within the range of Equinox's Mend.

I was hoping to hear something about this in this update. You can guess my feelings on that.


Having once been a Zephyr main I can definitely say that I was excited to see these changes.


- Combined into a single ability with Dive Bomb. Can be charge cast on the ground, launching Zephyr into the air where she then hovers. In the air, Tail Wind still flies in whatever direction you’re looking, and Dive Bomb activates if cast while looking straight down.

This has been something that I and a lot of the other members in the community have been wanting (the Dive Bomb being combined with Tail Wind). I'm not sure how I feel about the hover, I was kind of hoping we would have something similar to Titania and be able to fly, but who knows. I can't see until I've seen it and tried it out for myself, however it looks promising.



- Turbulence now has a new unique animation and sound!

As most of the rest of the community will tell you, this was the ability you built Zephyr around back in the day. I'm glad they improved the other abilities and didn't really change this one that much. Still depending upon the other abilities, I might have to forma my Zephyr.


Air Burst
- New ability replacing Dive Bomb. A projectile that causes an AoE burst on contact, ragdolling enemies. Can be fired into Tornadoes to make them bigger.
*Please note that Air Burst may be tweaked more after feedback.

Looks thematic and sounds like it could be interesting. Won't really know until I have the chance to try it.


- Now spawn where player is aiming and can be steered.

Wait... what?


can be steered.



- Clarification: holding aim (default RMB) is required to steer Tornadoes.

Okay, that's actually pretty cool, plus considering the other changes, like the fact that just shooting the tornados will damage the enemies inside (something the community has been wanting) and the tornado has a better hold on the enemies (something the community has been wanting), this is actually pretty nice.

I might have to make a build for this. :satisfied:


Now we are going to talk about the weapons. Now I know this is going to annoy some of your but I really have only 1-2 weapons to talk about, largely because these are weapons that I and a few others have been wanting to see buffed and now it's finally here.


Gorgon Wraith

  • Mastery Rank increased from 3 to 7
  • Status chance increased from 15% to 21%
  • Critical chance increased from 10% to 15%
  • Critical Damage increased from 1.5x to 1.9x
  • Ammo capacity increased to 900
  • Increased accuracy while aiming



Prisma Gorgon

  • Mastery Rank increased from 4 to 10
  • Status chance increased from 5% to 15%
  • Critical chance increased from 15% to 30%
  • Critical Damage increased from 2x to 2.3x
  • Damage decreased from 25 to 23

DE are you trying to make it up to me for forgetting my beloved Equinox? :crylaugh:

I've been a gorgon fan ever since I got my hands on the Prisma Gorgon and I was so sad when I had to upgrade to the Soma Prime (which looks kind of meh (no offense) and gets boring really quickly after a while). Then they brought back the Gorgon Wraith, which made me happy.

With the exception of the Prisma Gorgon's damage being nerfed (by 2 measly points), these weapons got nothing but buffs, which makes them pretty decent now. Not only that but both weapons feel like they have different personalities, where before it was the Prisma gorgon was just a gorgon that was slightly better at Crit and the Gorgon Wraith was just a gorgon with slightly better status (and a crappy ammo economy). Now they feel like they stand out more and some of the issues they had have been improved. Seriously, I can't wait for this update.

Arcane Changes

Seeing as I've only owned Arcane Eruptions, Arcane Trickery and the two arcanes from the Plague Star event. I really have no feedback on that. Of course the only way DE could have buttered me up any further was if they somehow extended Arcane Trickery's chance or duration. :crylaugh:

Riven Transmutation

It is a bit annoying that you have to farm these guys to get it (and I'm assuming it is something you have to grab more then once) just to turn 4 rivens into 1 and hope it's for the weapon you want. However now that there is a bounty system for these big guys, perhaps I can actually beat one now. Looking forward to that.


Aside from forgetting Equinox, all the changes seem pretty good to me. I'm excited for this update.

The only way I could be more excited is if news of the changes came out, Equinox's alt helmet was finished (somehow) and her fourth augment was finished.

Remember this is just my opinion and that I'm just trying to give some feedback. :smile:

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On Zephyr,

Tailwind-Divebomb ability: Makes zephyr go farther than what would be useful in most tilesets. Momentum preserved is also higher than needed, since the ability is very recastable after the energy change. Perhaps ability canceling, possibly with crouch and preferably without divebomb and it's animation, would be decent.

Air Burst: Ragdoll is amongst the worst forms of crowd control in this game, exceptionally so when it throws enemies away. Knocked down enemies get up too quickly; casting the ability on the same enemies throws them further; has to be spammed to be effective.


is not fixed, and happens mostly when Zephyr is moving. As I perceive it, Zephyr's worst problem. Could be easily fixed by making Zephyr immune to projectiles while Turbulence is active.

Tornado: I still dislike this the most. Atleast make it so it and abilities like it, like Nova's Antimatter Drop, can get critically hit. Moreover, making so shooting it counts at hitting something, so that it does not ruin the snipers' combo counter


I suppose I am thankful for your interest in mending and changing warframes.


Edited by FranchPanda
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I have only checked out Mag and Zephyr's changes.

Zephyr, is going in the right direction.  The combination of her old 1&2 is great, but activating divebomb is a bit clunky, as you have to be looking nearly straight down.  The charge and hover doesn't do anything for me, as a 3sec charge is pretty-too long.  The speed+distance buff is remarkable for the plains, though.  I might have been cackling maniacly flying across the plains at ~150m a cast.  Overall, solid 1.

Her new 2 is... Ok.  The projectiles are slower than I thought they'd be, and the ragdoll is kinda irritating on the plains, with it's changes in geometry so often.  Although it's an ok oh s@#t button.

Her 3 wasn't touched in terms of the ability, but the new casting animation is quite a bit longer than her old one, reducing her survivability.

Her 4 is still the same.  Yes, dragging the tornadoes after you crosshair is a welcome change, and the hit everything in the tornado is great, but the moving those tornadoes is soooo slow.  And without the tornadoes actually holding what they pickup instead of flinging them, the dealing damage part is mostly useful when you slowly steer a tornado into a group of enemies, then shoot it.  Also, why do the tornadoes move after you have steered them?

The 2+4 interaction feels useless.  It only increases the height of the tornado, not it's pickup range from my tests.  Still, looks cool.


My thoughts on her one are if she will hit the ground within the distance of the cast, activate divebomb.  Halve or more the time to charge the jump+hover

Her two I think should either increase range or speed.  If you feel both could be turned up, I wouldn't complain.

Her 3 I just feel maybe make it refreshable or speed up cast time.  She relies on it

Her 4 I would increase the traversal rate of the tornadoes only when following a crosshair.  The 2+4 interaction I would like to see pickup range increased.


Mag feedback

Holy crap thank you for more energy and the increase to crush's speed!  The shield pulses were very useful on Hydron as well.  I'm very impressed that it gives overshields.  However I personally did not see much of a difference with the new Polarize shards, but I was fighting lvl50 grineer.  They would've died anyway.



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 I am a 40yr working single dad that loves warframe. I choose to support DE by purchasing all of the prime access packs and more (Ember/Loki prime pack in this latest case) not only for myself on PC but for my daughter on Ps4 as well. I didn't know about the Ember nerf's until they happened and found out the hard way while running missions that she had been nerfed in a major way. I've never posted in the forum's before or complained on Reddit like a lot of people seem to do now day's but today the day after the big nerf I feel for the first time as though I have been taken advantage of and ripped off by DE. Ember's wof did not scale and was used by people like me to farm lower level missions. I do not have all the high level mod's or augments for her so I still played the game. My ultimate point is Ember was the Icon of WF that lower level players could rely on but now she is broken and I feel ripped off and there should have been something on the advertisement of the frames saying that she was about to be changed (broken in my opinion). I just want  to play the game when I can and how I want to play it. I am sorely disappointing and ask that you please revert the changes you have made.

Thank you

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A few words about the frames I got to test a bit:

Mag: she's amazing now. I'm very happy about the max energy buff, it was long overdue.

Ash: Bladestorm still feels kinda clunky but the clones are pretty powerful even with only 145% strength, and I like not being locked in the animation.

Banshee: a complete mess. Without the augment her 4th was among the most useless abilities in the game, and remains so. The augment is a joke also. I don't know why you didn't stick to the original idea of placing a quake in a point and moving on. The augment now does absolutely nothing, the damage is laughable, and the cc non existent. The wave incapacitates enemies for the same time the casting animation lasts, so it doesn't even work as a gap closer. DE, I love you and your game, but things like this are what makes some of us believe that you don't even understand how your own game plays. I didn't like the gameplay of Resonating Quake before, but at least it had some practical uses. Now you practically deleted an ability.

Chroma: the nerf was very heavy. I understand it, Chroma was a bit of overkill, but you could have balanced it a bit better. However, even if some people don't like his current state, I accept it only because being able to recast vex armor is what I always wanted. His first ability is still useless tho. The damage is absolutely minuscule, even with vex armor, the cc is random and unreliable, and the worst part of all: you need to be in melee range, but you cannot use melee weapons while the ability is active. In one of the last streams you showed a new weapon that can change its damage type, and you mockingly said "now every Chroma player is going to ask for the same thing to be applied to his elements". Why do you keep dismissing that option? It would be very fun, and with the current state of vex armor, you cannot say that it will make him op anymore.


Overall, my opinion is divided. Some changes make me want to use some frames a lot more. Some frames I didn't use much before and won't use at all now. But what worries me is that it took you two years to finally address some power balancing issues, and when you finally do it, it's like you only tested them in level 10 missions or didn't test them at all.

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Just wanted to add in regards to Chroma: 

Understandably, you had to reconfigure the equation for Chroma due to the insane amount of damage he was dealing. That's fine, but I think Vex Armors defensive numbers should reach the same scale as it was pre-patch. If the whole intention of this fix was to remove the absurd damage, then I would imagine you guys have no issues tweaking Scorn so it is at the same scale as it was previously.

Doesn't have to be exactly the same in terms of numbers. It would be fine if it got to around the same level.

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Hi all,this is my feedback: 1) Volts rework is lackluster and lacking in every way. By halving stun time,Discharge is not a control ability, by increasing damage but making it have a distance falloff of 50% and with no armour ignore/reduction, it's not a damage ability either. Actually it doesn't know what it wants to be, it's a jack of all trades but master of none , it's effective in low level missions, but so was before the update and it's ineffective in higher level content. All in all a step in the wrong direction. 2) Ash's rework is in a better place than Volt's but still with its own problems. The energy cost remains too high , 12 energy per mark means 36 energy per target which is a huge amount, despite being cut in half by invisibility, even more so when considering Ash's limited energy pool even with Flow. By marking a few enemies his reserves drop too fast and leave no room for the tactical use of other abilities. If a player builds for efficiency,in an attempt to counteract this, he looses in survivability in a disproportionate way. My suggestion is for marking to have a fixed energy cost of 12/6 regardless of how many marks a target has and that's because placing three marks is a time consuming process,even when enemies are grouped close together, which counts as a balancing factor. If there are no plans to reduce energy costs than at least make it so that marking is faster, since placing one mark at a time is tedious and hurts Dps. Turning it into a cone shaped mechanism the angle and distance of which would be affected by range, is a nice quality of life change that would be balanced by the high energy costs. However , having both a tedious marking mechanism AND high energy cost is counterproductive and unnecessary.

Edited by Yperkeimenos
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2 hours ago, SteamlordD said:

A heads up to everyone feeling like soggy tissue paper on Chroma: remove your mods, exit the arsenal, wait a bit, then put your mods back on. Updates sometimes do this cute thing where they leave your mods applied, but don't calculate them for your abilities. I felt like paper, then thought to reset my mods, and now it works fine.


mmmm it's worth a try now with 2 arcane graces i didn't notice that much of a change but i'll give it a try regardless

Edited by arm4geddon-117
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I really like the new Zephyr pass. It is definitely a step in the right direction.

However, I do have a few issues with it:

As many have stated before: with too long of a duration, you will be stuck sliding on walls when you use Tailwind. 
I personally believe, it would be better to have the impact blast of dive bomb, whenever you come to a hard stop on terrain.
This way, you could fly into a wall then immediately drop down, and still have an impact if you were aiming slightly too high for a standard dive bomb.

That brings me to my second issue: it is not quite clear at what angles you will commit a dive bomb, or a regular burst of flight.
Of course, if rocketing into anything with your head, worked just like the ending of dive bomb, this would not be much of an issue.
Though, perhaps displaying some sort of ring on the ground or HUD, that when you aim inside of to cast dive bomb, would be quite useful.

I personally, don't see myself ever using hover; but if you could move while charging (or charge quicker) and have some amount of movement in the air, I think it would be a ton better.

With air burst, I only really dislike the speed at which it travels. Exploding after a distance (or is it duration?) is perfectly fine, It is pretty much just a wide, slow, non bounce, sonicor.

The new animation for Turbulence is great. The duration feels longer than the old one, but I think instead of removing or speeding it up, we should just be able to move while casting.
Zephyr seems to be all about movement, and anything that plants you seems to be against her core idea.

With her passive, I like low gravity, but it also seems to slow you down in the air (maybe this is an effect of just being in the air longer than would normally allow notice of this).
I would like it better if she felt like she kept her momentum in the air (to a certain extent, I could understand slowing after tailwind).
Alternatively, perhaps there should be a way to temporarily turn off her passive. I have no idea what key combo would work, but I find most of my friends do not like getting stuck above doors, because the jumped too late, or too high.

Lastly, while using Jet Stream, whenever I bullet jumped, I seemed to lose all momentum. This wasn't too bad, because bullet jumping gives you momentum, but the sudden dip in movement speed every time is rather jarring.

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