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There is just one thing that isn't like it seems, how do you unveli a riven if your pc isn't capable playing plains? 
And after carefully thinking about it i think i found a solution

What happened to the riven is explained here:

But to explain myself so you don't think i got no brain or something. I am not capable playing plains without hardware hitches so it will mostly crash and it's frustrating, i get it that new variation of challenges are kinda exciting and very pleasing for some folks. But my personal opinion on the recent changes like raids removal, the "consumable for transmuting rivens" guess what drops only from plains. The ability to transmute items was always trash, now it's the same with an addition to transmute rivens but by playin Plains of Edalion, if you don't go there you access to what can you do in the game is limited to some degree. And once more some may think different then me, but soon enough this game is getting to be a mix of everything besides the old good warframe we used to play.

And with that said, my discussion upon this topic is done.

Edited by Forsaken.
Updated detail and final thoughts.
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3 minutes ago, MagPrime said:

The hitboxes are really messed up. 

I'm using the right spear as well. You can capture certain fish better with certain spears, but even with the right one I need to wait a second and a half before it registers. Feels like I'm throwing it into the mud. I have quite a few boots to know when I've really hit the mud. No that isn't a metaphor. I captured boots by spearing the ground. They don't boil up too good. Laces are too tough. They make quite the addition to the lounge aquarium though. Majestic and free floating. Each boot with it's own story to tell.

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9 hours ago, Akram-The-Reaper-Panda said:

This push? i hope this is a joke. 

Developpers make new areas.

If they let it empty, players will complain that the new areas are empty.

If they put stuff there, players will complain that the developpers are "pushing" the new area on them.

The generalization is strong with this one. 

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