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Resonating Quake is Still a Problem


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On 2018-05-11 at 4:57 AM, sixmille said:

And this is exactly why things get nerfed. If the game isn't about fun then people get bored eventually, quit and don't come back, which isn't ideal when you're running a free to play online game because people quit and come back all the time, and as a game dev you don't want them to remember that last time they left it was because the gameplay was awfully boring.

There's no doubt that banshee's 4 will get nerfed, just like trinity + link and self damage with full damage resistance will, I'm just annoyed that DE doesn't act quicker on such matters because in the meantime well the game is super boring with a banshee in the team. I'm also very frustrated that I have to make tremendous efforts to avoid major design flaws that prevent me from playing the game and that DE is criminally slow at addressing these issues.

You are playing a game where the player is supposed to be stupidly overpowered. Never forget that. In this case there is nothing wrong with AoE frames like Banshee or their power. What people fail to realize is that the problem lies in the fact that enemies have 0 answers to these type of attacks. Imagine for instance if there were a maniac-type enemy which would cling to walls the moment earthquake is enabled and make a beeline towards the banshee for an easy kill........

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On 2018-02-14 at 5:07 AM, kyori said:

Jupiter IO is low level so it’s one the places that frames like ember, banshee etc can shine. I’m fine with they doing the killing, just take it as a leech session lol 

Those frames that shine in low level mission can’t make it in high level missions, so I’m quite ok with their present kit. 

Agreed. Banshees 4th is fine the way it is. It's good for low levels, and falls off VERY quickly at higher levels. It's also counterbalanced by the fact that shes very squishy. If you happen to run into a Banshee while on a defense, just sit back and chill bro. Do some leeching, get on your phone. If you want to avoid a Banshee just farm at higher levels. Take a Nova or a Saryn. All you gotta do is out Dps the Dps'er. It's not hard lol.

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Il y a 7 heures, Skyrage a dit :

You are playing a game where the player is supposed to be stupidly overpowered. Never forget that. In this case there is nothing wrong with AoE frames like Banshee or their power. What people fail to realize is that the problem lies in the fact that enemies have 0 answers to these type of attacks. Imagine for instance if there were a maniac-type enemy which would cling to walls the moment earthquake is enabled and make a beeline towards the banshee for an easy kill........

The rest of the room would still be empty. I wouldn't call 1 NPC left anything but crumbs. It's also a very bad resources investment, why would the dev team spend months working on one NPCs that may survive one specific build of one specific warframe when they can just nerf the build in an afternoon? Your request wouldn't solve the issue and isn't even reasonable at all.

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1 hour ago, sixmille said:

The rest of the room would still be empty. I wouldn't call 1 NPC left anything but crumbs. It's also a very bad resources investment, why would the dev team spend months working on one NPCs that may survive one specific build of one specific warframe when they can just nerf the build in an afternoon? Your request wouldn't solve the issue and isn't even reasonable at all.

Because nerfing AoE frames would kill diversity. As adding enemies who could seek out such aoe spammer and kill her would make missions and gameplay more diverse... so in the end the content doesn't get repetitive as fast.

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1 hour ago, sixmille said:

The rest of the room would still be empty. I wouldn't call 1 NPC left anything but crumbs. It's also a very bad resources investment, why would the dev team spend months working on one NPCs that may survive one specific build of one specific warframe when they can just nerf the build in an afternoon? Your request wouldn't solve the issue and isn't even reasonable at all.

That was just a single example. There needs to be several counters and responses for it to be effective. Yes, it would require a fair bit of investment to make something like this real but frankly, there is no other solution if you want to balance the whole "being overpowered theme" with "game being sufficiently challenging in order to feel rewarding".

Had this game only had 3-4 playable frames and twice as many weapons it would be another story. But then again, fun would suffer due to lack of variety in a completely different area obviously.

Basically the overall system is way too stiff and simple in many areas to accommodate the theme of the game and the current selection of frames/weapons within it.

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Prevent the aoe from penetrating walls/closed doors just as they are doing for melee and have done for beam weapons. Hell, seeing as sound can pass through some materials, give it a punch through tied to Ability Duration to really wind up the min maxers. This change could be rolled out to all powers where it would make sense that it would be able to pass through. 

Although I think due to the nature of Banshee's 4, I think it should open all containers and unlocked lockers in the area of effect.

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18 hours ago, HanShotFirst said:

I'll still take a Resonating Quake Banshee over the average Limbo player. At least the mission will be over in short order and I can move on with my life.

i personally love RQ banshees.  

I zone in, see they're in the group and say "yay, I can continue eating lunch"

I wish there was an easy way to tip them platinum for their services after a nice quick run.


PS.  I love how my comment about calling out the devs on the sexist poses Khora has in the loading screens got moderated out.  what a joke.


the root of the AFK-style meta has to do with the arbitrary limit of the "affinity share range"

DE why do you design massive levels and then punish people for even wandering over into the next room? or splitting up to cover more area?

(also the way nekros/hydroid work are #1 issues to this problem)

people don't like having to be confined to such a small space when frames can grow to such great power... it's "not fun".  so they devise afk strategies to get the most efficiency out of it.

plain and simple.

Edited by Waffenheimer
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Am 13.2.2018 um 12:28 schrieb (PS4)Shaun-T-Wilson:

Says the Ember Prime, there will always be frame abilities that blanket damage a wide area like frost avalanche or volt discharge, and others that dont require los like saryns spore combo. Point is there will be always be a way to kill a large number of enemies using abilities alone.

"Something else is bad so -insert ability- can't be bad and the other abilities can't be eather."

I dare you trying to be power efficient with those btw.

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considering it goes completely against what they told in the devstream just before the resonating quake remake.

rough quote 'it is not a horde shooter if you cant see the hordes'.


A: they have no idea what they are saying

B. they have no idea what they are doing

C. they have no idea what they are saying and doing

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What's most remarkable to me is that SO is not time-based. They aren't making the mission go any faster. SO is not difficult. They aren't Banshee cancer spamming to guarantee success, because it's already pretty much inherently guaranteed. They are simply making sure that nobody on their squad plays Warframe for the next 20 minutes.

For all of you who do this, or are defending this, saying "Hey, makes my life easier!"... Why do you play Warframe? If going through the motions isn't fun or engaging for you, to the point that you'd prefer the game just play itself for you, what are you working towards? Not a rhetorical question. I'm sure you know that the core gameplay remains the same throughout. If you can't stomach just shooting the bad guys for a few minutes, you ought to reconsider why you play this game in the first place. Might be time for you to try something else.

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Chiming in to say that I REALLY like the changes to Resonating Quake compared to the way it worked before.

Banshee is more fun to play and is a lot more interactive now. Sure there are people who just spam 4 constantly but there is good reason to let enemies get close to you before using it. 


It kind of doesn't make sense that it works without LOS though.

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4 minutes ago, Leqesai said:

It kind of doesn't make sense that it works without LOS though.

Sound doesn't need LoS - but maybe a little less DPS on the other side of obstacles.

And until they change the miserable drop rates on everything from resources to rare mods, I welcome each and every map wiping, spin to win, cheese tactic out there.  

slow the killing and they darn well better increase the drops.  

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6 minutes ago, (XB1)Tucker D Dawg said:

Sound doesn't need LoS - but maybe a little less DPS on the other side of obstacles.

And until they change the miserable drop rates on everything from resources to rare mods, I welcome each and every map wiping, spin to win, cheese tactic out there.  

slow the killing and they darn well better increase the drops.  


Unfortunately Resonating Quake can sometimes create situations where collecting loot is problematic since many enemies die far away from the initial cast. At least with my build they do (90m range)

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3 hours ago, (XB1)Tucker D Dawg said:

Sound doesn't need LoS - but maybe a little less DPS on the other side of obstacles.

And until they change the miserable drop rates on everything from resources to rare mods, I welcome each and every map wiping, spin to win, cheese tactic out there.  

slow the killing and they darn well better increase the drops.  

You can still change Quake so that it does make sense to restrict some parts of the ability to LoS.

Vibrations = going through walls = staggering

Air pressure changes = needing LoS = killing enemies

Make SQ's stagger effect go through walls, and restrict the damage to a second conal AoE you can activate and aim by pressing mouse1. That conal AoE would have a fixed angle but since it can be aimed, it'd make Quake more interactive without going the cheap route of "hurr make it a mobile skill". The damage this conal AoE does can also be buffed to adjust for the loss of room clearing AoE damage potential. That way you'll keep the CC capability of SQ, make it more interactive, and have it do enough damage on demand if you really need it without needing to rely on the augment.

I'm also in agreement with the argument about making SQ open crates and other breakables.

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i have to assume the OP doesnt play much, no so called nerf to banshee or ember has changed there gameplay at all, just more button pressing, ember still wrecks everything before anyone can kill anything as well, banshee is the most boring frame to play outside of these trinity trolls that spend there whole mission looking at the ground and spamming castanas, even then they are easily outkilled if your an adequate player

3 hours ago, Leqesai said:

Unfortunately Resonating Quake can sometimes create situations where collecting loot is problematic since many enemies die far away from the initial cast. At least with my build they do (90m range)

90m? yeah sure lol, i think you either are just blattantly lying cause you think people dont know different or you completely misread something

Edited by xXHobbitXx
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On 2018-05-11 at 12:26 AM, CrackCook said:

Yeh, why is this staying ingame... something everyone does not enjoy.....while saryn? that frame ALOT of people enjoy and NOONE has a problem with? yeah lets spend our time changing that to something noone wants or asked for....

uuuh i see spova complaints often enough.. people leaving groups because a Saryn is mapwide nuking and complaining about it on the forums...

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15 hours ago, xXHobbitXx said:

i have to assume the OP doesnt play much, no so called nerf to banshee or ember has changed there gameplay at all, just more button pressing, ember still wrecks everything before anyone can kill anything as well, banshee is the most boring frame to play outside of these trinity trolls that spend there whole mission looking at the ground and spamming castanas, even then they are easily outkilled if your an adequate player

90m? yeah sure lol, i think you either are just blattantly lying cause you think people dont know different or you completely misread something

Well I believe it is technically 87.5m with the build I have.

250% range. Resonating quake adds to the base range before range is calculated from range mods. At least that's what the wiki says and what it looks like from my tests.

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3 hours ago, (PS4)ForNoPurpose said:

uuuh i see spova complaints often enough.. people leaving groups because a Saryn is mapwide nuking and complaining about it on the forums...

Never seen that. Neither in game or in forums. Ecept you now. Could sometimes be true tho. 

But also have seen people with Saryn or Resonating Quake leaving team because my Reckoning Oberon was outkilling them. Or stomping Rhino. Or Avalanche Frost. Doesnt matter which frame is spamming aoe at certain moment, sometimes people will really not like that.

There are many frames that can kill weak enemies fast if you build them for that. And many weapons.

If you have less effective setup, that of course means, you wont always get most kills. No large area setup against weak enemies - sometimes will get very few kills.

It would be cool of course if we could pick missions where starting enemy level is for example 100 once we finish starchart. At that level only link trinity remains still oneshotting everything (Nukong got nerfed).

But sadly right now we dont have such missions so we usually wind up in a scenario where our arsenal is a lot stronger than the content we can access without playing endless missions for at least 40min. Thats why so many players get bored and dont bother with weapons, just aoe nuke these weak pesky grineer / corpus / infested.

Edited by DjKaplis
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