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Resonating Quake is Still a Problem


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Guess the Banshee.

I supported the change to Banshee's Resonating Quake. No frame should be lazy enough to basically hold down a button and wipe the map in a huge area. And before anyone says anything, I supported the change to Ember too, for similar reason.

However, all the change did was turn Resonating Quake into an even older problem. The same problem that got Ash and Saryn's 4s changed in fact. Resonating Quake is now a very, very efficient, spammable, massive area, highly damaging nuke. If built right, the malus to damage at range can be made negligible. In this example, the Banshee never left the area close to the defence point and was able to kill things very quickly in a massive area out of LoS before they could get within visual range of the rest of the team.

As it's the same problem that had to be fixed once already on other Frames, I do hope that they can change Resonating Quake again in short order, so that we don't have lingering issues again.

Edited by KokoroWish
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Well, Volt got a pretty decent map nuker, too. I think it wasn't in DE's intention to change Banshee much, just to get rid of the 1-press-afk-farm.

Now you have to press the button more than one time. Still nukes the map.

If you don't want nuker in your farm, don't go in with randoms. There are people who don't want fun but an efficient farm.

But actually, could say the same to them... And that would bring nothing in the end...

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I’ve seen some banshees getting the most kills on hydron by a lot when the corpus was there but when i did sortie 1 with Ember prime against grineer and a Resonating quake banshee was there, i outkilled her. Also, Reaonating quake does nothing to lvl 120 bombards. Resonating quake pretty much turned banshee into a another version of Mag or Ember.

Edited by Shaw1996
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2 minutes ago, Lucex said:

Well, Volt got a pretty decent map nuker, too. I think it wasn't in DE's intention to change Banshee much, just to get rid of the 1-press-afk-farm.

Now you have to press the button more than one time. Still nukes the map.

If you don't want nuker in your farm, don't go in with randoms. There are people who don't want fun but an efficient farm.

But actually, could say the same to them... And that would bring nothing in the end...

problem not going with randoms is that many times your friends aren't online, or don't want to do the same as you. Spamming Recruitment chat is neither fun nor efficient, and solo there are fewer enemies, so less efficient, and some modes are just harder or not fun by yourself. I guess what I'm trying to say is, there's no perfect solution.

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6 minutes ago, cursedmoon13 said:

problem not going with randoms is that many times your friends aren't online, or don't want to do the same as you. Spamming Recruitment chat is neither fun nor efficient, and solo there are fewer enemies, so less efficient, and some modes are just harder or not fun by yourself. I guess what I'm trying to say is, there's no perfect solution.

Totally agreeing. I'm a player who plays nukers himself and I know how annoying I am sometimes. Geez, I was annoying myself as I played Ember before the rework while I did survivals with a Secura Lecta... That's also the reason why I switched to Saryn and didn't use her 4, like, at all. Just sitting there, cast 1 here and then, take my gas melee, punch the enemy in his face and see the spores spread. And then there was this Ember beside me stopping my satisfying spore spread by killing with those god damn flames!

Often when you go in with a squad they want efficiency with killing things. When you go in random and expect fun you also have no good cards cause there are afk'ing people, leechers, trolls and people who don't want fun, only the loot.

So yep, totally agreeing with you. Both is pretty S#&$^^

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43 minutes ago, Shaw1996 said:

I’ve seen some banshees getting the most kills on hydron by a lot when the corpus was there but when i did sortie 1 with Ember prime against grineer and a Resonating quake banshee was there, i outkilled her. Also, Reaonating quake does nothing to lvl 120 bombards. Resonating quake pretty much turned banshee into a another version of Mag or Ember.

One RQ banshee who can't kill anything doesn't mean its not a problem.  There are plenty of RQ player who couldn't kill squat before the change because their build was terrible.

I've out damaged max range embers (pre-rework) on exterminates using nothing more than inaros with a zaw simply by managing to get out and stay out in front of them.

As for the 120 bombards - that wasn't the reason for the change in the first place, and very few of their reworks (things like chroma excluded) revolved around how quickly something can kill a level 120 anything.

In any event, DE is missing the ball entirely with all these "re-works" and the problem will always exist so long as advanced players are mixed with low level players AND don't have rewarding challenging content that will keep them separated from the lower level players.

If not Ember, then banshee, then Equinox, then saryn, then whips, then volts, then mags, and on and on and on.


All this "lets make content more accessible" is just exacerbating the problem.  I never saw as many Destiny players complaining the expected power level in the raids, or strikes or whatever was too high. Never see trove players complaining that the Uber-9 is too inaccessible to new players - and dont see long time players spending too much time hanging out in Novice World. DE needs to make content LESS accessible and at the same time MORE challenging AND rewarding.  

Players on the other hand need to stop being such whining, must have it now, don't want to work for anything, entitled new generational babies that in turn often encourages DE to make more middling low end content, or put the loot in low end locations.


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I was just on Jupiter (Io) farming neural sensors and Banshee was crazy he/she was MR8 (so I doubt he had optimal build) and was instakilling whole map every few seconds for 25 rounds before I got bored and left. The only time we other players got to kill something was when he circled map to pick up drops. At the end, he had 83% kills and didn't use even single energy pizza and we were bored out of our skull. It's bad enough that we are forced to farm neural sensors and orokin cells in low level missons (DE please give us the option to start Defense or Survival at lvl 100 or something - killing level 20 enemies when your gear is optimized is boring) without being left with nothing to do.

On the plus side, I never finished defense mission faster even with old Banshee and Ember.

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12 hours ago, KokoroWish said:


Guess the Banshee.

I supported the change to Banshee's Resonating Quake. No frame should be lazy enough to basically hold down a button and wipe the map in a huge area. And before anyone says anything, I supported the change to Ember too, for similar reason.

However, all the change did was turn Resonating Quake into an even older problem. The same problem that got Ash and Saryn's 4s changed in fact. Resonating Quake is now a very, very efficient, spammable, massive area, highly damaging nuke. If built right, the malus to damage at range can be made negligible. In this example, the Banshee never left the area close to the defence point and was able to kill things very quickly in a massive area out of LoS before they could get within visual range of the rest of the team.

As it's the same problem that had to be fixed once already on other Frames, I do hope that they can change Resonating Quake again in short order, so that we don't have lingering issues again.

No proof. How should I believe you since I don't know who you are talking about, nor do I have evidence that he used Banshee. I can easily out-DPS any DPS-based frame with Vauban, easy. Try again

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Jupiter IO is low level so it’s one the places that frames like ember, banshee etc can shine. I’m fine with they doing the killing, just take it as a leech session lol 

Those frames that shine in low level mission can’t make it in high level missions, so I’m quite ok with their present kit. 

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I’m honestly so over people complaining about Banshee. Y’all are never happy. The whole point of a DPS is they do a lot of damage quickly, quite often getting most of the kills. Yes, old RQ could make things boring. But it made power-leveling great. Now they’ve changed her ability so it’s not lazy playing, and takes work. 


I too supported the banshee change. It made those of us who used RQ have to rethink our builds. 


I mean no disrespect by this, but, get over it. Same thing I’ll say to people who complain about stasis limbo. Those of us who use the abilities properly should not be punished for the trolls. And people need to learn to be more adaptive with their playstyle. Don’t like not being able to shoot? Use your melee more. Don’t like not getting all the kills? Figure out how you can support the dps, so you’re still doing something. 

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-complains about a Banshee nuke

-brought Ember to the mission

Yeah, I can totally see why you should complain about this. /s

If you were running an WoF build on your Ember, then you were planning on doing exactly what the Banshee was doing, but the Banshee was better at it.

If you were running Flash Accelerant, then you could have buffed the Banshee's cast speed to get through the mission even faster.


See, if you go to a meta farming spot, or to a public Sortie, or any other extremely popular node, don't expect to be anything other than an AoE DPS, a support/buff for said DPS, or a leach. People do these nodes because they have the highest amount of something, whether that be affinity or focus or credits or endo or relics or whatever, and they want to get through it as quickly as possible so they can go do what they find to actually be fun, like PoE or Teralysts or Relic runs, or so that they can finish the last forma they added so they can add another 3 to make the weapon/frame perform optimally in the missions they find fun.

I personally don't know a single player who goes to Hydron because they find it fun. They go there because they need the affinity/focus, and once they get through all of that they will go do something else that they actually find fun.

So why try to prolong everyone's bad time farming affinity? Just let them blaze the levels as quickly as possible, everyone gets their affinity, and now your done.

Also, if you get bored doing that, try running a buffer or support. I cannot think of a single DPS frame that isn't grateful to have a Roar Rhino on the team. The same for a Provoke Equinox (though she can mess up a Speed Nova) or a Parasitic Link Nidus. There are a lot of ways you can have fun while helping a DPS frame, because killing enemies isn't the only way to have fun.

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Stationary DPS frame build (sonar exists yo) doing well on stationary defense objective map = bad
Where is your logic in that ?

DE clearly stated they are against "Press F to Kill and Afk" frames, They want you to run and do stuff, and that's what new Banshee works around. Using nuke required you to either spam it, or use it when enemies are close.

Common sense is a lost commodity this days ...

It's a Defense map, the objective is to make sure the pod survives, and you kill enemies quickly and efficiently. You don't like it ? make your own group with no aoe nuke frames (i see you got ember there). 

Edited by ---RV---HawkiKill
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Then stop going to map nuke hotspots, there are so many other missions and ways to level up weapons and frames where you wont run into these "Problems"

Hell, now i feel motivated to use my Frost, Volt, Saryn, Mag, Octavia, Gara, Hydroid, Equinox, Mirage, Nezha, Mesa, Ash, Rhino and Oberon to nuke hydron and not give other players kills, so that there would be a forum post about it every other day. ᕕ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )ᕗ

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  • 2 months later...
On 2018-02-17 at 4:12 PM, GrimMonsoon said:

Now they’ve changed her ability so it’s not lazy playing, and takes work. 

Two questions... 'How is it not lazy?' and 'How does it take work?'

You still literally stand in the middle of the map and press 4 over and over again, and now that it's a single pulse and not a Drain, functions like Zenurik's energy regen mean you can keep it up indefinitely.

The only difference between RQ now and RQ then is that you have to press the button more often. That's it. There is no magical skill required that somehow either makes this less lazy or makes it 'take work'.

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Will say here what i already said on some other Banshee thread. It would be much better for everyone, including Banshee, if the ability was less spammable but could actually give her more survivability (CC) with the augment. Less spammable - if the energy cost isn't so ridiculously low. Right now you can constantly press it and not have any energy problems. But need some bonus / utility for the increased energy cost. I say longer duration for which the quake stays active in area. Suggestion: 100energy cost b4 mods, around 8s duration b4 mods (debatable) Banshee places the quake down and can go on do other things like cast sonar, use melee, shoot weapons. As someone already stated - Sonar exists and is way more fun to play with that.

That way it is still possible to kill low lvl enemies, but since energy cost is higher you can't spam it, giving team opportunities too. But most importantly that would make her 4th ability useable in other content than just against low lvl weak enemies.

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Le 13/02/2018 à 12:33, Lucex a dit :

There are people who don't want fun but an efficient farm.

And this is exactly why things get nerfed. If the game isn't about fun then people get bored eventually, quit and don't come back, which isn't ideal when you're running a free to play online game because people quit and come back all the time, and as a game dev you don't want them to remember that last time they left it was because the gameplay was awfully boring.

There's no doubt that banshee's 4 will get nerfed, just like trinity + link and self damage with full damage resistance will, I'm just annoyed that DE doesn't act quicker on such matters because in the meantime well the game is super boring with a banshee in the team. I'm also very frustrated that I have to make tremendous efforts to avoid major design flaws that prevent me from playing the game and that DE is criminally slow at addressing these issues.

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