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A message to the discouraged veterans


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I know this game and it's developers and community can be insanely frustrating, but this game is something you helped build. This is something you and I created. I have seen a lot of anger and resentment, I know I have spouted some angry comments before, but we must remember that this is warframe. This game is known for drastic and massive changes at a blink of an eye. While it is not the most stable environment and the most trustworthy developers, we have always found a way to adapt. The removal of raids is not a personal attack against you or your clan, or your friends. It just means that Warframe is doing Warframe things. If you are planning on quitting this game because of the removal of 3 missions only us veterans were able to do, then I guarantee that you will be back in some time. Remember, this game is an intense love or hate relationship, this is not the first time we have gone through this, nor will it be the last. 

If you're worried about your credit farm, remember that they made the Index endless now and you can get a bigger amount of credits in less time than a JV run if you go with a coordinated team. Is it a replacement for raids? Hell no. But it is a viable replacement if you're worried about your credit count. If you're worried about your plat income, do remember that while arcanes have dropped in prices due to the addition to the eidolon drop tables, that does not mean that you cannot sell them. Sure you might make less plat, but you will still make plat. Besides, a lot of veterans already have everything in the game, so plat hoarding isn't really needed. Be honest with yourself. 

If you don't know what to do, you can make a build for everything in the game. Get rid of that Steel Charge on Ember, or Equinox. Make actual optimized builds. While it might not seem like it has a purpose now, because we have no where to really use them, always plan ahead. This doesn't mean that the future doesn't hold a challenge. For those who like helping people, do help the new players, educate them on the weapons, explain why X weapon is not as OP as most of the comments on the forum suggest. For those who don't like helping people, then don't. Many others have found their way around by themselves, and it is good that they do. 

If you don't like any of the suggestions I presented, then by all means add your own. Or take a long break from the game. We do that from time to time, but do not neglect that daily log in. My goal was to spread some positivity and perhaps start a dialogue on alternatives we can use instead of raiding. I understand that this game has no place for us at the moment, but that doesn't mean that you should quit or tell everybody you know the game is dying. If you're a veteran then you should know better than this. DE will always make these gross changes from time to time, but things can get better. Maybe. 



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Just now, kswong98 said:

To be honest I don't really think vets will care for those you stated :/
Only the newer players (>2015)  will probably :v

I am well aware, and I had that thought in the back of my mind, but if I can influence at least one, I will count this as a worthwhile effort. Veterans are extremely important to this game, even more so than most realize. 

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The "Veteran" thing again. (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Dude, look: Those who enjoy the game will find ways to change up things to keep them fresh, it doesnt matter if they call themselves a "noob", a "scrub", a "wet noddle", a "helicopter", a "finger with a body", "yo moma" or whatever the HELL they want to call themselves!

People leaving games are a part of its life cycle, you cant force them to stay if they are they are not using the game for what it was made for: entretainment.

Edited by Kaotyke
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3 minutes ago, Kaotyke said:

The "Veteran" thing again. (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Dude, look: Those who enjoy the game will find ways to change up things to keep them fresh, it doesnt matter if they call themselves a "noob", a "scrub", a "wet noddle", a "helicopter", a "finger with a body", "yo moma" or whatever the HELL they want to call themselves!

People leaving games are a part of its life cycle, you cant force them to stay if they are they are not using the game for what it was made for: entretainment.

You missed the entire point of this. This was meant to give them a friendly reminder that this happens. Changes are part of this game, it will get better. I am not forcing anybody to stay, I actually encouraged a break. If they want to permanently leave, then by all means they should. Dedicating a thread for positive reinforcement shouldn't be something weird or out of the world. 

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Pfft, i think that the whole "veterans" leaving is out of proportion. Those who want to stay stay, those who want to leave leave. Also i see a lot of old players still around, and dont forget that this game can have those "burnout" periods where one leaves and comes back months or even years after just to find a refreshed experience

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Honestly, if they are just going to run around cheesing the crap out of everything then coming to the forum to complain about how easy it all is, I'm good with them leaving. Grandpa is fun, but you can only invite him to play Gears of War with you so many times before you get sick of hearing, "You know, in my day we didn't have...."

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4 minutes ago, NullSaint said:

Honestly, if they are just going to run around cheesing the crap out of everything then coming to the forum to complain about how easy it all is, I'm good with them leaving. Grandpa is fun, but you can only invite him to play Gears of War with you so many times before you get sick of hearing, "You know, in my day we didn't have...."

well, the "You know, in my day we didn't have...." doesn't really work in terms of cheese, since it has always been a thing for this game. There's just always new forms of it as new stuff keeps coming out.

And I wouldn't say it's just veterans, that can be said for any player. I see people using memeing strike and spin to win tactics because they saw it was the "best thing ever" on youtube somewhere. Doesn't mean they're a veteran.

To be honest, I don't know what makes someone a veteran. Only people I see to be true vets are the founders, but that's just my opinion. I can't really say I'm a veteran despite the years I've played this game.

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Just now, FashionFrame said:

well, the "You know, in my day we didn't have...." doesn't really work in terms of cheese, since it has always been a thing for this game. There's just always new forms of it as new stuff keeps coming out.

And I wouldn't say it's just veterans, that can be said for any player. I see people using memeing strike and spin to win tactics because they saw it was the "best thing ever" on youtube somewhere. Doesn't mean they're a veteran.

To be honest, I don't know what makes someone a veteran. Only people I see to be true vets are the founders, but that's just my opinion. I can't really say I'm a veteran despite the years I've played this game.

Agree with all of that 100%.

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I think if you want to wear that Veteran title you should be able to adapt to all the changes the game throws at you.

I don't see the point of whining about big changes to the systems this is something Warframe has always done and will continue to do.  This is why it still exists today and hasn't died on it's arse like many others have.

WHAAA they changed my favourite thing I'm going to leave............... okay if it bothers you so much maybe you should

Meanwhile the rest of us will move on and make those changes work.

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From someone (me) who's not happy about the changes:

I'm just a tiny little mad person that's sad i spend 1,5k plat on arcane enrgize back then, for the price to only get obliterated into the ground with people now being able to go uncordinated, (if really into it) 6 times a day and get 3 arcanes in a go. If you're fast you can even do harry, terry and larry 2 times a night.

It's just pure old frustration, but i'll get over it. Not something that's gonna make me leave at all. Just so frustrating with the time and effort spend into it.


Edited by Flareux
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Im a Veteran, play the game since 04/05/2013, been through the worst phases of Warframe's early development, was unaffected by any of the Nerf Waves that came, both because i never used the stuff i deemed broken and because even when they nerfed something i didnt think was necessary i adapted without complaining and giving feedbacks to further improve it.

I never made Arcanes a Meta and only came to equip an Arcane when PoE came and i had to equip my Operator, i dont use Hunter's Munition nor Maiming Strike even having them in my collection, i main the most underrated Warframe (Zephyr) since her release on update 12 and still am topping the majority of mission summaries.

Im here to stay.

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17 minutes ago, Flareux said:

From someone (me) who's not happy about the changes:

I'm just a tiny little mad person that's sad i spend 1,5k plat on arcane enrgize back then, for the price to only get obliterated into the ground with people now being able to go uncordinated, (if really into it) 6 times a day and get 3 arcanes in a go. If you're fast you can even do harry, terry and larry 2 times a night.

It's just pure old frustration, but i'll get over it. Not something that's gonna make me leave at all. Just so frustrating with the time and effort spend into it.


FWIW, I haven't had an Arcane Energize drop yet. So it is still pretty rare.

I'm just waiting to see what they have planned with rivens, with the introduction of being able to transmute them I feel that something is on the cards. 

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We already know that (most of us), we've seen many changes in these years, but do not worry for trials players, they will return when there are more updates as some veterans who usually take a break until new game content.

If you like this game you should know that almost everything is subject to changes (a vet already should know that), so if new players can start considering that, there would be less drama and more feedback wich would be useful because it seems devs are listening more often these days.

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To be honest I am one of the newer players who played before raid was introduced, it doesn't seem much of a thing that raid is gone now.

Also index credit farm is never a thing for any veterans since most of the players who played this game for quite a while 
are used to grinding Akkad, Sechura etc 5 wave and extracting for the 25k credits then rinse and repeat the whole time while leveling items.

And guess what, most players who are fit the title of "veterans" most likely have a few hundred millions of credits sitting around, 
even if DE decides to remove index entirely it only serves to hurt the newcomers more than the veterans.
Since don't forget that playing a game for much longer time also means more loots and credits collected.

I am not sure what kind of "Veterans" you are referring to who will be disappointed when a new feature like raid is being removed.

Also Ability spam isn't a thing, crit build isn't a thing until Soma was introduced.
So those who are around long enough are actually happy to see Ember and Banshee nerfing and
players have to play the game like a game and not some AFK simulator, sure efficient but defeat the purpose of playing a game.


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1 hour ago, FashionFrame said:

There's just always new forms of it as new stuff keeps coming out.

That’s what keeps me coming back. Plus, the recent revamping of older gear. These help push the meta around. I don’t always like the changes, but it keeps me from using the same stuff day in and day out. 

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As someone who joined in April 2014 I mean 2015, whoops, I'm just gonna go ahead and call myself a Veteran.


Personally, I never really cared about end-game content or raids. I play this game for fun.

For example, I can easily mow down a group of level 60-70 enemies with my Arca Plasmor, but I enjoy it more to run around on Lith/Earth with the newbs. Not because it's easier or because I am literally overpowered and get to feel like a god among men, I just do it for fun. Sometimes I even make some new friends this way.


Hell, I play on the english client but live in germany, and you'd be surpised how many people I run into on Lith are german :s

Just recently I grouped up with some people on Lith to help them level their gear on Sedna/Hydron. I probably don't need to mention that they got wrecked, but they still enjoyed it. (Then again, I did warn them about the enemies dealing more damage :s )

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I have constant conversations with my clan about how they feel disenfranchised with DEs direction to mostly appeal to casual gamers. I honestly can’t say I don’t disagree even with the game being grindy as it is. While I do think raids need to be reworked and I am ok with them being taken offline a part of me still feels bothered by the changes. I worked my butt off to get the 40 or so arcanes sets I have. Now they drop like candy from the eidolons. Same thing happened with Vermillion Storm when Baro was giving them away basically for free. I hate when the stuff I work so hard for is all of a sudden devalued, I feel like I am wasting my time (ultimately I guess I am, no game deserves the thousands of hours I put in but here I am). I hate that DE keeps nerfing the things I use. I hate that they keep nerfing how and where I farm. 

While I appreciate the suggestion to go forma other stuff i just can’t do that. I have already multi forma almost everything in game already (1100 forma used last I counted). To me the issue is not so much the game burnt out, it’s DEs lack of appreciation for the players that have invested so time into this game. Ultimately it's the new players that keep this ship afloat and I suppose they get priority. While I hear that many “vets” are leaving (I dont doubt it) the steam charts state otherwise in regards to player count. Unfortunately, I feel that our input is not nearly as important as what it should be.

Edited by S0V3REiGN
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