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But DE, what about Archwing?


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So the latest updates have been pretty good, though some have been odd getting used to, like the Rubble stuff with Atlas. The beam weapons are fantastic now. But as the title says, what about Archwing? This is a feature that I, & a lot of people like, but don't enjoy. It's nearly impossible to control in terms of stopping & maneuvering around maps of any kind, & depth perception practically doesn't exist. The visuals are a bit easier in Plains, since the enemies are normal sized & their distance can be somewhat judged, but in the space missions enemies that are the same size as you are 2 or 3 times as large. However, even though depth perception is a bit better there, it seems like speeds has gone up ten fold in Plains, making it impossible to stop or keep a position to target ground enemies. In both Plains & space the movement is easily thrown off. in space if I barely even hit the top of something it throws me back & if I manage to keep going by hitting the side of something I'm practically flying sideways. In Plains if I fly full speed, while holding the spacebar so I can stay going up, I begin to sink in the air, & i have to come to a very difficult full stop just to regain control.

As much as I love the concept of Archwing it needs a ton of work, & I really hope you guys (the Dev team that is) are working on something to make it better. But I do have my doubts about it since I haven't seen anything about a rework or fixes at all.

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What I really hate from Plains archwing are those instant archwing disabling missiles that Grinner turrets shot all the time, is almost as if they were scared they had actually managed to make archwing useful and then decided to get things back to normal by implementing such an annoying feature.

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Archwing is preaty much in the same place Conclave is (only safer to talk about without having to prepare for somebody to freak out and start fighting).
Many great things can be done with it, but from a develepor point of view...updating a game mode that barely gets any attention is just, risky.
And well of course Archwing isn't played more, there is no reason to it other then ''ya, I feel like playing Archwing today''...it's kind of stuck there too untill we get a decent update for it...which is unlikely.

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1 minute ago, AlphaPHENIX said:

Archwing is preaty much in the same place Conclave is (only safer to talk about without having to prepare for somebody to freak out and start fighting).
Many great things can be done with it, but from a develepor point of view...updating a game mode that barely gets any attention is just, risky.
And well of course Archwing isn't played more, there is no reason to it other then ''ya, I feel like playing Archwing today''...it's kind of stuck there too untill we get a decent update for it...which is unlikely.

Like I said, I have my doubts that Archwing will be getting any love, but the only way to make a barely played game mode into a frequently played mode, or at least more often, is to make it better & more appealing than it is. So yeah, it's stuck in limbo with Conclave

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I believe that DE is working on Archwing, they just haven't spoken about it. Why i believe this is because the Dargyn, and how they are ridable. Riding them S#&$s are better than riding archwing, but of course DE wouldn't just put something like this into the game unless they aimed to used for something more

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29 minutes ago, Practical_Tomato said:

Archwing was a mistake.

The sooner they pull the plug on it the better.

Hey the idea's cool, just really badly implemented (same with raids and conclave), were they to implement some tweaks in its mobility and it could be far better.

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4 hours ago, Practical_Tomato said:

Archwing was a mistake.

The sooner they pull the plug on it the better.

If they were to completely pull the plug they would have to remove & rework more content, just by removing that one thing. The Limbo quest would need reworking, Natah, TWW, Formorians & Razorbacks, the actual Archwing quest that you need to do to advance, etc. As much as it may be hated in practice, & loved in theory, it's too ingrained in the game for it to just be removed

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3 minutes ago, Zisruj said:

If they were to completely pull the plug they would have to remove & rework more content, just by removing that one thing. The Limbo quest would need reworking, Natah, TWW, Formorians & Razorbacks, the actual Archwing quest that you need to do to advance, etc. As much as it may be hated in practice, & loved in theory, it's too ingrained in the game for it to just be removed

You don't understand, he doesn't like it so DE should get rid of it.

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1 minute ago, peterc3 said:

You don't understand, he doesn't like it so DE should get rid of it.

No I completely understand, that's just how games work. I've seen it a lot before, in other things like DCUO, a few people are upset so everything gets nerfed & removed. I can only hope that DE will not try to stoop down to please the people that are upset about everything

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I started liking Archwing more when I turned on the experimental flight mode - I'm not a big fan of full-on fly-by-wire "you only travel the direction you're facing 100% of the time" type of space physics - so the change of inertia was most welcome. You can still turn pretty quick but the drag just makes it feel weightier and like I'm not just piloting a gnat. I understand some people like it that way though so I can appreciate that they leave the option open. What the mode needs though I feel like is more satisfying enemies... shooting at the a bunch of drones shaped like amorphous blobs can feel kinda boring and unimpactful - and even when the dudes with jetpacks get mixed in they don't seem to have much by way of a gore system. I think they either need to add more enemy types or just more tweaking of the combat in general.

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I think DE basically threw in the towel with Amesha, it's essentially Archwing god mode. And with removal of JV, there's even less reason for people to bother with Archwing other than clearing some nodes and mastery. 

Here's to hoping Archwing and ground combat integration by Corpus openworld.

I've said this since their inception but I really don't get what DE wants Archwing to be. Some All Archwings could provide amazing support in Eidolon fights if a lone Vomvalyst looking at them funny didn't blow them up mid-air. DE's said the plan for Archwing, the vision they've designed Archwing to begin with, was to fight on ground, providing aerial support and fighting off flying Grineer/Corpus along with other Tenno fighting on ground. And with Plains Archwing can finally be deployed alongside non-space infantry combat and DE makes them into tissue paper as soon as they touch Earth's atmosphere. Archwing the idea is undeniably cool, but DE really has to solidify what they want Archwing to be. 

Edited by traybong111
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56 minutes ago, peterc3 said:

You don't understand, he doesn't like it so DE should get rid of it.


My opinion, however, goes far beyond just disliking Archwing, I have a burning hatred towards it. If I were never forced to touch it, it would be 'fine'. The resources spent by DE is a shame, but I can live with it. Mastery doesn't matter too much to me that is fine as well.

When they force me in it on Uranus in order to complete the Kuva flood, or add Archwing alerts with Nitain in them, that's when I have to take a break and untilt.

Is my severe dislike towards archwing justified? Probably not. But it's there, and I don't want to touch it, and I don't want DE to waste spend any more time on it.

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9 minutes ago, Practical_Tomato said:


My opinion, however, goes far beyond just disliking Archwing, I have a burning hatred towards it. If I were never forced to touch it, it would be 'fine'. The resources spent by DE is a shame, but I can live with it. Mastery doesn't matter too much to me that is fine as well.

When they force me in it on Uranus in order to complete the Kuva flood, or add Archwing alerts with Nitain in them, that's when I have to take a break and untilt.

Is my severe dislike towards archwing justified? Probably not. But it's there, and I don't want to touch it, and I don't want DE to waste spend any more time on it.

I do respect your opinion, as everyone is entitled to have their own about anything, but you have proved his/her point, at least to an extent. He/she said that DE should take it out because you don't like it, which is basically what you've said in saying that you don't want DE to spend/waste anymore time or resources on it. But like I said, it's far too ingrained into the game for it to be shut down, & just like everything else that has been improved recently & in the past, Archwing has the potential to be better than it is, & actually be as good as it was intended to be. That being said, that is my opinion on what you have said, & I really would prefer to keep this as a civil conversation, so please don't get up in arms over it because that would discredit what you're trying to say about Archwing, or further prove the idea that it should be gone because you don't like it, or both.

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I think the way Archwing functions on the Plains is at the very least a step in the right direction and an extension of what Archwing should be: something that can be used in tandem with on-ground gameplay. The problem with the stand-alone Archwing missions is that they're both bare-bones and almost entirely detached from the main-game, and the problem with Shark-wing on Uranus is that those sections aren't optional most of the time and they're slooooooooooooow. But Plains Archwing has potential since it's actually fast and useful but not necessary. That said, I think the main drawbacks that make it unfun to use on the Plains are:

  • The controls - This kinda applies to Archwing in general but by god are they frustrating. Vertical movement is absurdly slow, while horizontal basically flings you from one end of the Plains to the other even when smashing the brakes. If you intend to actually shoot something while up in the air, you basically have to stay completely still, which is naturally ill-advised since you're basically a sitting duck.
  • Hellions/Turrets - The fact that every missile launched by a turret or Hellion has a high chance to insta-break your Archwing is just cheap. I mean I'd be willing to accept them just doing high damage, but maneuvering is already difficult enough without being afraid of a stray Hellion sending you crashing immediately to the floor.
  • The Skybox - This is a bit of a nit-pick, but its kinda frustrating how the skybox is seemingly "sloped" to match the terrain, meaning if you try to fly from lower elevation to higher elevation you'll likely smack into a cliffside thanks to the aforementioned slow vertical movement speed. T'would be nice if the skybox just had a flat ceiling.

Aside from that, I think it has the potential to be fun, and should be how Archwing is incorporated into the game down the road; basically forego Archwing-only missions entirely and give us more open maps/tilesets where we have the option to deploy our Archwing or just walk it out. Maybe even give us infinite charges for the deployer and/or reduce the waiting time to get into it so it can be jumped into/out of more seamlessly and frequently.

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12 hours ago, ProfessorLitmus said:

and the devs looked up after hearing a sound and said "what-wing? No sorry we're to busy cramming as much as we can to force players into our new sandbox to care about anything else." 

Atleast we gona get a new sandbox to play with, Look! this one has ice on it! How amazing :awkward:

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AW could definitely use some love, especially on the Plains because of whatever momentum formula they are using causes it to take you like 10-20 seconds to actually slow down. By which point you have overshot whatever your target is probably 4-5 times as you circle as best you can while trying not to break your S key. 

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Honestly I think that if they wanted to make Archwing actually enjoyable they would simply need to scrap it, and start from 0. Everything that have to do with Archwing does not work, and is not enjoyable. When they introduced it, I was a huge fan of the idea, but now, I hate it, each time I have to play it, I feel like the game tries to punish me. 

  • Maps : There is two types of map (excluding PoE), Free space, and Trench run, while Free Space is fine, Trench run does not works. The way you move with your Archwing does not allow you to Accurately move in the tight corridor you are presented with. Making it extremely frustrating to play.
  • Gameplay : Archwing Gameplay, is as boring as it comes. Nothing ever feels satisfying, shooting ? It feels like shooting at the air, but sometimes something dies. Most ennemies are frustrating to fight. Melee is a mess, while moving from enemies to enemies while slicing them in half is fun at first, after a while it starts to be disorienting. Gathering and marking ressources is almost impossible, trying to place a marker on a ressources, wich is basically that tiny speck in space, while your characters is either unable to stay in place, or getting pummeled with missiles is not working for anyone. Gathering ressources works on foot, not on space
  • Missions Type : The differents mode you can play in Archwing are not adapted to the Archwing Gameplay. There is two missions type that I feel like take advantages of the Archwing. Rush, and pursuit, because they were designed for the archwing. But Every other type is just one of the basic warframe mission type, and they do not work. The Archwing massively changes the way you play, so the mission type should be designed to take advantage to the specifity of the Archwing, like it's speed.
  • Archwing and Abilities : Archwings themselves are part of the problem, they are boring to play, never feels satisfying, and their abilities have no impact whatsoever. For exemple let's take the Seeking Fire of the Odonata, it's supposed to fire a missile barrage, but you don't feel like it does anything. 


But let's be honest, DE will never EVER touch Archwing again, they even made it so that players themselves would not have to play it too much, almost everything related to Archwing can be farmed without playing one Archwing mission. Weapons part are found in Syndicate, Archwings BP as well as their parts BP are found in the dojo, Tellurium can be farmed on foot. The only reason to go and play an Archwing mission is because the game is forcing you to do so, be it for a quest, or an event, maybe to unlock a node. Or to level up your mastery. 
This is the main problem with the Archwing, currently, there is no incentives to play it. 

And even when they're done forcing the PoE down our throats, they still won't work on it, because instead of encouraging player to get interested in it by making this mode better, it's easier to make them forget it was ever there.

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